mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-10-01 16:28:33 -06:00
Yury Smolsky 321fe744f3 playground.js: make output of "Run" clearer
This CL changes the last line displayed after the program was run
to display more details on what happened.

If the program cannot be built,
the last message is "Go build failed".

If the program has tests,
the last message is "All tests passed" in case of success.
Otherwise it is "N tests failed".

If the program has exited with non-zero code,
the exit message is postfixed with the code.

This CL adds output for timed out programs.

This CL is prerequisite for the backend change in CL 141478.
Dockerfile in playground repo has to be updated to include this CL.

Updates golang/go#10590
Updates golang/go#25454

Change-Id: Ie0a51b0729c574d2508a4a1b89f629def1d79fd6
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/141477
Reviewed-by: Andrew Bonventre <andybons@golang.org>
2018-10-16 19:24:31 +00:00

535 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
In the absence of any formal way to specify interfaces in JavaScript,
here's a skeleton implementation of a playground transport.
function Transport() {
// Set up any transport state (eg, make a websocket connection).
return {
Run: function(body, output, options) {
// Compile and run the program 'body' with 'options'.
// Call the 'output' callback to display program output.
return {
Kill: function() {
// Kill the running program.
// The output callback is called multiple times, and each time it is
// passed an object of this form.
var write = {
Kind: 'string', // 'start', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'end'
Body: 'string' // content of write or end status message
// The first call must be of Kind 'start' with no body.
// Subsequent calls may be of Kind 'stdout' or 'stderr'
// and must have a non-null Body string.
// The final call should be of Kind 'end' with an optional
// Body string, signifying a failure ("killed", for example).
// The output callback must be of this form.
// See PlaygroundOutput (below) for an implementation.
function outputCallback(write) {
// HTTPTransport is the default transport.
// enableVet enables running vet if a program was compiled and ran successfully.
// If vet returned any errors, display them before the output of a program.
function HTTPTransport(enableVet) {
'use strict';
function playback(output, data) {
// Backwards compatibility: default values do not affect the output.
var events = data.Events || [];
var errors = data.Errors || "";
var status = data.Status || 0;
var isTest = data.IsTest || false;
var testsFailed = data.TestsFailed || 0;
var timeout;
output({Kind: 'start'});
function next() {
if (!events || events.length === 0) {
if (isTest) {
if (testsFailed > 0) {
output({Kind: 'system', Body: '\n'+testsFailed+' test'+(testsFailed>1?'s':'')+' failed.'});
} else {
output({Kind: 'system', Body: '\nAll tests passed.'});
} else {
if (status > 0) {
output({Kind: 'end', Body: 'status ' + status + '.'});
} else {
if (errors !== "") {
// errors are displayed only in the case of timeout.
output({Kind: 'end', Body: errors + '.'});
} else {
output({Kind: 'end'});
var e = events.shift();
if (e.Delay === 0) {
output({Kind: e.Kind, Body: e.Message});
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
output({Kind: e.Kind, Body: e.Message});
}, e.Delay / 1000000);
return {
Stop: function() {
function error(output, msg) {
output({Kind: 'start'});
output({Kind: 'stderr', Body: msg});
output({Kind: 'end'});
function buildFailed(output, msg) {
output({Kind: 'start'});
output({Kind: 'stderr', Body: msg});
output({Kind: 'system', Body: '\nGo build failed.'});
var seq = 0;
return {
Run: function(body, output, options) {
var cur = seq;
var playing;
$.ajax('/compile', {
type: 'POST',
data: {'version': 2, 'body': body},
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
if (seq != cur) return;
if (!data) return;
if (playing != null) playing.Stop();
if (data.Errors) {
