// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package fmt import ( "fmt"; "io"; "math"; "syscall"; "testing"; ) func TestFmtInterface(t *testing.T) { var i1 interface{}; i1 = "abc"; s := fmt.Sprintf("%s", i1); if s != "abc" { t.Errorf(`fmt.Sprintf("%%s", empty("abc")) = %q want %q`, s, "abc"); } } type fmtTest struct { fmt string; val interface { }; out string; } const b32 uint32 = 1<<32 - 1 const b64 uint64 = 1<<64 - 1 var array = []int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) var fmttests = []fmtTest( // basic string fmtTest( "%s", "abc", "abc" ), fmtTest( "%x", "abc", "616263" ), fmtTest( "%x", "xyz", "78797a" ), fmtTest( "%X", "xyz", "78797A" ), fmtTest( "%q", "abc", `"abc"` ), // basic bytes fmtTest( "%s", io.StringBytes("abc"), "abc" ), fmtTest( "%x", io.StringBytes("abc"), "616263" ), fmtTest( "% x", io.StringBytes("abc"), "61 62 63" ), fmtTest( "%x", io.StringBytes("xyz"), "78797a" ), fmtTest( "%X", io.StringBytes("xyz"), "78797A" ), fmtTest( "%q", io.StringBytes("abc"), `"abc"` ), // escaped strings fmtTest( "%#q", `abc`, "`abc`" ), fmtTest( "%#q", `"`, "`\"`" ), fmtTest( "1 %#q", `\n`, "1 `\\n`" ), fmtTest( "2 %#q", "\n", `2 "\n"` ), fmtTest( "%q", `"`, `"\""` ), fmtTest( "%q", "\a\b\f\r\n\t\v", `"\a\b\f\r\n\t\v"` ), fmtTest( "%q", "abc\xffdef", `"abc\xffdef"` ), fmtTest( "%q", "\u263a", `"\u263a"` ), fmtTest( "%q", "\U0010ffff", `"\U0010ffff"` ), // width fmtTest( "%5s", "abc", " abc" ), fmtTest( "%-5s", "abc", "abc " ), fmtTest( "%05s", "abc", "00abc" ), // integers fmtTest( "%d", 12345, "12345" ), fmtTest( "%d", -12345, "-12345" ), fmtTest( "%10d", 12345, " 12345" ), fmtTest( "%10d", -12345, " -12345" ), fmtTest( "%+10d", 12345, " +12345" ), fmtTest( "%010d", 12345, "0000012345" ), fmtTest( "%010d", -12345, "-000012345" ), fmtTest( "%-10d", 12345, "12345 " ), fmtTest( "%010.3d", 1, " 001" ), fmtTest( "%010.3d", -1, " -001" ), fmtTest( "%+d", 12345, "+12345" ), fmtTest( "%+d", -12345, "-12345" ), fmtTest( "% d", 12345, " 12345" ), fmtTest( "% d", -12345, "-12345" ), // arrays // TODO: when arrays work in interfaces, enable this line // and delete the TestArrayPrinter routine below // fmtTest{ "%v", array, "[1 2 3 4 5]" }, fmtTest( "%v", &array, "&[1 2 3 4 5]" ), // old test/fmt_test.go fmtTest( "%d", 1234, "1234" ), fmtTest( "%d", -1234, "-1234" ), fmtTest( "%d", uint(1234), "1234" ), fmtTest( "%d", uint32(b32), "4294967295" ), fmtTest( "%d", uint64(b64), "18446744073709551615" ), fmtTest( "%o", 01234, "1234" ), fmtTest( "%o", uint32(b32), "37777777777" ), fmtTest( "%o", uint64(b64), "1777777777777777777777" ), fmtTest( "%x", 0x1234abcd, "1234abcd" ), fmtTest( "%x", b32-0x1234567, "fedcba98" ), fmtTest( "%X", 0x1234abcd, "1234ABCD" ), fmtTest( "%X", b32-0x1234567, "FEDCBA98" ), fmtTest( "%x", b64, "ffffffffffffffff" ), fmtTest( "%b", 7, "111" ), fmtTest( "%b", b64, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" ), fmtTest( "%e", float64(1), "1.000000e+00" ), fmtTest( "%e", float64(1234.5678e3), "1.234568e+06" ), fmtTest( "%e", float64(1234.5678e-8), "1.234568e-05" ), fmtTest( "%e", float64(-7), "-7.000000e+00" ), fmtTest( "%e", float64(-1e-9), "-1.000000e-09" ), fmtTest( "%f", float64(1234.5678e3), "1234567.800000" ), fmtTest( "%f", float64(1234.5678e-8), "0.000012" ), fmtTest( "%f", float64(-7), "-7.000000" ), fmtTest( "%f", float64(-1e-9), "-0.000000" ), fmtTest( "%g", float64(1234.5678e3), "1.2345678e+06" ), fmtTest( "%g", float32(1234.5678e3), "1.2345678e+06" ), fmtTest( "%g", float64(1234.5678e-8), "1.2345678e-05" ), fmtTest( "%g", float64(-7), "-7" ), fmtTest( "%g", float64(-1e-9), "-1e-09", ), fmtTest( "%g", float32(-1e-9), "-1e-09" ), fmtTest( "%c", 