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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
var objDir = "_obj" + string(filepath.Separator)
// writeDefs creates output files to be compiled by 6g, 6c, and gcc.
// (The comments here say 6g and 6c but the code applies to the 8 and 5 tools too.)
func (p *Package) writeDefs() {
fgo2 := creat(objDir + "_cgo_gotypes.go")
fc := creat(objDir + "_cgo_defun.c")
fm := creat(objDir + "_cgo_main.c")
fflg := creat(objDir + "_cgo_flags")
for k, v := range p.CgoFlags {
fmt.Fprintf(fflg, "_CGO_%s=%s\n", k, v)
// Write C main file for using gcc to resolve imports.
fmt.Fprintf(fm, "int main() { return 0; }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fm, "void crosscall2(void(*fn)(void*, int), void *a, int c) { }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fm, "void _cgo_allocate(void *a, int c) { }\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fm, "void _cgo_panic(void *a, int c) { }\n")
// Write second Go output: definitions of _C_xxx.
// In a separate file so that the import of "unsafe" does not
// pollute the original file.
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "// Created by cgo - DO NOT EDIT\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "package %s\n\n", p.PackageName)
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "import \"unsafe\"\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "import \"os\"\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "import _ \"runtime/cgo\"\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "type _ unsafe.Pointer\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "func _Cerrno(dst *error, x int) { *dst = os.Errno(x) }\n")
for name, def := range typedef {
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "type %s ", name)
printer.Fprint(fgo2, fset, def)
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "type _Ctype_void [0]byte\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, cProlog)
cVars := make(map[string]bool)
for _, n := range p.Name {
if n.Kind != "var" {
if !cVars[n.C] {
fmt.Fprintf(fm, "extern char %s[];\n", n.C)
fmt.Fprintf(fm, "void *_cgohack_%s = %s;\n\n", n.C, n.C)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "extern byte *%s;\n", n.C)
cVars[n.C] = true
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "void *·%s = &%s;\n", n.Mangle, n.C)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "var %s ", n.Mangle)
printer.Fprint(fgo2, fset, &ast.StarExpr{X: n.Type.Go})
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "\n")
for _, n := range p.Name {
if n.Const != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "const _Cconst_%s = %s\n", n.Go, n.Const)
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "\n")
for _, n := range p.Name {
if n.FuncType != nil {
p.writeDefsFunc(fc, fgo2, n)
p.writeExports(fgo2, fc, fm)
func dynimport(obj string) {
if f, err := elf.Open(obj); err == nil {
sym, err := f.ImportedSymbols()
if err != nil {
fatalf("cannot load imported symbols from ELF file %s: %v", obj, err)
for _, s := range sym {
targ := s.Name
if s.Version != "" {
targ += "@" + s.Version
fmt.Printf("#pragma dynimport %s %s %q\n", s.Name, targ, s.Library)
lib, err := f.ImportedLibraries()
if err != nil {
fatalf("cannot load imported libraries from ELF file %s: %v", obj, err)
for _, l := range lib {
fmt.Printf("#pragma dynimport _ _ %q\n", l)
if f, err := macho.Open(obj); err == nil {
sym, err := f.ImportedSymbols()
if err != nil {
fatalf("cannot load imported symbols from Mach-O file %s: %v", obj, err)
for _, s := range sym {
if len(s) > 0 && s[0] == '_' {
s = s[1:]
fmt.Printf("#pragma dynimport %s %s %q\n", s, s, "")
lib, err := f.ImportedLibraries()
if err != nil {
fatalf("cannot load imported libraries from Mach-O file %s: %v", obj, err)
for _, l := range lib {
fmt.Printf("#pragma dynimport _ _ %q\n", l)
if f, err := pe.Open(obj); err == nil {
sym, err := f.ImportedSymbols()
if err != nil {
fatalf("cannot load imported symbols from PE file %s: %v", obj, err)
for _, s := range sym {
ss := strings.Split(s, ":")
fmt.Printf("#pragma dynimport %s %s %q\n", ss[0], ss[0], strings.ToLower(ss[1]))
fatalf("cannot parse %s as ELF, Mach-O or PE", obj)
// Construct a gcc struct matching the 6c argument frame.
// Assumes that in gcc, char is 1 byte, short 2 bytes, int 4 bytes, long long 8 bytes.
// These assumptions are checked by the gccProlog.
