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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// HTTP server. See RFC 2616.
// TODO(rsc):
// logging
package http
import (
// Errors introduced by the HTTP server.
var (
ErrWriteAfterFlush = errors.New("Conn.Write called after Flush")
ErrBodyNotAllowed = errors.New("http: response status code does not allow body")
ErrHijacked = errors.New("Conn has been hijacked")
ErrContentLength = errors.New("Conn.Write wrote more than the declared Content-Length")
// Objects implementing the Handler interface can be
// registered to serve a particular path or subtree
// in the HTTP server.
// ServeHTTP should write reply headers and data to the ResponseWriter
// and then return. Returning signals that the request is finished
// and that the HTTP server can move on to the next request on
// the connection.
type Handler interface {
ServeHTTP(ResponseWriter, *Request)
// A ResponseWriter interface is used by an HTTP handler to
// construct an HTTP response.
type ResponseWriter interface {
// Header returns the header map that will be sent by WriteHeader.
// Changing the header after a call to WriteHeader (or Write) has
// no effect.
Header() Header
// Write writes the data to the connection as part of an HTTP reply.
// If WriteHeader has not yet been called, Write calls WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
// before writing the data. If the Header does not contain a
// Content-Type line, Write adds a Content-Type set to the result of passing
// the initial 512 bytes of written data to DetectContentType.
Write([]byte) (int, error)
// WriteHeader sends an HTTP response header with status code.
// If WriteHeader is not called explicitly, the first call to Write
// will trigger an implicit WriteHeader(http.StatusOK).
// Thus explicit calls to WriteHeader are mainly used to
// send error codes.
// The Flusher interface is implemented by ResponseWriters that allow
// an HTTP handler to flush buffered data to the client.
// Note that even for ResponseWriters that support Flush,
// if the client is connected through an HTTP proxy,
// the buffered data may not reach the client until the response
// completes.
type Flusher interface {
// Flush sends any buffered data to the client.
// The Hijacker interface is implemented by ResponseWriters that allow
// an HTTP handler to take over the connection.
type Hijacker interface {
// Hijack lets the caller take over the connection.
// After a call to Hijack(), the HTTP server library
// will not do anything else with the connection.
// It becomes the caller's responsibility to manage
// and close the connection.
Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error)
// A conn represents the server side of an HTTP connection.
type conn struct {
remoteAddr string // network address of remote side
server *Server // the Server on which the connection arrived
rwc net.Conn // i/o connection
lr *io.LimitedReader // io.LimitReader(rwc)
buf *bufio.ReadWriter // buffered(lr,rwc), reading from bufio->limitReader->rwc
hijacked bool // connection has been hijacked by handler
tlsState *tls.ConnectionState // or nil when not using TLS
body []byte
// A response represents the server side of an HTTP response.
type response struct {
conn *conn
req *Request // request for this response
chunking bool // using chunked transfer encoding for reply body
wroteHeader bool // reply header has been written
wroteContinue bool // 100 Continue response was written
header Header // reply header parameters
written int64 // number of bytes written in body
contentLength int64 // explicitly-declared Content-Length; or -1
status int // status code passed to WriteHeader
needSniff bool // need to sniff to find Content-Type
// close connection after this reply. set on request and
// updated after response from handler if there's a
// "Connection: keep-alive" response header and a
// Content-Length.
closeAfterReply bool
// requestBodyLimitHit is set by requestTooLarge when
// maxBytesReader hits its max size. It is checked in
// WriteHeader, to make sure we don't consume the the
// remaining request body to try to advance to the next HTTP
// request. Instead, when this is set, we stop doing
// subsequent requests on this connection and stop reading
// input from it.
requestBodyLimitHit bool
// requestTooLarge is called by maxBytesReader when too much input has
// been read from the client.
func (w *response) requestTooLarge() {
w.closeAfterReply = true
w.requestBodyLimitHit = true
if !w.wroteHeader {
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
type writerOnly struct {
func (w *response) ReadFrom(src io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
// Call WriteHeader before checking w.chunking if it hasn't
// been called yet, since WriteHeader is what sets w.chunking.
if !w.wroteHeader {
if !w.chunking && w.bodyAllowed() && !w.needSniff {
if rf, ok := w.conn.rwc.(io.ReaderFrom); ok {
n, err = rf.ReadFrom(src)
w.written += n
// Fall back to default io.Copy implementation.
