mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-09-30 20:28:32 -06:00
Brad Fitzpatrick 705bb7ffce godoc: remove the last of the global variables, unexport Server
The exported Server becomes handlerServer, and part of Presentation
now.  Presentation is also now an http.Handler with its own
internal mux (a detail, which might go away).

main.go becomes ever simpler.

R=golang-dev, adg
2013-07-19 10:27:53 +10:00

1137 lines
31 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the infrastructure to create an
// identifier and full-text index for a set of Go files.
// Algorithm for identifier index:
// - traverse all .go files of the file tree specified by root
// - for each identifier (word) encountered, collect all occurrences (spots)
// into a list; this produces a list of spots for each word
// - reduce the lists: from a list of spots to a list of FileRuns,
// and from a list of FileRuns into a list of PakRuns
// - make a HitList from the PakRuns
// Details:
// - keep two lists per word: one containing package-level declarations
// that have snippets, and one containing all other spots
// - keep the snippets in a separate table indexed by snippet index
// and store the snippet index in place of the line number in a SpotInfo
// (the line number for spots with snippets is stored in the snippet)
// - at the end, create lists of alternative spellings for a given
// word
// Algorithm for full text index:
// - concatenate all source code in a byte buffer (in memory)
// - add the files to a file set in lockstep as they are added to the byte
// buffer such that a byte buffer offset corresponds to the Pos value for
// that file location
// - create a suffix array from the concatenated sources
// String lookup in full text index:
// - use the suffix array to lookup a string's offsets - the offsets
// correspond to the Pos values relative to the file set
// - translate the Pos values back into file and line information and
// sort the result
package godoc
import (
pathpkg "path"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// InterfaceSlice is a helper type for sorting interface
// slices according to some slice-specific sort criteria.
type comparer func(x, y interface{}) bool
type interfaceSlice struct {
slice []interface{}
less comparer
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RunList
// A RunList is a list of entries that can be sorted according to some
// criteria. A RunList may be compressed by grouping "runs" of entries
// which are equal (according to the sort critera) into a new RunList of
// runs. For instance, a RunList containing pairs (x, y) may be compressed
// into a RunList containing pair runs (x, {y}) where each run consists of
// a list of y's with the same x.
type RunList []interface{}
func (h RunList) sort(less comparer) {
sort.Sort(&interfaceSlice{h, less})
func (p *interfaceSlice) Len() int { return len(p.slice) }
func (p *interfaceSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p.less(p.slice[i], p.slice[j]) }
func (p *interfaceSlice) Swap(i, j int) { p.slice[i], p.slice[j] = p.slice[j], p.slice[i] }
// Compress entries which are the same according to a sort criteria
// (specified by less) into "runs".
func (h RunList) reduce(less comparer, newRun func(h RunList) interface{}) RunList {
if len(h) == 0 {
return nil
// len(h) > 0
// create runs of entries with equal values
// for each run, make a new run object and collect them in a new RunList
var hh RunList
i, x := 0, h[0]
for j, y := range h {
if less(x, y) {
hh = append(hh, newRun(h[i:j]))
i, x = j, h[j] // start a new run
// add final run, if any
if i < len(h) {
hh = append(hh, newRun(h[i:]))
return hh
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KindRun
// Debugging support. Disable to see multiple entries per line.
const removeDuplicates = true
// A KindRun is a run of SpotInfos of the same kind in a given file.
// The kind (3 bits) is stored in each SpotInfo element; to find the
// kind of a KindRun, look at any of it's elements.
type KindRun []SpotInfo
// KindRuns are sorted by line number or index. Since the isIndex bit
// is always the same for all infos in one list we can compare lori's.
func (k KindRun) Len() int { return len(k) }
func (k KindRun) Less(i, j int) bool { return k[i].Lori() < k[j].Lori() }
func (k KindRun) Swap(i, j int) { k[i], k[j] = k[j], k[i] }
// FileRun contents are sorted by Kind for the reduction into KindRuns.
func lessKind(x, y interface{}) bool { return x.(SpotInfo).Kind() < y.(SpotInfo).Kind() }
// newKindRun allocates a new KindRun from the SpotInfo run h.
func newKindRun(h RunList) interface{} {
run := make(KindRun, len(h))
for i, x := range h {
run[i] = x.(SpotInfo)
// Spots were sorted by file and kind to create this run.
