mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-10-06 07:21:22 -06:00
Rob Pike a00cec90ca fmt: allow any type in a format's width argument
The construction
	fmt.Printf("%*d", n, 4)
reads the argument n as a width specifier to use when printing 4.
Until now, only strict int type was accepted here and it couldn't
be fixed because the fix, using reflection, broke escape analysis
and added an extra allocation in every Printf call, even those that
do not use this feature.

The compiler has been fixed, although I am not sure when exactly,
so let's fix Printf and then write

Fixes #10732.

Change-Id: I79cf0c4fadd876265aa39d3cb62867247b36ab65
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/14491
Reviewed-by: Ian Lance Taylor <iant@golang.org>
2015-09-10 20:53:22 +00:00

1400 lines
40 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fmt_test
import (
. "fmt"
type (
renamedBool bool
renamedInt int
renamedInt8 int8
renamedInt16 int16
renamedInt32 int32
renamedInt64 int64
renamedUint uint
renamedUint8 uint8
renamedUint16 uint16
renamedUint32 uint32
renamedUint64 uint64
renamedUintptr uintptr
renamedString string
renamedBytes []byte
renamedFloat32 float32
renamedFloat64 float64
renamedComplex64 complex64
renamedComplex128 complex128
func TestFmtInterface(t *testing.T) {
var i1 interface{}
i1 = "abc"
s := Sprintf("%s", i1)
if s != "abc" {
t.Errorf(`Sprintf("%%s", empty("abc")) = %q want %q`, s, "abc")
const b32 uint32 = 1<<32 - 1
const b64 uint64 = 1<<64 - 1
var array = [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
var iarray = [4]interface{}{1, "hello", 2.5, nil}
var slice = array[:]
var islice = iarray[:]
type A struct {
i int
j uint
s string
x []int
type I int
func (i I) String() string { return Sprintf("<%d>", int(i)) }
type B struct {
j int
type C struct {
i int
type F int
func (f F) Format(s State, c rune) {
Fprintf(s, "<%c=F(%d)>", c, int(f))
type G int
func (g G) GoString() string {
return Sprintf("GoString(%d)", int(g))
type S struct {
F F // a struct field that Formats
G G // a struct field that GoStrings
type SI struct {
I interface{}
// P is a type with a String method with pointer receiver for testing %p.
type P int
var pValue P
func (p *P) String() string {
return "String(p)"
var barray = [5]renamedUint8{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
var bslice = barray[:]
type byteStringer byte
func (byteStringer) String() string { return "X" }
var byteStringerSlice = []byteStringer{97, 98, 99, 100}
type byteFormatter byte
func (byteFormatter) Format(f State, _ rune) {
Fprint(f, "X")
var byteFormatterSlice = []byteFormatter{97, 98, 99, 100}
var b byte
var fmtTests = []struct {
fmt string
val interface{}
out string
{"%d", 12345, "12345"},
{"%v", 12345, "12345"},
{"%t", true, "true"},
// basic string
{"%s", "abc", "abc"},
{"%q", "abc", `"abc"`},
{"%x", "abc", "616263"},
{"%x", "\xff\xf0\x0f\xff", "fff00fff"},
{"%X", "\xff\xf0\x0f\xff", "FFF00FFF"},
{"%x", "xyz", "78797a"},
{"%X", "xyz", "78797A"},
{"% x", "xyz", "78 79 7a"},
{"% X", "xyz", "78 79 7A"},
{"%#x", "xyz", "0x78797a"},
{"%#X", "xyz", "0X78797A"},
{"%# x", "xyz", "0x78 0x79 0x7a"},
{"%# X", "xyz", "0X78 0X79 0X7A"},
// basic bytes
{"%s", []byte("abc"), "abc"},
{"%q", []byte("abc"), `"abc"`},
{"%x", []byte("abc"), "616263"},
{"%x", []byte("\xff\xf0\x0f\xff"), "fff00fff"},
{"%X", []byte("\xff\xf0\x0f\xff"), "FFF00FFF"},
{"%x", []byte("xyz"), "78797a"},
{"%X", []byte("xyz"), "78797A"},
{"% x", []byte("xyz"), "78 79 7a"},
{"% X", []byte("xyz"), "78 79 7A"},
{"%#x", []byte("xyz"), "0x78797a"},
{"%#X", []byte("xyz"), "0X78797A"},
{"%# x", []byte("xyz"), "0x78 0x79 0x7a"},
{"%# X", []byte("xyz"), "0X78 0X79 0X7A"},
// escaped strings
{"%#q", `abc`, "`abc`"},
{"%#q", `"`, "`\"`"},
{"1 %#q", `\n`, "1 `\\n`"},
{"2 %#q", "\n", `2 "\n"`},
{"%q", `"`, `"\""`},
{"%q", "\a\b\f\r\n\t\v", `"\a\b\f\r\n\t\v"`},
{"%q", "abc\xffdef", `"abc\xffdef"`},
{"%q", "\u263a", `"☺"`},
{"%+q", "\u263a", `"\u263a"`},
{"%q", "\U0010ffff", `"\U0010ffff"`},
// escaped characters
{"%q", 'x', `'x'`},
{"%q", 0, `'\x00'`},
{"%q", '\n', `'\n'`},
{"%q", '\u0e00', `'\u0e00'`}, // not a printable rune.
{"%q", '\U000c2345', `'\U000c2345'`}, // not a printable rune.
