mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-10-04 11:11:21 -06:00
Robert Griesemer 5a1d3323fe 1) Change default gofmt default settings for
parsing and printing to new syntax.

                  Use -oldparser to parse the old syntax,
                  use -oldprinter to print the old syntax.

               2) Change default gofmt formatting settings
                  to use tabs for indentation only and to use
                  spaces for alignment. This will make the code
                  alignment insensitive to an editor's tabwidth.

                  Use -spaces=false to use tabs for alignment.

               3) Manually changed src/exp/parser/parser_test.go
                  so that it doesn't try to parse the parser's
                  source files using the old syntax (they have
                  new syntax now).

               4) gofmt -w src misc test/bench

	       1st set of files.

CC=agl, golang-dev, iant, ken2, r
2009-12-15 15:33:31 -08:00

222 lines
6.2 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func creat(name string) *os.File {
f, err := os.Open(name, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT|os.O_TRUNC, 0666)
if err != nil {
fatal("%s", err)
return f
// writeOutput creates output files to be compiled by 6g, 6c, and gcc.
// (The comments here say 6g and 6c but the code applies to the 8 and 5 tools too.)
func (p *Prog) writeOutput(srcfile string) {
pkgroot := os.Getenv("GOROOT") + "/pkg/" + os.Getenv("GOOS") + "_" + os.Getenv("GOARCH")
base := srcfile
if strings.HasSuffix(base, ".go") {
base = base[0 : len(base)-3]
fgo1 := creat(base + ".cgo1.go")
fgo2 := creat(base + ".cgo2.go")
fc := creat(base + ".cgo3.c")
fgcc := creat(base + ".cgo4.c")
// Write Go output: Go input with rewrites of C.xxx to _C_xxx.
fmt.Fprintf(fgo1, "// Created by cgo - DO NOT EDIT\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo1, "//line %s:1\n", srcfile)
printer.Fprint(fgo1, p.AST)
// Write second Go output: definitions of _C_xxx.
// In a separate file so that the import of "unsafe" does not
// pollute the original file.
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "// Created by cgo - DO NOT EDIT\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "package %s\n\n", p.Package)
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "import \"unsafe\"\n\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "type _ unsafe.Pointer\n\n")
for name, def := range p.Typedef {
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "type %s ", name)
printer.Fprint(fgo2, def)
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "type _C_void [0]byte\n")
// While we process the vars and funcs, also write 6c and gcc output.
// Gcc output starts with the preamble.
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "%s\n", p.Preamble)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "%s\n", gccProlog)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, cProlog, pkgroot, pkgroot, pkgroot, pkgroot, p.Package, p.Package)
for name, def := range p.Vardef {
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "#pragma dynld %s·_C_%s %s \"%s/%s_%s.so\"\n", p.Package, name, name, pkgroot, p.PackagePath, base)
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "var _C_%s ", name)
printer.Fprint(fgo2, &ast.StarExpr{X: def.Go})
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "\n")
for name, def := range p.Funcdef {
// Go func declaration.
d := &ast.FuncDecl{
Name: &ast.Ident{Value: "_C_" + name},
Type: def.Go,
printer.Fprint(fgo2, d)
fmt.Fprintf(fgo2, "\n")
if name == "CString" || name == "GoString" {
// The builtins are already defined in the C prolog.
// Construct a gcc struct matching the 6c argument frame.
// Assumes that in gcc, char is 1 byte, short 2 bytes, int 4 bytes, long long 8 bytes.
// These assumptions are checked by the gccProlog.
// Also assumes that 6c convention is to word-align the
// input and output parameters.
structType := "struct {\n"
off := int64(0)
npad := 0
for i, t := range def.Params {
if off%t.Align != 0 {
pad := t.Align - off%t.Align
structType += fmt.Sprintf("\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", npad, pad)
off += pad
structType += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t%s p%d;\n", t.C, i)
off += t.Size
if off%p.PtrSize != 0 {
pad := p.PtrSize - off%p.PtrSize
structType += fmt.Sprintf("\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", npad, pad)
off += pad
if t := def.Result; t != nil {
if off%t.Align != 0 {
pad := t.Align - off%t.Align
structType += fmt.Sprintf("\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", npad, pad)
off += pad
structType += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t%s r;\n", t.C)
off += t.Size
if off%p.PtrSize != 0 {
pad := p.PtrSize - off%p.PtrSize
structType += fmt.Sprintf("\t\tchar __pad%d[%d];\n", npad, pad)
off += pad
if len(def.Params) == 0 && def.Result == nil {
structType += "\t\tchar unused;\n" // avoid empty struct
structType += "\t}"
argSize := off
// C wrapper calls into gcc, passing a pointer to the argument frame.
// Also emit #pragma to get a pointer to the gcc wrapper.
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "#pragma dynld _cgo_%s _cgo_%s \"%s/%s_%s.so\"\n", name, name, pkgroot, p.PackagePath, base)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "void (*_cgo_%s)(void*);\n", name)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "void\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "%s·_C_%s(struct{uint8 x[%d];}p)\n", p.Package, name, argSize)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "{\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "\tcgocall(_cgo_%s, &p);\n", name)
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fc, "\n")
// Gcc wrapper unpacks the C argument struct
// and calls the actual C function.
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "void\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "_cgo_%s(void *v)\n", name)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "{\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\t%s *a = v;\n", structType)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\t")
if def.Result != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "a->r = ")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "%s(", name)
for i := range def.Params {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, ", ")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "a->p%d", i)
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, ");\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "}\n")
fmt.Fprintf(fgcc, "\n")
const gccProlog = `
// Usual nonsense: if x and y are not equal, the type will be invalid
// (have a negative array count) and an inscrutable error will come
// out of the compiler and hopefully mention "name".
#define __cgo_compile_assert_eq(x, y, name) typedef char name[(x-y)*(x-y)*-2+1];
// Check at compile time that the sizes we use match our expectations.
#define __cgo_size_assert(t, n) __cgo_compile_assert_eq(sizeof(t), n, _cgo_sizeof_##t##_is_not_##n)
__cgo_size_assert(char, 1)
__cgo_size_assert(short, 2)
__cgo_size_assert(int, 4)
typedef long long __cgo_long_long;
__cgo_size_assert(__cgo_long_long, 8)
__cgo_size_assert(float, 4)
__cgo_size_assert(double, 8)
const builtinProlog = `
typedef struct { char *p; int n; } _GoString_;
_GoString_ GoString(char *p);
char *CString(_GoString_);
const cProlog = `
#include "runtime.h"
#include "cgocall.h"
#pragma dynld initcgo initcgo "%s/libcgo.so"
#pragma dynld libcgo_thread_start libcgo_thread_start "%s/libcgo.so"
#pragma dynld _cgo_malloc _cgo_malloc "%s/libcgo.so"
#pragma dynld _cgo_free free "%s/libcgo.so"
%s·_C_GoString(int8 *p, String s)
s = gostring((byte*)p);
%s·_C_CString(String s, int8 *p)
p = cmalloc(s.len+1);
mcpy((byte*)p, s.str, s.len);
p[s.len] = 0;