#!/bin/bash -e # Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. # Run govim integration tests against a local gopls. # TODO(findleyr): this script assumes that docker may be run without sudo. # Update it to escalate privileges if and only if necessary. # Find the tools root, so that this script can be run from any directory. script_dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")") tools_dir=$(readlink -f "${script_dir}/../../..") # Build gopls. cd "${tools_dir}/gopls" temp_gopls=$(mktemp -p "$PWD") trap "rm -f \"${temp_gopls}\"" EXIT go build -o "${temp_gopls}" # Build the test harness. Here we are careful to pass in a very limited build # context so as to optimize caching. cd "${tools_dir}" docker build -t gopls-govim-harness -f gopls/integration/govim/Dockerfile \ gopls/integration/govim # Run govim integration tests. echo "running govim integration tests using ${temp_gopls}" temp_gopls_name=$(basename "${temp_gopls}") docker run --rm -t \ -v "${tools_dir}:/src/tools" \ -w "/src/govim" \ gopls-govim-harness \ go test ./cmd/govim \ -gopls "/src/tools/gopls/${temp_gopls_name}"