{"%q", int64(0x7FFFFFFF), `%!q(int64=2147483647)`},
{"%q", uint64(0xFFFFFFFF), `%!q(uint64=4294967295)`},
{"%q", '"', `'"'`},
{"%q", '\'', `'\''`},
{"%q", "\u263a", `"☺"`},
{"%+q", "\u263a", `"\u263a"`},
// width
{"%5s", "abc", " abc"},
{"%2s", "\u263a", " ☺"},
{"%-5s", "abc", "abc "},
{"%-8q", "abc", `"abc" `},
{"%05s", "abc", "00abc"},
{"%08q", "abc", `000"abc"`},
{"%5s", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"},
{"%.5s", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "abcde"},
{"%.5s", "日本語日本語", "日本語日本"},
{"%.5s", []byte("日本語日本語"), "日本語日本"},
{"%.5q", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", `"abcde"`},
{"%.5x", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", `6162636465`},
{"%.5q", []byte("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), `"abcde"`},
{"%.5x", []byte("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), `6162636465`},
{"%.3q", "日本語日本語", `"日本語"`},
{"%.3q", []byte("日本語日本語"), `"日本語"`},
{"%.1q", "日本語", `"日"`},
{"%.1q", []byte("日本語"), `"日"`},
{"%.1x", "日本語", `e6`},
{"%.1X", []byte("日本語"), `E6`},
{"%10.1q", "日本語日本語", ` "日"`},
{"%3c", '⌘', " ⌘"},
{"%5q", '\u2026', ` '…'`},
{"%10v", nil, " <nil>"},
{"%-10v", nil, "<nil> "},
// integers
{"%d", 12345, "12345"},
{"%d", -12345, "-12345"},
{"%10d", 12345, " 12345"},
{"%10d", -12345, " -12345"},
{"%+10d", 12345, " +12345"},
{"%010d", 12345, "0000012345"},
{"%010d", -12345, "-000012345"},
{"%-10d", 12345, "12345 "},
{"%010.3d", 1, " 001"},
{"%010.3d", -1, " -001"},
{"%+d", 12345, "+12345"},
{"%+d", -12345, "-12345"},
{"%+d", 0, "+0"},
{"% d", 0, " 0"},
{"% d", 12345, " 12345"},
{"%.0d", 0, ""},
{"%.d", 0, ""},
// unicode format
{"%U", 0x1, "U+0001"},
{"%U", uint(0x1), "U+0001"},
{"%.8U", 0x2, "U+00000002"},
{"%U", 0x1234, "U+1234"},
{"%U", 0x12345, "U+12345"},
{"%10.6U", 0xABC, " U+000ABC"},
{"%-10.6U", 0xABC, "U+000ABC "},
{"%U", '\n', `U+000A`},
{"%#U", '\n', `U+000A`},
{"%U", 'x', `U+0078`},
{"%#U", 'x', `U+0078 'x'`},
{"%U", '\u263a', `U+263A`},
{"%#U", '\u263a', `U+263A '☺'`},
// floats
{"%+.3e", 0.0, "+0.000e+00"},
{"%+.3e", 1.0, "+1.000e+00"},
{"%+.3f", -1.0, "-1.000"},
{"%+.3F", -1.0, "-1.000"},
{"%+.3F", float32(-1.0), "-1.000"},
{"%+07.2f", 1.0, "+001.00"},
{"%+07.2f", -1.0, "-001.00"},
{"%+10.2f", +1.0, " +1.00"},
{"%+10.2f", -1.0, " -1.00"},
{"% .3E", -1.0, "-1.000E+00"},
{"% .3e", 1.0, " 1.000e+00"},
{"%+.3g", 0.0, "+0"},
{"%+.3g", 1.0, "+1"},
{"%+.3g", -1.0, "-1"},
{"% .3g", -1.0, "-1"},
{"% .3g", 1.0, " 1"},
{"%b", float32(1.0), "8388608p-23"},
{"%b", 1.0, "4503599627370496p-52"},
// complex values
{"%+.3e", 0i, "(+0.000e+00+0.000e+00i)"},
{"%+.3f", 0i, "(+0.000+0.000i)"},
{"%+.3g", 0i, "(+0+0i)"},
{"%+.3e", 1 + 2i, "(+1.000e+00+2.000e+00i)"},
{"%+.3f", 1 + 2i, "(+1.000+2.000i)"},
{"%+.3g", 1 + 2i, "(+1+2i)"},
{"%.3e", 0i, "(0.000e+00+0.000e+00i)"},
{"%.3f", 0i, "(0.000+0.000i)"},
{"%.3F", 0i, "(0.000+0.000i)"},
{"%.3F", complex64(0i), "(0.000+0.000i)"},
{"%.3g", 0i, "(0+0i)"},
{"%.3e", 1 + 2i, "(1.000e+00+2.000e+00i)"},
{"%.3f", 1 + 2i, "(1.000+2.000i)"},
{"%.3g", 1 + 2i, "(1+2i)"},
{"%.3e", -1 - 2i, "(-1.000e+00-2.000e+00i)"},
{"%.3f", -1 - 2i, "(-1.000-2.000i)"},
{"%.3g", -1 - 2i, "(-1-2i)"},
{"% .3E", -1 - 2i, "(-1.000E+00-2.000E+00i)"},
{"%+.3g", complex64(1 + 2i), "(+1+2i)"},
{"%+.3g", complex128(1 + 2i), "(+1+2i)"},
{"%b", complex64(1 + 2i), "(8388608p-23+8388608p-22i)"},
{"%b", 1 + 2i, "(4503599627370496p-52+4503599627370496p-51i)"},
// erroneous formats
{"", 2, "%!(EXTRA int=2)"},
{"%d", "hello", "%!d(string=hello)"},
// old test/fmt_test.go
{"%d", 1234, "1234"},
{"%d", -1234, "-1234"},
{"%d", uint(1234), "1234"},
{"%d", uint32(b32), "4294967295"},
{"%d", uint64(b64), "18446744073709551615"},
{"%o", 01234, "1234"},
{"%#o", 01234, "01234"},
{"%o", uint32(b32), "37777777777"},
{"%o", uint64(b64), "1777777777777777777777"},
{"%x", 0x1234abcd, "1234abcd"},
{"%#x", 0x1234abcd, "0x1234abcd"},
{"%x", b32 - 0x1234567, "fedcba98"},
{"%X", 0x1234abcd, "1234ABCD"},
{"%X", b32 - 0x1234567, "FEDCBA98"},
{"%#X", 0, "0X0"},
{"%x", b64, "ffffffffffffffff"},
{"%b", 7, "111"},
{"%b", b64, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"},
{"%b", -6, "-110"},
{"%e", 1.0, "1.000000e+00"},
{"%e", 1234.5678e3, "1.234568e+06"},
{"%e", 1234.5678e-8, "1.234568e-05"},
{"%e", -7.0, "-7.000000e+00"},
{"%e", -1e-9, "-1.000000e-09"},
{"%f", 1234.5678e3, "1234567.800000"},
{"%f", 1234.5678e-8, "0.000012"},
{"%f", -7.0, "-7.000000"},
{"%f", -1e-9, "-0.000000"},
{"%g", 1234.5678e3, "1.2345678e+06"},
