// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package Compilation import Globals "globals" import Object "object" import Type "type" import Universe "universe" import Scanner "scanner" import AST "ast" import Parser "parser" import Export "export" func BaseName(s string) string { // TODO this is not correct for non-ASCII strings! i := len(s) - 1; for i >= 0 && s[i] != '/' { if s[i] > 128 { panic "non-ASCII string" } i--; } return s[i + 1 : len(s)]; } func FixExt(s string) string { i := len(s) - 3; // 3 == len(".go"); if s[i : len(s)] == ".go" { s = s[0 : i]; } return s + ".7"; } export Compile func Compile(file_name string, verbose int) { src, ok := sys.readfile(file_name); if !ok { print "cannot open ", file_name, "\n" return; } Universe.Init(); // TODO eventually this should be only needed once comp := Globals.NewCompilation(); pkg := Globals.NewPackage(file_name); comp.Insert(pkg); if comp.npkgs != 1 { panic "should have exactly one package now"; } scanner := new(Scanner.Scanner); scanner.Open(file_name, src); parser := new(Parser.Parser); parser.Open(comp, scanner, verbose); print "parsing ", file_name, "\n"; parser.ParseProgram(); if parser.S.nerrors > 0 { return; } // export /* exp := new(Export.Exporter); exp.Export(comp, FixExt(BaseName(file_name))); */ }