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Alan Donovan 3b5de067a1 go.tools/pointer: reflection, part 1: maps, and some core features.

+ tests:

Interface objects (T, V...) have been renamed "tagged objects".

Abstraction: we model reflect.Value similar to
interface{}---as a pointer that points only to tagged
objects---but a reflect.Value may also point to an "indirect
tagged object", one in which the payload V is of type *T not T.
These are required because reflect.Values can hold lvalues,
e.g. when derived via Field() or Elem(), though we won't use
them till we get to structs and pointers.

Solving: each reflection intrinsic defines a new constraint
and resolution rule.  Because of the nature of reflection,
generalizing across types, the resolution rules dynamically
create additional complex constraints during solving, where
previously only simple (copy) constraints were created.
This requires some solver changes:

  The work done before the main solver loop (to attach new
  constraints to the graph) is now done before each iteration,
  in processNewConstraints.

  Its loop over constraints is broken into two passes:
  the first handles base (addr-of) constraints,
  the second handles simple and complex constraints.

  constraint.init() has been inlined.  The only behaviour that
  varies across constraints is ptr()

Sadly this will pessimize presolver optimisations, when we get
there; such is the price of reflection.

Objects: reflection intrinsics create objects (i.e. cause
memory allocations) with no SSA operation.  We will represent
them as the cgnode of the instrinsic (e.g. reflect.New), so we
extend Labels and node.data to represent objects as a product
(not sum) of ssa.Value and cgnode and pull this out into its
own type, struct object.  This simplifies a number of
invariants and saves space.  The ntObject flag is now
represented by obj!=nil; the other flags are moved into

cgnodes are now always recorded in objects/Labels for which it
is appropriate (all but those for globals, constants and the
shared contours for functions).

- Prepopulate the flattenMemo cache to consider reflect.Value
  a fake pointer, not a struct.
- Improve accessors and documentation on type Label.
- @conctypes assertions renamed @types (since dyn. types needn't be concrete).
- add oracle 'describe' test on an interface (missing, an oversight).

2013-09-16 09:49:10 -04:00

1144 lines
32 KiB

// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package pointer
// This file defines the constraint generation phase.
import (
var (
tEface = types.NewInterface(nil)
tInvalid = types.Typ[types.Invalid]
tUnsafePtr = types.Typ[types.UnsafePointer]
// ---------- Node creation ----------
// nextNode returns the index of the next unused node.
func (a *analysis) nextNode() nodeid {
return nodeid(len(a.nodes))
// addNodes creates nodes for all scalar elements in type typ, and
// returns the id of the first one, or zero if the type was
// analytically uninteresting.
// comment explains the origin of the nodes, as a debugging aid.
func (a *analysis) addNodes(typ types.Type, comment string) nodeid {
id := a.nextNode()
for _, fi := range a.flatten(typ) {
a.addOneNode(fi.typ, comment, fi)
if id == a.nextNode() {
return 0 // type contained no pointers
return id
// addOneNode creates a single node with type typ, and returns its id.
// typ should generally be scalar (except for tagged.T nodes
// and struct/array identity nodes). Use addNodes for non-scalar types.
// comment explains the origin of the nodes, as a debugging aid.
// subelement indicates the subelement, e.g. ".a.b[*].c".
func (a *analysis) addOneNode(typ types.Type, comment string, subelement *fieldInfo) nodeid {
id := a.nextNode()
a.nodes = append(a.nodes, &node{typ: typ, subelement: subelement})
if a.log != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.log, "\tcreate n%d %s for %s%s\n",
id, typ, comment, subelement.path())
return id
// setValueNode associates node id with the value v.
// TODO(adonovan): disambiguate v by its CallGraphNode, if it's a local.
func (a *analysis) setValueNode(v ssa.Value, id nodeid) {
a.valNode[v] = id
if a.log != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.log, "\tval[%s] = n%d (%T)\n", v.Name(), id, v)
// Record the (v, id) relation if the client has queried v.
if indirect, ok := a.config.QueryValues[v]; ok {
if indirect {
tmp := a.addNodes(v.Type(), "query.indirect")
a.load(tmp, id, a.sizeof(v.Type()))
id = tmp
ptrs := a.config.QueryResults
if ptrs == nil {
ptrs = make(map[ssa.Value][]Pointer)
a.config.QueryResults = ptrs
ptrs[v] = append(ptrs[v], ptr{a, id})
// endObject marks the end of a sequence of calls to addNodes denoting
// a single object allocation.