// Also assumes that 6c convention is to word-align the
// input and output parameters.
func (p *Package) structType(n *Name) (string, int64) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprint(&buf, "struct {\n")
off := int64(0)
for i, t := range n.FuncType.Params {
if off%t.Align != 0 {
pad := t.Align - off%t.Align
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", off, pad)
off += pad
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t\t%s p%d;\n", t.C, i)
off += t.Size
if off%p.PtrSize != 0 {
pad := p.PtrSize - off%p.PtrSize
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", off, pad)
off += pad
if t := n.FuncType.Result; t != nil {
if off%t.Align != 0 {
pad := t.Align - off%t.Align
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", off, pad)
off += pad
qual := ""
if c := t.C.String(); c[len(c)-1] == '*' {
qual = "const "
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t\t%s%s r;\n", qual, t.C)
off += t.Size
if off%p.PtrSize != 0 {
pad := p.PtrSize - off%p.PtrSize
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", off, pad)
off += pad
if n.AddError {
fmt.Fprint(&buf, "\t\tvoid *e[2]; /* error */\n")
off += 2 * p.PtrSize
if off == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t\tchar unused;\n") // avoid empty struct
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t}")
return buf.String(), off
func (p *Package) writeDefsFunc(fc, fgo2 *os.File, n *Name) {
name := n.Go
gtype := n.FuncType.Go
if n.AddError {
// Add "error" to return type list.
// Type list is known to be 0 or 1 element - it's a C function.
err := &ast.Field{Type: ast.NewIdent("error")}
l := gtype.Results.List
if len(l) == 0 {
l = []*ast.Field{err}
} else {
l = []*ast.Field{l[0], err}
t := new(ast.FuncType)
*t = *gtype
t.Results = &ast.FieldList{List: l}
gtype = t
// Go func declaration.
d := &ast.FuncDecl{
Name: ast.NewIdent(n.Mangle),
Type: gtype,
printer.Fprint(fgo2, fset, d)
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "\n")
if name == "CString" || name == "GoString" || name == "GoStringN" || name == "GoBytes" {
// The builtins are already defined in the C prolog.
var argSize int64
_, argSize = p.structType(n)
// C wrapper calls into gcc, passing a pointer to the argument frame.
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "void _cgo%s%s(void*);\n", cPrefix, n.Mangle)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "void\n")
if argSize == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "·%s(struct{uint8 x[%d];}p)\n", n.Mangle, argSize)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "{\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "\truntime·cgocall(_cgo%s%s, &p);\n", cPrefix, n.Mangle)
if n.AddError {
// gcc leaves errno in first word of interface at end of p.
// check whether it is zero; if so, turn interface into nil.
// if not, turn interface into errno.
// Go init function initializes ·_Cerrno with an os.Errno
// for us to copy.
fmt.Fprintln(fc, ` {
int32 e;
void **v;
v = (void**)(&p+1) - 2; /* v = final two void* of p */
e = *(int32*)v;
v[0] = (void*)0xdeadbeef;
v[1] = (void*)0xdeadbeef;
if(e == 0) {
/* nil interface */
v[0] = 0;
v[1] = 0;
} else {
·_Cerrno(v, e); /* fill in v as os.Error for errno e */
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "\n")
// writeOutput creates stubs for a specific source file to be compiled by 6g
// (The comments here say 6g and 6c but the code applies to the 8 and 5 tools too.)
func (p *Package) writeOutput(f *File, srcfile string) {
base := srcfile
if strings.HasSuffix(base, ".go") {
base = base[0 : len(base)-3]
base = strings.Map(slashToUnderscore, base)
fgo1 := creat(objDir + base + ".cgo1.go")
fgcc := creat(objDir + base + ".cgo2.c")
p.GoFiles = append(p.GoFiles, base+".cgo1.go")
p.GccFiles = append(p.GccFiles, base+".cgo2.c")
// Write Go output: Go input with rewrites of C.xxx to _C_xxx.
fmt.Fprintf(fgo1, "// Created by cgo - DO NOT EDIT\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo1, "//line %s:1\n", srcfile)
printer.Fprint(fgo1, fset, f.AST)
// While we process the vars and funcs, also write 6c and gcc output.
// Gcc output starts with the preamble.
