mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-10-05 06:11:21 -06:00
Russ Cox 9f647288ef cmd/gc: avoid runtime code generation for closures
Change ARM context register to R7, to get out of the way
of the register allocator during the compilation of the
prologue statements (it wants to use R0 as a temporary).

Step 2 of http://golang.org/s/go11func.

2013-02-22 14:25:50 -05:00

1487 lines
33 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <bio.h>
#undef OAPPEND
// avoid <ctype.h>
#undef isblank
#define isblank goisblank
#ifndef EXTERN
#define EXTERN extern
#undef BUFSIZ
// The parser's maximum stack size.
// We have to use a #define macro here since yacc
// or bison will check for its definition and use
// a potentially smaller value if it is undefined.
#define YYMAXDEPTH 500
NHUNK = 50000,
BUFSIZ = 8192,
NSYMB = 500,
NHASH = 1024,
UINF = 100,
HISTSZ = 10,
PRIME1 = 3,
AUNK = 100,
// These values are known by runtime.
// The MEMx and NOEQx values must run in parallel. See algtype.
AMEM = 0,
BADWIDTH = -1000000000,
extern vlong MAXWIDTH;
* note this is the representation
* of the compilers string literals,
* it is not the runtime representation
typedef struct Strlit Strlit;
struct Strlit
int32 len;
char s[3]; // variable
Mpscale = 29, // safely smaller than bits in a long
Mpprec = 16, // Mpscale*Mpprec is max number of bits
Mpnorm = Mpprec - 1, // significant words in a normalized float
Mpbase = 1L << Mpscale,
Mpsign = Mpbase >> 1,
Mpmask = Mpbase - 1,
Mpdebug = 0,
typedef struct Mpint Mpint;
struct Mpint
long a[Mpprec];
uchar neg;
uchar ovf;
typedef struct Mpflt Mpflt;
struct Mpflt
Mpint val;
short exp;
typedef struct Mpcplx Mpcplx;
struct Mpcplx
Mpflt real;
Mpflt imag;
typedef struct Val Val;
struct Val
short ctype;
short reg; // OREGISTER
short bval; // bool value CTBOOL
Mpint* xval; // int CTINT, rune CTRUNE
Mpflt* fval; // float CTFLT
Mpcplx* cval; // float CTCPLX
Strlit* sval; // string CTSTR
} u;
typedef struct Pkg Pkg;
typedef struct Sym Sym;
typedef struct Node Node;
typedef struct NodeList NodeList;
typedef struct Type Type;
typedef struct Label Label;
struct Type
uchar etype;
uchar nointerface;
uchar chan;
uchar trecur; // to detect loops
uchar printed;
uchar embedded; // TFIELD embedded type
uchar siggen;
uchar funarg; // on TSTRUCT and TFIELD
uchar copyany;
uchar local; // created in this file
uchar deferwidth;
uchar broke; // broken type definition.
uchar isddd; // TFIELD is ... argument
uchar align;
Node* nod; // canonical OTYPE node
Type* orig; // original type (type literal or predefined type)
int lineno;
uchar thistuple;
uchar outtuple;
uchar intuple;
uchar outnamed;
Type* method;
Type* xmethod;
Sym* sym;
int32 vargen; // unique name for OTYPE/ONAME
Node* nname;
vlong argwid;
// most nodes
Type* type; // actual type for TFIELD, element type for TARRAY, TCHAN, TMAP, TPTRxx
vlong width; // offset in TFIELD, width in all others
Type* down; // next struct field, also key type in TMAP
Type* outer; // outer struct
Strlit* note; // literal string annotation
vlong bound; // negative is dynamic array
int32 maplineno; // first use of TFORW as map key
int32 embedlineno; // first use of TFORW as embedded type
// for TFORW, where to copy the eventual value to
NodeList *copyto;
// for usefield
Node *lastfn;
#define T ((Type*)0)
typedef struct InitEntry InitEntry;
typedef struct InitPlan InitPlan;
struct InitEntry
vlong xoffset; // struct, array only
Node *key; // map only
Node *expr;
struct InitPlan
vlong lit; // bytes of initialized non-zero literals
vlong zero; // bytes of zeros
vlong expr; // bytes of run-time computed expressions
InitEntry *e;
int len;
int cap;
EscBits = 4,
EscMask = (1<<EscBits) - 1,
struct Node
// Tree structure.
// Generic recursive walks should follow these fields.