// obj is the start node of the object, from a prior call to nextNode.
// Its size, flags and (optionally) data will be updated.
func (a *analysis) endObject(obj nodeid, cgn *cgnode, val ssa.Value) *object {
// Ensure object is non-empty by padding;
// the pad will be the object node.
size := uint32(a.nextNode() - obj)
if size == 0 {
a.addOneNode(tInvalid, "padding", nil)
objNode := a.nodes[obj]
o := &object{
size: size, // excludes padding
cgn: cgn,
val: val,
objNode.obj = o
if val != nil && a.log != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.log, "\tobj[%s] = n%d\n", val, obj)
return o
// makeFunctionObject creates and returns a new function object for
// fn, and returns the id of its first node. It also enqueues fn for
// subsequent constraint generation.
func (a *analysis) makeFunctionObject(fn *ssa.Function) nodeid {
if a.log != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.log, "\t---- makeFunctionObject %s\n", fn)
// obj is the function object (identity, params, results).
obj := a.nextNode()
cgn := &cgnode{fn: fn, obj: obj}
sig := fn.Signature
a.addOneNode(sig, "func.cgnode", nil) // (scalar with Signature type)
if recv := sig.Recv(); recv != nil {
a.addNodes(recv.Type(), "func.recv")
a.addNodes(sig.Params(), "func.params")
a.addNodes(sig.Results(), "func.results")
a.endObject(obj, cgn, fn).flags |= otFunction
if a.log != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.log, "\t----\n")
// Queue it up for constraint processing.
a.genq = append(a.genq, cgn)
return obj
// makeFunction creates the shared function object (aka contour) for
// function fn and returns a 'func' value node that points to it.
func (a *analysis) makeFunction(fn *ssa.Function) nodeid {
obj := a.makeFunctionObject(fn)
a.funcObj[fn] = obj
var comment string
if a.log != nil {
comment = fn.String()
id := a.addOneNode(fn.Type(), comment, nil)
a.addressOf(id, obj)
return id
// makeGlobal creates the value node and object node for global g,
// and returns the value node.
// The value node represents the address of the global variable, and
// points to the object (and nothing else).
// The object consists of the global variable itself (conceptually,
// the BSS address).
func (a *analysis) makeGlobal(g *ssa.Global) nodeid {
var comment string
if a.log != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.log, "\t---- makeGlobal %s\n", g)
comment = g.FullName()
// The nodes representing the object itself.
obj := a.nextNode()
a.addNodes(mustDeref(g.Type()), "global")
a.endObject(obj, nil, g)
if a.log != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.log, "\t----\n")
// The node representing the address of the global.
id := a.addOneNode(g.Type(), comment, nil)
a.addressOf(id, obj)
return id
// makeConstant creates the value node and object node (if needed) for
// constant c, and returns the value node.
// An object node is created only for []byte or []rune constants.
// The value node points to the object node, iff present.
func (a *analysis) makeConstant(l *ssa.Const) nodeid {
id := a.addNodes(l.Type(), "const")
if !l.IsNil() {
// []byte or []rune?
if t, ok := l.Type().Underlying().(*types.Slice); ok {
// Treat []T like *[1]T, 'make []T' like new([1]T).
obj := a.nextNode()
a.addNodes(sliceToArray(t), "array in slice constant")
a.endObject(obj, nil, l)
a.addressOf(id, obj)
return id
// makeTagged creates a tagged object of type typ.
func (a *analysis) makeTagged(typ types.Type, cgn *cgnode, val ssa.Value) nodeid {
obj := a.addOneNode(typ, "tagged.T", nil) // NB: type may be non-scalar!
a.addNodes(typ, "tagged.v")
a.endObject(obj, cgn, val).flags |= otTagged
return obj
// makeRtype returns the canonical tagged object of type *rtype whose
// payload points to the sole rtype object for T.
func (a *analysis) makeRtype(T types.Type) nodeid {
if v := a.rtypes.At(T); v != nil {
return v.(nodeid)
// Create the object for the reflect.rtype itself, which is
// ordinarily a large struct but here a single node will do.
obj := a.nextNode()
a.addOneNode(T, "reflect.rtype", nil)
a.endObject(obj, nil, nil).rtype = T
id := a.makeTagged(a.reflectRtype, nil, nil)
a.nodes[id].obj.rtype = T
a.nodes[id+1].typ = T // trick (each *rtype tagged object is a singleton)
a.addressOf(id+1, obj)
a.rtypes.Set(T, id)
return id
// valueNode returns the id of the value node for v, creating it (and
// the association) as needed. It may return zero for uninteresting
// values containing no pointers.
