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Rob Pike 12da5a90e0 log: new interface
New logging interface simplifies and generalizes.

1) Loggers now have only one output.
2) log.Stdout, Stderr, Crash and friends are gone.
	Logging is now always to standard error by default.
3) log.Panic* replaces log.Crash*.
4) Exiting and panicking are not part of the logger's state; instead
	the functions Exit* and Panic* simply call Exit or panic after
5) There is now one 'standard logger'.  Instead of calling Stderr,
	use Print etc.  There are now triples, by analogy with fmt:
		Print, Println, Printf
	What was log.Stderr is now best represented by log.Println,
	since there are now separate Print and Println functions
	(and methods).
6) New functions SetOutput, SetFlags, and SetPrefix allow global
	editing of the standard logger's properties.   This is new
	functionality. For instance, one can call
	to get all logging output to show file name, line number, and
	time stamp.

In short, for most purposes
	log.Stderr -> log.Println or log.Print
	log.Stderrf -> log.Printf
	log.Crash -> log.Panicln or log.Panic
	log.Crashf -> log.Panicf
	log.Exit -> log.Exitln or log.Exit
	log.Exitf -> log.Exitf (no change)

This has a slight breakage: since loggers now write only to one
output, existing calls to log.New() need to delete the second argument.
Also, custom loggers with exit or panic properties will need to be

All package code updated to new interface.

The test has been reworked somewhat.

The old interface will be removed after the new release.
For now, its elements are marked 'deprecated' in their comments.

Fixes #1184.