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node* ntest;
Node* nincr;
NodeList* ninit;
NodeList* nbody;
NodeList* nelse;
NodeList* list;
NodeList* rlist;
uchar op;
uchar nointerface;
uchar ullman; // sethi/ullman number
uchar addable; // type of addressability - 0 is not addressable
uchar trecur; // to detect loops
uchar etype; // op for OASOP, etype for OTYPE, exclam for export
uchar bounded; // bounds check unnecessary
uchar class; // PPARAM, PAUTO, PEXTERN, etc
uchar method; // OCALLMETH name
uchar embedded; // ODCLFIELD embedded type
uchar colas; // OAS resulting from :=
uchar diag; // already printed error about this
uchar esc; // EscXXX
uchar noescape; // func arguments do not escape
uchar funcdepth;
uchar builtin; // built-in name, like len or close
uchar walkdef;
uchar typecheck;
uchar local;
uchar dodata;
uchar initorder;
uchar used;
uchar isddd;
uchar readonly;
uchar implicit;
uchar addrtaken; // address taken, even if not moved to heap
uchar dupok; // duplicate definitions ok (for func)
schar likely; // likeliness of if statement
// most nodes
Type* type;
Type* realtype; // as determined by typecheck
Node* orig; // original form, for printing, and tracking copies of ONAMEs
// func
Node* nname;
Node* shortname;
NodeList* enter;
NodeList* exit;
NodeList* cvars; // closure params
NodeList* dcl; // autodcl for this func/closure
NodeList* inl; // copy of the body for use in inlining
Val val;
Node* ntype;
Node* defn; // ONAME: initializing assignment; OLABEL: labeled statement
Node* pack; // real package for import . names
Node* curfn; // function for local variables
Type* paramfld; // TFIELD for this PPARAM; also for ODOT, curfn
// ONAME func param with PHEAP
Node* heapaddr; // temp holding heap address of param
Node* stackparam; // OPARAM node referring to stack copy of param
Node* alloc; // allocation call
// ONAME closure param with PPARAMREF
Node* outer; // outer PPARAMREF in nested closure
// ONAME substitute while inlining
Node* inlvar;
Pkg* pkg;
InitPlan* initplan;
// Escape analysis.
NodeList* escflowsrc; // flow(this, src)
NodeList* escretval; // on OCALLxxx, list of dummy return values
int escloopdepth; // -1: global, 0: return variables, 1:function top level, increased inside function for every loop or label to mark scopes
Sym* sym; // various
int32 vargen; // unique name for OTYPE/ONAME
int32 lineno;
int32 endlineno;
vlong xoffset;
vlong stkdelta; // offset added by stack frame compaction phase.
int32 ostk;
int32 iota;
uint32 walkgen;
int32 esclevel;
#define N ((Node*)0)
* Every node has a walkgen field.
* If you want to do a traversal of a node graph that
* might contain duplicates and want to avoid
* visiting the same nodes twice, increment walkgen
* before starting. Then before processing a node, do
* if(n->walkgen == walkgen)
* return;
* n->walkgen = walkgen;
* Such a walk cannot call another such walk recursively,
* because of the use of the global walkgen.
EXTERN uint32 walkgen;
struct NodeList
Node* n;
NodeList* next;
NodeList* end;
SymExport = 1<<0, // to be exported
SymPackage = 1<<1,
SymExported = 1<<2, // already written out by export
SymUniq = 1<<3,
SymSiggen = 1<<4,
SymGcgen = 1<<5,
struct Sym
ushort lexical;
uchar flags;
uchar sym; // huffman encoding in object file
Sym* link;
int32 npkg; // number of imported packages with this name
// saved and restored by dcopy
Pkg* pkg;
char* name; // variable name
Node* def; // definition: ONAME OTYPE OPACK or OLITERAL
Label* label; // corresponding label (ephemeral)
int32 block; // blocknumber to catch redeclaration
int32 lastlineno; // last declaration for diagnostic
Pkg* origpkg; // original package for . import
#define S ((Sym*)0)
EXTERN Sym* dclstack;
struct Pkg
char* name; // package name
Strlit* path; // string literal used in import statement
Sym* pathsym;
char* prefix; // escaped path for use in symbol table
Pkg* link;
uchar imported; // export data of this package was parsed
char exported; // import line written in export data
char direct; // imported directly
typedef struct Iter Iter;
struct Iter
int done;
Type* tfunc;
Type* t;
Node** an;
Node* n;
typedef struct Hist Hist;
struct Hist
Hist* link;
char* name;
int32 line;
int32 offset;
#define H ((Hist*)0)
// Node ops.
// names
ONAME, // var, const or func name
ONONAME, // unnamed arg or return value: f(int, string) (int, error) { etc }
OTYPE, // type name
OPACK, // import
OLITERAL, // literal
// expressions
OADD, // x + y
OSUB, // x - y
OOR, // x | y
OXOR, // x ^ y
OADDSTR, // s + "foo"
OADDR, // &x
OANDAND, // b0 && b1
OAPPEND, // append
OARRAYBYTESTR, // string(bytes)
OARRAYRUNESTR, // string(runes)
OSTRARRAYBYTE, // []byte(s)
OSTRARRAYRUNE, // []rune(s)
OAS, // x = y or x := y
OAS2, // x, y, z = xx, yy, zz
OAS2FUNC, // x, y = f()
OAS2RECV, // x, ok = <-c
OAS2MAPR, // x, ok = m["foo"]
OAS2DOTTYPE, // x, ok = I.(int)
OASOP, // x += y
OCALL, // function call, method call or type conversion, possibly preceded by defer or go.