// Nodes for locals are created en masse during genFunc and are
// implicitly contextualized by the function currently being analyzed
// (i.e. parameter to genFunc).
func (a *analysis) valueNode(v ssa.Value) nodeid {
id, ok := a.valNode[v]
if !ok {
switch v := v.(type) {
case *ssa.Function:
id = a.makeFunction(v)
case *ssa.Global:
id = a.makeGlobal(v)
case *ssa.Const:
id = a.makeConstant(v)
case *ssa.Capture:
// TODO(adonovan): treat captures context-sensitively.
id = a.addNodes(v.Type(), "capture")
// *ssa.Parameters and ssa.Instruction values
// are created by genFunc.
// *Builtins are not true values.
a.setValueNode(v, id)
return id
// valueOffsetNode ascertains the node for tuple/struct value v,
// then returns the node for its subfield #index.
func (a *analysis) valueOffsetNode(v ssa.Value, index int) nodeid {
id := a.valueNode(v)
if id == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot offset within n0: %s = %s", v.Name(), v))
return id + nodeid(a.offsetOf(v.Type(), index))
// taggedValue returns the dynamic type tag, the (first node of the)
// payload, and the indirect flag of the tagged object starting at id.
// It returns tDyn==nil if obj is not a tagged object.
func (a *analysis) taggedValue(id nodeid) (tDyn types.Type, v nodeid, indirect bool) {
n := a.nodes[id]
flags := n.obj.flags
if flags&otTagged != 0 {
return n.typ, id + 1, flags&otIndirect != 0
// funcParams returns the first node of the params block of the
// function whose object node (obj.flags&otFunction) is id.
func (a *analysis) funcParams(id nodeid) nodeid {
n := a.nodes[id]
if n.obj == nil || n.obj.flags&otFunction == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("funcParams(n%d): not a function object block", id))
return id + 1
// funcResults returns the first node of the results block of the
// function whose object node (obj.flags&otFunction) is id.
func (a *analysis) funcResults(id nodeid) nodeid {
n := a.nodes[id]
if n.obj == nil || n.obj.flags&otFunction == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("funcResults(n%d): not a function object block", id))
sig := n.typ.(*types.Signature)
id += 1 + nodeid(a.sizeof(sig.Params()))
if sig.Recv() != nil {
id += nodeid(a.sizeof(sig.Recv().Type()))
return id
// ---------- Constraint creation ----------
// copy creates a constraint of the form dst = src.
// sizeof is the width (in logical fields) of the copied type.
func (a *analysis) copy(dst, src nodeid, sizeof uint32) {
if src == dst || sizeof == 0 {
return // trivial
if src == 0 || dst == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ill-typed copy dst=n%d src=n%d", dst, src))
for i := uint32(0); i < sizeof; i++ {
a.addConstraint(&copyConstraint{dst, src})
// addressOf creates a constraint of the form id = &obj.
func (a *analysis) addressOf(id, obj nodeid) {
if id == 0 {
panic("addressOf: zero id")
if obj == 0 {
panic("addressOf: zero obj")
a.addConstraint(&addrConstraint{id, obj})
// load creates a load constraint of the form dst = *src.
// sizeof is the width (in logical fields) of the loaded type.
func (a *analysis) load(dst, src nodeid, sizeof uint32) {
a.loadOffset(dst, src, 0, sizeof)
// loadOffset creates a load constraint of the form dst = src[offset].
// offset is the pointer offset in logical fields.
// sizeof is the width (in logical fields) of the loaded type.
func (a *analysis) loadOffset(dst, src nodeid, offset uint32, sizeof uint32) {
if dst == 0 {
return // load of non-pointerlike value
if src == 0 && dst == 0 {
return // non-pointerlike operation
if src == 0 || dst == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ill-typed load dst=n%d src=n%d", dst, src))
for i := uint32(0); i < sizeof; i++ {
a.addConstraint(&loadConstraint{offset, dst, src})
// store creates a store constraint of the form *dst = src.
// sizeof is the width (in logical fields) of the stored type.
func (a *analysis) store(dst, src nodeid, sizeof uint32) {
a.storeOffset(dst, src, 0, sizeof)
// storeOffset creates a store constraint of the form dst[offset] = src.
// offset is the pointer offset in logical fields.
