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// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package oracle
import (
// TODO(adonovan): all printed sets must be sorted to ensure test determinism.
// describe describes the syntax node denoted by the query position,
// including:
// - its syntactic category
// - the location of the definition of its referent (for identifiers)
// - its type and method set (for an expression or type expression)
// - its points-to set (for a pointer-like expression)
// - its concrete types (for an interface expression) and their points-to sets.
func describe(o *oracle) (queryResult, error) {
if false { // debugging
o.printf(o.queryPath[0], "you selected: %s %s",
importer.NodeDescription(o.queryPath[0]), pathToString2(o.queryPath))
path, action := findInterestingNode(o.queryPkgInfo, o.queryPath)
switch action {
case actionExpr:
return describeValue(o, path)
case actionType:
return describeType(o, path)
case actionPackage:
return describePackage(o, path)
case actionStmt:
return describeStmt(o, path)
case actionUnknown:
return &describeUnknownResult{path[0]}, nil
panic(action) // unreachable
type describeUnknownResult struct {
node ast.Node
func (r *describeUnknownResult) display(o *oracle) {
// Nothing much to say about misc syntax.
o.printf(r.node, "%s", importer.NodeDescription(r.node))
type action int
const (
actionUnknown action = iota // None of the below
actionExpr // FuncDecl, true Expr or Ident(types.{Const,Var})
actionType // type Expr or Ident(types.TypeName).
actionStmt // Stmt or Ident(types.Label)
actionPackage // Ident(types.Package) or ImportSpec
// findInterestingNode classifies the syntax node denoted by path as one of:
// - an expression, part of an expression or a reference to a constant
// or variable;
// - a type, part of a type, or a reference to a named type;
// - a statement, part of a statement, or a label referring to a statement;
// - part of a package declaration or import spec.
// - none of the above.
// and returns the most "interesting" associated node, which may be
// the same node, an ancestor or a descendent.
func findInterestingNode(pkginfo *importer.PackageInfo, path []ast.Node) ([]ast.Node, action) {
// TODO(adonovan): integrate with go/types/stdlib_test.go and
// apply this to every AST node we can find to make sure it
// doesn't crash.
// TODO(adonovan): audit for ParenExpr safety, esp. since we
// traverse up and down.
// TODO(adonovan): if the users selects the "." in
// "fmt.Fprintf()", they'll get an ambiguous selection error;
// we won't even reach here. Can we do better?
// TODO(adonovan): describing a field within 'type T struct {...}'
// describes the (anonymous) struct type and concludes "no methods". Fix.
for len(path) > 0 {
switch n := path[0].(type) {
case *ast.GenDecl:
if len(n.Specs) == 1 {
// Descend to sole {Import,Type,Value}Spec child.
path = append([]ast.Node{n.Specs[0]}, path...)
return path, actionUnknown // uninteresting
case *ast.FuncDecl:
// Descend to function name.
path = append([]ast.Node{n.Name}, path...)
case *ast.ImportSpec:
return path, actionPackage
case *ast.ValueSpec:
if len(n.Names) == 1 {
// Descend to sole Ident child.
path = append([]ast.Node{n.Names[0]}, path...)
return path, actionUnknown // uninteresting
case *ast.TypeSpec:
// Descend to type name.
path = append([]ast.Node{n.Name}, path...)
case ast.Stmt:
return path, actionStmt
case *ast.ArrayType,
return path, actionType
case *ast.Comment, *ast.CommentGroup, *ast.File, *ast.KeyValueExpr, *ast.CommClause:
return path, actionUnknown // uninteresting
case *ast.Ellipsis:
// Continue to enclosing node.
// e.g. [...]T in ArrayType
// f(x...) in CallExpr
// f(x...T) in FuncType
case *ast.Field:
// TODO(adonovan): this needs more thought,
// since fields can be so many things.
if len(n.Names) == 1 {
// Descend to sole Ident child.
path = append([]ast.Node{n.Names[0]}, path...)
// Zero names (e.g. anon field in struct)
// or multiple field or param names:
// continue to enclosing field list.
case *ast.FieldList:
// Continue to enclosing node:
// {Struct,Func,Interface}Type or FuncDecl.
case *ast.BasicLit:
if _, ok := path[1].(*ast.ImportSpec); ok {
return path[1:], actionPackage
return path, actionExpr
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
if pkginfo.ObjectOf(n.Sel) == nil {
// Is this reachable?
return path, actionUnknown
// Descend to .Sel child.
path = append([]ast.Node{n.Sel}, path...)