OCALLMETH, // t.Method()
OCALLINTER, // err.Error()
OCAP, // cap
OCLOSE, // close
OCLOSURE, // f = func() { etc }
OCMPIFACE, // err1 == err2
OCMPSTR, // s1 == s2
OCOMPLIT, // composite literal, typechecking may convert to a more specific OXXXLIT.
OMAPLIT, // M{"foo":3, "bar":4}
OSTRUCTLIT, // T{x:3, y:4}
OARRAYLIT, // [2]int{3, 4}
OPTRLIT, // &T{x:3, y:4}
OCONV, // var i int; var u uint; i = int(u)
OCONVNOP, // type Int int; var i int; var j Int; i = int(j)
OCOPY, // copy
ODCL, // var x int
ODCLFUNC, // func f() or func (r) f()
ODCLFIELD, // struct field, interface field, or func/method argument/return value.
ODCLCONST, // const pi = 3.14
ODCLTYPE, // type Int int
ODELETE, // delete
ODOT, // t.x
ODOTPTR, // p.x that is implicitly (*p).x
ODOTMETH, // t.Method
ODOTINTER, // err.Error
OXDOT, // t.x, typechecking may convert to a more specific ODOTXXX.
ODOTTYPE, // e = err.(MyErr)
ODOTTYPE2, // e, ok = err.(MyErr)
OEQ, // x == y
ONE, // x != y
OLT, // x < y
OLE, // x <= y
OGE, // x >= y
OGT, // x > y
OIND, // *p
OINDEX, // a[i]
OINDEXMAP, // m[s]
OKEY, // The x:3 in t{x:3, y:4}, the 1:2 in a[1:2], the 2:20 in [3]int{2:20}, etc.
OPARAM, // The on-stack copy of a parameter or return value that escapes.
OLEN, // len
OMAKE, // make, typechecking may convert to a more specfic OMAKEXXX.
OMAKECHAN, // make(chan int)
OMAKEMAP, // make(map[string]int)
OMAKESLICE, // make([]int, 0)
OMUL, // x * y
ODIV, // x / y
OMOD, // x % y
OLSH, // x << u
ORSH, // x >> u
OAND, // x & y
OANDNOT, // x &^ y
ONEW, // new
ONOT, // !b
OCOM, // ^x
OPLUS, // +x
OMINUS, // -y
OOROR, // b1 || b2
OPANIC, // panic
OPRINT, // print
OPRINTN, // println
OPAREN, // (x)
OSEND, // c <- x
OSLICE, // v[1:2], typechecking may convert to a more specfic OSLICEXXX.
OSLICEARR, // a[1:2]
OSLICESTR, // s[1:2]
ORECOVER, // recover
ORECV, // <-c
ORUNESTR, // string(i)
OSELRECV, // case x = <-c:
OSELRECV2, // case x, ok = <-c:
OIOTA, // iota
OREAL, // real
OIMAG, // imag
OCOMPLEX, // complex
// statements
OBLOCK, // block of code
OBREAK, // break
OCASE, // case, after being verified by swt.c's casebody.
OXCASE, // case, before verification.
OCONTINUE, // continue
ODEFER, // defer
OEMPTY, // no-op
OFALL, // fallthrough, after being verified by swt.c's casebody.
OXFALL, // fallthrough, before verification.
OFOR, // for
OGOTO, // goto
OIF, // if
OLABEL, // label:
OPROC, // go
ORANGE, // range
ORETURN, // return
OSELECT, // select
OSWITCH, // switch x
OTYPESW, // switch err.(type)
// types
OTCHAN, // chan int
OTMAP, // map[string]int
OTSTRUCT, // struct{}
OTINTER, // interface{}
OTFUNC, // func()
OTARRAY, // []int, [8]int, [N]int or [...]int
// misc
ODDD, // func f(args ...int) or f(l...) or var a = [...]int{0, 1, 2}.
ODDDARG, // func f(args ...int), introduced by escape analysis.
OINLCALL, // intermediary representation of an inlined call.
OEFACE, // itable and data words of an empty-interface value.
OITAB, // itable word of an interface value.
OCLOSUREVAR, // variable reference at beginning of closure function
OCFUNC, // reference to c function pointer (not go func value)
// arch-specific registers
OREGISTER, // a register, such as AX.
OINDREG, // offset plus indirect of a register, such as 8(SP).
// 386/amd64-specific opcodes
OCMP, // compare: ACMP.
ODEC, // decrement: ADEC.
OINC, // increment: AINC.
OHMUL, // high mul: AMUL/AIMUL for unsigned/signed (OMUL uses AIMUL for both).
OLROT, // left rotate: AROL.
ORROTC, // right rotate-carry: ARCR.