// Use wrapper to hide w.ReadFrom from io.Copy.
return io.Copy(writerOnly{w}, src)
// noLimit is an effective infinite upper bound for io.LimitedReader
const noLimit int64 = (1 << 63) - 1
// Create new connection from rwc.
func (srv *Server) newConn(rwc net.Conn) (c *conn, err error) {
c = new(conn)
c.remoteAddr = rwc.RemoteAddr().String()
c.server = srv
c.rwc = rwc
c.body = make([]byte, sniffLen)
c.lr = io.LimitReader(rwc, noLimit).(*io.LimitedReader)
br := bufio.NewReader(c.lr)
bw := bufio.NewWriter(rwc)
c.buf = bufio.NewReadWriter(br, bw)
return c, nil
// DefaultMaxHeaderBytes is the maximum permitted size of the headers
// in an HTTP request.
// This can be overridden by setting Server.MaxHeaderBytes.
const DefaultMaxHeaderBytes = 1 << 20 // 1 MB
func (srv *Server) maxHeaderBytes() int {
if srv.MaxHeaderBytes > 0 {
return srv.MaxHeaderBytes
return DefaultMaxHeaderBytes
// wrapper around io.ReaderCloser which on first read, sends an
// HTTP/1.1 100 Continue header
type expectContinueReader struct {
resp *response
readCloser io.ReadCloser
closed bool
func (ecr *expectContinueReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if ecr.closed {
return 0, errors.New("http: Read after Close on request Body")
if !ecr.resp.wroteContinue && !ecr.resp.conn.hijacked {
ecr.resp.wroteContinue = true
io.WriteString(ecr.resp.conn.buf, "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")
return ecr.readCloser.Read(p)
func (ecr *expectContinueReader) Close() error {
ecr.closed = true
return ecr.readCloser.Close()
// TimeFormat is the time format to use with
// time.Parse and time.Time.Format when parsing
// or generating times in HTTP headers.
// It is like time.RFC1123 but hard codes GMT as the time zone.
const TimeFormat = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"
var errTooLarge = errors.New("http: request too large")
// Read next request from connection.
func (c *conn) readRequest() (w *response, err error) {
if c.hijacked {
return nil, ErrHijacked
c.lr.N = int64(c.server.maxHeaderBytes()) + 4096 /* bufio slop */
var req *Request
if req, err = ReadRequest(c.buf.Reader); err != nil {
if c.lr.N == 0 {
return nil, errTooLarge
return nil, err
c.lr.N = noLimit
req.RemoteAddr = c.remoteAddr
req.TLS = c.tlsState
w = new(response)
w.conn = c
w.req = req
w.header = make(Header)
w.contentLength = -1
c.body = c.body[:0]
return w, nil
func (w *response) Header() Header {
return w.header
// maxPostHandlerReadBytes is the max number of Request.Body bytes not
// consumed by a handler that the server will read from the client
// in order to keep a connection alive. If there are more bytes than
// this then the server to be paranoid instead sends a "Connection:
// close" response.
// This number is approximately what a typical machine's TCP buffer
// size is anyway. (if we have the bytes on the machine, we might as
// well read them)
const maxPostHandlerReadBytes = 256 << 10
func (w *response) WriteHeader(code int) {
if w.conn.hijacked {
log.Print("http: response.WriteHeader on hijacked connection")
if w.wroteHeader {
log.Print("http: multiple response.WriteHeader calls")
w.wroteHeader = true
w.status = code
// Check for a explicit (and valid) Content-Length header.
