mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-09-25 05:10:12 -06:00
Russ Cox 983f06bdb6 update code to follow new semicolon rules:
*  1. all statements and declarations are terminated by semicolons
 *  2. semicolons can be omitted at top level.
 *  3. semicolons can be omitted before and after the closing ) or }
 *	on a list of statements or declarations.

/home/rsc/bin/addsemi and then diff+tweak.

2008-10-07 12:31:31 -07:00

378 lines
7.7 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// $G $F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
package main
import (
func StringToBytes(s string) *[]byte {
b := new([]byte, len(s));
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
b[i] = s[i]
return b
// Should be in language!
func Copy(p *[]byte, q *[]byte) {
for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {
p[i] = q[i]
// Reads from p.
type ByteReader struct {
p *[]byte
func NewByteReader(p *[]byte) io.Read {
b := new(ByteReader);
b.p = p;
return b
func (b *ByteReader) Read(p *[]byte) (int, *os.Error) {
n := len(p);
if n > len(b.p) {
n = len(b.p)
Copy(p[0:n], b.p[0:n]);
b.p = b.p[n:len(b.p)];
return n, nil
// Reads from p but only returns half of what you asked for.
type HalfByteReader struct {
p *[]byte
func NewHalfByteReader(p *[]byte) io.Read {
b := new(HalfByteReader);
b.p = p;
return b
func (b *HalfByteReader) Read(p *[]byte) (int, *os.Error) {
n := len(p)/2;
if n == 0 && len(p) > 0 {
n = 1
if n > len(b.p) {
n = len(b.p)
Copy(p[0:n], b.p[0:n]);
b.p = b.p[n:len(b.p)];
return n, nil
// Reads from a reader and rot13s the result.
type Rot13Reader struct {
r io.Read
func NewRot13Reader(r io.Read) *Rot13Reader {
r13 := new(Rot13Reader);
r13.r = r;
return r13
func (r13 *Rot13Reader) Read(p *[]byte) (int, *os.Error) {
n, e := r13.r.Read(p);
if e != nil {
return n, e
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if 'a' <= p[i] && p[i] <= 'z' || 'A' <= p[i] && p[i] <= 'Z' {
if 'a' <= p[i] && p[i] <= 'm' || 'A' <= p[i] && p[i] <= 'M' {
p[i] += 13;
} else {
p[i] -= 13;
return n, nil
func MakeByteReader(p *[]byte) io.Read {
return NewByteReader(p)
func MakeHalfByteReader(p *[]byte) io.Read {
return NewHalfByteReader(p)
var readmakers = []*(p *[]byte) io.Read {
// Call ReadLineString (which ends up calling everything else)
// to accumulate the text of a file.
func ReadLines(b *bufio.BufRead) string {
s := "";
for {
s1, e := b.ReadLineString('\n', true);
if e == bufio.EndOfFile {
if e != nil {
panic("GetLines: "+e.String())
s += s1
return s
// Call ReadByte to accumulate the text of a file
func ReadBytes(buf *bufio.BufRead) string {
var b [1000]byte;
nb := 0;
for {
c, e := buf.ReadByte();
if e == bufio.EndOfFile {
if e != nil {
panic("GetBytes: "+e.String())
b[nb] = c;
// BUG return string(b[0:nb]) ?
return string(b)[0:nb]
// Call Read to accumulate the text of a file
func Reads(buf *bufio.BufRead, m int) string {
var b [1000]byte;
nb := 0;
for {
// BUG parens around (&b) should not be needed
n, e := buf.Read((&b)[nb:nb+m]);
nb += n;
if e == bufio.EndOfFile {
// BUG 6g bug102 - out of bounds error on empty byte array -> string
if nb == 0 { return "" }
return string((&b)[0:nb])
func Read1(b *bufio.BufRead) string { return Reads(b, 1) }
func Read2(b *bufio.BufRead) string { return Reads(b, 2) }
func Read3(b *bufio.BufRead) string { return Reads(b, 3) }
func Read4(b *bufio.BufRead) string { return Reads(b, 4) }
func Read5(b *bufio.BufRead) string { return Reads(b, 5) }
func Read7(b *bufio.BufRead) string { return Reads(b, 7) }
var bufreaders = []*(b *bufio.BufRead) string {
&Read1, &Read2, &Read3, &Read4, &Read5, &Read7,
&ReadBytes, &ReadLines
var bufsizes = []int {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
23, 32, 46, 64, 93, 128, 1024, 4096
func TestBufRead() {
// work around 6g bug101