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "%s\n", f.Preamble)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "%s\n", gccProlog)
for _, n := range f.Name {
if n.FuncType != nil {
p.writeOutputFunc(fgcc, n)
func (p *Package) writeOutputFunc(fgcc *os.File, n *Name) {
name := n.Mangle
if name == "_Cfunc_CString" || name == "_Cfunc_GoString" || name == "_Cfunc_GoStringN" || name == "_Cfunc_GoBytes" || p.Written[name] {
// The builtins are already defined in the C prolog, and we don't
// want to duplicate function definitions we've already done.
p.Written[name] = true
ctype, _ := p.structType(n)
// Gcc wrapper unpacks the C argument struct
// and calls the actual C function.
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "void\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "_cgo%s%s(void *v)\n", cPrefix, n.Mangle)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "{\n")
if n.AddError {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\tint e;\n") // assuming 32 bit (see comment above structType)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\terrno = 0;\n")
// We're trying to write a gcc struct that matches 6c/8c/5c's layout.
// Use packed attribute to force no padding in this struct in case
// gcc has different packing requirements. For example,
// on 386 Windows, gcc wants to 8-align int64s, but 8c does not.
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\t%s __attribute__((__packed__)) *a = v;\n", ctype)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\t")
if t := n.FuncType.Result; t != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "a->r = ")
if c := t.C.String(); c[len(c)-1] == '*' {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "(const %s) ", t.C)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "%s(", n.C)
for i := range n.FuncType.Params {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, ", ")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "a->p%d", i)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, ");\n")
if n.AddError {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\t*(int*)(a->e) = errno;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\n")
// Write out the various stubs we need to support functions exported
// from Go so that they are callable from C.
func (p *Package) writeExports(fgo2, fc, fm *os.File) {
fgcc := creat(objDir + "_cgo_export.c")
fgcch := creat("_cgo_export.h")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcch, "/* Created by cgo - DO NOT EDIT. */\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcch, "%s\n", gccExportHeaderProlog)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "/* Created by cgo - DO NOT EDIT. */\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "#include \"_cgo_export.h\"\n")
for _, exp := range p.ExpFunc {
fn := exp.Func
// Construct a gcc struct matching the 6c argument and
// result frame. The gcc struct will be compiled with
// __attribute__((packed)) so all padding must be accounted
// for explicitly.
ctype := "struct {\n"
off := int64(0)
npad := 0
if fn.Recv != nil {
t := p.cgoType(fn.Recv.List[0].Type)
ctype += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t%s recv;\n", t.C)
off += t.Size
fntype := fn.Type
func(i int, atype ast.Expr) {
t := p.cgoType(atype)
if off%t.Align != 0 {
pad := t.Align - off%t.Align
ctype += fmt.Sprintf("\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", npad, pad)
off += pad
ctype += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t%s p%d;\n", t.C, i)
off += t.Size
if off%p.PtrSize != 0 {
pad := p.PtrSize - off%p.PtrSize
ctype += fmt.Sprintf("\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", npad, pad)
off += pad
func(i int, atype ast.Expr) {
t := p.cgoType(atype)
if off%t.Align != 0 {
pad := t.Align - off%t.Align
ctype += fmt.Sprintf("\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", npad, pad)
off += pad
ctype += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t%s r%d;\n", t.C, i)
off += t.Size
if off%p.PtrSize != 0 {
pad := p.PtrSize - off%p.PtrSize
ctype += fmt.Sprintf("\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", npad, pad)
off += pad
if ctype == "struct {\n" {
ctype += "\t\tchar unused;\n" // avoid empty struct
ctype += "\t}"
// Get the return type of the wrapper function
// compiled by gcc.
gccResult := ""
if fntype.Results == nil || len(fntype.Results.List) == 0 {
gccResult = "void"
} else if len(fntype.Results.List) == 1 && len(fntype.Results.List[0].Names) <= 1 {
gccResult = p.cgoType(fntype.Results.List[0].Type).C.String()
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcch, "\n/* Return type for %s */\n", exp.ExpName)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcch, "struct %s_return {\n", exp.ExpName)
func(i int, atype ast.Expr) {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcch, "\t%s r%d;\n", p.cgoType(atype).C, i)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcch, "};\n")
gccResult = "struct " + exp.ExpName + "_return"
// Build the wrapper function compiled by gcc.
s := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s(", gccResult, exp.ExpName)
if fn.Recv != nil {
s += p.cgoType(fn.Recv.List[0].Type).C.String()
s += " recv"
func(i int, atype ast.Expr) {
if i > 0 || fn.Recv != nil {
s += ", "
s += fmt.Sprintf("%s p%d", p.cgoType(atype).C, i)
s += ")"
fmt.Fprintf(fgcch, "\nextern %s;\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "extern _cgoexp%s_%s(void *, int);\n", cPrefix, exp.ExpName)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\n%s\n", s)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "{\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\t%s __attribute__((packed)) a;\n", ctype)
if gccResult != "void" && (len(fntype.Results.List) > 1 || len(fntype.Results.List[0].Names) > 1) {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\t%s r;\n", gccResult)
if fn.Recv != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\ta.recv = recv;\n")
func(i int, atype ast.Expr) {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\ta.p%d = p%d;\n", i, i)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\tcrosscall2(_cgoexp%s_%s, &a, %d);\n", cPrefix, exp.ExpName, off)
if gccResult != "void" {
if len(fntype.Results.List) == 1 && len(fntype.Results.List[0].Names) <= 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\treturn a.r0;\n")
} else {
func(i int, atype ast.Expr) {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\tr.r%d = a.r%d;\n", i, i)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\treturn r;\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "}\n")
// Build the wrapper function compiled by 6c/8c
goname := exp.Func.Name.Name
if fn.Recv != nil {
goname = "_cgoexpwrap" + cPrefix + "_" + fn.Recv.List[0].Names[0].Name + "_" + goname
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "extern void ·%s();\n", goname)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "\nvoid\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "_cgoexp%s_%s(void *a, int32 n)\n", cPrefix, exp.ExpName)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "{\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "\truntime·cgocallback(·%s, a, n);\n", goname)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fm, "int _cgoexp%s_%s;\n", cPrefix, exp.ExpName)
// Calling a function with a receiver from C requires
// a Go wrapper function.
if fn.Recv != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "func %s(recv ", goname)
printer.Fprint(fgo2, fset, fn.Recv.List[0].Type)
func(i int, atype ast.Expr) {
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, ", p%d ", i)
printer.Fprint(fgo2, fset, atype)
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, ")")
if gccResult != "void" {
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, " (")
func(i int, atype ast.Expr) {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, ", ")
printer.Fprint(fgo2, fset, atype)
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, ")")
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, " {\n")
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, "\t")
if gccResult != "void" {
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, "return ")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "recv.%s(", exp.Func.Name)
func(i int, atype ast.Expr) {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, ", ")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "p%d", i)
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, ")\n")
fmt.Fprint(fgo2, "}\n")
// Call a function for each entry in an ast.FieldList, passing the
// index into the list and the type.
func forFieldList(fl *ast.FieldList, fn func(int, ast.Expr)) {
if fl == nil {
i := 0
for _, r := range fl.List {
if r.Names == nil {
fn(i, r.Type)
} else {
for _ = range r.Names {
fn(i, r.Type)
func c(repr string, args ...interface{}) *TypeRepr {
return &TypeRepr{repr, args}
// Map predeclared Go types to Type.
var goTypes = map[string]*Type{
"int": &Type{Size: 4, Align: 4, C: c("int")},
"uint": &Type{Size: 4, Align: 4, C: c("uint")},
"int8": &Type{Size: 1, Align: 1, C: c("schar")},
"uint8": &Type{Size: 1, Align: 1, C: c("uchar")},
"int16": &Type{Size: 2, Align: 2, C: c("short")},
"uint16": &Type{Size: 2, Align: 2, C: c("ushort")},
"int32": &Type{Size: 4, Align: 4, C: c("int")},
"uint32": &Type{Size: 4, Align: 4, C: c("uint")},
"int64": &Type{Size: 8, Align: 8, C: c("int64")},
"uint64": &Type{Size: 8, Align: 8, C: c("uint64")},
"float": &Type{Size: 4, Align: 4, C: c("float")},
"float32": &Type{Size: 4, Align: 4, C: c("float")},
"float64": &Type{Size: 8, Align: 8, C: c("double")},
"complex": &Type{Size: 8, Align: 8, C: c("__complex float")},
"complex64": &Type{Size: 8, Align: 8, C: c("__complex float")},
"complex128": &Type{Size: 16, Align: 16, C: c("__complex double")},
// Map an ast type to a Type.