case *ast.Ident:
switch obj := pkginfo.ObjectOf(n).(type) {
case *types.Package:
return path, actionPackage
case *types.Const:
return path, actionExpr
case *types.Label:
return path, actionStmt
case *types.TypeName:
return path, actionType
case *types.Var:
// For x in 'struct {x T}', return struct type, for now.
if _, ok := path[1].(*ast.Field); ok {
_ = path[2].(*ast.FieldList) // assertion
if _, ok := path[3].(*ast.StructType); ok {
return path[3:], actionType
return path, actionExpr
case *types.Func:
// For f in 'interface {f()}', return the interface type, for now.
if _, ok := path[1].(*ast.Field); ok {
_ = path[2].(*ast.FieldList) // assertion
if _, ok := path[3].(*ast.InterfaceType); ok {
return path[3:], actionType
// For reference to built-in function, return enclosing call.
if _, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Builtin); ok {
// Ascend to enclosing function call.
path = path[1:]
return path, actionExpr
// No object.
switch path[1].(type) {
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
// Return enclosing selector expression.
return path[1:], actionExpr
case *ast.Field:
// TODO(adonovan): test this.
// e.g. all f in:
// struct { f, g int }
// interface { f() }
// func (f T) method(f, g int) (f, g bool)
// switch path[3].(type) {
// case *ast.FuncDecl:
// case *ast.StructType:
// case *ast.InterfaceType:
// }
// return path[1:], actionExpr
// Unclear what to do with these.
// Struct.Fields -- field
// Interface.Methods -- field
// FuncType.{Params.Results} -- actionExpr
// FuncDecl.Recv -- actionExpr
case *ast.ImportSpec:
// TODO(adonovan): fix: why no package object? go/types bug?
return path[1:], actionPackage
// e.g. blank identifier (go/types bug?)
// or y in "switch y := x.(type)" (go/types bug?)
fmt.Printf("unknown reference %s in %T\n", n, path[1])
return path, actionUnknown
case *ast.StarExpr:
if pkginfo.IsType(n) {
return path, actionType
return path, actionExpr
case ast.Expr:
// All Expr but {BasicLit,Ident,StarExpr} are
// "true" expressions that evaluate to a value.
return path, actionExpr
// Ascend to parent.
path = path[1:]
return nil, actionUnknown // unreachable
// ---- VALUE ------------------------------------------------------------
// ssaValueForIdent returns the ssa.Value for the ast.Ident whose path
// to the root of the AST is path. It may return a nil Value without
// an error to indicate the pointer analysis is not appropriate.
func ssaValueForIdent(o *oracle, obj types.Object, path []ast.Node) (ssa.Value, error) {
if obj, ok := obj.(*types.Var); ok {
pkg := o.prog.Package(o.queryPkgInfo.Pkg)
if v := o.prog.VarValue(obj, pkg, path); v != nil {
// Don't run pointer analysis on a ref to a const expression.
if _, ok := v.(*ssa.Const); ok {
v = nil
return v, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't locate SSA Value for var %s", obj.Name())
// Don't run pointer analysis on const/func objects.
return nil, nil
// ssaValueForExpr returns the ssa.Value of the non-ast.Ident
// expression whose path to the root of the AST is path. It may
// return a nil Value without an error to indicate the pointer
// analysis is not appropriate.
func ssaValueForExpr(o *oracle, path []ast.Node) (ssa.Value, error) {
pkg := o.prog.Package(o.queryPkgInfo.Pkg)
fn := ssa.EnclosingFunction(pkg, path)
if fn == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no SSA function built for this location (dead code?)")
if v := fn.ValueForExpr(path[0].(ast.Expr)); v != nil {
return v, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't locate SSA Value for expression in %s", fn)
func describeValue(o *oracle, path []ast.Node) (*describeValueResult, error) {
var expr ast.Expr
switch n := path[0].(type) {
case *ast.ValueSpec:
// ambiguous ValueSpec containing multiple names
return nil, o.errorf(n, "multiple value specification")
case ast.Expr:
expr = n
// Is this reachable?
return nil, o.errorf(n, "unexpected AST for expr: %T", n)
// From this point on, we cannot fail with an error.