var hasCL bool
var contentLength int64
if clenStr := w.header.Get("Content-Length"); clenStr != "" {
var err error
contentLength, err = strconv.ParseInt(clenStr, 10, 64)
if err == nil {
hasCL = true
} else {
log.Printf("http: invalid Content-Length of %q sent", clenStr)
if w.req.wantsHttp10KeepAlive() && (w.req.Method == "HEAD" || hasCL) {
_, connectionHeaderSet := w.header["Connection"]
if !connectionHeaderSet {
w.header.Set("Connection", "keep-alive")
} else if !w.req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) {
// Client did not ask to keep connection alive.
w.closeAfterReply = true
if w.header.Get("Connection") == "close" {
w.closeAfterReply = true
// Per RFC 2616, we should consume the request body before
// replying, if the handler hasn't already done so. But we
// don't want to do an unbounded amount of reading here for
// DoS reasons, so we only try up to a threshold.
if w.req.ContentLength != 0 && !w.closeAfterReply {
ecr, isExpecter := w.req.Body.(*expectContinueReader)
if !isExpecter || ecr.resp.wroteContinue {
n, _ := io.CopyN(ioutil.Discard, w.req.Body, maxPostHandlerReadBytes+1)
if n >= maxPostHandlerReadBytes {
w.header.Set("Connection", "close")
} else {
if code == StatusNotModified {
// Must not have body.
for _, header := range []string{"Content-Type", "Content-Length", "Transfer-Encoding"} {
if w.header.Get(header) != "" {
// TODO: return an error if WriteHeader gets a return parameter
// or set a flag on w to make future Writes() write an error page?
// for now just log and drop the header.
log.Printf("http: StatusNotModified response with header %q defined", header)
} else {
// If no content type, apply sniffing algorithm to body.
if w.header.Get("Content-Type") == "" && w.req.Method != "HEAD" {
w.needSniff = true
if _, ok := w.header["Date"]; !ok {
w.Header().Set("Date", time.Now().UTC().Format(TimeFormat))
te := w.header.Get("Transfer-Encoding")
hasTE := te != ""
if hasCL && hasTE && te != "identity" {
// TODO: return an error if WriteHeader gets a return parameter
// For now just ignore the Content-Length.
log.Printf("http: WriteHeader called with both Transfer-Encoding of %q and a Content-Length of %d",
te, contentLength)
hasCL = false
if w.req.Method == "HEAD" || code == StatusNotModified {
// do nothing
} else if hasCL {
w.contentLength = contentLength
} else if w.req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) {
// HTTP/1.1 or greater: use chunked transfer encoding
// to avoid closing the connection at EOF.
// TODO: this blows away any custom or stacked Transfer-Encoding they
// might have set. Deal with that as need arises once we have a valid
// use case.
w.chunking = true
w.header.Set("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked")
} else {
// HTTP version < 1.1: cannot do chunked transfer
// encoding and we don't know the Content-Length so
// signal EOF by closing connection.
w.closeAfterReply = true
w.header.Del("Transfer-Encoding") // in case already set
// Cannot use Content-Length with non-identity Transfer-Encoding.
if w.chunking {
if !w.req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 0) {
proto := "HTTP/1.0"
if w.req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) {
proto = "HTTP/1.1"
codestring := strconv.Itoa(code)
text, ok := statusText[code]
if !ok {
text = "status code " + codestring
io.WriteString(w.conn.buf, proto+" "+codestring+" "+text+"\r\n")
// If we need to sniff the body, leave the header open.
// Otherwise, end it here.
if !w.needSniff {
io.WriteString(w.conn.buf, "\r\n")
// sniff uses the first block of written data,
// stored in w.conn.body, to decide the Content-Type
// for the HTTP body.
func (w *response) sniff() {
if !w.needSniff {
w.needSniff = false
data := w.conn.body
fmt.Fprintf(w.conn.buf, "Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n", DetectContentType(data))
if len(data) == 0 {
if w.chunking {
fmt.Fprintf(w.conn.buf, "%x\r\n", len(data))
_, err := w.conn.buf.Write(data)
if w.chunking && err == nil {
io.WriteString(w.conn.buf, "\r\n")
// bodyAllowed returns true if a Write is allowed for this response type.