{"%g", float32(1234.5678e3), "1.2345678e+06"},
{"%g", 1234.5678e-8, "1.2345678e-05"},
{"%g", -7.0, "-7"},
{"%g", -1e-9, "-1e-09"},
{"%g", float32(-1e-9), "-1e-09"},
{"%E", 1.0, "1.000000E+00"},
{"%E", 1234.5678e3, "1.234568E+06"},
{"%E", 1234.5678e-8, "1.234568E-05"},
{"%E", -7.0, "-7.000000E+00"},
{"%E", -1e-9, "-1.000000E-09"},
{"%G", 1234.5678e3, "1.2345678E+06"},
{"%G", float32(1234.5678e3), "1.2345678E+06"},
{"%G", 1234.5678e-8, "1.2345678E-05"},
{"%G", -7.0, "-7"},
{"%G", -1e-9, "-1E-09"},
{"%G", float32(-1e-9), "-1E-09"},
{"%c", 'x', "x"},
{"%c", 0xe4, "ä"},
{"%c", 0x672c, "本"},
{"%c", '日', "日"},
{"%20.8d", 1234, " 00001234"},
{"%20.8d", -1234, " -00001234"},
{"%20d", 1234, " 1234"},
{"%-20.8d", 1234, "00001234 "},
{"%-20.8d", -1234, "-00001234 "},
{"%-#20.8x", 0x1234abc, "0x01234abc "},
{"%-#20.8X", 0x1234abc, "0X01234ABC "},
{"%-#20.8o", 01234, "00001234 "},
{"%.20b", 7, "00000000000000000111"},
{"%20.5s", "qwertyuiop", " qwert"},
{"%.5s", "qwertyuiop", "qwert"},
{"%-20.5s", "qwertyuiop", "qwert "},
{"%20c", 'x', " x"},
{"%-20c", 'x', "x "},
{"%20.6e", 1.2345e3, " 1.234500e+03"},
{"%20.6e", 1.2345e-3, " 1.234500e-03"},
{"%20e", 1.2345e3, " 1.234500e+03"},
{"%20e", 1.2345e-3, " 1.234500e-03"},
{"%20.8e", 1.2345e3, " 1.23450000e+03"},
{"%20f", 1.23456789e3, " 1234.567890"},
{"%20f", 1.23456789e-3, " 0.001235"},
{"%20f", 12345678901.23456789, " 12345678901.234568"},
{"%-20f", 1.23456789e3, "1234.567890 "},
{"%20.8f", 1.23456789e3, " 1234.56789000"},
{"%20.8f", 1.23456789e-3, " 0.00123457"},
{"%g", 1.23456789e3, "1234.56789"},
{"%g", 1.23456789e-3, "0.00123456789"},
{"%g", 1.23456789e20, "1.23456789e+20"},
{"%20e", math.Inf(1), " +Inf"},
{"%-20f", math.Inf(-1), "-Inf "},
{"%20g", math.NaN(), " NaN"},
// arrays
{"%v", array, "[1 2 3 4 5]"},
{"%v", iarray, "[1 hello 2.5 <nil>]"},
{"%v", barray, "[1 2 3 4 5]"},
{"%v", &array, "&[1 2 3 4 5]"},
{"%v", &iarray, "&[1 hello 2.5 <nil>]"},
{"%v", &barray, "&[1 2 3 4 5]"},
// slices
{"%v", slice, "[1 2 3 4 5]"},
{"%v", islice, "[1 hello 2.5 <nil>]"},
{"%v", bslice, "[1 2 3 4 5]"},
{"%v", &slice, "&[1 2 3 4 5]"},
{"%v", &islice, "&[1 hello 2.5 <nil>]"},
{"%v", &bslice, "&[1 2 3 4 5]"},
{"%v", []byte{1}, "[1]"},
{"%v", []byte{}, "[]"},
// complexes with %v
{"%v", 1 + 2i, "(1+2i)"},
{"%v", complex64(1 + 2i), "(1+2i)"},
{"%v", complex128(1 + 2i), "(1+2i)"},
// structs
{"%v", A{1, 2, "a", []int{1, 2}}, `{1 2 a [1 2]}`},
{"%+v", A{1, 2, "a", []int{1, 2}}, `{i:1 j:2 s:a x:[1 2]}`},
// +v on structs with Stringable items
{"%+v", B{1, 2}, `{I:<1> j:2}`},
{"%+v", C{1, B{2, 3}}, `{i:1 B:{I:<2> j:3}}`},
// other formats on Stringable items
{"%s", I(23), `<23>`},
{"%q", I(23), `"<23>"`},
{"%x", I(23), `3c32333e`},
{"%#x", I(23), `0x3c32333e`},
{"%# x", I(23), `0x3c 0x32 0x33 0x3e`},
{"%d", I(23), `23`}, // Stringer applies only to string formats.
// go syntax
{"%#v", A{1, 2, "a", []int{1, 2}}, `fmt_test.A{i:1, j:0x2, s:"a", x:[]int{1, 2}}`},
{"%#v", &b, "(*uint8)(0xPTR)"},
{"%#v", TestFmtInterface, "(func(*testing.T))(0xPTR)"},
{"%#v", make(chan int), "(chan int)(0xPTR)"},
{"%#v", uint64(1<<64 - 1), "0xffffffffffffffff"},
{"%#v", 1000000000, "1000000000"},
{"%#v", map[string]int{"a": 1}, `map[string]int{"a":1}`},
{"%#v", map[string]B{"a": {1, 2}}, `map[string]fmt_test.B{"a":fmt_test.B{I:1, j:2}}`},
{"%#v", []string{"a", "b"}, `[]string{"a", "b"}`},
{"%#v", SI{}, `fmt_test.SI{I:interface {}(nil)}`},
{"%#v", []int(nil), `[]int(nil)`},
{"%#v", []int{}, `[]int{}`},
{"%#v", array, `[5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}`},
{"%#v", &array, `&[5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}`},
{"%#v", iarray, `[4]interface {}{1, "hello", 2.5, interface {}(nil)}`},
{"%#v", &iarray, `&[4]interface {}{1, "hello", 2.5, interface {}(nil)}`},
{"%#v", map[int]byte(nil), `map[int]uint8(nil)`},
{"%#v", map[int]byte{}, `map[int]uint8{}`},
{"%#v", "foo", `"foo"`},
{"%#v", barray, `[5]fmt_test.renamedUint8{0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5}`},
{"%#v", bslice, `[]fmt_test.renamedUint8{0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5}`},
{"%#v", []byte(nil), "[]byte(nil)"},
{"%#v", []int32(nil), "[]int32(nil)"},
// slices with other formats
{"%#x", []int{1, 2, 15}, `[0x1 0x2 0xf]`},
{"%x", []int{1, 2, 15}, `[1 2 f]`},
{"%d", []int{1, 2, 15}, `[1 2 15]`},
{"%d", []byte{1, 2, 15}, `[1 2 15]`},
{"%q", []string{"a", "b"}, `["a" "b"]`},
{"% 02x", []byte{1}, "01"},
{"% 02x", []byte{1, 2, 3}, "01 02 03"},
// Padding with byte slices.