// sizeof is the width (in logical fields) of the stored type.
func (a *analysis) storeOffset(dst, src nodeid, offset uint32, sizeof uint32) {
if src == 0 {
return // store of non-pointerlike value
if src == 0 && dst == 0 {
return // non-pointerlike operation
if src == 0 || dst == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ill-typed store dst=n%d src=n%d", dst, src))
for i := uint32(0); i < sizeof; i++ {
a.addConstraint(&storeConstraint{offset, dst, src})
// offsetAddr creates an offsetAddr constraint of the form dst = &src.#offset.
// offset is the field offset in logical fields.
func (a *analysis) offsetAddr(dst, src nodeid, offset uint32) {
if offset == 0 {
// Simplify dst = &src->f0
// to dst = src
// (NB: this optimisation is defeated by the identity
// field prepended to struct and array objects.)
a.copy(dst, src, 1)
} else {
a.addConstraint(&offsetAddrConstraint{offset, dst, src})
// addConstraint adds c to the constraint set.
func (a *analysis) addConstraint(c constraint) {
a.constraints = append(a.constraints, c)
if a.log != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.log, "\t%s\n", c)
// copyElems generates load/store constraints for *dst = *src,
// where src and dst are slices or *arrays.
// (If pts(·) of either is a known singleton, this is suboptimal.)
func (a *analysis) copyElems(typ types.Type, dst, src nodeid) {
tmp := a.addNodes(typ, "copy")
sz := a.sizeof(typ)
a.loadOffset(tmp, src, 1, sz)
a.storeOffset(dst, tmp, 1, sz)
// ---------- Constraint generation ----------
// genConv generates constraints for the conversion operation conv.
func (a *analysis) genConv(conv *ssa.Convert, cgn *cgnode) {
res := a.valueNode(conv)
if res == 0 {
return // result is non-pointerlike
tSrc := conv.X.Type()
tDst := conv.Type()
switch utSrc := tSrc.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Slice:
// []byte/[]rune -> string?
case *types.Pointer:
// *T -> unsafe.Pointer?
if tDst == tUnsafePtr {
// ignore for now
// a.copy(res, a.valueNode(conv.X), 1)
case *types.Basic:
switch utDst := tDst.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Pointer:
// unsafe.Pointer -> *T? (currently unsound)
if utSrc == tUnsafePtr {
// For now, suppress unsafe.Pointer conversion
// warnings on "syscall" package.
// TODO(adonovan): audit for soundness.
if conv.Parent().Pkg.Object.Path() != "syscall" {
"unsound: %s contains an unsafe.Pointer conversion (to %s)",
conv.Parent(), tDst)
// For now, we treat unsafe.Pointer->*T
// conversion like new(T) and create an
// unaliased object. In future we may handle
// unsafe conversions soundly; see TODO file.
obj := a.addNodes(mustDeref(tDst), "unsafe.Pointer conversion")
a.endObject(obj, cgn, conv)
a.addressOf(res, obj)
case *types.Slice:
// string -> []byte/[]rune (or named aliases)?
if utSrc.Info()&types.IsString != 0 {
obj := a.addNodes(sliceToArray(tDst), "convert")
a.endObject(obj, cgn, conv)
a.addressOf(res, obj)
case *types.Basic:
// TODO(adonovan):
// unsafe.Pointer -> uintptr?
// uintptr -> unsafe.Pointer
// The language doesn't adequately specify the
// behaviour of these operations, but almost
// all uses of these conversions (even in the
// spec) seem to imply a non-moving garbage
// collection strategy, or implicit "pinning"
// semantics for unsafe.Pointer conversions.
// TODO(adonovan): we need more work before we can handle
// cryptopointers well.
if utSrc == tUnsafePtr || utDst == tUnsafePtr {
// Ignore for now. See TODO file for ideas.
return // ignore all other basic type conversions
panic(fmt.Sprintf("illegal *ssa.Convert %s -> %s: %s", tSrc, tDst, conv.Parent()))
// genAppend generates constraints for a call to append.
func (a *analysis) genAppend(instr *ssa.Call, cgn *cgnode) {
// Consider z = append(x, y). y is optional.
// This may allocate a new [1]T array; call its object w.
// We get the following constraints:
// z = x
// z = &w
// *z = *y
x := a.valueNode(instr.Call.Args[0])
z := a.valueNode(instr)
a.copy(z, x, 1) // z = x
if len(instr.Call.Args) == 1 {
return // no allocation for z = append(x) or _ = append(x).