2010-10-12 12:59:18 -07:00

383 lines
9.3 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// godoc: Go Documentation Server
// Web server tree:
// http://godoc/ main landing page
// http://godoc/doc/ serve from $GOROOT/doc - spec, mem, tutorial, etc.
// http://godoc/src/ serve files from $GOROOT/src; .go gets pretty-printed
// http://godoc/cmd/ serve documentation about commands
// http://godoc/pkg/ serve documentation about packages
// (idea is if you say import "compress/zlib", you go to
// http://godoc/pkg/compress/zlib)
// Command-line interface:
// godoc packagepath [name ...]
// godoc compress/zlib
// - prints doc for package compress/zlib
// godoc crypto/block Cipher NewCMAC
// - prints doc for Cipher and NewCMAC in package crypto/block
package main
import (
_ "expvar" // to serve /debug/vars
_ "http/pprof" // to serve /debug/pprof/*
pathutil "path"
const defaultAddr = ":6060" // default webserver address
var (
// periodic sync
syncCmd = flag.String("sync", "", "sync command; disabled if empty")
syncMin = flag.Int("sync_minutes", 0, "sync interval in minutes; disabled if <= 0")
syncDelay delayTime // actual sync interval in minutes; usually syncDelay == syncMin, but syncDelay may back off exponentially
// network
httpAddr = flag.String("http", "", "HTTP service address (e.g., '"+defaultAddr+"')")
serverAddr = flag.String("server", "", "webserver address for command line searches")
// layout control
html = flag.Bool("html", false, "print HTML in command-line mode")
srcMode = flag.Bool("src", false, "print (exported) source in command-line mode")
// command-line searches
query = flag.Bool("q", false, "arguments are considered search queries")
func serveError(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, relpath string, err os.Error) {
contents := applyTemplate(errorHTML, "errorHTML", err) // err may contain an absolute path!
servePage(w, "File "+relpath, "", "", contents)
func exec(rw http.ResponseWriter, args []string) (status int) {
r, w, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("os.Pipe(): %v\n", err)
return 2
bin := args[0]
fds := []*os.File{nil, w, w}
if *verbose {
log.Printf("executing %v", args)
pid, err := os.ForkExec(bin, args, os.Environ(), *goroot, fds)
defer r.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("os.ForkExec(%q): %v\n", bin, err)
return 2
var buf bytes.Buffer
io.Copy(&buf, r)
wait, err := os.Wait(pid, 0)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("os.Wait(%d, 0): %v\n", pid, err)
return 2
status = wait.ExitStatus()
if !wait.Exited() || status > 1 {
log.Printf("executing %v failed (exit status = %d)", args, status)
if *verbose {
if rw != nil {
rw.SetHeader("content-type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
func dosync(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
args := []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", *syncCmd}
switch exec(w, args) {
case 0:
// sync succeeded and some files have changed;
// update package tree.
// TODO(gri): The directory tree may be temporarily out-of-sync.
// Consider keeping separate time stamps so the web-
// page can indicate this discrepancy.
fsTree.set(newDirectory(*goroot, nil, -1))
case 1:
// sync failed because no files changed;
// don't change the package tree
syncDelay.set(*syncMin) // revert to regular sync schedule
// sync failed because of an error - back off exponentially, but try at least once a day
syncDelay.backoff(24 * 60)
func usage() {
"usage: godoc package [name ...]\n"+
" godoc -http="+defaultAddr+"\n")
func loggingHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
log.Printf("%s\t%s", w.RemoteAddr(), req.URL)
h.ServeHTTP(w, req)
func remoteSearch(query string) (res *http.Response, err os.Error) {
search := "/search?f=text&q=" + http.URLEscape(query)
// list of addresses to try
var addrs []string
if *serverAddr != "" {
// explicit server address - only try this one
addrs = []string{*serverAddr}
} else {
addrs = []string{
// remote search
for _, addr := range addrs {
url := "http://" + addr + search
res, _, err = http.Get(url)
if err == nil && res.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
if err == nil && res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
err = os.NewError(res.Status)
// Does s look like a regular expression?
func isRegexp(s string) bool {
return strings.IndexAny(s, ".(|)*+?^$[]") >= 0
// Make a regular expression of the form
// names[0]|names[1]|...names[len(names)-1].
// Returns nil if the regular expression is illegal.
func makeRx(names []string) (rx *regexp.Regexp) {
if len(names) > 0 {
s := ""
for i, name := range names {
if i > 0 {
s += "|"
if isRegexp(name) {
s += name
} else {
s += "^" + name + "$" // must match exactly
rx, _ = regexp.Compile(s) // rx is nil if there's a compilation error
func main() {
flag.Usage = usage
// Check usage: either server and no args, or command line and args
if (*httpAddr != "") != (flag.NArg() == 0) {
if *tabwidth < 0 {
log.Exitf("negative tabwidth %d", *tabwidth)
if *httpAddr != "" {
// HTTP server mode.
var handler http.Handler = http.DefaultServeMux
if *verbose {
log.Printf("Go Documentation Server\n")
log.Printf("version = %s\n", runtime.Version())
log.Printf("address = %s\n", *httpAddr)
log.Printf("goroot = %s\n", *goroot)
log.Printf("tabwidth = %d\n", *tabwidth)
if !fsMap.IsEmpty() {
log.Print("user-defined mapping:")
handler = loggingHandler(handler)
if *syncCmd != "" {
http.Handle("/debug/sync", http.HandlerFunc(dosync))
// Initialize default directory tree with corresponding timestamp.
// Do it in two steps:
// 1) set timestamp right away so that the indexer is kicked on
// 2) compute initial directory tree in a goroutine so that launch is quick
go func() { fsTree.set(newDirectory(*goroot, nil, -1)) }()
// Initialize directory trees for user-defined file systems (-path flag).
// Start sync goroutine, if enabled.
if *syncCmd != "" && *syncMin > 0 {
syncDelay.set(*syncMin) // initial sync delay
go func() {
for {
dosync(nil, nil)
delay, _ := syncDelay.get()
if *verbose {
log.Printf("next sync in %dmin", delay.(int))
time.Sleep(int64(delay.(int)) * 60e9)
// Start indexing goroutine.
go indexer()
// Start http server.
if err := http.ListenAndServe(*httpAddr, handler); err != nil {
log.Exitf("ListenAndServe %s: %v", *httpAddr, err)
// Command line mode.
if *html {
packageText = packageHTML
searchText = packageHTML
if *query {
// Command-line queries.
for i := 0; i < flag.NArg(); i++ {
res, err := remoteSearch(flag.Arg(i))
if err != nil {
log.Exitf("remoteSearch: %s", err)
io.Copy(os.Stdout, res.Body)
// determine paths
path := flag.Arg(0)
if len(path) > 0 && path[0] == '.' {
// assume cwd; don't assume -goroot
cwd, _ := os.Getwd() // ignore errors
path = pathutil.Join(cwd, path)
relpath := path
abspath := path
if len(path) > 0 && path[0] != '/' {
abspath = absolutePath(path, pkgHandler.fsRoot)
} else {
relpath = relativePath(path)
var mode PageInfoMode
if *srcMode {
// only filter exports if we don't have explicit command-line filter arguments
if flag.NArg() == 1 {
mode |= exportsOnly
} else {
mode = exportsOnly | genDoc
// TODO(gri): Provide a mechanism (flag?) to select a package
// if there are multiple packages in a directory.
info := pkgHandler.getPageInfo(abspath, relpath, "", mode)
if info.Err != nil || info.PAst == nil && info.PDoc == nil && info.Dirs == nil {
// try again, this time assume it's a command
if len(path) > 0 && path[0] != '/' {
abspath = absolutePath(path, cmdHandler.fsRoot)
info = cmdHandler.getPageInfo(abspath, relpath, "", mode)
if info.Err != nil {
log.Exitf("%v", info.Err)
// If we have more than one argument, use the remaining arguments for filtering
if flag.NArg() > 1 {
args := flag.Args()[1:]
rx := makeRx(args)
if rx == nil {
log.Exitf("illegal regular expression from %v", args)
filter := func(s string) bool { return rx.MatchString(s) }
switch {
case info.PAst != nil:
ast.FilterFile(info.PAst, filter)
// Special case: Don't use templates for printing
// so we only get the filtered declarations without
// package clause or extra whitespace.
for i, d := range info.PAst.Decls {
if i > 0 {
writeAny(os.Stdout, d, *html)
case info.PDoc != nil:
if err := packageText.Execute(info, os.Stdout); err != nil {
log.Printf("packageText.Execute: %s", err)