// Failure to run the pointer analysis will be reported later.
var value ssa.Value
var ptaErr error
var obj types.Object
// Determine the ssa.Value for the expression.
if id, ok := expr.(*ast.Ident); ok {
// def/ref of func/var/const object
obj = o.queryPkgInfo.ObjectOf(id)
value, ptaErr = ssaValueForIdent(o, obj, path)
} else {
// any other expression
if o.queryPkgInfo.ValueOf(expr) == nil { // non-constant?
value, ptaErr = ssaValueForExpr(o, path)
// Don't run pointer analysis on non-pointerlike types.
if value != nil && !pointer.CanPoint(value.Type()) {
value = nil
// Run pointer analysis of the selected SSA value.
var ptrs []pointer.Pointer
if value != nil {
o.config.QueryValues = map[ssa.Value][]pointer.Pointer{value: nil}
ptrs = o.config.QueryValues[value]
return &describeValueResult{
expr: expr,
obj: obj,
value: value,
ptaErr: ptaErr,
ptrs: ptrs,
}, nil
type describeValueResult struct {
expr ast.Expr // query node
obj types.Object // var/func/const object, if expr was Ident
value ssa.Value // ssa.Value for pointer analysis query
ptaErr error // explanation of why we couldn't run pointer analysis
ptrs []pointer.Pointer // result of pointer analysis query
func (r *describeValueResult) display(o *oracle) {
suffix := ""
if val := o.queryPkgInfo.ValueOf(r.expr); val != nil {
suffix = fmt.Sprintf(" of constant value %s", val)
// Describe the expression.
if r.obj != nil {
if r.obj.Pos() == r.expr.Pos() {
// defining ident
o.printf(r.expr, "definition of %s%s", r.obj, suffix)
} else {
// referring ident
o.printf(r.expr, "reference to %s%s", r.obj, suffix)
if def := r.obj.Pos(); def != token.NoPos {
o.printf(def, "defined here")
} else {
desc := importer.NodeDescription(r.expr)
if suffix != "" {
// constant expression
o.printf(r.expr, "%s%s", desc, suffix)
} else {
// non-constant expression
o.printf(r.expr, "%s of type %s", desc, o.queryPkgInfo.TypeOf(r.expr))
if r.value == nil {
// pointer analysis was not run
if r.ptaErr != nil {
o.printf(r.expr, "no pointer analysis: %s", r.ptaErr)
if r.ptrs == nil {
o.printf(r.expr, "pointer analysis did not analyze this expression (dead code?)")
// Display the results of pointer analysis.
// Combine the PT sets from all contexts.
pts := pointer.PointsToCombined(r.ptrs)
// Report which make(chan) labels the query's channel can alias.
if _, ok := r.value.Type().Underlying().(*types.Interface); ok {
// Show concrete types for interface expression.
if concs := pts.ConcreteTypes(); concs.Len() > 0 {
o.printf(o, "interface may contain these concrete types:")
// TODO(adonovan): must sort to ensure deterministic test behaviour.
concs.Iterate(func(conc types.Type, ptrs interface{}) {
var obj types.Object
if nt, ok := deref(conc).(*types.Named); ok {
obj = nt.Obj()
pts := pointer.PointsToCombined(ptrs.([]pointer.Pointer))
if labels := pts.Labels(); len(labels) > 0 {
o.printf(obj, "\t%s, may point to:", conc)
printLabels(o, labels, "\t\t")
} else {
o.printf(obj, "\t%s", conc)
} else {
o.printf(o, "interface cannot contain any concrete values.")
} else {
// Show labels for other expressions.
if labels := pts.Labels(); len(labels) > 0 {
o.printf(o, "value may point to these labels:")
printLabels(o, labels, "\t")
} else {
o.printf(o, "value cannot point to anything.")
type byPosAndString []*pointer.Label
func (a byPosAndString) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byPosAndString) Less(i, j int) bool {
cmp := a[i].Pos() - a[j].Pos()
return cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && a[i].String() < a[j].String())
func (a byPosAndString) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func printLabels(o *oracle, labels []*pointer.Label, prefix string) {
// Sort, to ensure deterministic test behaviour.
// TODO(adonovan): due to context-sensitivity, many of these
// labels may differ only by context, which isn't apparent.
for _, label := range labels {
o.printf(label, "%s%s", prefix, label)
// ---- TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------
func describeType(o *oracle, path []ast.Node) (*describeTypeResult, error) {
var description string
var t types.Type
switch n := path[0].(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
t = o.queryPkgInfo.TypeOf(n)
switch t := t.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
description = "reference to built-in type " + t.String()
case *types.Named:
isDef := t.Obj().Pos() == n.Pos() // see caveats at isDef above
if isDef {
description = "definition of type " + t.String()
} else {
description = "reference to type " + t.String()
case ast.Expr:
t = o.queryPkgInfo.TypeOf(n)
description = "type " + t.String()
// Unreachable?
return nil, o.errorf(n, "unexpected AST for type: %T", n)
return &describeTypeResult{path[0], description, t}, nil
type describeTypeResult struct {
node ast.Node
description string
typ types.Type
func (r *describeTypeResult) display(o *oracle) {
o.printf(r.node, "%s", r.description)
// Show the underlying type for a reference to a named type.
if nt, ok := r.typ.(*types.Named); ok && r.node.Pos() != nt.Obj().Pos() {
o.printf(nt.Obj(), "defined as %s", nt.Underlying())
// Print the method set, if the type kind is capable of bearing methods.
switch r.typ.(type) {
case *types.Interface, *types.Struct, *types.Named:
// TODO(adonovan): don't show unexported methods if
// r.typ belongs to a package other than the query
// package.
if m := ssa.IntuitiveMethodSet(r.typ); m != nil {
o.printf(r.node, "Method set:")
for _, meth := range m {
o.printf(meth.Obj(), "\t%s", meth)
} else {
o.printf(r.node, "No methods.")