// It's illegal to call this before the header has been flushed.
func (w *response) bodyAllowed() bool {
if !w.wroteHeader {
return w.status != StatusNotModified && w.req.Method != "HEAD"
func (w *response) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
if w.conn.hijacked {
log.Print("http: response.Write on hijacked connection")
return 0, ErrHijacked
if !w.wroteHeader {
if len(data) == 0 {
return 0, nil
if !w.bodyAllowed() {
return 0, ErrBodyNotAllowed
w.written += int64(len(data)) // ignoring errors, for errorKludge
if w.contentLength != -1 && w.written > w.contentLength {
return 0, ErrContentLength
var m int
if w.needSniff {
// We need to sniff the beginning of the output to
// determine the content type. Accumulate the
// initial writes in w.conn.body.
// Cap m so that append won't allocate.
m = cap(w.conn.body) - len(w.conn.body)
if m > len(data) {
m = len(data)
w.conn.body = append(w.conn.body, data[:m]...)
data = data[m:]
if len(data) == 0 {
// Copied everything into the buffer.
// Wait for next write.
return m, nil
// Filled the buffer; more data remains.
// Sniff the content (flushes the buffer)
// and then proceed with the remainder
// of the data as a normal Write.
// Calling sniff clears needSniff.
// TODO(rsc): if chunking happened after the buffering,
// then there would be fewer chunk headers.
// On the other hand, it would make hijacking more difficult.
if w.chunking {
fmt.Fprintf(w.conn.buf, "%x\r\n", len(data)) // TODO(rsc): use strconv not fmt
n, err = w.conn.buf.Write(data)
if err == nil && w.chunking {
if n != len(data) {
err = io.ErrShortWrite
if err == nil {
io.WriteString(w.conn.buf, "\r\n")
return m + n, err
func (w *response) finishRequest() {
// If this was an HTTP/1.0 request with keep-alive and we sent a Content-Length
// back, we can make this a keep-alive response ...
if w.req.wantsHttp10KeepAlive() {
sentLength := w.header.Get("Content-Length") != ""
if sentLength && w.header.Get("Connection") == "keep-alive" {
w.closeAfterReply = false
if !w.wroteHeader {
if w.needSniff {
if w.chunking {
io.WriteString(w.conn.buf, "0\r\n")
// trailer key/value pairs, followed by blank line
io.WriteString(w.conn.buf, "\r\n")
// Close the body, unless we're about to close the whole TCP connection
// anyway.
if !w.closeAfterReply {
if w.req.MultipartForm != nil {
if w.contentLength != -1 && w.contentLength != w.written {
// Did not write enough. Avoid getting out of sync.
w.closeAfterReply = true
func (w *response) Flush() {
if !w.wroteHeader {
// Close the connection.
func (c *conn) close() {
if c.buf != nil {
c.buf = nil
if c.rwc != nil {
c.rwc = nil
// Serve a new connection.
func (c *conn) serve() {
defer func() {
err := recover()
if err == nil {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "http: panic serving %v: %v\n", c.remoteAddr, err)
if c.rwc != nil { // may be nil if connection hijacked
if tlsConn, ok := c.rwc.(*tls.Conn); ok {
if err := tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil {
c.tlsState = new(tls.ConnectionState)
*c.tlsState = tlsConn.ConnectionState()
for {
w, err := c.readRequest()
if err != nil {
msg := "400 Bad Request"
if err == errTooLarge {
// Their HTTP client may or may not be
// able to read this if we're
// responding to them and hanging up
// while they're still writing their
// request. Undefined behavior.
msg = "413 Request Entity Too Large"
} else if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
break // Don't reply
} else if neterr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && neterr.Timeout() {
break // Don't reply
fmt.Fprintf(c.rwc, "HTTP/1.1 %s\r\n\r\n", msg)
// Expect 100 Continue support
req := w.req
if req.expectsContinue() {
if req.ProtoAtLeast(1, 1) {
// Wrap the Body reader with one that replies on the connection
req.Body = &expectContinueReader{readCloser: req.Body, resp: w}
if req.ContentLength == 0 {
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
} else if req.Header.Get("Expect") != "" {
// TODO(bradfitz): let ServeHTTP handlers handle
// requests with non-standard expectation[s]? Seems
// theoretical at best, and doesn't fit into the
// current ServeHTTP model anyway. We'd need to
// make the ResponseWriter an optional
// "ExpectReplier" interface or something.
