// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package Printer import Strings "strings" import Scanner "scanner" import AST "ast" export type Printer struct { pos int; // actual output position // formatting control level int; // true scope level indent int; // indentation level semi bool; // pending ";" newl int; // pending "\n"'s // comments clist *AST.List; cindex int; cpos int; } // Bottleneck interface - all output goes through here. func (P *Printer) print(s string) { print(s); // TODO do we need the code below? // P.pos += Strings.utflen(s); } func (P *Printer) String(pos int, s string) { if P.semi && P.level > 0 { // no semicolons at level 0 print(";"); } /* for pos > P.cpos { // we have a comment c := P.clist.at(P.cindex).(*AST.Comment); if c.text[1] == '/' { print(" " + c.text); if P.newl <= 0 { P.newl = 1; // line comments must have a newline } } else { print(c.text); } P.cindex++; if P.cindex < P.clist.len() { P.cpos = P.clist.at(P.cindex).(*AST.Comment).pos; } else { P.cpos = 1000000000; // infinite } } */ if P.newl > 0 { for i := P.newl; i > 0; i-- { print("\n"); } for i := P.indent; i > 0; i-- { print("\t"); } } print(s); P.semi, P.newl = false, 0; } func (P *Printer) Blank() { P.String(0, " "); } func (P *Printer) Token(pos int, tok int) { P.String(pos, Scanner.TokenString(tok)); } func (P *Printer) OpenScope(paren string) { //P.semi, P.newl = false, 0; P.String(0, paren); P.level++; P.indent++; P.newl = 1; } func (P *Printer) CloseScope(paren string) { P.indent--; P.semi = false; P.String(0, paren); P.level--; P.semi, P.newl = false, 1; } func (P *Printer) Error(pos int, tok int, msg string) { P.String(0, "<"); P.Token(pos, tok); P.String(0, " " + msg + ">"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types func (P *Printer) Type(t *AST.Type) func (P *Printer) Expr(x *AST.Expr) func (P *Printer) Parameters(pos int, list *AST.List) { P.String(pos, "("); var prev int; for i, n := 0, list.len(); i < n; i++ { x := list.at(i).(*AST.Expr); if i > 0 { if prev == x.tok || prev == Scanner.TYPE { P.String(0, ", "); } else { P.Blank(); } } P.Expr(x); prev = x.tok; } P.String(0, ")"); } func (P *Printer) Fields(list *AST.List) { P.OpenScope("{"); var prev int; for i, n := 0, list.len(); i < n; i++ { x := list.at(i).(*AST.Expr); if i > 0 { if prev == Scanner.TYPE && x.tok != Scanner.STRING || prev == Scanner.STRING { P.semi, P.newl = true, 1; } else if prev == x.tok { P.String(0, ", "); } else { P.Blank(); } } P.Expr(x); prev = x.tok; } P.newl = 1; P.CloseScope("}"); } func (P *Printer) Type(t *AST.Type) { switch t.tok { case Scanner.IDENT: P.Expr(t.expr); case Scanner.LBRACK: P.String(t.pos, "["); if t.expr != nil { P.Expr(t.expr); } P.String(0, "]"); P.Type(t.elt); case Scanner.STRUCT, Scanner.INTERFACE: P.Token(t.pos, t.tok); if t.list != nil { P.Blank(); P.Fields(t.list); } case Scanner.MAP: P.String(t.pos, "map ["); P.Type(t.key); P.String(0, "]"); P.Type(t.elt); case Scanner.CHAN: var m string; switch t.mode { case AST.FULL: m = "chan "; case AST.RECV: m = "<-chan "; case AST.SEND: m = "chan <- "; } P.String(t.pos, m); P.Type(t.elt); case Scanner.MUL: P.String(t.pos, "*"); P.Type(t.elt); case Scanner.LPAREN: P.Parameters(t.pos, t.list); if t.elt != nil { P.Blank(); P.Parameters(0, t.elt.list); } case Scanner.ELLIPSIS: P.String(t.pos, "..."); default: P.Error(t.pos, t.tok, "type"); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expressions func (P *Printer) Block(list *AST.List, indent bool); func (P *Printer) Expr1(x *AST.Expr, prec1 int) { if x == nil { return; // empty expression list } switch x.tok { case Scanner.TYPE: // type expr P.Type(x.t); case Scanner.IDENT, Scanner.INT, Scanner.STRING, Scanner.FLOAT: // literal P.String(x.pos, x.s); case Scanner.FUNC: // function literal P.String(x.pos, "func"); P.Type(x.t); P.Block(x.block, true); P.newl = 0; case Scanner.COMMA: // list // (don't use binary expression printing because of different spacing) P.Expr(x.x); P.String(x.pos, ", "); P.Expr(x.y); case Scanner.PERIOD: // selector or type guard P.Expr1(x.x, Scanner.HighestPrec); P.String(x.pos, "."); if x.y != nil { P.Expr1(x.y, Scanner.HighestPrec); } else { P.String(0, "("); P.Type(x.t); P.String(0, ")"); } case Scanner.LBRACK: // index P.Expr1(x.x, Scanner.HighestPrec); P.String(x.pos, "["); P.Expr1(x.y, 0); P.String(0, "]"); case Scanner.LPAREN: // call