Txxx, // 0
TINT8, TUINT8, // 1
TCOMPLEX64, // 12
TFLOAT32, // 14
TBOOL, // 16
TPTR32, TPTR64, // 17
TFUNC, // 19
TSTRUCT, // 22
TINTER, // 25
// pseudo-types for literals
TIDEAL, // 31
// pseudo-type for frame layout
/* types of channel */
/* must match ../../pkg/nreflect/type.go:/Chandir */
Crecv = 1<<0,
Csend = 1<<1,
Cboth = Crecv | Csend,
// declaration context
PEXTERN, // global variable
PAUTO, // local variables
PPARAM, // input arguments
PPARAMOUT, // output results
PPARAMREF, // closure variable reference
PFUNC, // global function
PDISCARD, // discard during parse of duplicate import
PHEAP = 1<<7, // an extra bit to identify an escaped variable
Etop = 1<<1, // evaluated at statement level
Erv = 1<<2, // evaluated in value context
Etype = 1<<3,
Ecall = 1<<4, // call-only expressions are ok
Efnstruct = 1<<5, // multivalue function returns are ok
Eiota = 1<<6, // iota is ok
Easgn = 1<<7, // assigning to expression
Eindir = 1<<8, // indirecting through expression
Eaddr = 1<<9, // taking address of expression
Eproc = 1<<10, // inside a go statement
Ecomplit = 1<<11, // type in composite literal
#define BITS 5
#define NVAR (BITS*sizeof(uint32)*8)
typedef struct Bits Bits;
struct Bits
uint32 b[BITS];
EXTERN Bits zbits;
typedef struct Var Var;
struct Var
vlong offset;
Sym* gotype;
Node* node;
int width;
char name;
char etype;
char addr;
typedef struct Typedef Typedef;
struct Typedef
char* name;
int etype;
int sameas;
extern Typedef typedefs[];
typedef struct Sig Sig;
struct Sig
char* name;
Pkg* pkg;
Sym* isym;
Sym* tsym;
Type* type;
Type* mtype;
int32 offset;
Sig* link;
typedef struct Io Io;
struct Io
char* infile;
Biobuf* bin;
int32 ilineno;
int nlsemi;
int eofnl;
int peekc;
int peekc1; // second peekc for ...
char* cp; // used for content when bin==nil
int importsafe;
typedef struct Dlist Dlist;
struct Dlist
Type* field;
typedef struct Idir Idir;
struct Idir
Idir* link;
char* dir;
* argument passing to/from
* smagic and umagic
typedef struct Magic Magic;
struct Magic
int w; // input for both - width
int s; // output for both - shift
int bad; // output for both - unexpected failure
// magic multiplier for signed literal divisors
int64 sd; // input - literal divisor
int64 sm; // output - multiplier
// magic multiplier for unsigned literal divisors
uint64 ud; // input - literal divisor
uint64 um; // output - multiplier
int ua; // output - adder
typedef struct Prog Prog;
#pragma incomplete Prog
struct Label
uchar used;
Sym* sym;
Node* def;
NodeList* use;
Label* link;
// for use during gen
Prog* gotopc; // pointer to unresolved gotos
Prog* labelpc; // pointer to code
Prog* breakpc; // pointer to code
Prog* continpc; // pointer to code
#define L ((Label*)0)
* note this is the runtime representation
* of the compilers arrays.
* typedef struct
* { // must not move anything
* uchar array[8]; // pointer to data
* uchar nel[4]; // number of elements
* uchar cap[4]; // allocated number of elements
* } Array;
EXTERN int Array_array; // runtime offsetof(Array,array) - same for String
EXTERN int Array_nel; // runtime offsetof(Array,nel) - same for String
EXTERN int Array_cap; // runtime offsetof(Array,cap)
EXTERN int sizeof_Array; // runtime sizeof(Array)
* note this is the runtime representation
* of the compilers strings.