// TODO(adonovan): test append([]byte, ...string) []byte.
y := a.valueNode(instr.Call.Args[1])
tArray := sliceToArray(instr.Call.Args[0].Type())
var w nodeid
w = a.nextNode()
a.addNodes(tArray, "append")
a.endObject(w, cgn, instr)
a.copyElems(tArray.Elem(), z, y) // *z = *y
a.addressOf(z, w) // z = &w
// genBuiltinCall generates contraints for a call to a built-in.
func (a *analysis) genBuiltinCall(instr ssa.CallInstruction, cgn *cgnode) {
call := instr.Common()
switch call.Value.(*ssa.Builtin).Object().Name() {
case "append":
// Safe cast: append cannot appear in a go or defer statement.
a.genAppend(instr.(*ssa.Call), cgn)
case "copy":
tElem := call.Args[0].Type().Underlying().(*types.Slice).Elem()
a.copyElems(tElem, a.valueNode(call.Args[0]), a.valueNode(call.Args[1]))
case "panic":
a.copy(a.panicNode, a.valueNode(call.Args[0]), 1)
case "recover":
if v := instr.Value(); v != nil {
a.copy(a.valueNode(v), a.panicNode, 1)
case "print":
// Analytically print is a no-op, but it's a convenient hook
// for testing the pts of an expression, so we notify the client.
// Existing uses in Go core libraries are few and harmless.
if Print := a.config.Print; Print != nil {
// Due to context-sensitivity, we may encounter
// the same print() call in many contexts, so
// we merge them to a canonical node.
probe := a.probes[call]
t := call.Args[0].Type()
// First time? Create the canonical probe node.
if probe == 0 {
probe = a.addNodes(t, "print")
a.probes[call] = probe
Print(call, ptr{a, probe}) // notify client
a.copy(probe, a.valueNode(call.Args[0]), a.sizeof(t))
// No-ops: close len cap real imag complex println delete.
// shouldUseContext defines the context-sensitivity policy. It
// returns true if we should analyse all static calls to fn anew.
// Obviously this interface rather limits how much freedom we have to
// choose a policy. The current policy, rather arbitrarily, is true
// for intrinsics and accessor methods (actually: short, single-block,
// call-free functions). This is just a starting point.
func (a *analysis) shouldUseContext(fn *ssa.Function) bool {
if a.findIntrinsic(fn) != nil {
return true // treat intrinsics context-sensitively
if len(fn.Blocks) != 1 {
return false // too expensive
blk := fn.Blocks[0]
if len(blk.Instrs) > 10 {
return false // too expensive
if fn.Synthetic != "" && (fn.Pkg == nil || fn != fn.Pkg.Func("init")) {
return true // treat synthetic wrappers context-sensitively
for _, instr := range blk.Instrs {
switch instr := instr.(type) {
case ssa.CallInstruction:
// Disallow function calls (except to built-ins)
// because of the danger of unbounded recursion.
if _, ok := instr.Common().Value.(*ssa.Builtin); !ok {
return false
return true
// genStaticCall generates constraints for a statically dispatched
// function call. It returns a node whose pts() will be the set of
// possible call targets (in this case, a singleton).
func (a *analysis) genStaticCall(call *ssa.CallCommon, result nodeid) nodeid {
// Ascertain the context (contour/CGNode) for a particular call.
var obj nodeid
fn := call.StaticCallee()
if a.shouldUseContext(fn) {
obj = a.makeFunctionObject(fn) // new contour for this call
} else {
a.valueNode(fn) // ensure shared contour was created
obj = a.funcObj[fn] // ordinary (shared) contour.
sig := call.Signature()
targets := a.addOneNode(sig, "call.targets", nil)
a.addressOf(targets, obj) // (a singleton)
// Copy receiver, if any.
params := a.funcParams(obj)
args := call.Args
if sig.Recv() != nil {
sz := a.sizeof(sig.Recv().Type())
a.copy(params, a.valueNode(args[0]), sz)
params += nodeid(sz)
args = args[1:]
// Copy actual parameters into formal params block.
// Must loop, since the actuals aren't contiguous.
for i, arg := range args {
sz := a.sizeof(sig.Params().At(i).Type())
a.copy(params, a.valueNode(arg), sz)
params += nodeid(sz)
// Copy formal results block to actual result.
if result != 0 {
a.copy(result, a.funcResults(obj), a.sizeof(sig.Results()))
return targets
// genDynamicCall generates constraints for a dynamic function call.