// Within this run, sort them by line number or index.
if removeDuplicates {
// Since both the lori and kind field must be
// same for duplicates, and since the isIndex
// bit is always the same for all infos in one
// list we can simply compare the entire info.
k := 0
prev := SpotInfo(1<<32 - 1) // an unlikely value
for _, x := range run {
if x != prev {
run[k] = x
prev = x
run = run[0:k]
return run
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FileRun
// A Pak describes a Go package.
type Pak struct {
Path string // path of directory containing the package
Name string // package name as declared by package clause
// Paks are sorted by name (primary key) and by import path (secondary key).
func (p *Pak) less(q *Pak) bool {
return p.Name < q.Name || p.Name == q.Name && p.Path < q.Path
// A File describes a Go file.
type File struct {
Name string // directory-local file name
Pak *Pak // the package to which the file belongs
// Path returns the file path of f.
func (f *File) Path() string {
return pathpkg.Join(f.Pak.Path, f.Name)
// A Spot describes a single occurrence of a word.
type Spot struct {
File *File
Info SpotInfo
// A FileRun is a list of KindRuns belonging to the same file.
type FileRun struct {
File *File
Groups []KindRun
// Spots are sorted by file path for the reduction into FileRuns.
func lessSpot(x, y interface{}) bool {
fx := x.(Spot).File
fy := y.(Spot).File
// same as "return fx.Path() < fy.Path()" but w/o computing the file path first
px := fx.Pak.Path
py := fy.Pak.Path
return px < py || px == py && fx.Name < fy.Name
// newFileRun allocates a new FileRun from the Spot run h.
func newFileRun(h RunList) interface{} {
file := h[0].(Spot).File
// reduce the list of Spots into a list of KindRuns
h1 := make(RunList, len(h))
for i, x := range h {
h1[i] = x.(Spot).Info
h2 := h1.reduce(lessKind, newKindRun)
// create the FileRun
groups := make([]KindRun, len(h2))
for i, x := range h2 {
groups[i] = x.(KindRun)
return &FileRun{file, groups}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PakRun
// A PakRun describes a run of *FileRuns of a package.
type PakRun struct {
Pak *Pak
Files []*FileRun
// Sorting support for files within a PakRun.
func (p *PakRun) Len() int { return len(p.Files) }
func (p *PakRun) Less(i, j int) bool { return p.Files[i].File.Name < p.Files[j].File.Name }
func (p *PakRun) Swap(i, j int) { p.Files[i], p.Files[j] = p.Files[j], p.Files[i] }
// FileRuns are sorted by package for the reduction into PakRuns.
func lessFileRun(x, y interface{}) bool {
return x.(*FileRun).File.Pak.less(y.(*FileRun).File.Pak)
// newPakRun allocates a new PakRun from the *FileRun run h.
func newPakRun(h RunList) interface{} {
pak := h[0].(*FileRun).File.Pak
files := make([]*FileRun, len(h))
for i, x := range h {
files[i] = x.(*FileRun)
run := &PakRun{pak, files}
sort.Sort(run) // files were sorted by package; sort them by file now
return run
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HitList
// A HitList describes a list of PakRuns.
type HitList []*PakRun
// PakRuns are sorted by package.
func lessPakRun(x, y interface{}) bool { return x.(*PakRun).Pak.less(y.(*PakRun).Pak) }
func reduce(h0 RunList) HitList {
// reduce a list of Spots into a list of FileRuns
h1 := h0.reduce(lessSpot, newFileRun)
// reduce a list of FileRuns into a list of PakRuns
h2 := h1.reduce(lessFileRun, newPakRun)
// sort the list of PakRuns by package
// create a HitList
h := make(HitList, len(h2))
for i, p := range h2 {
h[i] = p.(*PakRun)
return h
// filter returns a new HitList created by filtering
// all PakRuns from h that have a matching pakname.