* typedef struct
* { // must not move anything
* uchar array[8]; // pointer to data
* uchar nel[4]; // number of elements
* } String;
EXTERN int sizeof_String; // runtime sizeof(String)
EXTERN Dlist dotlist[10]; // size is max depth of embeddeds
EXTERN Io curio;
EXTERN Io pushedio;
EXTERN int32 lexlineno;
EXTERN int32 lineno;
EXTERN int32 prevlineno;
EXTERN char* pathname;
EXTERN Hist* hist;
EXTERN Hist* ehist;
EXTERN char* infile;
EXTERN char* outfile;
EXTERN Biobuf* bout;
EXTERN int nerrors;
EXTERN int nsavederrors;
EXTERN int nsyntaxerrors;
EXTERN int safemode;
EXTERN char namebuf[NSYMB];
EXTERN char lexbuf[NSYMB];
EXTERN char litbuf[NSYMB];
EXTERN int debug[256];
EXTERN Sym* hash[NHASH];
EXTERN Sym* importmyname; // my name for package
EXTERN Pkg* localpkg; // package being compiled
EXTERN Pkg* importpkg; // package being imported
EXTERN Pkg* structpkg; // package that declared struct, during import
EXTERN Pkg* builtinpkg; // fake package for builtins
EXTERN Pkg* gostringpkg; // fake pkg for Go strings
EXTERN Pkg* itabpkg; // fake pkg for itab cache
EXTERN Pkg* runtimepkg; // package runtime
EXTERN Pkg* racepkg; // package runtime/race
EXTERN Pkg* stringpkg; // fake package for C strings
EXTERN Pkg* typepkg; // fake package for runtime type info (headers)
EXTERN Pkg* typelinkpkg; // fake package for runtime type info (data)
EXTERN Pkg* weaktypepkg; // weak references to runtime type info
EXTERN Pkg* unsafepkg; // package unsafe
EXTERN Pkg* trackpkg; // fake package for field tracking
EXTERN Pkg* phash[128];
EXTERN int tptr; // either TPTR32 or TPTR64
extern char* runtimeimport;
extern char* unsafeimport;
EXTERN char* myimportpath;
EXTERN Idir* idirs;
EXTERN char* localimport;
EXTERN Type* types[NTYPE];
EXTERN Type* idealstring;
EXTERN Type* idealbool;
EXTERN Type* bytetype;
EXTERN Type* runetype;
EXTERN Type* errortype;
EXTERN uchar simtype[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar isptr[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar isforw[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar isint[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar isfloat[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar iscomplex[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar issigned[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar issimple[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar okforeq[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar okforadd[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar okforand[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar okfornone[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar okforcmp[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar okforbool[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar okforcap[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar okforlen[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar okforarith[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar okforconst[NTYPE];
EXTERN uchar* okfor[OEND];
EXTERN uchar iscmp[OEND];
EXTERN Mpint* minintval[NTYPE];
EXTERN Mpint* maxintval[NTYPE];
EXTERN Mpflt* minfltval[NTYPE];
EXTERN Mpflt* maxfltval[NTYPE];
EXTERN NodeList* xtop;
EXTERN NodeList* externdcl;
EXTERN NodeList* closures;
EXTERN NodeList* exportlist;
EXTERN NodeList* importlist; // imported functions and methods with inlinable bodies
EXTERN NodeList* funcsyms;
EXTERN int dclcontext; // PEXTERN/PAUTO
EXTERN int incannedimport;
EXTERN int statuniqgen; // name generator for static temps
EXTERN int loophack;
EXTERN int32 iota;
EXTERN NodeList* lastconst;
EXTERN Node* lasttype;
EXTERN vlong maxarg;
EXTERN vlong stksize; // stack size for current frame
EXTERN int32 blockgen; // max block number
EXTERN int32 block; // current block number
EXTERN int hasdefer; // flag that curfn has defer statetment
EXTERN Node* curfn;
EXTERN int widthptr;
EXTERN int widthint;
EXTERN Node* typesw;
EXTERN Node* nblank;
extern int thechar;
extern char* thestring;
EXTERN int use_sse;
EXTERN char* hunk;
EXTERN int32 nhunk;
EXTERN int32 thunk;
EXTERN int funcdepth;
EXTERN int typecheckok;
EXTERN int compiling_runtime;
EXTERN int compiling_wrappers;
EXTERN int pure_go;
EXTERN int flag_race;
EXTERN int flag_largemodel;
EXTERN int noescape;
EXTERN int nointerface;
EXTERN int fieldtrack_enabled;
* y.tab.c
int yyparse(void);
* align.c
int argsize(Type *t);
void checkwidth(Type *t);
void defercheckwidth(void);
void dowidth(Type *t);
void resumecheckwidth(void);
vlong rnd(vlong o, vlong r);
void typeinit(void);