// For now we'll just obey RFC 2616 14.20 which says
// "If a server receives a request containing an
// Expect field that includes an expectation-
// extension that it does not support, it MUST
// respond with a 417 (Expectation Failed) status."
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
handler := c.server.Handler
if handler == nil {
handler = DefaultServeMux
// HTTP cannot have multiple simultaneous active requests.[*]
// Until the server replies to this request, it can't read another,
// so we might as well run the handler in this goroutine.
// [*] Not strictly true: HTTP pipelining. We could let them all process
// in parallel even if their responses need to be serialized.
handler.ServeHTTP(w, w.req)
if c.hijacked {
if w.closeAfterReply {
// Hijack implements the Hijacker.Hijack method. Our response is both a ResponseWriter
// and a Hijacker.
func (w *response) Hijack() (rwc net.Conn, buf *bufio.ReadWriter, err error) {
if w.conn.hijacked {
return nil, nil, ErrHijacked
w.conn.hijacked = true
rwc = w.conn.rwc
buf = w.conn.buf
w.conn.rwc = nil
w.conn.buf = nil
// The HandlerFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of
// ordinary functions as HTTP handlers. If f is a function
// with the appropriate signature, HandlerFunc(f) is a
// Handler object that calls f.
type HandlerFunc func(ResponseWriter, *Request)
// ServeHTTP calls f(w, r).
func (f HandlerFunc) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
f(w, r)
// Helper handlers
// Error replies to the request with the specified error message and HTTP code.
func Error(w ResponseWriter, error string, code int) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
fmt.Fprintln(w, error)
// NotFound replies to the request with an HTTP 404 not found error.
func NotFound(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) { Error(w, "404 page not found", StatusNotFound) }
// NotFoundHandler returns a simple request handler
// that replies to each request with a ``404 page not found'' reply.
func NotFoundHandler() Handler { return HandlerFunc(NotFound) }
// StripPrefix returns a handler that serves HTTP requests
// by removing the given prefix from the request URL's Path
// and invoking the handler h. StripPrefix handles a
// request for a path that doesn't begin with prefix by
// replying with an HTTP 404 not found error.
func StripPrefix(prefix string, h Handler) Handler {
return HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, prefix) {
NotFound(w, r)
r.URL.Path = r.URL.Path[len(prefix):]
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Redirect replies to the request with a redirect to url,
// which may be a path relative to the request path.
func Redirect(w ResponseWriter, r *Request, urlStr string, code int) {
if u, err := url.Parse(urlStr); err == nil {
// If url was relative, make absolute by
// combining with request path.
// The browser would probably do this for us,
// but doing it ourselves is more reliable.
// NOTE(rsc): RFC 2616 says that the Location
// line must be an absolute URI, like
// "http://www.google.com/redirect/",
// not a path like "/redirect/".
// Unfortunately, we don't know what to
// put in the host name section to get the
// client to connect to us again, so we can't
// know the right absolute URI to send back.
// Because of this problem, no one pays attention
// to the RFC; they all send back just a new path.
// So do we.
oldpath := r.URL.Path
if oldpath == "" { // should not happen, but avoid a crash if it does
oldpath = "/"
if u.Scheme == "" {
// no leading http://server
if urlStr == "" || urlStr[0] != '/' {
// make relative path absolute
olddir, _ := path.Split(oldpath)
urlStr = olddir + urlStr
var query string
if i := strings.Index(urlStr, "?"); i != -1 {
urlStr, query = urlStr[:i], urlStr[i:]
// clean up but preserve trailing slash
trailing := urlStr[len(urlStr)-1] == '/'
urlStr = path.Clean(urlStr)
if trailing && urlStr[len(urlStr)-1] != '/' {
urlStr += "/"
urlStr += query
w.Header().Set("Location", urlStr)
// RFC2616 recommends that a short note "SHOULD" be included in the
// response because older user agents may not understand 301/307.
