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// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package oracle
// This file defines oracle.Main, the entry point for the oracle tool.
// The actual executable is defined in cmd/oracle.
// TODO(adonovan): new query: show all statements that may update the
// selected lvalue (local, global, field, etc).
import (
type oracle struct {
out io.Writer // standard output
prog *ssa.Program // the SSA program [need&SSA]
config pointer.Config // pointer analysis configuration
// need&(Pos|ExactPos):
startPos, endPos token.Pos // source extent of query
queryPkgInfo *importer.PackageInfo // type info for the queried package
queryPath []ast.Node // AST path from query node to root of ast.File
timers map[string]time.Duration // phase timing information
// A set of bits indicating the analytical requirements of each mode.
const (
Pos = 1 << iota // needs a position
ExactPos // needs an exact AST selection; implies Pos
SSA // needs SSA intermediate form
WholeSource // needs ASTs/SSA (not just types) for whole program
// TODO(adonovan): implement more efficiently than WholeSource|SSA.
TypedAST = WholeSource | SSA // needs typed AST for the queried package; implies Pos
type modeInfo struct {
needs int
impl func(*oracle) (queryResult, error)
var modes = map[string]modeInfo{
"callees": modeInfo{WholeSource | SSA | ExactPos, callees},
"callers": modeInfo{WholeSource | SSA | Pos, callers},
"callgraph": modeInfo{WholeSource | SSA, callgraph},
"callstack": modeInfo{WholeSource | SSA | Pos, callstack},
"describe": modeInfo{WholeSource | SSA | ExactPos, describe},
"freevars": modeInfo{TypedAST | Pos, freevars},
"implements": modeInfo{TypedAST | Pos, implements},
"peers": modeInfo{WholeSource | SSA | Pos, peers},
type queryResult interface {
display(o *oracle)
// Main runs the oracle.
// args specify the main package in importer.CreatePackageFromArgs syntax.
// mode is the query mode ("callers", etc).
// pos is the selection in parseQueryPos() syntax.
// ptalog is the (optional) pointer-analysis log file.
// out is the standard output stream.
// buildContext is the optional configuration for locating packages.
func Main(args []string, mode, pos string, ptalog, out io.Writer, buildContext *build.Context) error {
minfo, ok := modes[mode]
if !ok {
if mode == "" {
return errors.New("You must specify a -mode to perform.")
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid mode type '%s'.", mode)
var loader importer.SourceLoader
if minfo.needs&WholeSource != 0 {
loader = importer.MakeGoBuildLoader(buildContext)
imp := importer.New(&importer.Config{Loader: loader})
o := &oracle{
out: out,
prog: ssa.NewProgram(imp.Fset, 0),
timers: make(map[string]time.Duration),
o.config.Log = ptalog
type warning struct {
pos token.Pos
format string
args []interface{}
var warnings []warning
o.config.Warn = func(pos token.Pos, format string, args ...interface{}) {
warnings = append(warnings, warning{pos, format, args})
// Phase timing diagnostics.
if false {
defer func() {
for name, duration := range o.timers {
fmt.Printf("# %-30s %s\n", name, duration)
// Load/parse/type-check program from args.
start := time.Now()
initialPkgInfo, _, err := importer.CreatePackageFromArgs(imp, args)
if err != nil {
return err // I/O, parser or type error
o.timers["load/parse/type"] = time.Since(start)
// Parse the source query position.
if minfo.needs&(Pos|ExactPos) != 0 {
var err error
o.startPos, o.endPos, err = parseQueryPos(o.prog.Fset, pos)
if err != nil {
return err
var exact bool
o.queryPkgInfo, o.queryPath, exact = imp.PathEnclosingInterval(o.startPos, o.endPos)
if o.queryPath == nil {
return o.errorf(o, "no syntax here")
if minfo.needs&ExactPos != 0 && !exact {
return o.errorf(o.queryPath[0], "ambiguous selection within %s",
// Create SSA package for the initial package and its dependencies.
if minfo.needs&SSA != 0 {
start = time.Now()
// All packages.
for _, info := range imp.Packages {
o.prog.CreatePackage(info) // create ssa.Package
// Initial package (specified on command line)
initialPkg := o.prog.Package(initialPkgInfo.Pkg)
// Add package to the pointer analysis scope.
if initialPkg.Func("main") == nil {
if initialPkg.CreateTestMainFunction() == nil {
return o.errorf(o, "analysis scope has no main() entry points")
o.config.Mains = append(o.config.Mains, initialPkg)
// Query package.
if o.queryPkgInfo != nil {
pkg := o.prog.Package(o.queryPkgInfo.Pkg)
o.timers["SSA-create"] = time.Since(start)
// SSA is built and we have query{Path,PkgInfo}.
// Release the other ASTs and type info to the GC.
imp = nil
result, err := minfo.impl(o)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO(adonovan): use this as a seam for testing.
