// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include "gg.h" #include "opt.h" static void allocauto(Prog* p); void compile(Node *fn) { Plist *pl; Node nod1, *n; Prog *plocals, *ptxt, *p, *p1; int32 lno; Type *t; Iter save; vlong oldstksize; NodeList *l; if(newproc == N) { newproc = sysfunc("newproc"); deferproc = sysfunc("deferproc"); deferreturn = sysfunc("deferreturn"); panicindex = sysfunc("panicindex"); panicslice = sysfunc("panicslice"); throwreturn = sysfunc("throwreturn"); } lno = setlineno(fn); if(fn->nbody == nil) { if(pure_go || memcmp(fn->nname->sym->name, "init·", 6) == 0) yyerror("missing function body", fn); goto ret; } saveerrors(); // set up domain for labels clearlabels(); curfn = fn; dowidth(curfn->type); if(curfn->type->outnamed) { // add clearing of the output parameters t = structfirst(&save, getoutarg(curfn->type)); while(t != T) { if(t->nname != N) { n = nod(OAS, t->nname, N); typecheck(&n, Etop); curfn->nbody = concat(list1(n), curfn->nbody); } t = structnext(&save); } } order(curfn); if(nerrors != 0) goto ret; hasdefer = 0; walk(curfn); if(nerrors != 0) goto ret; if(flag_race) racewalk(curfn); if(nerrors != 0) goto ret; continpc = P; breakpc = P; pl = newplist(); pl->name = curfn->nname; setlineno(curfn); nodconst(&nod1, types[TINT32], 0); ptxt = gins(ATEXT, isblank(curfn->nname) ? N : curfn->nname, &nod1); if(fn->dupok) ptxt->TEXTFLAG = DUPOK; afunclit(&ptxt->from, curfn->nname); ginit(); plocals = gins(ALOCALS, N, N); for(t=curfn->paramfld; t; t=t->down) gtrack(tracksym(t->type)); for(l=fn->dcl; l; l=l->next) { n = l->n; if(n->op != ONAME) // might be OTYPE or OLITERAL continue; switch(n->class) { case PAUTO: case PPARAM: case PPARAMOUT: nodconst(&nod1, types[TUINTPTR], l->n->type->width); p = gins(ATYPE, l->n, &nod1); p->from.gotype = ngotype(l->n); break; } } genlist(curfn->enter); retpc = nil; if(hasdefer || curfn->exit) { p1 = gjmp(nil); retpc = gjmp(nil); patch(p1, pc); } genlist(curfn->nbody); gclean(); checklabels(); if(nerrors != 0) goto ret; if(curfn->endlineno) lineno = curfn->endlineno; if(curfn->type->outtuple != 0) ginscall(throwreturn, 0); if(retpc) patch(retpc, pc); ginit(); if(hasdefer) ginscall(deferreturn, 0); if(curfn->exit) genlist(curfn->exit); gclean(); if(nerrors != 0) goto ret; pc->as = ARET; // overwrite AEND pc->lineno = lineno; if(!debug['N'] || debug['R'] || debug['P']) { regopt(ptxt); } oldstksize = stksize; allocauto(ptxt); plocals->to.type = D_CONST; plocals->to.offset = stksize; if(0) print("allocauto: %lld to %lld\n", oldstksize, (vlong)stksize); setlineno(curfn); if((int64)stksize+maxarg > (1ULL<<31)) yyerror("stack frame too large (>2GB)"); defframe(ptxt); if(0) frame(0); ret: lineno = lno; } // Sort the list of stack variables. autos after anything else, // within autos, unused after used, and within used on reverse alignment. // non-autos sort on offset. static int cmpstackvar(Node *a, Node *b) { if (a->class != b->class) return (a->class == PAUTO) ? 1 : -1; if (a->class != PAUTO) return a->xoffset - b->xoffset; if ((a->used == 0) != (b->used == 0)) return b->used - a->used; return b->type->align - a->type->align; } // TODO(lvd) find out where the PAUTO/OLITERAL nodes come from. static void allocauto(Prog* ptxt) { NodeList *ll; Node* n; vlong w; if(curfn->dcl == nil) return; // Mark the PAUTO's unused. for(ll=curfn->dcl; ll != nil; ll=ll->next) if (ll->n->class == PAUTO) ll->n->used = 0; markautoused(ptxt); listsort(&curfn->dcl, cmpstackvar); // Unused autos are at the end, chop 'em off. ll = curfn->dcl; n = ll->n; if (n->class == PAUTO && n->op == ONAME && !n->used) { // No locals used at all curfn->dcl = nil; stksize = 0; fixautoused(ptxt); return; } for(ll = curfn->dcl; ll->next != nil; ll=ll->next) { n = ll->next->n; if (n->class == PAUTO && n->op == ONAME && !n->used) { ll->next = nil; curfn->dcl->end = ll; break; } } // Reassign stack offsets of the locals that are still there. stksize = 0; for(ll = curfn->dcl; ll != nil; ll=ll->next) { n = ll->n; if (n->class != PAUTO || n->op != ONAME) continue; dowidth(n->type); w = n->type->width; if(w >= MAXWIDTH || w < 0) fatal("bad width"); stksize += w; stksize = rnd(stksize, n->type->align); if(thechar == '5') stksize = rnd(stksize, widthptr); n->stkdelta = -stksize - n->xoffset; } fixautoused(ptxt); // The debug information needs accurate offsets on the symbols. for(ll = curfn->dcl ;ll != nil; ll=ll->next) { if (ll->n->class != PAUTO || ll->n->op != ONAME) continue; ll->n->xoffset += ll->n->stkdelta; ll->n->stkdelta = 0; } }