// ---- PACKAGE ------------------------------------------------------------
func describePackage(o *oracle, path []ast.Node) (*describePackageResult, error) {
var description string
var importPath string
switch n := path[0].(type) {
case *ast.ImportSpec:
// importPath = o.queryPkgInfo.ObjectOf(n.Name).(*types.Package).Path()
// description = "import of package " + importPath
// TODO(gri): o.queryPkgInfo.ObjectOf(n.Name) may be nil.
// e.g. "fmt" import in cmd/oracle/main.go. Why?
// Workaround:
description = "import of package " + n.Path.Value
importPath, _ = strconv.Unquote(n.Path.Value)
case *ast.Ident:
importPath = o.queryPkgInfo.ObjectOf(n).(*types.Package).Path()
if _, isDef := path[1].(*ast.File); isDef {
description = fmt.Sprintf("definition of package %q", importPath)
} else {
description = fmt.Sprintf("reference to package %q", importPath)
if importPath == "" {
// TODO(gri): fix.
return nil, o.errorf(n, "types.Package.Path() returned \"\"\n")
// Unreachable?
return nil, o.errorf(n, "unexpected AST for package: %T", n)
pkg := o.prog.PackagesByPath[importPath]
return &describePackageResult{path[0], description, pkg}, nil
type describePackageResult struct {
node ast.Node
description string
pkg *ssa.Package
func (r *describePackageResult) display(o *oracle) {
o.printf(r.node, "%s", r.description)
// TODO(adonovan): factor this into a testable utility function.
if p := r.pkg; p != nil {
samePkg := p.Object == o.queryPkgInfo.Pkg
// Describe exported package members, in lexicographic order.
// Compute max width of name "column".
var names []string
maxname := 0
for name := range p.Members {
if samePkg || ast.IsExported(name) {
if l := len(name); l > maxname {
maxname = l
names = append(names, name)
// Print the members.
for _, name := range names {
mem := p.Members[name]
o.printf(mem, "%s", formatMember(mem, maxname))
// Print method set.
if mem, ok := mem.(*ssa.Type); ok {
for _, meth := range ssa.IntuitiveMethodSet(mem.Type()) {
if samePkg || ast.IsExported(meth.Obj().Name()) {
o.printf(meth.Obj(), "\t\t%s", meth)
func formatMember(mem ssa.Member, maxname int) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%-5s %-*s", mem.Token(), maxname, mem.Name())
switch mem := mem.(type) {
case *ssa.NamedConst:
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s = %s", mem.Type(), mem.Value.Name())
case *ssa.Function:
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s", mem.Type())
case *ssa.Type:
// Abbreviate long aggregate type names.
var abbrev string
switch t := mem.Type().Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Interface:
if t.NumMethods() > 1 {
abbrev = "interface{...}"
case *types.Struct:
if t.NumFields() > 1 {
abbrev = "struct{...}"
if abbrev == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s", mem.Type().Underlying())
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s", abbrev)
case *ssa.Global:
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s", deref(mem.Type()))
return buf.String()
// ---- STATEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------
func describeStmt(o *oracle, path []ast.Node) (*describeStmtResult, error) {
var description string
switch n := path[0].(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
if o.queryPkgInfo.ObjectOf(n).Pos() == n.Pos() {
description = "labelled statement"
} else {
description = "reference to labelled statement"
// Nothing much to say about statements.
description = importer.NodeDescription(n)
return &describeStmtResult{path[0], description}, nil
type describeStmtResult struct {
node ast.Node
description string
func (r *describeStmtResult) display(o *oracle) {
o.printf(r.node, "%s", r.description)
// ------------------- Utilities -------------------
// pathToString returns a string containing the concrete types of the
// nodes in path.
func pathToString2(path []ast.Node) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprint(&buf, "[")
for i, n := range path {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(&buf, " ")
fmt.Fprint(&buf, strings.TrimPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("%T", n), "*ast."))
fmt.Fprint(&buf, "]")
return buf.String()