P.Expr1(x.x, Scanner.HighestPrec); P.String(x.pos, "("); P.Expr(x.y); P.String(0, ")"); case Scanner.LBRACE: // composite P.Type(x.t); P.String(x.pos, "{"); P.Expr(x.y); P.String(0, "}"); default: // unary and binary expressions including ":" for pairs prec := Scanner.UnaryPrec; if x.x != nil { prec = Scanner.Precedence(x.tok); } if prec < prec1 { P.String(0, "("); } if x.x == nil { // unary expression P.Token(x.pos, x.tok); } else { // binary expression P.Expr1(x.x, prec); P.Blank(); P.Token(x.pos, x.tok); P.Blank(); } P.Expr1(x.y, prec); if prec < prec1 { P.String(0, ")"); } } } func (P *Printer) Expr(x *AST.Expr) { P.Expr1(x, Scanner.LowestPrec); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Statements func (P *Printer) Stat(s *AST.Stat) func (P *Printer) StatementList(list *AST.List) { for i, n := 0, list.len(); i < n; i++ { P.Stat(list.at(i).(*AST.Stat)); P.newl = 1; } } func (P *Printer) Block(list *AST.List, indent bool) { P.OpenScope("{"); if !indent { P.indent--; } P.StatementList(list); if !indent { P.indent++; } P.CloseScope("}"); } func (P *Printer) ControlClause(s *AST.Stat) { has_post := s.tok == Scanner.FOR && s.post != nil; // post also used by "if" if s.init == nil && !has_post { // no semicolons required if s.expr != nil { P.Blank(); P.Expr(s.expr); } } else { // all semicolons required P.Blank(); if s.init != nil { P.Stat(s.init); } P.semi = true; P.Blank(); if s.expr != nil { P.Expr(s.expr); } if s.tok == Scanner.FOR { P.semi = true; if has_post { P.Blank(); P.Stat(s.post); P.semi = false } } } P.Blank(); } func (P *Printer) Declaration(d *AST.Decl, parenthesized bool); func (P *Printer) Stat(s *AST.Stat) { switch s.tok { case Scanner.EXPRSTAT: // expression statement P.Expr(s.expr); P.semi = true; case Scanner.COLON: // label declaration P.indent--; P.Expr(s.expr); P.Token(s.pos, s.tok); P.indent++; P.semi = false; case Scanner.CONST, Scanner.TYPE, Scanner.VAR: // declaration P.Declaration(s.decl, false); case Scanner.INC, Scanner.DEC: P.Expr(s.expr); P.Token(s.pos, s.tok); P.semi = true; case Scanner.LBRACE: // block P.Block(s.block, true); case Scanner.IF: P.String(s.pos, "if"); P.ControlClause(s); P.Block(s.block, true); if s.post != nil { P.newl = 0; P.String(0, " else "); P.Stat(s.post); } case Scanner.FOR: P.String(s.pos, "for"); P.ControlClause(s); P.Block(s.block, true); case Scanner.SWITCH, Scanner.SELECT: P.Token(s.pos, s.tok); P.ControlClause(s); P.Block(s.block, false); case Scanner.CASE, Scanner.DEFAULT: P.Token(s.pos, s.tok); if s.expr != nil { P.Blank(); P.Expr(s.expr); } P.String(0, ":"); P.indent++; P.newl = 1; P.StatementList(s.block); P.indent--; P.newl = 1; case Scanner.GO, Scanner.RETURN, Scanner.FALLTHROUGH, Scanner.BREAK, Scanner.CONTINUE, Scanner.GOTO: P.Token(s.pos, s.tok); if s.expr != nil { P.Blank(); P.Expr(s.expr); } P.semi = true; default: P.Error(s.pos, s.tok, "stat"); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Declarations func (P *Printer) Declaration(d *AST.Decl, parenthesized bool) { if !parenthesized { if d.exported { P.String(0, "export "); } P.Token(d.pos, d.tok); P.Blank(); } if d.tok != Scanner.FUNC && d.list != nil { P.OpenScope("("); for i := 0; i < d.list.len(); i++ { P.Declaration(d.list.at(i).(*AST.Decl), true); P.semi, P.newl = true, 1; } P.CloseScope(")"); } else { if d.tok == Scanner.FUNC && d.typ.key != nil { P.Parameters(0, d.typ.key.list); P.Blank(); } P.Expr(d.ident); if d.typ != nil { P.Blank(); P.Type(d.typ); } if d.val != nil { if d.tok == Scanner.IMPORT { P.Blank(); } else { P.String(0, " = "); } P.Expr(d.val); } if d.list != nil { if d.tok != Scanner.FUNC { panic("must be a func declaration"); } P.Blank(); P.Block(d.list, true); } if d.tok != Scanner.TYPE { P.semi = true; } } P.newl = 1; // extra newline after a function declaration if d.tok == Scanner.FUNC { P.newl++; } // extra newline at the top level if P.level == 0 { P.newl++; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Program func (P *Printer) Program(p *AST.Program) { // TODO should initialize all fields? P.clist = p.comments; P.cindex = 0; if p.comments.len() > 0 { P.cpos = p.comments.at(0).(*AST.Comment).pos; } else { P.cpos = 1000000000; // infinite } P.String(p.pos, "package "); P.Expr(p.ident); P.newl = 2; for i := 0; i < p.decls.len(); i++ { P.Declaration(p.decls.at(i), false); } P.newl = 1; P.String(0, ""); // flush }