{"%x", []byte{}, ""},
{"%02x", []byte{}, "00"},
{"% 02x", []byte{}, "00"},
{"%08x", []byte{0xab}, "000000ab"},
{"% 08x", []byte{0xab}, "000000ab"},
{"%08x", []byte{0xab, 0xcd}, "0000abcd"},
{"% 08x", []byte{0xab, 0xcd}, "000ab cd"},
{"%8x", []byte{0xab}, " ab"},
{"% 8x", []byte{0xab}, " ab"},
{"%8x", []byte{0xab, 0xcd}, " abcd"},
{"% 8x", []byte{0xab, 0xcd}, " ab cd"},
// Same for strings
{"%x", "", ""},
{"%02x", "", "00"},
{"% 02x", "", "00"},
{"%08x", "\xab", "000000ab"},
{"% 08x", "\xab", "000000ab"},
{"%08x", "\xab\xcd", "0000abcd"},
{"% 08x", "\xab\xcd", "000ab cd"},
{"%8x", "\xab", " ab"},
{"% 8x", "\xab", " ab"},
{"%8x", "\xab\xcd", " abcd"},
{"% 8x", "\xab\xcd", " ab cd"},
// renamings
{"%v", renamedBool(true), "true"},
{"%d", renamedBool(true), "%!d(fmt_test.renamedBool=true)"},
{"%o", renamedInt(8), "10"},
{"%d", renamedInt8(-9), "-9"},
{"%v", renamedInt16(10), "10"},
{"%v", renamedInt32(-11), "-11"},
{"%X", renamedInt64(255), "FF"},
{"%v", renamedUint(13), "13"},
{"%o", renamedUint8(14), "16"},
{"%X", renamedUint16(15), "F"},
{"%d", renamedUint32(16), "16"},
{"%X", renamedUint64(17), "11"},
{"%o", renamedUintptr(18), "22"},
{"%x", renamedString("thing"), "7468696e67"},
{"%d", renamedBytes([]byte{1, 2, 15}), `[1 2 15]`},
{"%q", renamedBytes([]byte("hello")), `"hello"`},
{"%x", []renamedUint8{'a', 'b', 'c'}, "616263"},
{"%s", []renamedUint8{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}, "hello"},
{"%q", []renamedUint8{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}, `"hello"`},
{"%v", renamedFloat32(22), "22"},
{"%v", renamedFloat64(33), "33"},
{"%v", renamedComplex64(3 + 4i), "(3+4i)"},
{"%v", renamedComplex128(4 - 3i), "(4-3i)"},
// Formatter
{"%x", F(1), "<x=F(1)>"},
{"%x", G(2), "2"},
{"%+v", S{F(4), G(5)}, "{F:<v=F(4)> G:5}"},
// GoStringer
{"%#v", G(6), "GoString(6)"},
{"%#v", S{F(7), G(8)}, "fmt_test.S{F:<v=F(7)>, G:GoString(8)}"},
// %T
{"%T", (4 - 3i), "complex128"},
{"%T", renamedComplex128(4 - 3i), "fmt_test.renamedComplex128"},
{"%T", intVal, "int"},
{"%6T", &intVal, " *int"},
{"%10T", nil, " <nil>"},
{"%-10T", nil, "<nil> "},
// %p
{"p0=%p", new(int), "p0=0xPTR"},
{"p1=%s", &pValue, "p1=String(p)"}, // String method...
{"p2=%p", &pValue, "p2=0xPTR"}, // ... not called with %p
{"p3=%p", (*int)(nil), "p3=0x0"},
{"p4=%#p", new(int), "p4=PTR"},
// %p on non-pointers
{"%p", make(chan int), "0xPTR"},
{"%p", make(map[int]int), "0xPTR"},
{"%p", make([]int, 1), "0xPTR"},
{"%p", 27, "%!p(int=27)"}, // not a pointer at all
// %q on pointers
{"%q", (*int)(nil), "%!q(*int=<nil>)"},
{"%q", new(int), "%!q(*int=0xPTR)"},
// %v on pointers formats 0 as <nil>
{"%v", (*int)(nil), "<nil>"},
{"%v", new(int), "0xPTR"},
// %d etc. pointers use specified base.
{"%d", new(int), "PTR_d"},
{"%o", new(int), "PTR_o"},
{"%x", new(int), "PTR_x"},
// %d on Stringer should give integer if possible
{"%s", time.Time{}.Month(), "January"},
{"%d", time.Time{}.Month(), "1"},
// erroneous things
{"%s %", "hello", "hello %!(NOVERB)"},
{"%s %.2", "hello", "hello %!(NOVERB)"},
{"%d", "hello", "%!d(string=hello)"},
{"no args", "hello", "no args%!(EXTRA string=hello)"},
{"%s", nil, "%!s(<nil>)"},
{"%T", nil, "<nil>"},
{"%-1", 100, "%!(NOVERB)%!(EXTRA int=100)"},
{"%017091901790959340919092959340919017929593813360", 0, "%!(NOVERB)%!(EXTRA int=0)"},
{"%184467440737095516170v", 0, "%!(NOVERB)%!(EXTRA int=0)"},
// The "<nil>" show up because maps are printed by
// first obtaining a list of keys and then looking up
// each key. Since NaNs can be map keys but cannot
// be fetched directly, the lookup fails and returns a
// zero reflect.Value, which formats as <nil>.
// This test is just to check that it shows the two NaNs at all.
{"%v", map[float64]int{math.NaN(): 1, math.NaN(): 2}, "map[NaN:<nil> NaN:<nil>]"},
// Used to crash because nByte didn't allow for a sign.
{"%b", int64(-1 << 63), zeroFill("-1", 63, "")},
// Used to panic.
{"%0100d", 1, zeroFill("", 100, "1")},
{"%0100d", -1, zeroFill("-", 99, "1")},
{"%0.100f", 1.0, zeroFill("1.", 100, "")},
{"%0.100f", -1.0, zeroFill("-1.", 100, "")},
// Used to panic: integer function didn't look at f.prec, f.unicode, f.width or sign.
{"%#.80x", 42, "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002a"},
{"%.80U", 42, "U+0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002A"},
{"%#.80U", '日', "U+000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000065E5 '日'"},
{"%.65d", -44, "-00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000044"},
{"%+.65d", 44, "+00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000044"},
{"% .65d", 44, " 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000044"},
{"% +.65d", 44, "+00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000044"},
// Comparison of padding rules with C printf.
C program:
#include <stdio.h>
char *format[] = {
"[% .2f]",
"[% 7.2f]",
"[% 07.2f]",
int main(void) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
printf("%s: ", format[i]);
printf(format[i], 1.0);
printf(" ");
printf(format[i], -1.0);
[%.2f]: [1.00] [-1.00]
[% .2f]: [ 1.00] [-1.00]
[%+.2f]: [+1.00] [-1.00]
[%7.2f]: [ 1.00] [ -1.00]
[% 7.2f]: [ 1.00] [ -1.00]
[%+7.2f]: [ +1.00] [ -1.00]
[%07.2f]: [0001.00] [-001.00]
[% 07.2f]: [ 001.00] [-001.00]
[%+07.2f]: [+001.00] [-001.00]
{"%.2f", 1.0, "1.00"},
{"%.2f", -1.0, "-1.00"},
{"% .2f", 1.0, " 1.00"},
{"% .2f", -1.0, "-1.00"},
{"%+.2f", 1.0, "+1.00"},
{"%+.2f", -1.0, "-1.00"},
{"%7.2f", 1.0, " 1.00"},
{"%7.2f", -1.0, " -1.00"},
{"% 7.2f", 1.0, " 1.00"},
{"% 7.2f", -1.0, " -1.00"},
{"%+7.2f", 1.0, " +1.00"},
{"%+7.2f", -1.0, " -1.00"},
{"%07.2f", 1.0, "0001.00"},
{"%07.2f", -1.0, "-001.00"},
{"% 07.2f", 1.0, " 001.00"},
{"% 07.2f", -1.0, "-001.00"},
{"%+07.2f", 1.0, "+001.00"},
{"%+07.2f", -1.0, "-001.00"},
// Complex numbers: exhaustively tested in TestComplexFormatting.