// Print warnings after the main output.
if warnings != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(o.out, "\nPointer analysis warnings:")
for _, w := range warnings {
o.fprintf(o.out, w.pos, "warning: "+w.format, w.args...)
return nil
// ---------- Utilities ----------
// buildSSA constructs the SSA representation of Go-source function bodies.
// Not needed in simpler modes, e.g. freevars.
func buildSSA(o *oracle) {
start := time.Now()
o.timers["SSA-build"] = time.Since(start)
// ptrAnalysis runs the pointer analysis and returns the synthetic
// root of the callgraph.
func ptrAnalysis(o *oracle) pointer.CallGraphNode {
start := time.Now()
root := pointer.Analyze(&o.config)
o.timers["pointer analysis"] = time.Since(start)
return root
// parseQueryPos parses a string of the form "file pos" or file
// start-end" where pos, start, end are decimal integers, and returns
// the extent to which it refers.
func parseQueryPos(fset *token.FileSet, queryPos string) (start, end token.Pos, err error) {
if queryPos == "" {
err = fmt.Errorf("no source position specified (-pos flag)")
var filename string
var startOffset, endOffset int
n, err := fmt.Sscanf(queryPos, "%s %d-%d", &filename, &startOffset, &endOffset)
if n != 3 {
n, err = fmt.Sscanf(queryPos, "%s %d", &filename, &startOffset)
if n != 2 {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid source position -pos=%q", queryPos)
endOffset = startOffset
var file *token.File
fset.Iterate(func(f *token.File) bool {
if sameFile(filename, f.Name()) {
// (f.Name() is absolute)
file = f
return false // done
return true // continue
if file == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("couldn't find file containing position -pos=%q", queryPos)
// Range check [start..end], inclusive of both end-points.
if 0 <= startOffset && startOffset <= file.Size() {
start = file.Pos(int(startOffset))
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("start position is beyond end of file -pos=%q", queryPos)
if 0 <= endOffset && endOffset <= file.Size() {
end = file.Pos(int(endOffset))
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("end position is beyond end of file -pos=%q", queryPos)
// sameFile returns true if x and y have the same basename and denote
// the same file.
func sameFile(x, y string) bool {
if filepath.Base(x) == filepath.Base(y) { // (optimisation)
if xi, err := os.Stat(x); err == nil {
if yi, err := os.Stat(y); err == nil {
return os.SameFile(xi, yi)
return false
// unparen returns e with any enclosing parentheses stripped.
func unparen(e ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
for {
p, ok := e.(*ast.ParenExpr)
if !ok {
e = p.X
return e
// deref returns a pointer's element type; otherwise it returns typ.
func deref(typ types.Type) types.Type {
if p, ok := typ.Underlying().(*types.Pointer); ok {
return p.Elem()
return typ
// fprintf prints to w a message of the form "location: message\n"
// where location is derived from pos.
// pos must be one of:
// - a token.Pos, denoting a position
// - an ast.Node, denoting an interval
// - anything with a Pos() method:
// ssa.Member, ssa.Value, ssa.Instruction, types.Object, pointer.Label, etc.
// - o *oracle, meaning the extent [o.startPos, o.endPos) of the user's query.
// - nil, meaning no position at all.
// The output format is is compatible with the 'gnu'
// compilation-error-regexp in Emacs' compilation mode.
// TODO(adonovan): support other editors.
func (o *oracle) fprintf(w io.Writer, pos interface{}, format string, args ...interface{}) {
var start, end token.Pos
switch pos := pos.(type) {
case ast.Node:
start = pos.Pos()
end = pos.End()
case token.Pos:
start = pos
end = start
case interface {
Pos() token.Pos
start = pos.Pos()
end = start
case *oracle:
start = o.startPos
end = o.endPos
case nil:
// no-op
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid pos: %T", pos))
if sp := o.prog.Fset.Position(start); start == end {
// (prints "-: " for token.NoPos)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s: ", sp)
} else {
ep := o.prog.Fset.Position(end)
// The -1 below is a concession to Emacs's broken use of
// inclusive (not half-open) intervals.
// Other editors may not want it.
// TODO(adonovan): add an -editor=vim|emacs|acme|auto
// flag; auto uses EMACS=t / VIM=... / etc env vars.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s:%d.%d-%d.%d: ",
sp.Filename, sp.Line, sp.Column, ep.Line, ep.Column-1)
fmt.Fprintf(w, format, args...)
io.WriteString(w, "\n")
// printf is like fprintf, but writes to to o.out.
func (o *oracle) printf(pos interface{}, format string, args ...interface{}) {
o.fprintf(o.out, pos, format, args...)
// errorf is like fprintf, but returns a formatted error string.
func (o *oracle) errorf(pos interface{}, format string, args ...interface{}) error {
var buf bytes.Buffer
o.fprintf(&buf, pos, format, args...)
return errors.New(buf.String())
// printNode returns the pretty-printed syntax of n.
func (o *oracle) printNode(n ast.Node) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
printer.Fprint(&buf, o.prog.Fset, n)
return buf.String()