// Shouldn't send the response for POST or HEAD; that leaves GET.
if r.Method == "GET" {
note := "<a href=\"" + htmlEscape(urlStr) + "\">" + statusText[code] + "</a>.\n"
fmt.Fprintln(w, note)
var htmlReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(
"&", "&amp;",
"<", "&lt;",
">", "&gt;",
`"`, "&quot;",
"'", "&apos;",
func htmlEscape(s string) string {
return htmlReplacer.Replace(s)
// Redirect to a fixed URL
type redirectHandler struct {
url string
code int
func (rh *redirectHandler) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
Redirect(w, r, rh.url, rh.code)
// RedirectHandler returns a request handler that redirects
// each request it receives to the given url using the given
// status code.
func RedirectHandler(url string, code int) Handler {
return &redirectHandler{url, code}
// ServeMux is an HTTP request multiplexer.
// It matches the URL of each incoming request against a list of registered
// patterns and calls the handler for the pattern that
// most closely matches the URL.
// Patterns named fixed, rooted paths, like "/favicon.ico",
// or rooted subtrees, like "/images/" (note the trailing slash).
// Longer patterns take precedence over shorter ones, so that
// if there are handlers registered for both "/images/"
// and "/images/thumbnails/", the latter handler will be
// called for paths beginning "/images/thumbnails/" and the
// former will receiver requests for any other paths in the
// "/images/" subtree.
// Patterns may optionally begin with a host name, restricting matches to
// URLs on that host only. Host-specific patterns take precedence over
// general patterns, so that a handler might register for the two patterns
// "/codesearch" and "codesearch.google.com/" without also taking over
// requests for "http://www.google.com/".
// ServeMux also takes care of sanitizing the URL request path,
// redirecting any request containing . or .. elements to an
// equivalent .- and ..-free URL.
type ServeMux struct {
mu sync.RWMutex
m map[string]muxEntry
type muxEntry struct {
explicit bool
h Handler
// NewServeMux allocates and returns a new ServeMux.
func NewServeMux() *ServeMux { return &ServeMux{m: make(map[string]muxEntry)} }
// DefaultServeMux is the default ServeMux used by Serve.
var DefaultServeMux = NewServeMux()
// Does path match pattern?
func pathMatch(pattern, path string) bool {
if len(pattern) == 0 {
// should not happen
return false
n := len(pattern)
if pattern[n-1] != '/' {
return pattern == path
return len(path) >= n && path[0:n] == pattern
// Return the canonical path for p, eliminating . and .. elements.
func cleanPath(p string) string {
if p == "" {
return "/"
if p[0] != '/' {
p = "/" + p
np := path.Clean(p)
// path.Clean removes trailing slash except for root;
// put the trailing slash back if necessary.
if p[len(p)-1] == '/' && np != "/" {
np += "/"
return np
// Find a handler on a handler map given a path string
// Most-specific (longest) pattern wins
func (mux *ServeMux) match(path string) Handler {
var h Handler
var n = 0
for k, v := range mux.m {
if !pathMatch(k, path) {
if h == nil || len(k) > n {
n = len(k)
h = v.h
return h
// handler returns the handler to use for the request r.
func (mux *ServeMux) handler(r *Request) Handler {
defer mux.mu.RUnlock()
// Host-specific pattern takes precedence over generic ones
h := mux.match(r.Host + r.URL.Path)
if h == nil {
h = mux.match(r.URL.Path)
if h == nil {
h = NotFoundHandler()
return h
// ServeHTTP dispatches the request to the handler whose
// pattern most closely matches the request URL.
func (mux *ServeMux) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
// Clean path to canonical form and redirect.
if p := cleanPath(r.URL.Path); p != r.URL.Path {
w.Header().Set("Location", p)
mux.handler(r).ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Handle registers the handler for the given pattern.
