The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive.

Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction. Go compiles quickly to machine code yet has the convenience of garbage collection and the power of run-time reflection. It's a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language.

Installing Go

Getting Started

Instructions for downloading and installing the Go compilers, tools, and libraries.

Learning Go

A Tour of Go

An interactive introduction to Go in three sections. The first section covers basic syntax and data structures; the second discusses methods and interfaces; and the third introduces Go's concurrency primitives. Each section concludes with a few exercises so you can practice what you've learned. You can take the tour online or install it locally.

How to write Go code

How to use the go command to fetch, build, and install packages, commands, and run tests.

Effective Go

A document that gives tips for writing clear, idiomatic Go code. A must read for any new Go programmer. It augments the tour and the language specification, both of which should be read first.

Getting Started with Go on App Engine

How to develop and deploy a simple Go project with Google App Engine.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to common questions about Go.

Go Language Community Wiki

A wiki maintained by the Go community.

Go version 1

Go 1 Release Notes

A guide for updating your code to work with Go 1.

Go 1 and the Future of Go Programs

What Go 1 defines and the backwards-compatibility guarantees one can expect as Go 1 matures.

Go Articles

The Go Blog

The official blog of the Go project, featuring news and in-depth articles by the Go team and guests.


Guided tours of Go programs.





The talks marked with a red asterisk (*) were written before Go 1 and contain some examples that are no longer correct, but they are still of value.

Writing Web Apps in Go*

A talk by Rob Pike and Andrew Gerrand presented at Google I/O 2011. It walks through the construction and deployment of a simple web application and unveils the Go runtime for App Engine. See the presentation slides.

Real World Go*

A talk by Andrew Gerrand presented at Google I/O Bootcamp 2011. It gives a broad overview of Go's type system and concurrency model and provides four examples of Go programs that solve real problems. See the presentation slides.

Building Integrated Apps on Google's Cloud Platform

A talk by Andrew Gerrand presented at Google Developer Day Japan 2011. It discusses the development of a web application that runs on Google App Engine and renders images that it stores on Google Cloud Storage.

Go Programming*

A presentation delivered by Rob Pike and Russ Cox at Google I/O 2010. It illustrates how programming in Go differs from other languages through a set of examples demonstrating features particular to Go. These include concurrency, embedded types, methods on any type, and program construction using interfaces.

Practical Go Programming*

This talk presents the development of a complete web application in Go. It looks at design, storage, concurrency, and scaling issues in detail, using the simple example of an URL shortening service. See the presentation slides.


See the GoTalks page at the Go Wiki for more Go talks.

Non-English Documentation

See the NonEnglish page at the Go Wiki for localized documentation.

The Go Community

Go Nuts Mailing List

The golang-nuts mailing list is for general Go discussion.

Go Project Dashboard

A list of external Go projects including programs and libraries.

Go IRC Channel

#go-nuts on is the official Go IRC channel.

The Go Programming Language at Google+

The Go project's Google+ page.

@go_nuts at Twitter

The Go project's official Twitter account.