* bits.c
int Qconv(Fmt *fp);
Bits band(Bits a, Bits b);
int bany(Bits *a);
int beq(Bits a, Bits b);
int bitno(int32 b);
Bits blsh(uint n);
Bits bnot(Bits a);
int bnum(Bits a);
Bits bor(Bits a, Bits b);
int bset(Bits a, uint n);
* closure.c
Node* closurebody(NodeList *body);
void closurehdr(Node *ntype);
void typecheckclosure(Node *func, int top);
Node* walkclosure(Node *func, NodeList **init);
void walkcallclosure(Node *n, NodeList **init);
* const.c
int cmpslit(Node *l, Node *r);
int consttype(Node *n);
void convconst(Node *con, Type *t, Val *val);
void convlit(Node **np, Type *t);
void convlit1(Node **np, Type *t, int explicit);
void defaultlit(Node **np, Type *t);
void defaultlit2(Node **lp, Node **rp, int force);
void evconst(Node *n);
int isconst(Node *n, int ct);
int isgoconst(Node *n);
Node* nodcplxlit(Val r, Val i);
Node* nodlit(Val v);
long nonnegconst(Node *n);
int doesoverflow(Val v, Type *t);
void overflow(Val v, Type *t);
int smallintconst(Node *n);
Val toint(Val v);
Mpflt* truncfltlit(Mpflt *oldv, Type *t);
* cplx.c
void complexadd(int op, Node *nl, Node *nr, Node *res);
void complexbool(int op, Node *nl, Node *nr, int true, int likely, Prog *to);
void complexgen(Node *n, Node *res);
void complexminus(Node *nl, Node *res);
void complexmove(Node *f, Node *t);
void complexmul(Node *nl, Node *nr, Node *res);
int complexop(Node *n, Node *res);
void nodfconst(Node *n, Type *t, Mpflt* fval);
* dcl.c
void addmethod(Sym *sf, Type *t, int local, int nointerface);
void addvar(Node *n, Type *t, int ctxt);
NodeList* checkarglist(NodeList *all, int input);
Node* colas(NodeList *left, NodeList *right, int32 lno);
void colasdefn(NodeList *left, Node *defn);
NodeList* constiter(NodeList *vl, Node *t, NodeList *cl);
Node* dclname(Sym *s);
void declare(Node *n, int ctxt);
void dumpdcl(char *st);
Node* embedded(Sym *s);
Node* fakethis(void);
void funcbody(Node *n);
void funccompile(Node *n, int isclosure);
void funchdr(Node *n);
Type* functype(Node *this, NodeList *in, NodeList *out);
void ifacedcl(Node *n);
int isifacemethod(Type *f);
void markdcl(void);
Node* methodname(Node *n, Type *t);
Node* methodname1(Node *n, Node *t);
Sym* methodsym(Sym *nsym, Type *t0, int iface);
Node* newname(Sym *s);
Node* oldname(Sym *s);
void popdcl(void);
void poptodcl(void);
void redeclare(Sym *s, char *where);
void testdclstack(void);
Type* tointerface(NodeList *l);
Type* tostruct(NodeList *l);
Node* typedcl0(Sym *s);
Node* typedcl1(Node *n, Node *t, int local);
Node* typenod(Type *t);
NodeList* variter(NodeList *vl, Node *t, NodeList *el);
Sym* funcsym(Sym*);
* esc.c
void escapes(NodeList*);
* export.c
void autoexport(Node *n, int ctxt);
void dumpexport(void);
int exportname(char *s);
void exportsym(Node *n);
void importconst(Sym *s, Type *t, Node *n);
void importimport(Sym *s, Strlit *z);
Sym* importsym(Sym *s, int op);
void importtype(Type *pt, Type *t);
void importvar(Sym *s, Type *t);
Type* pkgtype(Sym *s);
* fmt.c
void fmtinstallgo(void);
void dump(char *s, Node *n);
void dumplist(char *s, NodeList *l);
* gen.c
void addrescapes(Node *n);
void cgen_as(Node *nl, Node *nr);
void cgen_callmeth(Node *n, int proc);
void cgen_eface(Node* n, Node* res);
void cgen_slice(Node* n, Node* res);
void clearlabels(void);
void checklabels(void);
int dotoffset(Node *n, int *oary, Node **nn);
void gen(Node *n);
void genlist(NodeList *l);
Node* sysfunc(char *name);
void tempname(Node *n, Type *t);
Node* temp(Type*);
* init.c
void fninit(NodeList *n);
Sym* renameinit(void);
* inl.c
void caninl(Node *fn);
void inlcalls(Node *fn);
void typecheckinl(Node *fn);
* lex.c
void cannedimports(char *file, char *cp);
void importfile(Val *f, int line);
char* lexname(int lex);
char* expstring(void);
void mkpackage(char* pkgname);
void unimportfile(void);
int32 yylex(void);
extern int windows;
extern int yylast;
extern int yyprev;
* mparith1.c
int Bconv(Fmt *fp);
int Fconv(Fmt *fp);
void mpaddcfix(Mpint *a, vlong c);
void mpaddcflt(Mpflt *a, double c);
void mpatofix(Mpint *a, char *as);
void mpatoflt(Mpflt *a, char *as);
int mpcmpfixc(Mpint *b, vlong c);
int mpcmpfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
int mpcmpfixflt(Mpint *a, Mpflt *b);
int mpcmpfltc(Mpflt *b, double c);
int mpcmpfltfix(Mpflt *a, Mpint *b);
int mpcmpfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpcomfix(Mpint *a);
void mpdivfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmodfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmovefixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmovefixflt(Mpflt *a, Mpint *b);