func (h HitList) filter(pakname string) HitList {
var hh HitList
for _, p := range h {
if p.Pak.Name == pakname {
hh = append(hh, p)
return hh
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AltWords
type wordPair struct {
canon string // canonical word spelling (all lowercase)
alt string // alternative spelling
// An AltWords describes a list of alternative spellings for a
// canonical (all lowercase) spelling of a word.
type AltWords struct {
Canon string // canonical word spelling (all lowercase)
Alts []string // alternative spelling for the same word
// wordPairs are sorted by their canonical spelling.
func lessWordPair(x, y interface{}) bool { return x.(*wordPair).canon < y.(*wordPair).canon }
// newAltWords allocates a new AltWords from the *wordPair run h.
func newAltWords(h RunList) interface{} {
canon := h[0].(*wordPair).canon
alts := make([]string, len(h))
for i, x := range h {
alts[i] = x.(*wordPair).alt
return &AltWords{canon, alts}
func (a *AltWords) filter(s string) *AltWords {
var alts []string
for _, w := range a.Alts {
if w != s {
alts = append(alts, w)
if len(alts) > 0 {
return &AltWords{a.Canon, alts}
return nil
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Indexer
// Adjust these flags as seems best.
const includeMainPackages = true
const includeTestFiles = true
type IndexResult struct {
Decls RunList // package-level declarations (with snippets)
Others RunList // all other occurrences
// Statistics provides statistics information for an index.
type Statistics struct {
Bytes int // total size of indexed source files
Files int // number of indexed source files
Lines int // number of lines (all files)
Words int // number of different identifiers
Spots int // number of identifier occurrences
// An Indexer maintains the data structures and provides the machinery
// for indexing .go files under a file tree. It implements the path.Visitor
// interface for walking file trees, and the ast.Visitor interface for
// walking Go ASTs.
type Indexer struct {
c *Corpus
fset *token.FileSet // file set for all indexed files
sources bytes.Buffer // concatenated sources
packages map[string]*Pak // map of canonicalized *Paks
words map[string]*IndexResult // RunLists of Spots
snippets []*Snippet // indices are stored in SpotInfos
current *token.File // last file added to file set
file *File // AST for current file
decl ast.Decl // AST for current decl
stats Statistics
func (x *Indexer) lookupPackage(path, name string) *Pak {
// In the source directory tree, more than one package may
// live in the same directory. For the packages map, construct
// a key that includes both the directory path and the package
// name.
key := path + ":" + name
pak := x.packages[key]
if pak == nil {
pak = &Pak{path, name}
x.packages[key] = pak
return pak
func (x *Indexer) addSnippet(s *Snippet) int {
index := len(x.snippets)
x.snippets = append(x.snippets, s)
return index
func (x *Indexer) visitIdent(kind SpotKind, id *ast.Ident) {
if id != nil {
lists, found := x.words[id.Name]
if !found {
lists = new(IndexResult)
x.words[id.Name] = lists
if kind == Use || x.decl == nil {
// not a declaration or no snippet required
info := makeSpotInfo(kind, x.current.Line(id.Pos()), false)
lists.Others = append(lists.Others, Spot{x.file, info})
} else {
// a declaration with snippet
index := x.addSnippet(NewSnippet(x.fset, x.decl, id))
info := makeSpotInfo(kind, index, true)
lists.Decls = append(lists.Decls, Spot{x.file, info})
func (x *Indexer) visitFieldList(kind SpotKind, flist *ast.FieldList) {
for _, f := range flist.List {
x.decl = nil // no snippets for fields
for _, name := range f.Names {
x.visitIdent(kind, name)
ast.Walk(x, f.Type)
// ignore tag - not indexed at the moment
func (x *Indexer) visitSpec(kind SpotKind, spec ast.Spec) {
switch n := spec.(type) {
case *ast.ImportSpec:
x.visitIdent(ImportDecl, n.Name)
// ignore path - not indexed at the moment
case *ast.ValueSpec:
for _, n := range n.Names {
x.visitIdent(kind, n)
ast.Walk(x, n.Type)
for _, v := range n.Values {
ast.Walk(x, v)
case *ast.TypeSpec:
x.visitIdent(TypeDecl, n.Name)
ast.Walk(x, n.Type)
func (x *Indexer) visitGenDecl(decl *ast.GenDecl) {
kind := VarDecl
if decl.Tok == token.CONST {
kind = ConstDecl
x.decl = decl
for _, s := range decl.Specs {
x.visitSpec(kind, s)
func (x *Indexer) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
switch n := node.(type) {
case nil:
// nothing to do
case *ast.Ident:
x.visitIdent(Use, n)
case *ast.FieldList:
x.visitFieldList(VarDecl, n)
case *ast.InterfaceType:
x.visitFieldList(MethodDecl, n.Methods)
case *ast.DeclStmt:
// local declarations should only be *ast.GenDecls;
// ignore incorrect ASTs
if decl, ok := n.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl); ok {
x.decl = nil // no snippets for local declarations
case *ast.GenDecl:
x.decl = n
case *ast.FuncDecl:
kind := FuncDecl
if n.Recv != nil {
kind = MethodDecl
ast.Walk(x, n.Recv)
x.decl = n
x.visitIdent(kind, n.Name)
ast.Walk(x, n.Type)
if n.Body != nil {
ast.Walk(x, n.Body)
case *ast.File:
x.decl = nil
x.visitIdent(PackageClause, n.Name)
for _, d := range n.Decls {
ast.Walk(x, d)
return x
return nil
func pkgName(filename string) string {
// use a new file set each time in order to not pollute the indexer's
// file set (which must stay in sync with the concatenated source code)
file, err := parser.ParseFile(token.NewFileSet(), filename, nil, parser.PackageClauseOnly)
if err != nil || file == nil {
return ""
return file.Name.Name
// addFile adds a file to the index if possible and returns the file set file
// and the file's AST if it was successfully parsed as a Go file. If addFile
// failed (that is, if the file was not added), it returns file == nil.
func (x *Indexer) addFile(filename string, goFile bool) (file *token.File, ast *ast.File) {
// open file
f, err := x.c.fs.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
// The file set's base offset and x.sources size must be in lock-step;
// this permits the direct mapping of suffix array lookup results to
// to corresponding Pos values.
// When a file is added to the file set, its offset base increases by
// the size of the file + 1; and the initial base offset is 1. Add an
// extra byte to the sources here.
// If the sources length doesn't match the file set base at this point
// the file set implementation changed or we have another error.
base := x.fset.Base()
if x.sources.Len() != base {
panic("internal error: file base incorrect")
// append file contents (src) to x.sources
if _, err := x.sources.ReadFrom(f); err == nil {
src := x.sources.Bytes()[base:]
if goFile {
// parse the file and in the process add it to the file set
if ast, err = parser.ParseFile(x.fset, filename, src, parser.ParseComments); err == nil {
file = x.fset.File(ast.Pos()) // ast.Pos() is inside the file
// file has parse errors, and the AST may be incorrect -
// set lines information explicitly and index as ordinary
// text file (cannot fall through to the text case below
// because the file has already been added to the file set
// by the parser)
file = x.fset.File(token.Pos(base)) // token.Pos(base) is inside the file
ast = nil
if util.IsText(src) {
// only add the file to the file set (for the full text index)
file = x.fset.AddFile(filename, x.fset.Base(), len(src))
// discard possibly added data
x.sources.Truncate(base - 1) // -1 to remove added byte 0 since no file was added
// Design note: Using an explicit white list of permitted files for indexing
// makes sure that the important files are included and massively reduces the
// number of files to index. The advantage over a blacklist is that unexpected
// (non-blacklisted) files won't suddenly explode the index.