// It returns a node whose pts() will be the set of possible call targets.
func (a *analysis) genDynamicCall(call *ssa.CallCommon, result nodeid) nodeid {
fn := a.valueNode(call.Value)
sig := call.Signature()
// We add dynamic closure rules that store the arguments into,
// and load the results from, the P/R block of each function
// discovered in pts(fn).
var offset uint32 = 1 // P/R block starts at offset 1
for i, arg := range call.Args {
sz := a.sizeof(sig.Params().At(i).Type())
a.storeOffset(fn, a.valueNode(arg), offset, sz)
offset += sz
if result != 0 {
a.loadOffset(result, fn, offset, a.sizeof(sig.Results()))
return fn
// genInvoke generates constraints for a dynamic method invocation.
// It returns a node whose pts() will be the set of possible call targets.
func (a *analysis) genInvoke(call *ssa.CallCommon, result nodeid) nodeid {
sig := call.Signature()
// TODO(adonovan): optimise this into a static call when there
// can be at most one type that implements the interface (due
// to unexported methods). This is particularly important for
// methods of interface reflect.Type (sole impl:
// *reflect.rtype), so we can realize context sensitivity.
// Allocate a contiguous targets/params/results block for this call.
block := a.nextNode()
targets := a.addOneNode(sig, "invoke.targets", nil)
p := a.addNodes(sig.Params(), "invoke.params")
r := a.addNodes(sig.Results(), "invoke.results")
// Copy the actual parameters into the call's params block.
for i, n := 0, sig.Params().Len(); i < n; i++ {
sz := a.sizeof(sig.Params().At(i).Type())
a.copy(p, a.valueNode(call.Args[i]), sz)
p += nodeid(sz)
// Copy the call's results block to the actual results.
if result != 0 {
a.copy(result, r, a.sizeof(sig.Results()))
// We add a dynamic invoke constraint that will add
// edges from the caller's P/R block to the callee's
// P/R block for each discovered call target.
a.addConstraint(&invokeConstraint{call.Method, a.valueNode(call.Value), block})
return targets
// genCall generates contraints for call instruction instr.
func (a *analysis) genCall(caller *cgnode, instr ssa.CallInstruction) {
call := instr.Common()
// Intrinsic implementations of built-in functions.
if _, ok := call.Value.(*ssa.Builtin); ok {
a.genBuiltinCall(instr, caller)
var result nodeid
if v := instr.Value(); v != nil {
result = a.valueNode(v)
// The node whose pts(·) will contain all targets of the call.
var targets nodeid
switch {
case call.StaticCallee() != nil:
targets = a.genStaticCall(call, result)
case call.IsInvoke():
targets = a.genInvoke(call, result)
targets = a.genDynamicCall(call, result)
site := &callsite{
caller: caller,
targets: targets,
instr: instr,
pos: instr.Pos(),
a.callsites = append(a.callsites, site)
if a.log != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.log, "\t%s to targets %s from %s\n",
site.Description(), site.targets, site.caller)
// genInstr generates contraints for instruction instr in context cgn.
func (a *analysis) genInstr(cgn *cgnode, instr ssa.Instruction) {
if a.log != nil {
var prefix string
if val, ok := instr.(ssa.Value); ok {
prefix = val.Name() + " = "
fmt.Fprintf(a.log, "; %s%s\n", prefix, instr)
switch instr := instr.(type) {
case *ssa.DebugRef:
// no-op.
case *ssa.UnOp:
switch instr.Op {
case token.ARROW: // <-x
// We can ignore instr.CommaOk because the node we're
// altering is always at zero offset relative to instr.
a.load(a.valueNode(instr), a.valueNode(instr.X), a.sizeof(instr.Type()))
case token.MUL: // *x
a.load(a.valueNode(instr), a.valueNode(instr.X), a.sizeof(instr.Type()))
// NOT, SUB, XOR: no-op.
case *ssa.BinOp:
// All no-ops.
