mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-10-05 02:11:22 -06:00
Rob Pike f4cd80224a encoding: move asn1, csv, gob, json, xml into encoding
This is Go 1 package renaming CL #1.
This one merely moves the source; the import strings will be
changed after the next weekly release.

The only edits are in Makefiles.

R=r, rsc
2011-11-03 11:39:52 -07:00

305 lines
8.1 KiB

// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package xml
import (
const (
// A generic XML header suitable for use with the output of Marshal and
// MarshalIndent. This is not automatically added to any output of this
// package, it is provided as a convenience.
Header = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>` + "\n"
// A Marshaler can produce well-formatted XML representing its internal state.
// It is used by both Marshal and MarshalIndent.
type Marshaler interface {
MarshalXML() ([]byte, error)
type printer struct {
// Marshal writes an XML-formatted representation of v to w.
// If v implements Marshaler, then Marshal calls its MarshalXML method.
// Otherwise, Marshal uses the following procedure to create the XML.
// Marshal handles an array or slice by marshalling each of the elements.
// Marshal handles a pointer by marshalling the value it points at or, if the
// pointer is nil, by writing nothing. Marshal handles an interface value by
// marshalling the value it contains or, if the interface value is nil, by
// writing nothing. Marshal handles all other data by writing one or more XML
// elements containing the data.
// The name for the XML elements is taken from, in order of preference:
// - the tag on an XMLName field, if the data is a struct
// - the value of an XMLName field of type xml.Name
// - the tag of the struct field used to obtain the data
// - the name of the struct field used to obtain the data
// - the name '???'.
// The XML element for a struct contains marshalled elements for each of the
// exported fields of the struct, with these exceptions:
// - the XMLName field, described above, is omitted.
// - a field with tag "attr" becomes an attribute in the XML element.
// - a field with tag "chardata" is written as character data,
// not as an XML element.
// - a field with tag "innerxml" is written verbatim,
// not subject to the usual marshalling procedure.
// If a field uses a tag "a>b>c", then the element c will be nested inside
// parent elements a and b. Fields that appear next to each other that name
// the same parent will be enclosed in one XML element. For example:
// type Result struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `xml:"result"`
// FirstName string `xml:"person>name>first"`
// LastName string `xml:"person>name>last"`
// Age int `xml:"person>age"`
// }
// xml.Marshal(w, &Result{FirstName: "John", LastName: "Doe", Age: 42})
// would be marshalled as:
// <result>
// <person>
// <name>
// <first>John</first>
// <last>Doe</last>
// </name>
// <age>42</age>
// </person>
// </result>
// Marshal will return an error if asked to marshal a channel, function, or map.
func Marshal(w io.Writer, v interface{}) (err error) {
p := &printer{bufio.NewWriter(w)}
err = p.marshalValue(reflect.ValueOf(v), "???")
return err
func (p *printer) marshalValue(val reflect.Value, name string) error {
if !val.IsValid() {
return nil
kind := val.Kind()
typ := val.Type()
// Try Marshaler
if typ.NumMethod() > 0 {
if marshaler, ok := val.Interface().(Marshaler); ok {
bytes, err := marshaler.MarshalXML()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Drill into pointers/interfaces
if kind == reflect.Ptr || kind == reflect.Interface {
if val.IsNil() {
return nil
return p.marshalValue(val.Elem(), name)
// Slices and arrays iterate over the elements. They do not have an enclosing tag.
if (kind == reflect.Slice || kind == reflect.Array) && typ.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
for i, n := 0, val.Len(); i < n; i++ {
if err := p.marshalValue(val.Index(i), name); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Find XML name
xmlns := ""
if kind == reflect.Struct {
if f, ok := typ.FieldByName("XMLName"); ok {
if tag := f.Tag.Get("xml"); tag != "" {
if i := strings.Index(tag, " "); i >= 0 {
xmlns, name = tag[:i], tag[i+1:]
} else {
name = tag
} else if v, ok := val.FieldByIndex(f.Index).Interface().(Name); ok && v.Local != "" {
xmlns, name = v.Space, v.Local
// Attributes
if kind == reflect.Struct {
if len(xmlns) > 0 {
p.WriteString(` xmlns="`)
Escape(p, []byte(xmlns))
for i, n := 0, typ.NumField(); i < n; i++ {
if f := typ.Field(i); f.PkgPath == "" && f.Tag.Get("xml") == "attr" {
if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.String {
if str := val.Field(i).String(); str != "" {
p.WriteByte(' ')
Escape(p, []byte(str))
switch k := val.Kind(); k {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
p.WriteString(strconv.Ftoa64(val.Float(), 'g', -1))
case reflect.String:
Escape(p, []byte(val.String()))
case reflect.Bool:
case reflect.Array:
// will be [...]byte
bytes := make([]byte, val.Len())
for i := range bytes {
bytes[i] = val.Index(i).Interface().(byte)
Escape(p, bytes)
case reflect.Slice:
// will be []byte
bytes := val.Interface().([]byte)
Escape(p, bytes)
case reflect.Struct:
s := parentStack{printer: p}
for i, n := 0, val.NumField(); i < n; i++ {
if f := typ.Field(i); f.Name != "XMLName" && f.PkgPath == "" {
name := f.Name
vf := val.Field(i)
switch tag := f.Tag.Get("xml"); tag {
case "":
case "chardata":
if tk := f.Type.Kind(); tk == reflect.String {
Escape(p, []byte(vf.String()))
} else if tk == reflect.Slice {
if elem, ok := vf.Interface().([]byte); ok {
Escape(p, elem)
case "innerxml":
iface := vf.Interface()
switch raw := iface.(type) {
case []byte:
case string:
case "attr":
parents := strings.Split(tag, ">")
if len(parents) == 1 {
parents, name = nil, tag
} else {
parents, name = parents[:len(parents)-1], parents[len(parents)-1]
if parents[0] == "" {
parents[0] = f.Name
if !(vf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || vf.Kind() == reflect.Interface) || !vf.IsNil() {
if err := p.marshalValue(vf, name); err != nil {
return err
return &UnsupportedTypeError{typ}
return nil
type parentStack struct {
stack []string
// trim updates the XML context to match the longest common prefix of the stack
// and the given parents. A closing tag will be written for every parent
// popped. Passing a zero slice or nil will close all the elements.
func (s *parentStack) trim(parents []string) {
split := 0
for ; split < len(parents) && split < len(s.stack); split++ {
if parents[split] != s.stack[split] {
for i := len(s.stack) - 1; i >= split; i-- {
s.stack = parents[:split]
// push adds parent elements to the stack and writes open tags.
func (s *parentStack) push(parents []string) {
for i := 0; i < len(parents); i++ {
s.stack = append(s.stack, parents...)
// A MarshalXMLError is returned when Marshal or MarshalIndent encounter a type
// that cannot be converted into XML.
type UnsupportedTypeError struct {
Type reflect.Type
func (e *UnsupportedTypeError) Error() string {
return "xml: unsupported type: " + e.Type.String()