// Files are whitelisted if they have a file name or extension
// present as key in whitelisted.
var whitelisted = map[string]bool{
".bash": true,
".c": true,
".cc": true,
".cpp": true,
".cxx": true,
".css": true,
".go": true,
".goc": true,
".h": true,
".hh": true,
".hpp": true,
".hxx": true,
".html": true,
".js": true,
".out": true,
".py": true,
".s": true,
".sh": true,
".txt": true,
".xml": true,
"AUTHORS": true,
"LICENSE": true,
"Makefile": true,
"PATENTS": true,
"README": true,
// isWhitelisted returns true if a file is on the list
// of "permitted" files for indexing. The filename must
// be the directory-local name of the file.
func isWhitelisted(filename string) bool {
key := pathpkg.Ext(filename)
if key == "" {
// file has no extension - use entire filename
key = filename
return whitelisted[key]
func (x *Indexer) visitFile(dirname string, f os.FileInfo, fulltextIndex bool) {
if f.IsDir() {
filename := pathpkg.Join(dirname, f.Name())
goFile := false
switch {
case isGoFile(f):
if !includeTestFiles && (!isPkgFile(f) || strings.HasPrefix(filename, "test/")) {
if !includeMainPackages && pkgName(filename) == "main" {
goFile = true
case !fulltextIndex || !isWhitelisted(f.Name()):
file, fast := x.addFile(filename, goFile)
if file == nil {
return // addFile failed
if fast != nil {
// we've got a Go file to index
x.current = file
pak := x.lookupPackage(dirname, fast.Name.Name)
x.file = &File{f.Name(), pak}
ast.Walk(x, fast)
// update statistics
x.stats.Bytes += file.Size()
x.stats.Lines += file.LineCount()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Index
type LookupResult struct {
Decls HitList // package-level declarations (with snippets)
Others HitList // all other occurrences
type Index struct {
fset *token.FileSet // file set used during indexing; nil if no textindex
suffixes *suffixarray.Index // suffixes for concatenated sources; nil if no textindex
words map[string]*LookupResult // maps words to hit lists
alts map[string]*AltWords // maps canonical(words) to lists of alternative spellings
snippets []*Snippet // all snippets, indexed by snippet index
stats Statistics
func canonical(w string) string { return strings.ToLower(w) }
// NewIndex creates a new index for the .go files
// in the directories given by dirnames.
func NewIndex(c *Corpus, dirnames <-chan string, fulltextIndex bool, throttle float64) *Index {
var x Indexer
th := util.NewThrottle(throttle, 100*time.Millisecond) // run at least 0.1s at a time
// initialize Indexer
// (use some reasonably sized maps to start)
x.c = c
x.fset = token.NewFileSet()
x.packages = make(map[string]*Pak, 256)
x.words = make(map[string]*IndexResult, 8192)
// index all files in the directories given by dirnames
for dirname := range dirnames {
list, err := c.fs.ReadDir(dirname)
if err != nil {
continue // ignore this directory
for _, f := range list {
if !f.IsDir() {
x.visitFile(dirname, f, fulltextIndex)
if !fulltextIndex {
// the file set, the current file, and the sources are
// not needed after indexing if no text index is built -
// help GC and clear them
x.fset = nil
x.current = nil // contains reference to fset!
// for each word, reduce the RunLists into a LookupResult;
// also collect the word with its canonical spelling in a
// word list for later computation of alternative spellings
words := make(map[string]*LookupResult)
var wlist RunList
for w, h := range x.words {
decls := reduce(h.Decls)
others := reduce(h.Others)
words[w] = &LookupResult{
Decls: decls,
Others: others,
wlist = append(wlist, &wordPair{canonical(w), w})
x.stats.Words = len(words)
// reduce the word list {canonical(w), w} into
// a list of AltWords runs {canonical(w), {w}}
alist := wlist.reduce(lessWordPair, newAltWords)
// convert alist into a map of alternative spellings
alts := make(map[string]*AltWords)
for i := 0; i < len(alist); i++ {
a := alist[i].(*AltWords)
alts[a.Canon] = a
// create text index
var suffixes *suffixarray.Index
if fulltextIndex {
suffixes = suffixarray.New(x.sources.Bytes())
return &Index{x.fset, suffixes, words, alts, x.snippets, x.stats}
type fileIndex struct {
Words map[string]*LookupResult
Alts map[string]*AltWords
Snippets []*Snippet
Fulltext bool
func (x *fileIndex) Write(w io.Writer) error {
return gob.NewEncoder(w).Encode(x)
func (x *fileIndex) Read(r io.Reader) error {
return gob.NewDecoder(r).Decode(x)
// Write writes the index x to w.
func (x *Index) Write(w io.Writer) error {
fulltext := false
if x.suffixes != nil {
fulltext = true
fx := fileIndex{
if err := fx.Write(w); err != nil {
return err
if fulltext {
encode := func(x interface{}) error {
return gob.NewEncoder(w).Encode(x)
if err := x.fset.Write(encode); err != nil {
return err
if err := x.suffixes.Write(w); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Read reads the index from r into x; x must not be nil.