readmakers[0] = &NewByteReader;
readmakers[1] = &NewHalfByteReader;
bufreaders[0] = &Read1;
bufreaders[1] = &Read2;
bufreaders[2] = &Read3;
bufreaders[3] = &Read4;
bufreaders[4] = &Read5;
bufreaders[5] = &Read7;
bufreaders[6] = &ReadBytes;
bufreaders[7] = &ReadLines;
bufsizes[0] = 1;
bufsizes[1] = 2;
bufsizes[2] = 3;
bufsizes[3] = 4;
bufsizes[4] = 5;
bufsizes[5] = 6;
bufsizes[6] = 7;
bufsizes[7] = 8;
bufsizes[8] = 9;
bufsizes[9] = 10;
bufsizes[10] = 23;
bufsizes[11] = 32;
bufsizes[12] = 46;
bufsizes[13] = 64;
bufsizes[14] = 93;
bufsizes[15] = 128;
bufsizes[16] = 1024;
bufsizes[17] = 4096;
var texts [31]string;
str := "";
all := "";
for i := 0; i < len(texts)-1; i++ {
texts[i] = str + "\n";
all += texts[i];
str += string(i%26+'a')
texts[len(texts)-1] = all;
// BUG 6g should not need nbr temporary (bug099)
nbr := NewByteReader(StringToBytes("hello world"));
b, e := bufio.NewBufRead(nbr);
if ReadBytes(b) != "hello world" { panic("hello world") }
// BUG 6g should not need nbr nor nbr1 (bug009)
nbr = NewByteReader(StringToBytes("hello world"));
nbr1 := NewRot13Reader(nbr);
b, e = bufio.NewBufRead(nbr1);
if ReadBytes(b) != "uryyb jbeyq" { panic("hello world") }
for h := 0; h < len(texts); h++ {
text := texts[h];
textbytes := StringToBytes(text);
for i := 0; i < len(readmakers); i++ {
readmaker := readmakers[i];
for j := 0; j < len(bufreaders); j++ {
bufreader := bufreaders[j];
for k := 0; k < len(bufsizes); k++ {
bufsize := bufsizes[k];
read := readmaker(textbytes);
buf, e := bufio.NewBufReadSize(read, bufsize);
s := bufreader(buf);
if s != text {
print("Failed: ", h, " ", i, " ", j, " ", k, " ", len(s), " ", len(text), "\n");
print("<", s, ">\nshould be <", text, ">\n");
panic("bufio result")
type WriteBuffer interface {
Write(p *[]byte) (int, *os.Error);
GetBytes() *[]byte
// Accumulates bytes into a byte array.
type ByteWriter struct {
p *[]byte;
n int
func NewByteWriter() WriteBuffer {
return new(ByteWriter)
func (w *ByteWriter) Write(p *[]byte) (int, *os.Error) {
if w.p == nil {
w.p = new([]byte, len(p)+100)
} else if w.n + len(p) >= len(w.p) {
newp := new([]byte, len(w.p)*2 + len(p));
Copy(newp[0:w.n], w.p[0:w.n]);
w.p = newp
Copy(w.p[w.n:w.n+len(p)], p);
w.n += len(p);
return len(p), nil
func (w *ByteWriter) GetBytes() *[]byte {
return w.p[0:w.n]
// Accumulates bytes written into a byte array
// but Write only takes half of what you give it.
type HalfByteWriter struct {
bw WriteBuffer
func NewHalfByteWriter() WriteBuffer {
w := new(HalfByteWriter);
w.bw = NewByteWriter();
return w
func (w *HalfByteWriter) Write(p *[]byte) (int, *os.Error) {
n := (len(p)+1) / 2;
// BUG return w.bw.Write(p[0:n])
r, e := w.bw.Write(p[0:n]);
return r, e
func (w *HalfByteWriter) GetBytes() *[]byte {
return w.bw.GetBytes()
func TestBufWrite() {
var data [8192]byte;
var writers [2]*()WriteBuffer;
writers[0] = &NewByteWriter;
writers[1] = &NewHalfByteWriter;
for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
data[i] = byte(rand.rand())
for i := 0; i < len(bufsizes); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(bufsizes); j++ {
for k := 0; k < len(writers); k++ {
nwrite := bufsizes[i];
bs := bufsizes[j];
// Write nwrite bytes using buffer size bs.
// Check that the right amount makes it out
// and that the data is correct.
write := writers[k]();
buf, e := bufio.NewBufWriteSize(write, bs);
if e != nil {
panic("NewBufWriteSize error: "+e.String())
n, e1 := buf.Write((&data)[0:nwrite]);
if e1 != nil {
panic("buf.Write error "+e1.String())
if n != nwrite {
panic("buf.Write wrong count")
e = buf.Flush();
if e != nil {
panic("buf.Flush error "+e.String())
written := write.GetBytes();
if len(written) != nwrite {
panic("wrong amount written")
for l := 0; l < len(written); l++ {
if written[i] != data[i] {
panic("wrong bytes written")
func main() {