// If a handler already exists for pattern, Handle panics.
func (mux *ServeMux) Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) {
defer mux.mu.Unlock()
if pattern == "" {
panic("http: invalid pattern " + pattern)
if handler == nil {
panic("http: nil handler")
if mux.m[pattern].explicit {
panic("http: multiple registrations for " + pattern)
mux.m[pattern] = muxEntry{explicit: true, h: handler}
// Helpful behavior:
// If pattern is /tree/, insert an implicit permanent redirect for /tree.
// It can be overridden by an explicit registration.
n := len(pattern)
if n > 0 && pattern[n-1] == '/' && !mux.m[pattern[0:n-1]].explicit {
mux.m[pattern[0:n-1]] = muxEntry{h: RedirectHandler(pattern, StatusMovedPermanently)}
// HandleFunc registers the handler function for the given pattern.
func (mux *ServeMux) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) {
mux.Handle(pattern, HandlerFunc(handler))
// Handle registers the handler for the given pattern
// in the DefaultServeMux.
// The documentation for ServeMux explains how patterns are matched.
func Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) { DefaultServeMux.Handle(pattern, handler) }
// HandleFunc registers the handler function for the given pattern
// in the DefaultServeMux.
// The documentation for ServeMux explains how patterns are matched.
func HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) {
DefaultServeMux.HandleFunc(pattern, handler)
// Serve accepts incoming HTTP connections on the listener l,
// creating a new service thread for each. The service threads
// read requests and then call handler to reply to them.
// Handler is typically nil, in which case the DefaultServeMux is used.
func Serve(l net.Listener, handler Handler) error {
srv := &Server{Handler: handler}
return srv.Serve(l)
// A Server defines parameters for running an HTTP server.
type Server struct {
Addr string // TCP address to listen on, ":http" if empty
Handler Handler // handler to invoke, http.DefaultServeMux if nil
ReadTimeout time.Duration // maximum duration before timing out read of the request
WriteTimeout time.Duration // maximum duration before timing out write of the response
MaxHeaderBytes int // maximum size of request headers, DefaultMaxHeaderBytes if 0
TLSConfig *tls.Config // optional TLS config, used by ListenAndServeTLS
// ListenAndServe listens on the TCP network address srv.Addr and then
// calls Serve to handle requests on incoming connections. If
// srv.Addr is blank, ":http" is used.
func (srv *Server) ListenAndServe() error {
addr := srv.Addr
if addr == "" {
addr = ":http"
l, e := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
if e != nil {
return e
return srv.Serve(l)
// Serve accepts incoming connections on the Listener l, creating a
// new service thread for each. The service threads read requests and
// then call srv.Handler to reply to them.
func (srv *Server) Serve(l net.Listener) error {
defer l.Close()
var tempDelay time.Duration // how long to sleep on accept failure
for {
rw, e := l.Accept()
if e != nil {
if ne, ok := e.(net.Error); ok && ne.Temporary() {
if tempDelay == 0 {
tempDelay = 5 * time.Millisecond
} else {
tempDelay *= 2
if max := 1 * time.Second; tempDelay > max {
tempDelay = max
log.Printf("http: Accept error: %v; retrying in %v", e, tempDelay)
return e
tempDelay = 0
if srv.ReadTimeout != 0 {
if srv.WriteTimeout != 0 {
c, err := srv.newConn(rw)
if err != nil {
go c.serve()
panic("not reached")
// ListenAndServe listens on the TCP network address addr
// and then calls Serve with handler to handle requests
// on incoming connections. Handler is typically nil,
// in which case the DefaultServeMux is used.