{"%7.2f", 1 + 2i, "( 1.00 +2.00i)"},
{"%+07.2f", -1 - 2i, "(-001.00-002.00i)"},
// Zero padding does not apply to infinities.
{"%020f", math.Inf(-1), " -Inf"},
{"%020f", math.Inf(+1), " +Inf"},
{"% 020f", math.Inf(-1), " -Inf"},
{"% 020f", math.Inf(+1), " Inf"},
{"%+020f", math.Inf(-1), " -Inf"},
{"%+020f", math.Inf(+1), " +Inf"},
{"%20f", -1.0, " -1.000000"},
// Make sure we can handle very large widths.
{"%0100f", -1.0, zeroFill("-", 99, "1.000000")},
// Complex fmt used to leave the plus flag set for future entries in the array
// causing +2+0i and +3+0i instead of 2+0i and 3+0i.
{"%v", []complex64{1, 2, 3}, "[(1+0i) (2+0i) (3+0i)]"},
{"%v", []complex128{1, 2, 3}, "[(1+0i) (2+0i) (3+0i)]"},
// Incomplete format specification caused crash.
{"%.", 3, "%!.(int=3)"},
// Used to panic with out-of-bounds for very large numeric representations.
// nByte is set to handle one bit per uint64 in %b format, with a negative number.
// See issue 6777.
{"%#064x", 1, zeroFill("0x", 64, "1")},
{"%#064x", -1, zeroFill("-0x", 63, "1")},
{"%#064b", 1, zeroFill("", 64, "1")},
{"%#064b", -1, zeroFill("-", 63, "1")},
{"%#064o", 1, zeroFill("", 64, "1")},
{"%#064o", -1, zeroFill("-", 63, "1")},
{"%#064d", 1, zeroFill("", 64, "1")},
{"%#064d", -1, zeroFill("-", 63, "1")},
// Test that we handle the crossover above the size of uint64
{"%#072x", 1, zeroFill("0x", 72, "1")},
{"%#072x", -1, zeroFill("-0x", 71, "1")},
{"%#072b", 1, zeroFill("", 72, "1")},
{"%#072b", -1, zeroFill("-", 71, "1")},
{"%#072o", 1, zeroFill("", 72, "1")},
{"%#072o", -1, zeroFill("-", 71, "1")},
{"%#072d", 1, zeroFill("", 72, "1")},
{"%#072d", -1, zeroFill("-", 71, "1")},
// Padding for complex numbers. Has been bad, then fixed, then bad again.
{"%+10.2f", +104.66 + 440.51i, "( +104.66 +440.51i)"},
{"%+10.2f", -104.66 + 440.51i, "( -104.66 +440.51i)"},
{"%+10.2f", +104.66 - 440.51i, "( +104.66 -440.51i)"},
{"%+10.2f", -104.66 - 440.51i, "( -104.66 -440.51i)"},
{"%+010.2f", +104.66 + 440.51i, "(+000104.66+000440.51i)"},
{"%+010.2f", -104.66 + 440.51i, "(-000104.66+000440.51i)"},
{"%+010.2f", +104.66 - 440.51i, "(+000104.66-000440.51i)"},
{"%+010.2f", -104.66 - 440.51i, "(-000104.66-000440.51i)"},
// []T where type T is a byte with a Stringer method.
{"%v", byteStringerSlice, "[X X X X]"},
{"%s", byteStringerSlice, "abcd"},
{"%q", byteStringerSlice, "\"abcd\""},
{"%x", byteStringerSlice, "61626364"},
{"%#v", byteStringerSlice, "[]fmt_test.byteStringer{0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64}"},
// And the same for Formatter.
{"%v", byteFormatterSlice, "[X X X X]"},
{"%s", byteFormatterSlice, "abcd"},
{"%q", byteFormatterSlice, "\"abcd\""},
{"%x", byteFormatterSlice, "61626364"},
// This next case seems wrong, but the docs say the Formatter wins here.
{"%#v", byteFormatterSlice, "[]fmt_test.byteFormatter{X, X, X, X}"},
// reflect.Value handled specially in Go 1.5, making it possible to
// see inside non-exported fields (which cannot be accessed with Interface()).
// Issue 8965.
{"%v", reflect.ValueOf(A{}).Field(0).String(), "<int Value>"}, // Equivalent to the old way.
{"%v", reflect.ValueOf(A{}).Field(0), "0"}, // Sees inside the field.
// verbs apply to the extracted value too.
{"%s", reflect.ValueOf("hello"), "hello"},
{"%q", reflect.ValueOf("hello"), `"hello"`},
{"%#04x", reflect.ValueOf(256), "0x0100"},
// invalid reflect.Value doesn't crash.
{"%v", reflect.Value{}, "<invalid reflect.Value>"},
// zeroFill generates zero-filled strings of the specified width. The length
// of the suffix (but not the prefix) is compensated for in the width calculation.
func zeroFill(prefix string, width int, suffix string) string {
return prefix + strings.Repeat("0", width-len(suffix)) + suffix
func TestSprintf(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range fmtTests {
s := Sprintf(tt.fmt, tt.val)
if i := strings.Index(tt.out, "PTR"); i >= 0 {
pattern := "PTR"
chars := "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(tt.out[i:], "PTR_d"):
pattern = "PTR_d"
chars = chars[:10]
case strings.HasPrefix(tt.out[i:], "PTR_o"):
pattern = "PTR_o"
chars = chars[:8]
case strings.HasPrefix(tt.out[i:], "PTR_x"):
pattern = "PTR_x"
j := i
for ; j < len(s); j++ {
c := s[j]
if !strings.ContainsRune(chars, rune(c)) {
s = s[0:i] + pattern + s[j:]
if s != tt.out {
if _, ok := tt.val.(string); ok {
// Don't requote the already-quoted strings.