int mpmovefltfix(Mpint *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpmovefltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpmulcfix(Mpint *a, vlong c);
void mpmulcflt(Mpflt *a, double c);
void mpsubfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpsubfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
* mparith2.c
void mpaddfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b, int);
void mpandfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpandnotfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpdivfract(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpdivmodfixfix(Mpint *q, Mpint *r, Mpint *n, Mpint *d);
vlong mpgetfix(Mpint *a);
void mplshfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmovecfix(Mpint *a, vlong c);
void mpmulfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpmulfract(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpnegfix(Mpint *a);
void mporfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mprshfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
void mpshiftfix(Mpint *a, int s);
int mptestfix(Mpint *a);
void mpxorfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b);
* mparith3.c
void mpaddfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpdivfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
double mpgetflt(Mpflt *a);
void mpmovecflt(Mpflt *a, double c);
void mpmulfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b);
void mpnegflt(Mpflt *a);
void mpnorm(Mpflt *a);
int mptestflt(Mpflt *a);
int sigfig(Mpflt *a);
* obj.c
void Bputname(Biobuf *b, Sym *s);
int duint16(Sym *s, int off, uint16 v);
int duint32(Sym *s, int off, uint32 v);
int duint64(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v);
int duint8(Sym *s, int off, uint8 v);
int duintptr(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v);
int dsname(Sym *s, int off, char *dat, int ndat);
void dumpobj(void);
void ieeedtod(uint64 *ieee, double native);
Sym* stringsym(char*, int);
* order.c
void order(Node *fn);
* range.c
void typecheckrange(Node *n);
void walkrange(Node *n);
* reflect.c
void dumptypestructs(void);
Type* methodfunc(Type *f, Type*);
Node* typename(Type *t);
Sym* typesym(Type *t);
Sym* typenamesym(Type *t);
Sym* tracksym(Type *t);
Sym* typesymprefix(char *prefix, Type *t);
int haspointers(Type *t);
void usefield(Node*);
* select.c
void typecheckselect(Node *sel);
void walkselect(Node *sel);
* sinit.c
void anylit(int, Node *n, Node *var, NodeList **init);
int gen_as_init(Node *n);
NodeList* initfix(NodeList *l);
int oaslit(Node *n, NodeList **init);
int stataddr(Node *nam, Node *n);
* subr.c
Node* adddot(Node *n);
int adddot1(Sym *s, Type *t, int d, Type **save, int ignorecase);
void addinit(Node**, NodeList*);
Type* aindex(Node *b, Type *t);
int algtype(Type *t);
int algtype1(Type *t, Type **bad);
void argtype(Node *on, Type *t);
Node* assignconv(Node *n, Type *t, char *context);
int assignop(Type *src, Type *dst, char **why);
void badtype(int o, Type *tl, Type *tr);
int brcom(int a);
int brrev(int a);
NodeList* concat(NodeList *a, NodeList *b);
int convertop(Type *src, Type *dst, char **why);
Node* copyexpr(Node*, Type*, NodeList**);
int count(NodeList *l);
int cplxsubtype(int et);
int eqtype(Type *t1, Type *t2);
int eqtypenoname(Type *t1, Type *t2);
void errorexit(void);
void expandmeth(Type *t);
void fatal(char *fmt, ...);
void flusherrors(void);
void frame(int context);
Type* funcfirst(Iter *s, Type *t);
Type* funcnext(Iter *s);
void genwrapper(Type *rcvr, Type *method, Sym *newnam, int iface);
void genhash(Sym *sym, Type *t);
void geneq(Sym *sym, Type *t);
Type** getinarg(Type *t);
Type* getinargx(Type *t);
Type** getoutarg(Type *t);
Type* getoutargx(Type *t);
Type** getthis(Type *t);
Type* getthisx(Type *t);
int implements(Type *t, Type *iface, Type **missing, Type **have, int *ptr);
void importdot(Pkg *opkg, Node *pack);
int is64(Type *t);
int isbadimport(Strlit *s);
int isblank(Node *n);
int isblanksym(Sym *s);
int isfixedarray(Type *t);
int isideal(Type *t);
int isinter(Type *t);
int isnil(Node *n);
int isnilinter(Type *t);
int isptrto(Type *t, int et);
int isslice(Type *t);
int istype(Type *t, int et);
void linehist(char *file, int32 off, int relative);
NodeList* list(NodeList *l, Node *n);
NodeList* list1(Node *n);
void listsort(NodeList**, int(*f)(Node*, Node*));
Node* liststmt(NodeList *l);
NodeList* listtreecopy(NodeList *l);
Sym* lookup(char *name);
void* mal(int32 n);
Type* maptype(Type *key, Type *val);