// A trivial example server is:
// package main
// import (
// "io"
// "net/http"
// "log"
// )
// // hello world, the web server
// func HelloServer(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// io.WriteString(w, "hello, world!\n")
// }
// func main() {
// http.HandleFunc("/hello", HelloServer)
// err := http.ListenAndServe(":12345", nil)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal("ListenAndServe: ", err)
// }
// }
func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error {
server := &Server{Addr: addr, Handler: handler}
return server.ListenAndServe()
// ListenAndServeTLS acts identically to ListenAndServe, except that it
// expects HTTPS connections. Additionally, files containing a certificate and
// matching private key for the server must be provided. If the certificate
// is signed by a certificate authority, the certFile should be the concatenation
// of the server's certificate followed by the CA's certificate.
// A trivial example server is:
// import (
// "log"
// "net/http"
// )
// func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
// w.Write([]byte("This is an example server.\n"))
// }
// func main() {
// http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
// log.Printf("About to listen on 10443. Go to")
// err := http.ListenAndServeTLS(":10443", "cert.pem", "key.pem", nil)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// }
// One can use generate_cert.go in crypto/tls to generate cert.pem and key.pem.
func ListenAndServeTLS(addr string, certFile string, keyFile string, handler Handler) error {
server := &Server{Addr: addr, Handler: handler}
return server.ListenAndServeTLS(certFile, keyFile)
// ListenAndServeTLS listens on the TCP network address srv.Addr and
// then calls Serve to handle requests on incoming TLS connections.
// Filenames containing a certificate and matching private key for
// the server must be provided. If the certificate is signed by a
// certificate authority, the certFile should be the concatenation
// of the server's certificate followed by the CA's certificate.
// If srv.Addr is blank, ":https" is used.
func (srv *Server) ListenAndServeTLS(certFile, keyFile string) error {
addr := srv.Addr
if addr == "" {
addr = ":https"
config := &tls.Config{}
if srv.TLSConfig != nil {
*config = *srv.TLSConfig
if config.NextProtos == nil {
config.NextProtos = []string{"http/1.1"}
var err error
config.Certificates = make([]tls.Certificate, 1)
config.Certificates[0], err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certFile, keyFile)
if err != nil {
return err
conn, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
return err
tlsListener := tls.NewListener(conn, config)
return srv.Serve(tlsListener)
// TimeoutHandler returns a Handler that runs h with the given time limit.
// The new Handler calls h.ServeHTTP to handle each request, but if a
// call runs for more than ns nanoseconds, the handler responds with
// a 503 Service Unavailable error and the given message in its body.
// (If msg is empty, a suitable default message will be sent.)
// After such a timeout, writes by h to its ResponseWriter will return
// ErrHandlerTimeout.
func TimeoutHandler(h Handler, dt time.Duration, msg string) Handler {
f := func() <-chan time.Time {
return time.After(dt)
return &timeoutHandler{h, f, msg}
// ErrHandlerTimeout is returned on ResponseWriter Write calls
// in handlers which have timed out.
var ErrHandlerTimeout = errors.New("http: Handler timeout")
type timeoutHandler struct {
handler Handler
timeout func() <-chan time.Time // returns channel producing a timeout
body string
func (h *timeoutHandler) errorBody() string {
if h.body != "" {
return h.body
return "<html><head><title>Timeout</title></head><body><h1>Timeout</h1></body></html>"
func (h *timeoutHandler) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
done := make(chan bool)
tw := &timeoutWriter{w: w}
go func() {
h.handler.ServeHTTP(tw, r)
done <- true
select {
case <-done:
case <-h.timeout():
defer tw.mu.Unlock()
if !tw.wroteHeader {
tw.timedOut = true
type timeoutWriter struct {
w ResponseWriter
mu sync.Mutex
timedOut bool
wroteHeader bool
func (tw *timeoutWriter) Header() Header {
return tw.w.Header()
func (tw *timeoutWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
timedOut := tw.timedOut
if timedOut {
return 0, ErrHandlerTimeout
return tw.w.Write(p)
func (tw *timeoutWriter) WriteHeader(code int) {
if tw.timedOut || tw.wroteHeader {
tw.wroteHeader = true