// It's too confusing to read the errors.
t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, %q) = <%s> want <%s>", tt.fmt, tt.val, s, tt.out)
} else {
t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, %v) = %q want %q", tt.fmt, tt.val, s, tt.out)
// TestComplexFormatting checks that a complex always formats to the same
// thing as if done by hand with two singleton prints.
func TestComplexFormatting(t *testing.T) {
var yesNo = []bool{true, false}
var values = []float64{1, 0, -1, math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1), math.NaN()}
for _, plus := range yesNo {
for _, zero := range yesNo {
for _, space := range yesNo {
for _, char := range "fFeEgG" {
realFmt := "%"
if zero {
realFmt += "0"
if space {
realFmt += " "
if plus {
realFmt += "+"
realFmt += "10.2"
realFmt += string(char)
// Imaginary part always has a sign, so force + and ignore space.
imagFmt := "%"
if zero {
imagFmt += "0"
imagFmt += "+"
imagFmt += "10.2"
imagFmt += string(char)
for _, realValue := range values {
for _, imagValue := range values {
one := Sprintf(realFmt, complex(realValue, imagValue))
two := Sprintf("("+realFmt+imagFmt+"i)", realValue, imagValue)
if one != two {
t.Error(f, one, two)
type SE []interface{} // slice of empty; notational compactness.
var reorderTests = []struct {
fmt string
val SE
out string
{"%[1]d", SE{1}, "1"},
{"%[2]d", SE{2, 1}, "1"},
{"%[2]d %[1]d", SE{1, 2}, "2 1"},
{"%[2]*[1]d", SE{2, 5}, " 2"},
{"%6.2f", SE{12.0}, " 12.00"}, // Explicit version of next line.
{"%[3]*.[2]*[1]f", SE{12.0, 2, 6}, " 12.00"},
{"%[1]*.[2]*[3]f", SE{6, 2, 12.0}, " 12.00"},
{"%10f", SE{12.0}, " 12.000000"},
{"%[1]*[3]f", SE{10, 99, 12.0}, " 12.000000"},
{"%.6f", SE{12.0}, "12.000000"}, // Explicit version of next line.
{"%.[1]*[3]f", SE{6, 99, 12.0}, "12.000000"},
{"%6.f", SE{12.0}, " 12"}, // // Explicit version of next line; empty precision means zero.
{"%[1]*.[3]f", SE{6, 3, 12.0}, " 12"},
// An actual use! Print the same arguments twice.
{"%d %d %d %#[1]o %#o %#o", SE{11, 12, 13}, "11 12 13 013 014 015"},
// Erroneous cases.
{"%[d", SE{2, 1}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
{"%]d", SE{2, 1}, "%!](int=2)d%!(EXTRA int=1)"},
{"%[]d", SE{2, 1}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
{"%[-3]d", SE{2, 1}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
{"%[99]d", SE{2, 1}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
{"%[3]", SE{2, 1}, "%!(NOVERB)"},
{"%[1].2d", SE{5, 6}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
{"%[1]2d", SE{2, 1}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
{"%3.[2]d", SE{7}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
{"%.[2]d", SE{7}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
{"%d %d %d %#[1]o %#o %#o %#o", SE{11, 12, 13}, "11 12 13 013 014 015 %!o(MISSING)"},
{"%[5]d %[2]d %d", SE{1, 2, 3}, "%!d(BADINDEX) 2 3"},
{"%d %[3]d %d", SE{1, 2}, "1 %!d(BADINDEX) 2"}, // Erroneous index does not affect sequence.
{"%.[]", SE{}, "%!](BADINDEX)"}, // Issue 10675
{"%.-3d", SE{42}, "%!-(int=42)3d"}, // TODO: Should this set return better error messages?
{"%2147483648d", SE{42}, "%!(NOVERB)%!(EXTRA int=42)"},
{"%-2147483648d", SE{42}, "%!(NOVERB)%!(EXTRA int=42)"},
{"%.2147483648d", SE{42}, "%!(NOVERB)%!(EXTRA int=42)"},
func TestReorder(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range reorderTests {
s := Sprintf(tt.fmt, tt.val...)
if s != tt.out {
t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, %v) = <%s> want <%s>", tt.fmt, tt.val, s, tt.out)
} else {
func BenchmarkSprintfEmpty(b *testing.B) {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
func BenchmarkSprintfString(b *testing.B) {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
Sprintf("%s", "hello")
func BenchmarkSprintfInt(b *testing.B) {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
Sprintf("%d", 5)
func BenchmarkSprintfIntInt(b *testing.B) {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
Sprintf("%d %d", 5, 6)
func BenchmarkSprintfPrefixedInt(b *testing.B) {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
Sprintf("This is some meaningless prefix text that needs to be scanned %d", 6)
func BenchmarkSprintfFloat(b *testing.B) {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
Sprintf("%g", 5.23184)
func BenchmarkManyArgs(b *testing.B) {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for pb.Next() {
Fprintf(&buf, "%2d/%2d/%2d %d:%d:%d %s %s\n", 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, "hello", "world")
func BenchmarkFprintInt(b *testing.B) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
Fprint(&buf, 123456)
func BenchmarkFprintfBytes(b *testing.B) {
data := []byte(string("0123456789"))
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
Fprintf(&buf, "%s", data)
func BenchmarkFprintIntNoAlloc(b *testing.B) {
var x interface{} = 123456
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
Fprint(&buf, x)
var mallocBuf bytes.Buffer
var mallocPointer *int // A pointer so we know the interface value won't allocate.
var mallocTest = []struct {
count int
desc string
fn func()
{0, `Sprintf("")`, func() { Sprintf("") }},
{1, `Sprintf("xxx")`, func() { Sprintf("xxx") }},
{2, `Sprintf("%x")`, func() { Sprintf("%x", 7) }},
{2, `Sprintf("%s")`, func() { Sprintf("%s", "hello") }},
{3, `Sprintf("%x %x")`, func() { Sprintf("%x %x", 7, 112) }},
{2, `Sprintf("%g")`, func() { Sprintf("%g", float32(3.14159)) }}, // TODO: Can this be 1?
{1, `Fprintf(buf, "%s")`, func() { mallocBuf.Reset(); Fprintf(&mallocBuf, "%s", "hello") }},
// If the interface value doesn't need to allocate, amortized allocation overhead should be zero.