case ssa.CallInstruction: // *ssa.Call, *ssa.Go, *ssa.Defer
a.genCall(cgn, instr)
case *ssa.ChangeType:
a.copy(a.valueNode(instr), a.valueNode(instr.X), 1)
case *ssa.Convert:
a.genConv(instr, cgn)
case *ssa.Extract:
a.valueOffsetNode(instr.Tuple, instr.Index),
case *ssa.FieldAddr:
a.offsetAddr(a.valueNode(instr), a.valueNode(instr.X),
a.offsetOf(mustDeref(instr.X.Type()), instr.Field))
case *ssa.IndexAddr:
a.offsetAddr(a.valueNode(instr), a.valueNode(instr.X), 1)
case *ssa.Field:
a.valueOffsetNode(instr.X, instr.Field),
case *ssa.Index:
a.copy(a.valueNode(instr), 1+a.valueNode(instr.X), a.sizeof(instr.Type()))
case *ssa.Select:
recv := a.valueOffsetNode(instr, 2) // instr : (index, recvOk, recv0, ... recv_n-1)
for _, st := range instr.States {
elemSize := a.sizeof(st.Chan.Type().Underlying().(*types.Chan).Elem())
switch st.Dir {
case ast.RECV:
a.load(recv, a.valueNode(st.Chan), elemSize)
case ast.SEND:
a.store(a.valueNode(st.Chan), a.valueNode(st.Send), elemSize)
case *ssa.Ret:
results := a.funcResults(cgn.obj)
for _, r := range instr.Results {
sz := a.sizeof(r.Type())
a.copy(results, a.valueNode(r), sz)
results += nodeid(sz)
case *ssa.Send:
a.store(a.valueNode(instr.Chan), a.valueNode(instr.X), a.sizeof(instr.X.Type()))
case *ssa.Store:
a.store(a.valueNode(instr.Addr), a.valueNode(instr.Val), a.sizeof(instr.Val.Type()))
case *ssa.Alloc:
obj := a.nextNode()
a.addNodes(mustDeref(instr.Type()), "alloc")
a.endObject(obj, cgn, instr)
a.addressOf(a.valueNode(instr), obj)
case *ssa.MakeSlice:
obj := a.nextNode()
a.addNodes(sliceToArray(instr.Type()), "makeslice")
a.endObject(obj, cgn, instr)
a.addressOf(a.valueNode(instr), obj)
case *ssa.MakeChan:
obj := a.nextNode()
a.addNodes(instr.Type().Underlying().(*types.Chan).Elem(), "makechan")
a.endObject(obj, cgn, instr)
a.addressOf(a.valueNode(instr), obj)
case *ssa.MakeMap:
obj := a.nextNode()
tmap := instr.Type().Underlying().(*types.Map)
a.addNodes(tmap.Key(), "makemap.key")
a.addNodes(tmap.Elem(), "makemap.value")
a.endObject(obj, cgn, instr)
a.addressOf(a.valueNode(instr), obj)
case *ssa.MakeInterface:
tConc := instr.X.Type()
// Create nodes and constraints for all methods of the type.
// Ascertaining which will be needed is undecidable in general.
mset := tConc.MethodSet()
for i, n := 0, mset.Len(); i < n; i++ {
obj := a.makeTagged(tConc, cgn, instr)
// Copy the value into it, if nontrivial.
if x := a.valueNode(instr.X); x != 0 {
a.copy(obj+1, x, a.sizeof(tConc))
a.addressOf(a.valueNode(instr), obj)
case *ssa.ChangeInterface:
a.copy(a.valueNode(instr), a.valueNode(instr.X), 1)
case *ssa.TypeAssert:
dst, src := a.valueNode(instr), a.valueNode(instr.X)
a.addConstraint(&typeAssertConstraint{instr.AssertedType, dst, src})
case *ssa.Slice:
a.copy(a.valueNode(instr), a.valueNode(instr.X), 1)
case *ssa.If, *ssa.Jump:
// no-op.
case *ssa.Phi:
sz := a.sizeof(instr.Type())
for _, e := range instr.Edges {
a.copy(a.valueNode(instr), a.valueNode(e), sz)
case *ssa.MakeClosure:
fn := instr.Fn.(*ssa.Function)
a.copy(a.valueNode(instr), a.valueNode(fn), 1)
// Free variables are treated like global variables.
for i, b := range instr.Bindings {
a.copy(a.valueNode(fn.FreeVars[i]), a.valueNode(b), a.sizeof(b.Type()))
case *ssa.RunDefers:
// The analysis is flow insensitive, so we just "call"
// defers as we encounter them.
case *ssa.Range:
// Do nothing. Next{Iter: *ssa.Range} handles this case.
case *ssa.Next:
if !instr.IsString { // map
// Assumes that Next is always directly applied to a Range result.
theMap := instr.Iter.(*ssa.Range).X
tMap := theMap.Type().Underlying().(*types.Map)
ksize := a.sizeof(tMap.Key())
vsize := a.sizeof(tMap.Elem())
// Load from the map's (k,v) into the tuple's (ok, k, v).