// If r does not also implement io.ByteReader, it will be wrapped in a bufio.Reader.
func (x *Index) Read(r io.Reader) error {
// We use the ability to read bytes as a plausible surrogate for buffering.
if _, ok := r.(io.ByteReader); !ok {
r = bufio.NewReader(r)
var fx fileIndex
if err := fx.Read(r); err != nil {
return err
x.words = fx.Words
x.alts = fx.Alts
x.snippets = fx.Snippets
if fx.Fulltext {
x.fset = token.NewFileSet()
decode := func(x interface{}) error {
return gob.NewDecoder(r).Decode(x)
if err := x.fset.Read(decode); err != nil {
return err
x.suffixes = new(suffixarray.Index)
if err := x.suffixes.Read(r); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Stats() returns index statistics.
func (x *Index) Stats() Statistics {
return x.stats
func (x *Index) lookupWord(w string) (match *LookupResult, alt *AltWords) {
match = x.words[w]
alt = x.alts[canonical(w)]
// remove current spelling from alternatives
// (if there is no match, the alternatives do
// not contain the current spelling)
if match != nil && alt != nil {
alt = alt.filter(w)
// isIdentifier reports whether s is a Go identifier.
func isIdentifier(s string) bool {
for i, ch := range s {
if unicode.IsLetter(ch) || ch == ' ' || i > 0 && unicode.IsDigit(ch) {
return false
return len(s) > 0
// For a given query, which is either a single identifier or a qualified
// identifier, Lookup returns a list of packages, a LookupResult, and a
// list of alternative spellings, if any. Any and all results may be nil.
// If the query syntax is wrong, an error is reported.
func (x *Index) Lookup(query string) (paks HitList, match *LookupResult, alt *AltWords, err error) {
ss := strings.Split(query, ".")
// check query syntax
for _, s := range ss {
if !isIdentifier(s) {
err = errors.New("all query parts must be identifiers")
// handle simple and qualified identifiers
switch len(ss) {
case 1:
ident := ss[0]
match, alt = x.lookupWord(ident)
if match != nil {
// found a match - filter packages with same name
// for the list of packages called ident, if any
paks = match.Others.filter(ident)
case 2:
pakname, ident := ss[0], ss[1]
match, alt = x.lookupWord(ident)
if match != nil {
// found a match - filter by package name
// (no paks - package names are not qualified)
decls := match.Decls.filter(pakname)
others := match.Others.filter(pakname)
match = &LookupResult{decls, others}
err = errors.New("query is not a (qualified) identifier")
func (x *Index) Snippet(i int) *Snippet {
// handle illegal snippet indices gracefully
if 0 <= i && i < len(x.snippets) {
return x.snippets[i]
return nil
type positionList []struct {
filename string
line int
func (list positionList) Len() int { return len(list) }
func (list positionList) Less(i, j int) bool { return list[i].filename < list[j].filename }
func (list positionList) Swap(i, j int) { list[i], list[j] = list[j], list[i] }
// unique returns the list sorted and with duplicate entries removed
func unique(list []int) []int {
var last int
i := 0
for _, x := range list {
if i == 0 || x != last {
last = x
list[i] = x
return list[0:i]
// A FileLines value specifies a file and line numbers within that file.
type FileLines struct {
Filename string
Lines []int
// LookupRegexp returns the number of matches and the matches where a regular
// expression r is found in the full text index. At most n matches are
// returned (thus found <= n).
func (x *Index) LookupRegexp(r *regexp.Regexp, n int) (found int, result []FileLines) {
if x.suffixes == nil || n <= 0 {
// n > 0
var list positionList
// FindAllIndex may returns matches that span across file boundaries.