{0, `Fprintf(buf, "%x %x %x")`, func() {
Fprintf(&mallocBuf, "%x %x %x", mallocPointer, mallocPointer, mallocPointer)
var _ bytes.Buffer
func TestCountMallocs(t *testing.T) {
switch {
case testing.Short():
t.Skip("skipping malloc count in short mode")
case runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) > 1:
t.Skip("skipping; GOMAXPROCS>1")
case raceenabled:
t.Skip("skipping malloc count under race detector")
for _, mt := range mallocTest {
mallocs := testing.AllocsPerRun(100, mt.fn)
if got, max := mallocs, float64(mt.count); got > max {
t.Errorf("%s: got %v allocs, want <=%v", mt.desc, got, max)
type flagPrinter struct{}
func (flagPrinter) Format(f State, c rune) {
s := "%"
for i := 0; i < 128; i++ {
if f.Flag(i) {
s += string(i)
if w, ok := f.Width(); ok {
s += Sprintf("%d", w)
if p, ok := f.Precision(); ok {
s += Sprintf(".%d", p)
s += string(c)
io.WriteString(f, "["+s+"]")
var flagtests = []struct {
in string
out string
{"%a", "[%a]"},
{"%-a", "[%-a]"},
{"%+a", "[%+a]"},
{"%#a", "[%#a]"},
{"% a", "[% a]"},
{"%0a", "[%0a]"},
{"%1.2a", "[%1.2a]"},
{"%-1.2a", "[%-1.2a]"},
{"%+1.2a", "[%+1.2a]"},
{"%-+1.2a", "[%+-1.2a]"},
{"%-+1.2abc", "[%+-1.2a]bc"},
{"%-1.2abc", "[%-1.2a]bc"},
func TestFlagParser(t *testing.T) {
var flagprinter flagPrinter
for _, tt := range flagtests {
s := Sprintf(tt.in, &flagprinter)
if s != tt.out {
t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, &flagprinter) => %q, want %q", tt.in, s, tt.out)
func TestStructPrinter(t *testing.T) {
type T struct {
a string
b string
c int
var s T
s.a = "abc"
s.b = "def"
s.c = 123
var tests = []struct {
fmt string
out string
{"%v", "{abc def 123}"},
{"%+v", "{a:abc b:def c:123}"},
{"%#v", `fmt_test.T{a:"abc", b:"def", c:123}`},
for _, tt := range tests {
out := Sprintf(tt.fmt, s)
if out != tt.out {
t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, s) = %#q, want %#q", tt.fmt, out, tt.out)
// The same but with a pointer.
out = Sprintf(tt.fmt, &s)
if out != "&"+tt.out {
t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, &s) = %#q, want %#q", tt.fmt, out, "&"+tt.out)
func TestSlicePrinter(t *testing.T) {
slice := []int{}
s := Sprint(slice)
if s != "[]" {
t.Errorf("empty slice printed as %q not %q", s, "[]")
slice = []int{1, 2, 3}
s = Sprint(slice)
if s != "[1 2 3]" {
t.Errorf("slice: got %q expected %q", s, "[1 2 3]")
s = Sprint(&slice)
if s != "&[1 2 3]" {
t.Errorf("&slice: got %q expected %q", s, "&[1 2 3]")
// presentInMap checks map printing using substrings so we don't depend on the
// print order.
func presentInMap(s string, a []string, t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
loc := strings.Index(s, a[i])
if loc < 0 {
t.Errorf("map print: expected to find %q in %q", a[i], s)
// make sure the match ends here
loc += len(a[i])
if loc >= len(s) || (s[loc] != ' ' && s[loc] != ']') {
t.Errorf("map print: %q not properly terminated in %q", a[i], s)
func TestMapPrinter(t *testing.T) {
m0 := make(map[int]string)
s := Sprint(m0)
if s != "map[]" {
t.Errorf("empty map printed as %q not %q", s, "map[]")
m1 := map[int]string{1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three"}
a := []string{"1:one", "2:two", "3:three"}
presentInMap(Sprintf("%v", m1), a, t)
presentInMap(Sprint(m1), a, t)
// Pointer to map prints the same but with initial &.
if !strings.HasPrefix(Sprint(&m1), "&") {
t.Errorf("no initial & for address of map")
presentInMap(Sprintf("%v", &m1), a, t)
presentInMap(Sprint(&m1), a, t)
func TestEmptyMap(t *testing.T) {
const emptyMapStr = "map[]"
var m map[string]int
s := Sprint(m)
if s != emptyMapStr {
t.Errorf("nil map printed as %q not %q", s, emptyMapStr)
m = make(map[string]int)
s = Sprint(m)
if s != emptyMapStr {
t.Errorf("empty map printed as %q not %q", s, emptyMapStr)
// TestBlank checks that Sprint (and hence Print, Fprint) puts spaces in the
// right places, that is, between arg pairs in which neither is a string.
func TestBlank(t *testing.T) {
got := Sprint("<", 1, ">:", 1, 2, 3, "!")
expect := "<1>:1 2 3!"
if got != expect {
t.Errorf("got %q expected %q", got, expect)
// TestBlankln checks that Sprintln (and hence Println, Fprintln) puts spaces in
// the right places, that is, between all arg pairs.
func TestBlankln(t *testing.T) {
got := Sprintln("<", 1, ">:", 1, 2, 3, "!")
expect := "< 1 >: 1 2 3 !\n"
if got != expect {
t.Errorf("got %q expected %q", got, expect)
// TestFormatterPrintln checks Formatter with Sprint, Sprintln, Sprintf.
func TestFormatterPrintln(t *testing.T) {
f := F(1)
expect := "<v=F(1)>\n"
s := Sprint(f, "\n")
if s != expect {
t.Errorf("Sprint wrong with Formatter: expected %q got %q", expect, s)
s = Sprintln(f)
if s != expect {
t.Errorf("Sprintln wrong with Formatter: expected %q got %q", expect, s)
s = Sprintf("%v\n", f)
if s != expect {
t.Errorf("Sprintf wrong with Formatter: expected %q got %q", expect, s)
func args(a ...interface{}) []interface{} { return a }
var startests = []struct {
fmt string
in []interface{}
out string
{"%*d", args(4, 42), " 42"},
{"%-*d", args(4, 42), "42 "},
{"%*d", args(-4, 42), "42 "},
{"%-*d", args(-4, 42), "42 "},
{"%.*d", args(4, 42), "0042"},
{"%*.*d", args(8, 4, 42), " 0042"},
{"%0*d", args(4, 42), "0042"},
// Some non-int types for width. (Issue 10732).
{"%0*d", args(uint(4), 42), "0042"},
{"%0*d", args(uint64(4), 42), "0042"},
{"%0*d", args('\x04', 42), "0042"},
{"%0*d", args(uintptr(4), 42), "0042"},
// erroneous
{"%*d", args(nil, 42), "%!(BADWIDTH)42"},
{"%*d", args(int(1e7), 42), "%!(BADWIDTH)42"},
{"%*d", args(int(-1e7), 42), "%!(BADWIDTH)42"},
{"%.*d", args(nil, 42), "%!(BADPREC)42"},
{"%.*d", args(-1, 42), "%!(BADPREC)42"},
{"%.*d", args(int(1e7), 42), "%!(BADPREC)42"},
{"%.*d", args(uint(1e7), 42), "%!(BADPREC)42"},
{"%.*d", args(uint64(1<<63), 42), "%!(BADPREC)42"}, // Huge negative (-inf).