if (data.Errors === 'process took too long') {
// Playback the output that was captured before the timeout.
playing = playback(output, data);
} else {
buildFailed(output, data.Errors);
if (!enableVet) {
playing = playback(output, data);
$.ajax("/vet", {
data: {"body": body},
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
success: function(dataVet) {
if (dataVet.Errors) {
if (!data.Events) {
data.Events = [];
// inject errors from the vet as the first events in the output
data.Events.unshift({Message: 'Go vet exited.\n\n', Kind: 'system', Delay: 0});
data.Events.unshift({Message: dataVet.Errors, Kind: 'stderr', Delay: 0});
playing = playback(output, data);
error: function() {
playing = playback(output, data);
error: function() {
error(output, 'Error communicating with remote server.');
return {
Kill: function() {
if (playing != null) playing.Stop();
output({Kind: 'end', Body: 'killed'});
function SocketTransport() {
'use strict';
var id = 0;
var outputs = {};
var started = {};
var websocket;
if (window.location.protocol == "http:") {
websocket = new WebSocket('ws://' + window.location.host + '/socket');
} else if (window.location.protocol == "https:") {
websocket = new WebSocket('wss://' + window.location.host + '/socket');
websocket.onclose = function() {
console.log('websocket connection closed');
websocket.onmessage = function(e) {
var m = JSON.parse(e.data);
var output = outputs[m.Id];
if (output === null)
if (!started[m.Id]) {
output({Kind: 'start'});
started[m.Id] = true;
output({Kind: m.Kind, Body: m.Body});
function send(m) {
return {
Run: function(body, output, options) {
var thisID = id+'';
outputs[thisID] = output;
send({Id: thisID, Kind: 'run', Body: body, Options: options});
return {
Kill: function() {
send({Id: thisID, Kind: 'kill'});
function PlaygroundOutput(el) {
'use strict';
return function(write) {
if (write.Kind == 'start') {
el.innerHTML = '';
var cl = 'system';
if (write.Kind == 'stdout' || write.Kind == 'stderr')
cl = write.Kind;
var m = write.Body;
if (write.Kind == 'end') {
m = '\nProgram exited' + (m?(': '+m):'.');
if (m.indexOf('IMAGE:') === 0) {
// TODO(adg): buffer all writes before creating image
var url = 'data:image/png;base64,' + m.substr(6);
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = url;
// ^L clears the screen.
var s = m.split('\x0c');
if (s.length > 1) {
el.innerHTML = '';
m = s.pop();
m = m.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
m = m.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
m = m.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
var needScroll = (el.scrollTop + el.offsetHeight) == el.scrollHeight;
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.className = cl;
span.innerHTML = m;
if (needScroll)
el.scrollTop = el.scrollHeight - el.offsetHeight;
(function() {
function lineHighlight(error) {
var regex = /prog.go:([0-9]+)/g;
var r = regex.exec(error);
while (r) {
$(".lines div").eq(r[1]-1).addClass("lineerror");
r = regex.exec(error);
function highlightOutput(wrappedOutput) {
return function(write) {
if (write.Body) lineHighlight(write.Body);
function lineClear() {
// opts is an object with these keys
// codeEl - code editor element
// outputEl - program output element
// runEl - run button element
// fmtEl - fmt button element (optional)
// fmtImportEl - fmt "imports" checkbox element (optional)
// shareEl - share button element (optional)
// shareURLEl - share URL text input element (optional)
// shareRedirect - base URL to redirect to on share (optional)
// toysEl - toys select element (optional)
// enableHistory - enable using HTML5 history API (optional)
// transport - playground transport to use (default is HTTPTransport)
// enableShortcuts - whether to enable shortcuts (Ctrl+S/Cmd+S to save) (default is false)
// enableVet - enable running vet and displaying its errors
function playground(opts) {
var code = $(opts.codeEl);
var transport = opts['transport'] || new HTTPTransport(opts['enableVet']);
var running;
// autoindent helpers.
