mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-11-22 12:14:42 -07:00
2008-06-25 17:07:22 -07:00

381 lines
8.5 KiB

=========== ./args.go
panic on line 171 PC=0x150c
mainM-BM-7main(0, 0, 0, ...)
mainM-BM-7main(0x0, 0x0, 0x3, ...)
=========== ./char_lit.go
=========== ./float_lit.go
=========== ./for.go
=========== ./func.go
=========== ./func1.go
BUG: known to succeed incorrectly
=========== ./hashmap.go
. MOD u(101) l(234) <uint32>UINT32
. . CALLINTER u(100) l(234) <uint32>UINT32
. . . DOTINTER u(1) l(234) 101({},{}){}
. . . . NAME-key G253 a(1) g(253) l(231) *<KeyType>I{}
. . . . NAME-Hash G0 a(1) l(182)
. . CALLMETH u(100) l(234) <uint32>UINT32
. . . DOTMETH u(1) l(234) 101({},{}){}
. . . . NAME-HashMap_capacity G0 a(1) l(208) 101({},{}){}
. . . AS u(1) l(234)
. . . . INDREG a(1) l(234) m G252 *<HashMap>{}
. . . . NAME-m G252 a(1) g(252) l(231) *<HashMap>{}
hashmap.go:71: fatal error: cgen: both sides functions
=========== ./helloworld.go
hello, world
=========== ./if.go
=========== ./if1.go
=========== ./int_lit.go
=========== ./integer.go
=========== ./iota.go
=========== ./literal.go
=========== ./nil.go
=========== ./sieve.go
sieve.go:8: fatal error: walktype: switch 1 unknown op SEND l(171)
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== ./string_lit.go
=========== ./switch.go
=========== ./switch1.go
=========== ./test0.go
test0.go:48: illegal types for operand: AS
test0.go:49: illegal types for operand: AS
test0.go:50: error in shape across assignment
test0.go:47: illegal types for operand: CALLMETH
test0.go:47: illegal types for operand: AS
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== ./test_integer.go
=========== ./turing.go
Hello World!
=========== ken/for.go
=========== ken/interfun.go
=========== ken/intervar.go
print 1 bio 2 file 3 -- abc
=========== ken/label.go
=========== ken/litfun.go
=========== ken/mfunc.go
=========== ken/ptrfun.go
=========== ken/ptrvar.go
=========== ken/rob1.go
=========== ken/rob2.go
(defn foo (add 12 34))
=========== ken/robfor.go
=========== ken/robfunc.go
=========== ken/robif.go
=========== ken/robiota.go
=========== ken/robliteral.go
=========== ken/robswitch.go
=========== ken/simparray.go
=========== ken/simpbool.go
=========== ken/simpconv.go
=========== ken/simpfun.go
=========== ken/simpprint.go
hello world
=========== ken/simpswitch.go
=========== ken/simpvar.go
=========== ken/string.go
=========== ken/strvar.go
=========== bugs/bug006.go
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug010.go
bugs/bug010.go:7: i: undefined
bugs/bug010.go:8: illegal conversion of constant to 002({},{}){}
bugs/bug010.go:8: illegal types for operand: AS
bugs/bug010.go:9: error in shape across assignment
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug015.go
BUG: known to succeed incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug022.go
bugs/bug022.go:8: illegal types for operand: INDEXPTR
bugs/bug022.go:8: illegal types for operand: AS
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug023.go
=========== bugs/bug025.go
bugs/bug025.go:7: fatal error: dumpexportvar: oname nil: Foo
BUG: known to fail incorrectly or at least with a bad message
=========== bugs/bug026.go
traceback: mainM-BM-7sigs_I: not defined
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug027.go
bugs/bug027.go:50: illegal types for operand: CONV
bugs/bug027.go:50: illegal types for operand: CONV
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug029.go
BUG: known to succeed incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug032.go
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug033.go
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug034.go
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug035.go
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug037.go
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug039.go
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug041.go
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug042.go
bugs/bug042.go:6: syntax error
BUG: compilation should succeed
=========== bugs/bug043.go
bugs/bug043.go:14: error in shape across assignment
bugs/bug043.go:14: error in shape across assignment
BUG: compilation should succeed
=========== bugs/bug044.go
bugs/bug044.go:23: error in shape across assignment
BUG: compilation should succeed
=========== bugs/bug046.go
bugs/bug046.go:7: illegal <this> pointer
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug047.go
bugs/bug047.go:13: illegal types for operand: CONV
bugs/bug047.go:16: illegal types for operand: CONV
bugs/bug047.go:13: illegal types for operand: CONV
bugs/bug047.go:16: illegal types for operand: CONV
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug048.go
bugs/bug048.go:7: illegal types for operand: CONV
bugs/bug048.go:8: syntax error
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug049.go
=========== bugs/bug050.go
bugs/bug050.go:3: package statement must be first
sys.6:1 bugs/bug050.go:2: syntax error
BUG: segfault
=========== bugs/bug051.go
bugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
bugs/bug051.go:10: fatal error: too many errors
BUG: infinite loop in error reporting
=========== bugs/bug052.go
SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
Faulting address: 0x1
pc: 0x152c
mainM-BM-7main(0, 0, 0, ...)
mainM-BM-7main(0x0, 0x0, 0x1, ...)
rax 0x1
rbx 0x7
rcx 0x7fffffffe8f8
rdx 0x3
rdi 0x7fffffffe920
rsi 0x5b00
rbp 0x7fffffffe938
rsp 0x7fffffffe8f0
r8 0x0
r9 0x0
r10 0x8
r11 0x202
r12 0x0
r13 0x0
r14 0x0
r15 0x0
rip 0x152c
rflags 0x10202
cs 0x33
fs 0x0
gs 0x0
BUG: incorrect code for division
=========== bugs/bug053.go
bugs/bug053.go:6: syntax error
BUG: len should not be a keyword
=========== bugs/bug054.go
. CALL u(100) l(188) <Element>I{}
. . NAME-Vector_At G0 a(1) l(175) 111({},{}){}
. . AS u(1) l(188)
. . . INDREG a(1) l(188) v G0 *<Vector>{}
. . . DOTPTR u(1) l(188) *<Vector>{}
. . . . NAME-s G224 a(1) g(224) l(184) *<TStruct>{}
. . . . NAME-fields G0 a(1) l(181)
. . AS u(1) l(188)
. . . INDREG a(1) l(188) i G225 <int32>INT32
. . . NAME-i G225 a(1) g(225) l(184) <int32>INT32
bugs/bug054.go:25: fatal error: agen_inter i2s
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug055.go
bug055.go:1: fatal error: cant open: bug055.go
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug056.go
bugs/bug056.go:9: illegal types for operand: AS
BUG: compilation should succeed
=========== fixedbugs/bug000.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug001.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug002.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug003.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug004.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug005.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug007.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug008.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug009.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug011.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug012.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug013.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug014.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug016.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug017.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug020.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug021.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug024.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug028.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug030.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug031.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug036.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug038.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug040.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug045.go