{"%.*d", args(uint64(1<<64-1), 42), "%!(BADPREC)42"}, // Small negative (-1).
{"%*d", args(5, "foo"), "%!d(string= foo)"},
{"%*% %d", args(20, 5), "% 5"},
{"%*", args(4), "%!(NOVERB)"},
func TestWidthAndPrecision(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range startests {
s := Sprintf(tt.fmt, tt.in...)
if s != tt.out {
t.Errorf("#%d: %q: got %q expected %q", i, tt.fmt, s, tt.out)
// Panic is a type that panics in String.
type Panic struct {
message interface{}
// Value receiver.
func (p Panic) GoString() string {
// Value receiver.
func (p Panic) String() string {
// PanicF is a type that panics in Format.
type PanicF struct {
message interface{}
// Value receiver.
func (p PanicF) Format(f State, c rune) {
var panictests = []struct {
fmt string
in interface{}
out string
// String
{"%s", (*Panic)(nil), "<nil>"}, // nil pointer special case
{"%s", Panic{io.ErrUnexpectedEOF}, "%!s(PANIC=unexpected EOF)"},
{"%s", Panic{3}, "%!s(PANIC=3)"},
// GoString
{"%#v", (*Panic)(nil), "<nil>"}, // nil pointer special case
{"%#v", Panic{io.ErrUnexpectedEOF}, "%!v(PANIC=unexpected EOF)"},
{"%#v", Panic{3}, "%!v(PANIC=3)"},
// Format
{"%s", (*PanicF)(nil), "<nil>"}, // nil pointer special case
{"%s", PanicF{io.ErrUnexpectedEOF}, "%!s(PANIC=unexpected EOF)"},
{"%s", PanicF{3}, "%!s(PANIC=3)"},
func TestPanics(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range panictests {
s := Sprintf(tt.fmt, tt.in)
if s != tt.out {
t.Errorf("%d: %q: got %q expected %q", i, tt.fmt, s, tt.out)
// recurCount tests that erroneous String routine doesn't cause fatal recursion.
var recurCount = 0
type Recur struct {
i int
failed *bool
func (r *Recur) String() string {
if recurCount++; recurCount > 10 {
*r.failed = true
return "FAIL"
// This will call badVerb. Before the fix, that would cause us to recur into
// this routine to print %!p(value). Now we don't call the user's method
// during an error.
return Sprintf("recur@%p value: %d", r, r.i)
func TestBadVerbRecursion(t *testing.T) {
failed := false
r := &Recur{3, &failed}
Sprintf("recur@%p value: %d\n", &r, r.i)
if failed {
t.Error("fail with pointer")
failed = false
r = &Recur{4, &failed}
Sprintf("recur@%p, value: %d\n", r, r.i)
if failed {
t.Error("fail with value")
func TestIsSpace(t *testing.T) {
// This tests the internal isSpace function.
// IsSpace = isSpace is defined in export_test.go.
for i := rune(0); i <= unicode.MaxRune; i++ {
if IsSpace(i) != unicode.IsSpace(i) {
t.Errorf("isSpace(%U) = %v, want %v", i, IsSpace(i), unicode.IsSpace(i))
func TestNilDoesNotBecomeTyped(t *testing.T) {
type A struct{}
type B struct{}
var a *A = nil
var b B = B{}
got := Sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s", nil, a, nil, b, nil) // go vet should complain about this line.
const expect = "%!s(<nil>) %!s(*fmt_test.A=<nil>) %!s(<nil>) {} %!s(<nil>)"
if got != expect {
t.Errorf("expected:\n\t%q\ngot:\n\t%q", expect, got)
var formatterFlagTests = []struct {
in string
val interface{}
out string
// scalar values with the (unused by fmt) 'a' verb.
{"%a", flagPrinter{}, "[%a]"},
{"%-a", flagPrinter{}, "[%-a]"},
{"%+a", flagPrinter{}, "[%+a]"},
{"%#a", flagPrinter{}, "[%#a]"},
{"% a", flagPrinter{}, "[% a]"},
{"%0a", flagPrinter{}, "[%0a]"},
{"%1.2a", flagPrinter{}, "[%1.2a]"},
{"%-1.2a", flagPrinter{}, "[%-1.2a]"},
{"%+1.2a", flagPrinter{}, "[%+1.2a]"},
{"%-+1.2a", flagPrinter{}, "[%+-1.2a]"},
{"%-+1.2abc", flagPrinter{}, "[%+-1.2a]bc"},
{"%-1.2abc", flagPrinter{}, "[%-1.2a]bc"},
// composite values with the 'a' verb
{"%a", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%a]]"},
{"%-a", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%-a]]"},
{"%+a", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%+a]]"},
{"%#a", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%#a]]"},
{"% a", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[% a]]"},
{"%0a", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%0a]]"},
{"%1.2a", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%1.2a]]"},
{"%-1.2a", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%-1.2a]]"},
{"%+1.2a", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%+1.2a]]"},
{"%-+1.2a", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%+-1.2a]]"},
{"%-+1.2abc", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%+-1.2a]]bc"},
{"%-1.2abc", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%-1.2a]]bc"},
// simple values with the 'v' verb
{"%v", flagPrinter{}, "[%v]"},
{"%-v", flagPrinter{}, "[%-v]"},
{"%+v", flagPrinter{}, "[%+v]"},
{"%#v", flagPrinter{}, "[%#v]"},
{"% v", flagPrinter{}, "[% v]"},
{"%0v", flagPrinter{}, "[%0v]"},
{"%1.2v", flagPrinter{}, "[%1.2v]"},
{"%-1.2v", flagPrinter{}, "[%-1.2v]"},
{"%+1.2v", flagPrinter{}, "[%+1.2v]"},
{"%-+1.2v", flagPrinter{}, "[%+-1.2v]"},
{"%-+1.2vbc", flagPrinter{}, "[%+-1.2v]bc"},
{"%-1.2vbc", flagPrinter{}, "[%-1.2v]bc"},
// composite values with the 'v' verb.
{"%v", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%v]]"},
{"%-v", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%-v]]"},
{"%+v", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%+v]]"},
{"%#v", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[1]fmt_test.flagPrinter{[%#v]}"},
{"% v", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[% v]]"},
{"%0v", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%0v]]"},
{"%1.2v", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%1.2v]]"},
{"%-1.2v", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%-1.2v]]"},
{"%+1.2v", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%+1.2v]]"},
{"%-+1.2v", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%+-1.2v]]"},
{"%-+1.2vbc", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%+-1.2v]]bc"},
{"%-1.2vbc", [1]flagPrinter{}, "[[%-1.2v]]bc"},
func TestFormatterFlags(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range formatterFlagTests {
s := Sprintf(tt.in, tt.val)
if s != tt.out {
t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, %T) = %q, want %q", tt.in, tt.val, s, tt.out)