function insertTabs(n) {
// find the selection start and end
var start = code[0].selectionStart;
var end = code[0].selectionEnd;
// split the textarea content into two, and insert n tabs
var v = code[0].value;
var u = v.substr(0, start);
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
u += "\t";
u += v.substr(end);
// set revised content
code[0].value = u;
// reset caret position after inserted tabs
code[0].selectionStart = start+n;
code[0].selectionEnd = start+n;
function autoindent(el) {
var curpos = el.selectionStart;
var tabs = 0;
while (curpos > 0) {
if (el.value[curpos] == "\t") {
} else if (tabs > 0 || el.value[curpos] == "\n") {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
// NOTE(cbro): e is a jQuery event, not a DOM event.
function handleSaveShortcut(e) {
if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return false;
if (!e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey) return false;
if (e.key != "S" && e.key != "s") return false;
// Share and save
share(function(url) {
window.location.href = url + ".go?download=true";
return true;
function keyHandler(e) {
if (opts.enableShortcuts && handleSaveShortcut(e)) return;
if (e.keyCode == 9 && !e.ctrlKey) { // tab (but not ctrl-tab)
return false;
if (e.keyCode == 13) { // enter
if (e.shiftKey) { // +shift
return false;
} if (e.ctrlKey) { // +control
} else {
return true;
code.unbind('keydown').bind('keydown', keyHandler);
var outdiv = $(opts.outputEl).empty();
var output = $('<pre/>').appendTo(outdiv);
function body() {
return $(opts.codeEl).val();
function setBody(text) {
function origin(href) {
return (""+href).split("/").slice(0, 3).join("/");
var pushedEmpty = (window.location.pathname == "/");
function inputChanged() {
if (pushedEmpty) {
pushedEmpty = true;
window.history.pushState(null, "", "/");
function popState(e) {
if (e === null) {
if (e && e.state && e.state.code) {
var rewriteHistory = false;
if (window.history && window.history.pushState && window.addEventListener && opts.enableHistory) {
rewriteHistory = true;
code[0].addEventListener('input', inputChanged);
window.addEventListener('popstate', popState);
function setError(error) {
if (running) running.Kill();
function loading() {
if (running) running.Kill();
output.removeClass("error").text('Waiting for remote server...');
function run() {
running = transport.Run(body(), highlightOutput(PlaygroundOutput(output[0])));
function fmt() {
var data = {"body": body()};
if ($(opts.fmtImportEl).is(":checked")) {
data["imports"] = "true";
$.ajax("/fmt", {
data: data,
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
if (data.Error) {
} else {
var shareURL; // jQuery element to show the shared URL.
var sharing = false; // true if there is a pending request.
var shareCallbacks = [];
function share(opt_callback) {
if (opt_callback) shareCallbacks.push(opt_callback);
if (sharing) return;
sharing = true;
var sharingData = body();
$.ajax("/share", {
processData: false,
data: sharingData,
type: "POST",
contentType: "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
complete: function(xhr) {
sharing = false;
if (xhr.status != 200) {
alert("Server error; try again.");
if (opts.shareRedirect) {
window.location = opts.shareRedirect + xhr.responseText;
var path = "/p/" + xhr.responseText;
var url = origin(window.location) + path;
for (var i = 0; i < shareCallbacks.length; i++) {
shareCallbacks = [];
if (shareURL) {
if (rewriteHistory) {
var historyData = {"code": sharingData};
window.history.pushState(historyData, "", path);
pushedEmpty = false;
if (opts.shareEl !== null && (opts.shareURLEl !== null || opts.shareRedirect !== null)) {
if (opts.shareURLEl) {
shareURL = $(opts.shareURLEl).hide();
$(opts.shareEl).click(function() {
if (opts.toysEl !== null) {
$(opts.toysEl).bind('change', function() {
var toy = $(this).val();
$.ajax("/doc/play/"+toy, {
processData: false,
type: "GET",
complete: function(xhr) {
if (xhr.status != 200) {
alert("Server error; try again.");
window.playground = playground;