func (p *Package) cgoType(e ast.Expr) *Type {
switch t := e.(type) {
case *ast.StarExpr:
x := p.cgoType(t.X)
return &Type{Size: p.PtrSize, Align: p.PtrSize, C: c("%s*", x.C)}
case *ast.ArrayType:
if t.Len == nil {
return &Type{Size: p.PtrSize + 8, Align: p.PtrSize, C: c("GoSlice")}
case *ast.StructType:
case *ast.FuncType:
return &Type{Size: p.PtrSize, Align: p.PtrSize, C: c("void*")}
case *ast.InterfaceType:
return &Type{Size: 3 * p.PtrSize, Align: p.PtrSize, C: c("GoInterface")}
case *ast.MapType:
return &Type{Size: p.PtrSize, Align: p.PtrSize, C: c("GoMap")}
case *ast.ChanType:
return &Type{Size: p.PtrSize, Align: p.PtrSize, C: c("GoChan")}
case *ast.Ident:
// Look up the type in the top level declarations.
// TODO: Handle types defined within a function.
for _, d := range p.Decl {
gd, ok := d.(*ast.GenDecl)
if !ok || gd.Tok != token.TYPE {
for _, spec := range gd.Specs {
ts, ok := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec)
if !ok {
if ts.Name.Name == t.Name {
return p.cgoType(ts.Type)
for name, def := range typedef {
if name == t.Name {
return p.cgoType(def)
if t.Name == "uintptr" {
return &Type{Size: p.PtrSize, Align: p.PtrSize, C: c("uintptr")}
if t.Name == "string" {
return &Type{Size: p.PtrSize + 4, Align: p.PtrSize, C: c("GoString")}
if r, ok := goTypes[t.Name]; ok {
if r.Align > p.PtrSize {
r.Align = p.PtrSize
return r
error(e.Pos(), "unrecognized Go type %s", t.Name)
return &Type{Size: 4, Align: 4, C: c("int")}
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
id, ok := t.X.(*ast.Ident)
if ok && id.Name == "unsafe" && t.Sel.Name == "Pointer" {
return &Type{Size: p.PtrSize, Align: p.PtrSize, C: c("void*")}
error(e.Pos(), "unrecognized Go type %T", e)
return &Type{Size: 4, Align: 4, C: c("int")}
const gccProlog = `
// Usual nonsense: if x and y are not equal, the type will be invalid
// (have a negative array count) and an inscrutable error will come
// out of the compiler and hopefully mention "name".
#define __cgo_compile_assert_eq(x, y, name) typedef char name[(x-y)*(x-y)*-2+1];
// Check at compile time that the sizes we use match our expectations.
#define __cgo_size_assert(t, n) __cgo_compile_assert_eq(sizeof(t), n, _cgo_sizeof_##t##_is_not_##n)
__cgo_size_assert(char, 1)
__cgo_size_assert(short, 2)
__cgo_size_assert(int, 4)
typedef long long __cgo_long_long;
__cgo_size_assert(__cgo_long_long, 8)
__cgo_size_assert(float, 4)
__cgo_size_assert(double, 8)
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
const builtinProlog = `
typedef struct { char *p; int n; } _GoString_;
typedef struct { char *p; int n; int c; } _GoBytes_;
_GoString_ GoString(char *p);
_GoString_ GoStringN(char *p, int l);
_GoBytes_ GoBytes(void *p, int n);
char *CString(_GoString_);
const cProlog = `
#include "runtime.h"
#include "cgocall.h"
void ·_Cerrno(void*, int32);
·_Cfunc_GoString(int8 *p, String s)
s = runtime·gostring((byte*)p);
·_Cfunc_GoStringN(int8 *p, int32 l, String s)
s = runtime·gostringn((byte*)p, l);
·_Cfunc_GoBytes(int8 *p, int32 l, Slice s)
s = runtime·gobytes((byte*)p, l);
·_Cfunc_CString(String s, int8 *p)
p = runtime·cmalloc(s.len+1);
runtime·memmove((byte*)p, s.str, s.len);
p[s.len] = 0;
const gccExportHeaderProlog = `
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef signed char schar;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef long long int64;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ uintptr;
typedef struct { char *p; int n; } GoString;
typedef void *GoMap;
typedef void *GoChan;
typedef struct { void *t; void *v; } GoInterface;