a.load(a.valueNode(instr)+1, a.valueNode(theMap), ksize+vsize)
case *ssa.Lookup:
if tMap, ok := instr.X.Type().Underlying().(*types.Map); ok {
// CommaOk can be ignored: field 0 is a no-op.
ksize := a.sizeof(tMap.Key())
vsize := a.sizeof(tMap.Elem())
a.loadOffset(a.valueNode(instr), a.valueNode(instr.X), ksize, vsize)
case *ssa.MapUpdate:
tmap := instr.Map.Type().Underlying().(*types.Map)
ksize := a.sizeof(tmap.Key())
vsize := a.sizeof(tmap.Elem())
m := a.valueNode(instr.Map)
a.store(m, a.valueNode(instr.Key), ksize)
a.storeOffset(m, a.valueNode(instr.Value), ksize, vsize)
case *ssa.Panic:
a.copy(a.panicNode, a.valueNode(instr.X), 1)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unimplemented: %T", instr))
// genRootCalls generates the synthetic root of the callgraph and the
// initial calls from it to the analysis scope, such as main, a test
// or a library.
func (a *analysis) genRootCalls() *cgnode {
r := ssa.NewFunction("<root>", new(types.Signature), "root of callgraph")
r.Prog = a.prog // hack.
r.Enclosing = r // hack, so Function.String() doesn't crash
r.String() // (asserts that it doesn't crash)
root := &cgnode{fn: r}
// For each main package, call main.init(), main.main().
for _, mainPkg := range a.config.Mains {
main := mainPkg.Func("main")
if main == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s has no main function", mainPkg))
targets := a.addOneNode(main.Signature, "root.targets", nil)
site := &callsite{
caller: root,
targets: targets,
a.callsites = append(a.callsites, site)
for _, fn := range [2]*ssa.Function{mainPkg.Func("init"), main} {
if a.log != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.log, "\troot call to %s:\n", fn)
a.copy(targets, a.valueNode(fn), 1)
return root
// genFunc generates constraints for function fn.
func (a *analysis) genFunc(cgn *cgnode) {
fn := cgn.fn
impl := a.findIntrinsic(fn)
if a.log != nil {
// Hack: don't display body if intrinsic.
if impl != nil {
fn2 := *cgn.fn // copy
fn2.Locals = nil
fn2.Blocks = nil
} else {
if impl != nil {
impl(a, cgn)
if fn.Blocks == nil {
// External function with no intrinsic treatment.
// We'll warn about calls to such functions at the end.
// The value nodes for the params are in the func object block.
params := a.funcParams(cgn.obj)
for _, p := range fn.Params {
// TODO(adonovan): record the context (cgn) too.
a.setValueNode(p, params)
params += nodeid(a.sizeof(p.Type()))
// Free variables are treated like global variables:
// the outer function sets them with MakeClosure;
// the inner function accesses them with Capture.
// Create value nodes for all value instructions.
// (Clobbers any previous nodes from same fn in different context.)
if a.log != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(a.log, "; Creating instruction values")
for _, b := range fn.Blocks {
for _, instr := range b.Instrs {
switch instr := instr.(type) {
case *ssa.Range:
// do nothing: it has a funky type.
case ssa.Value:
var comment string
if a.log != nil {
comment = instr.Name()
id := a.addNodes(instr.Type(), comment)
// TODO(adonovan): record the context (cgn) too.
a.setValueNode(instr, id)
// Generate constraints for instructions.
for _, b := range fn.Blocks {
for _, instr := range b.Instrs {
a.genInstr(cgn, instr)
// (Instruction Values will hang around in the environment.)
// generate generates offline constraints for the entire program.
// It returns the synthetic root of the callgraph.
func (a *analysis) generate() *cgnode {
// Create a dummy node since we use the nodeid 0 for
// non-pointerlike variables.
a.addNodes(tInvalid, "(zero)")
// Create the global node for panic values.
a.panicNode = a.addNodes(tEface, "panic")
// Create nodes and constraints for all methods of reflect.rtype.
if rtype := a.reflectRtype; rtype != nil {
mset := rtype.MethodSet()
for i, n := 0, mset.Len(); i < n; i++ {
root := a.genRootCalls()
// Generate constraints for entire program.
// (Actually just the RTA-reachable portion of the program.
// See Bacon & Sweeney, OOPSLA'96).
for len(a.genq) > 0 {
cgn := a.genq[0]
a.genq = a.genq[1:]
// Create a dummy node to avoid out-of-range indexing in case
// the last allocated type was of zero length.
a.addNodes(tInvalid, "(max)")
return root