// Such matches are unlikely, buf after eliminating them we may end up
// with fewer than n matches. If we don't have enough at the end, redo
// the search with an increased value n1, but only if FindAllIndex
// returned all the requested matches in the first place (if it
// returned fewer than that there cannot be more).
for n1 := n; found < n; n1 += n - found {
found = 0
matches := x.suffixes.FindAllIndex(r, n1)
// compute files, exclude matches that span file boundaries,
// and map offsets to file-local offsets
list = make(positionList, len(matches))
for _, m := range matches {
// by construction, an offset corresponds to the Pos value
// for the file set - use it to get the file and line
p := token.Pos(m[0])
if file := x.fset.File(p); file != nil {
if base := file.Base(); base <= m[1] && m[1] <= base+file.Size() {
// match [m[0], m[1]) is within the file boundaries
list[found].filename = file.Name()
list[found].line = file.Line(p)
if found == n || len(matches) < n1 {
// found all matches or there's no chance to find more
list = list[0:found]
sort.Sort(list) // sort by filename
// collect matches belonging to the same file
var last string
var lines []int
addLines := func() {
if len(lines) > 0 {
// remove duplicate lines
result = append(result, FileLines{last, unique(lines)})
lines = nil
for _, m := range list {
if m.filename != last {
last = m.filename
lines = append(lines, m.line)
// InvalidateIndex should be called whenever any of the file systems
// under godoc's observation change so that the indexer is kicked on.
func (c *Corpus) invalidateIndex() {
// indexUpToDate() returns true if the search index is not older
// than any of the file systems under godoc's observation.
func (c *Corpus) indexUpToDate() bool {
_, fsTime := c.fsModified.Get()
_, siTime := c.searchIndex.Get()
return !fsTime.After(siTime)
// feedDirnames feeds the directory names of all directories
// under the file system given by root to channel c.
func (c *Corpus) feedDirnames(ch chan<- string) {
if dir, _ := c.fsTree.Get(); dir != nil {
for d := range dir.(*Directory).iter(false) {
ch <- d.Path
// fsDirnames() returns a channel sending all directory names
// of all the file systems under godoc's observation.
func (c *Corpus) fsDirnames() <-chan string {
ch := make(chan string, 256) // buffered for fewer context switches
go func() {
return ch
func (c *Corpus) readIndex(filenames string) error {
matches, err := filepath.Glob(filenames)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if matches == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no index files match %q", filenames)
sort.Strings(matches) // make sure files are in the right order
files := make([]io.Reader, 0, len(matches))
for _, filename := range matches {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
files = append(files, f)
x := new(Index)
if err := x.Read(io.MultiReader(files...)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *Corpus) UpdateIndex() {
if c.Verbose {
log.Printf("updating index...")
start := time.Now()
index := NewIndex(c, c.fsDirnames(), c.MaxResults > 0, c.IndexThrottle)
stop := time.Now()
if c.Verbose {
secs := stop.Sub(start).Seconds()
stats := index.Stats()
log.Printf("index updated (%gs, %d bytes of source, %d files, %d lines, %d unique words, %d spots)",
secs, stats.Bytes, stats.Files, stats.Lines, stats.Words, stats.Spots)
memstats := new(runtime.MemStats)
log.Printf("before GC: bytes = %d footprint = %d", memstats.HeapAlloc, memstats.Sys)
log.Printf("after GC: bytes = %d footprint = %d", memstats.HeapAlloc, memstats.Sys)
// RunIndexer runs forever, indexing.
func (c *Corpus) RunIndexer() {
// initialize the index from disk if possible
if c.IndexFiles != "" {
if err := c.readIndex(c.IndexFiles); err != nil {
log.Printf("error reading index: %s", err)
// repeatedly update the index when it goes out of date
for {
if !c.indexUpToDate() {
// index possibly out of date - make a new one
delay := 60 * time.Second // by default, try every 60s
if false { // TODO(bradfitz): was: *testDir != "" {
// in test mode, try once a second for fast startup
delay = 1 * time.Second