// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Tests verifying the semantics of the select statement // for basic empty/non-empty cases. package main import "time" const always = "function did not" const never = "function did" func unreachable() { panic("control flow shouldn't reach here") } // Calls f and verifies that f always/never panics depending on signal. func testPanic(signal string, f func()) { defer func() { s := never if recover() != nil { s = always // f panicked } if s != signal { panic(signal + " panic") } }() f() } // Calls f and empirically verifies that f always/never blocks depending on signal. func testBlock(signal string, f func()) { c := make(chan string) go func() { f() c <- never // f didn't block }() go func() { time.Sleep(1e8) // 0.1s seems plenty long c <- always // f blocked always }() if <-c != signal { panic(signal + " block") } } func main() { const async = 1 // asynchronous channels var nilch chan int closedch := make(chan int) close(closedch) // sending/receiving from a nil channel blocks testBlock(always, func() { nilch <- 7 }) testBlock(always, func() { <-nilch }) // sending/receiving from a nil channel inside a select is never selected testPanic(never, func() { select { case nilch <- 7: unreachable() default: } }) testPanic(never, func() { select { case <-nilch: unreachable() default: } }) // sending to an async channel with free buffer space never blocks testBlock(never, func() { ch := make(chan int, async) ch <- 7 }) // receiving from a closed channel never blocks testBlock(never, func() { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { if <-closedch != 0 { panic("expected zero value when reading from closed channel") } if x, ok := <-closedch; x != 0 || ok { println("closedch:", x, ok) panic("expected 0, false from closed channel") } } }) // sending to a closed channel panics. testPanic(always, func() { closedch <- 7 }) // receiving from a non-ready channel always blocks testBlock(always, func() { ch := make(chan int) <-ch }) // empty selects always block testBlock(always, func() { select { } }) // selects with only nil channels always block testBlock(always, func() { select { case <-nilch: unreachable() } }) testBlock(always, func() { select { case nilch <- 7: unreachable() } }) testBlock(always, func() { select { case <-nilch: unreachable() case nilch <- 7: unreachable() } }) // selects with non-ready non-nil channels always block testBlock(always, func() { ch := make(chan int) select { case <-ch: unreachable() } }) // selects with default cases don't block testBlock(never, func() { select { default: } }) testBlock(never, func() { select { case <-nilch: unreachable() default: } }) testBlock(never, func() { select { case nilch <- 7: unreachable() default: } }) // selects with ready channels don't block testBlock(never, func() { ch := make(chan int, async) select { case ch <- 7: default: unreachable() } }) testBlock(never, func() { ch := make(chan int, async) ch <- 7 select { case <-ch: default: unreachable() } }) // selects with closed channels behave like ordinary operations testBlock(never, func() { select { case <-closedch: } }) testBlock(never, func() { select { case x := <-closedch: _ = x } }) testBlock(never, func() { select { case x, ok := <-closedch: _, _ = x, ok } }) testPanic(always, func() { select { case closedch <- 7: } }) // select should not get confused if it sees itself testBlock(always, func() { c := make(chan int) select { case c <- 1: case <-c: } }) }