mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-10-01 09:38:36 -06:00
Robert Griesemer 8901caa2b3 go.tools/go/types: Method sets for all types
- fixed method set computation
- lazily compute it for a type on demand
- lazy allocation of various temporary maps

- removed Interface.IsEmpty, Scope.IsEmpty
  (these convenience functions didn't carry their weight)
- cosmetic changes

- consolidate various lookup APIs
- use lazily computed method sets for various checks
  instead of individual lookups

2013-07-16 22:18:08 -07:00

279 lines
7.6 KiB

package ssa
// This file implements the CREATE phase of SSA construction.
// See builder.go for explanation.
import (
// BuilderMode is a bitmask of options for diagnostics and checking.
type BuilderMode uint
const (
LogPackages BuilderMode = 1 << iota // Dump package inventory to stderr
LogFunctions // Dump function SSA code to stderr
LogSource // Show source locations as SSA builder progresses
SanityCheckFunctions // Perform sanity checking of function bodies
NaiveForm // Build naïve SSA form: don't replace local loads/stores with registers
BuildSerially // Build packages serially, not in parallel.
DebugInfo // Include DebugRef instructions [TODO(adonovan): finer grain?]
// NewProgram returns a new SSA Program initially containing no
// packages.
// fset specifies the mapping from token positions to source location
// that will be used by all ASTs of this program.
// mode controls diagnostics and checking during SSA construction.
func NewProgram(fset *token.FileSet, mode BuilderMode) *Program {
prog := &Program{
Fset: fset,
PackagesByPath: make(map[string]*Package),
packages: make(map[*types.Package]*Package),
builtins: make(map[types.Object]*Builtin),
concreteMethods: make(map[*types.Func]*Function),
indirectionWrappers: make(map[*Function]*Function),
boundMethodWrappers: make(map[*Function]*Function),
ifaceMethodWrappers: make(map[*types.Func]*Function),
mode: mode,
// Create Values for built-in functions.
for i, n := 0, types.Universe.NumEntries(); i < n; i++ {
if obj, ok := types.Universe.At(i).(*types.Func); ok {
prog.builtins[obj] = &Builtin{obj}
return prog
// CreatePackages creates an SSA Package for each type-checker package
// held by imp. All such packages must be error-free.
// The created packages may be accessed via the Program.Packages field.
// A package in the 'created' state has its Members mapping populated,
// but a subsequent call to Package.Build() or Program.BuildAll() is
// required to build SSA code for the bodies of its functions.
func (prog *Program) CreatePackages(imp *importer.Importer) {
// TODO(adonovan): make this idempotent, so that a second call
// to CreatePackages creates only the packages that appeared
// in imp since the first.
for path, info := range imp.Packages {
createPackage(prog, path, info)
// memberFromObject populates package pkg with a member for the
// typechecker object obj.
// For objects from Go source code, syntax is the associated syntax
// tree (for funcs and vars only); it will be used during the build
// phase.
func memberFromObject(pkg *Package, obj types.Object, syntax ast.Node) {
name := obj.Name()
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.TypeName:
pkg.Members[name] = &Type{object: obj}
case *types.Const:
c := &NamedConst{
object: obj,
Value: NewConst(obj.Val(), obj.Type()),
pkg.values[obj] = c.Value
pkg.Members[name] = c
case *types.Var:
spec, _ := syntax.(*ast.ValueSpec)
g := &Global{
Pkg: pkg,
name: name,
object: obj,
typ: types.NewPointer(obj.Type()), // address
pos: obj.Pos(),
spec: spec,
pkg.values[obj] = g
pkg.Members[name] = g
case *types.Func:
var fs *funcSyntax
synthetic := "loaded from gc object file"
if decl, ok := syntax.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
synthetic = ""
fs = &funcSyntax{
functype: decl.Type,
recvField: decl.Recv,
body: decl.Body,
sig := obj.Type().(*types.Signature)
fn := &Function{
name: name,
object: obj,
Signature: sig,
Synthetic: synthetic,
pos: obj.Pos(), // (iff syntax)
Pkg: pkg,
Prog: pkg.Prog,
syntax: fs,
if recv := sig.Recv(); recv == nil {
// Function declaration.
pkg.values[obj] = fn
pkg.Members[name] = fn
} else {
// Method declaration.
_, method := namedTypeMethodIndex(
makeId(name, pkg.Object))
pkg.Prog.concreteMethods[method] = fn
case *types.Method:
// TODO(adonovan): do something more sensible here?
memberFromObject(pkg, obj.Func, syntax)
default: // (incl. *types.Package)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected Object type: %T", obj))
// membersFromDecl populates package pkg with members for each
// typechecker object (var, func, const or type) associated with the
// specified decl.
func membersFromDecl(pkg *Package, decl ast.Decl) {
switch decl := decl.(type) {
case *ast.GenDecl: // import, const, type or var
switch decl.Tok {
case token.CONST:
for _, spec := range decl.Specs {
for _, id := range spec.(*ast.ValueSpec).Names {
if !isBlankIdent(id) {
memberFromObject(pkg, pkg.objectOf(id), nil)
case token.VAR:
for _, spec := range decl.Specs {
for _, id := range spec.(*ast.ValueSpec).Names {
if !isBlankIdent(id) {
memberFromObject(pkg, pkg.objectOf(id), spec)
case token.TYPE:
for _, spec := range decl.Specs {
id := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec).Name
if !isBlankIdent(id) {
memberFromObject(pkg, pkg.objectOf(id), nil)
case *ast.FuncDecl:
id := decl.Name
if decl.Recv == nil && id.Name == "init" {
if !pkg.init.pos.IsValid() {
pkg.init.pos = decl.Name.Pos()
pkg.init.Synthetic = ""
return // init blocks aren't functions
if !isBlankIdent(id) {
memberFromObject(pkg, pkg.objectOf(id), decl)
// createPackage constructs an SSA Package from an error-free
// package described by info, and populates its Members mapping.
// The real work of building SSA form for each function is not done
// until a subsequent call to Package.Build().
func createPackage(prog *Program, importPath string, info *importer.PackageInfo) {
p := &Package{
Prog: prog,
Members: make(map[string]Member),
values: make(map[types.Object]Value),
Object: info.Pkg,
info: info, // transient (CREATE and BUILD phases)
// Add init() function.
p.init = &Function{
name: "init",
Signature: new(types.Signature),
Synthetic: "package initializer",
Pkg: p,
Prog: prog,
p.Members[p.init.name] = p.init
// CREATE phase.
// Allocate all package members: vars, funcs and consts and types.
if len(info.Files) > 0 {
// Go source package.
for _, file := range info.Files {
for _, decl := range file.Decls {
membersFromDecl(p, decl)
} else {
// GC-compiled binary package.
// No code.
// No position information.
scope := p.Object.Scope()
for i, n := 0, scope.NumEntries(); i < n; i++ {
obj := scope.At(i)
if obj, ok := obj.(*types.TypeName); ok {
mset := types.NewMethodSet(obj.Type())
for i, n := 0, mset.Len(); i < n; i++ {
memberFromObject(p, mset.At(i), nil)
mset = types.NewMethodSet(types.NewPointer(obj.Type()))
for i, n := 0, mset.Len(); i < n; i++ {
memberFromObject(p, mset.At(i), nil)
memberFromObject(p, obj, nil)
// Add initializer guard variable.
initguard := &Global{
Pkg: p,
name: "init$guard",
typ: types.NewPointer(tBool),
p.Members[initguard.Name()] = initguard
if prog.mode&LogPackages != 0 {
prog.PackagesByPath[importPath] = p
prog.packages[p.Object] = p
if prog.mode&SanityCheckFunctions != 0 {