Type* methtype(Type *t, int mustname);
Pkg* mkpkg(Strlit *path);
Sym* ngotype(Node *n);
int noconv(Type *t1, Type *t2);
Node* nod(int op, Node *nleft, Node *nright);
Node* nodbool(int b);
void nodconst(Node *n, Type *t, int64 v);
Node* nodintconst(int64 v);
Node* nodfltconst(Mpflt *v);
Node* nodnil(void);
int parserline(void);
Sym* pkglookup(char *name, Pkg *pkg);
int powtwo(Node *n);
Type* ptrto(Type *t);
void* remal(void *p, int32 on, int32 n);
Sym* restrictlookup(char *name, Pkg *pkg);
Node* safeexpr(Node *n, NodeList **init);
void saveerrors(void);
Node* cheapexpr(Node *n, NodeList **init);
Node* localexpr(Node *n, Type *t, NodeList **init);
int32 setlineno(Node *n);
void setmaxarg(Type *t);
Type* shallow(Type *t);
int simsimtype(Type *t);
void smagic(Magic *m);
Type* sortinter(Type *t);
uint32 stringhash(char *p);
Strlit* strlit(char *s);
int structcount(Type *t);
Type* structfirst(Iter *s, Type **nn);
Type* structnext(Iter *s);
Node* syslook(char *name, int copy);
Type* tounsigned(Type *t);
Node* treecopy(Node *n);
Type* typ(int et);
uint32 typehash(Type *t);
void ullmancalc(Node *n);
void umagic(Magic *m);
void warn(char *fmt, ...);
void warnl(int line, char *fmt, ...);
void yyerror(char *fmt, ...);
void yyerrorl(int line, char *fmt, ...);
* swt.c
void typecheckswitch(Node *n);
void walkswitch(Node *sw);
* typecheck.c
int islvalue(Node *n);
Node* typecheck(Node **np, int top);
void typechecklist(NodeList *l, int top);
Node* typecheckdef(Node *n);
void copytype(Node *n, Type *t);
void queuemethod(Node *n);
* unsafe.c
int isunsafebuiltin(Node *n);
Node* unsafenmagic(Node *n);
* walk.c
Node* callnew(Type *t);
Node* chanfn(char *name, int n, Type *t);
Node* mkcall(char *name, Type *t, NodeList **init, ...);
Node* mkcall1(Node *fn, Type *t, NodeList **init, ...);
int vmatch1(Node *l, Node *r);
void walk(Node *fn);
void walkexpr(Node **np, NodeList **init);
void walkexprlist(NodeList *l, NodeList **init);
void walkexprlistsafe(NodeList *l, NodeList **init);
void walkstmt(Node **np);
void walkstmtlist(NodeList *l);
Node* conv(Node*, Type*);
int candiscard(Node*);
* arch-specific ggen.c/gsubr.c/gobj.c/pgen.c
#define P ((Prog*)0)
typedef struct Plist Plist;
struct Plist
Node* name;
Prog* firstpc;
int recur;
Plist* link;
EXTERN Plist* plist;
EXTERN Plist* plast;
EXTERN Prog* continpc;
EXTERN Prog* breakpc;
EXTERN Prog* pc;
EXTERN Prog* firstpc;
EXTERN Prog* retpc;
EXTERN Node* nodfp;
int anyregalloc(void);
void betypeinit(void);
void bgen(Node *n, int true, int likely, Prog *to);
void checkref(Node*);
void cgen(Node*, Node*);
void cgen_asop(Node *n);
void cgen_call(Node *n, int proc);
void cgen_callinter(Node *n, Node *res, int proc);
void cgen_ret(Node *n);
void clearfat(Node *n);
void compile(Node*);
void defframe(Prog*);
int dgostringptr(Sym*, int off, char *str);
int dgostrlitptr(Sym*, int off, Strlit*);
int dstringptr(Sym *s, int off, char *str);
int dsymptr(Sym *s, int off, Sym *x, int xoff);
int duintxx(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v, int wid);
void dumpdata(void);
void dumpfuncs(void);
void fixautoused(Prog*);
void gdata(Node*, Node*, int);
void gdatacomplex(Node*, Mpcplx*);
void gdatastring(Node*, Strlit*);
void genembedtramp(Type*, Type*, Sym*, int iface);
void ggloblnod(Node *nam, int32 width);
void ggloblsym(Sym *s, int32 width, int dupok, int rodata);
Prog* gjmp(Prog*);
void gused(Node*);
int isfat(Type*);
void markautoused(Prog*);
Plist* newplist(void);
Node* nodarg(Type*, int);
void nopout(Prog*);
void patch(Prog*, Prog*);
Prog* unpatch(Prog*);
void zfile(Biobuf *b, char *p, int n);
void zhist(Biobuf *b, int line, vlong offset);
void zname(Biobuf *b, Sym *s, int t);
#pragma varargck type "A" int
#pragma varargck type "B" Mpint*
#pragma varargck type "D" Addr*
#pragma varargck type "lD" Addr*
#pragma varargck type "E" int
#pragma varargck type "E" uint
#pragma varargck type "F" Mpflt*
#pragma varargck type "H" NodeList*
#pragma varargck type "J" Node*
#pragma varargck type "lL" int
#pragma varargck type "lL" uint
#pragma varargck type "L" int
#pragma varargck type "L" uint
#pragma varargck type "N" Node*
#pragma varargck type "lN" Node*
#pragma varargck type "O" uint
#pragma varargck type "P" Prog*
#pragma varargck type "Q" Bits
#pragma varargck type "R" int
#pragma varargck type "S" Sym*
#pragma varargck type "lS" Sym*
#pragma varargck type "T" Type*
#pragma varargck type "lT" Type*
#pragma varargck type "V" Val*
#pragma varargck type "Y" char*
#pragma varargck type "Z" Strlit*
* racewalk.c
void racewalk(Node *fn);