'x', "x" ), fmtTest( "%c", 0xe4, "ä" ), fmtTest( "%c", 0x672c, "本" ), fmtTest( "%c", '日', "日" ), fmtTest( "%20.8d", 1234, " 00001234" ), fmtTest( "%20.8d", -1234, " -00001234" ), fmtTest( "%20d", 1234, " 1234" ), fmtTest( "%-20.8d", 1234, "00001234 " ), fmtTest( "%-20.8d", -1234, "-00001234 " ), fmtTest( "%.20b", 7, "00000000000000000111" ), fmtTest( "%20.5s", "qwertyuiop", " qwert" ), fmtTest( "%.5s", "qwertyuiop", "qwert" ), fmtTest( "%-20.5s", "qwertyuiop", "qwert " ), fmtTest( "%20c", 'x', " x" ), fmtTest( "%-20c", 'x', "x " ), fmtTest( "%20.6e", 1.2345e3, " 1.234500e+03" ), fmtTest( "%20.6e", 1.2345e-3, " 1.234500e-03" ), fmtTest( "%20e", 1.2345e3, " 1.234500e+03" ), fmtTest( "%20e", 1.2345e-3, " 1.234500e-03" ), fmtTest( "%20.8e", 1.2345e3, " 1.23450000e+03" ), fmtTest( "%20f", float64(1.23456789e3), " 1234.567890" ), fmtTest( "%20f", float64(1.23456789e-3), " 0.001235" ), fmtTest( "%20f", float64(12345678901.23456789), " 12345678901.234568" ), fmtTest( "%-20f", float64(1.23456789e3), "1234.567890 " ), fmtTest( "%20.8f", float64(1.23456789e3), " 1234.56789000" ), fmtTest( "%20.8f", float64(1.23456789e-3), " 0.00123457" ), fmtTest( "%g", float64(1.23456789e3), "1234.56789" ), fmtTest( "%g", float64(1.23456789e-3), "0.00123456789" ), fmtTest( "%g", float64(1.23456789e20), "1.23456789e+20" ), fmtTest( "%20e", math.Inf(1), " +Inf" ), fmtTest( "%-20f", math.Inf(-1), "-Inf " ), fmtTest( "%20g", math.NaN(), " NaN" ), ) func TestSprintf(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < len(fmttests); i++ { tt := fmttests[i]; s := fmt.Sprintf(tt.fmt, tt.val); if s != tt.out { if ss, ok := tt.val.(string); ok { // Don't requote the already-quoted strings. // It's too confusing to read the errors. t.Errorf("fmt.Sprintf(%q, %q) = %s want %s", tt.fmt, tt.val, s, tt.out); } else { t.Errorf("fmt.Sprintf(%q, %v) = %q want %q", tt.fmt, tt.val, s, tt.out); } } } } type flagPrinter struct { } func (*flagPrinter) Format(f fmt.Formatter, c int) { s := "%"; for i := 0; i < 128; i++ { if f.Flag(i) { s += string(i); } } if w, ok := f.Width(); ok { s += fmt.Sprintf("%d", w); } if p, ok := f.Precision(); ok { s += fmt.Sprintf(".%d", p); } s += string(c); io.WriteString(f, "["+s+"]"); } type flagTest struct { in string; out string; } var flagtests = []flagTest ( flagTest( "%a", "[%a]" ), flagTest( "%-a", "[%-a]" ), flagTest( "%+a", "[%+a]" ), flagTest( "%#a", "[%#a]" ), flagTest( "% a", "[% a]" ), flagTest( "%0a", "[%0a]" ), flagTest( "%1.2a", "[%1.2a]" ), flagTest( "%-1.2a", "[%-1.2a]" ), flagTest( "%+1.2a", "[%+1.2a]" ), flagTest( "%-+1.2a", "[%+-1.2a]" ), flagTest( "%-+1.2abc", "[%+-1.2a]bc" ), flagTest( "%-1.2abc", "[%-1.2a]bc" ), ) func TestFlagParser(t *testing.T) { var flagprinter flagPrinter; for i := 0; i < len(flagtests); i++ { tt := flagtests[i]; s := fmt.Sprintf(tt.in, &flagprinter); if s != tt.out { t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, &flagprinter) => %q, want %q", tt.in, s, tt.out); } } } func TestStructPrinter(t *testing.T) { var s struct { a string; b string; c int; }; s.a = "abc"; s.b = "def"; s.c = 123; type Test struct { fmt string; out string; } var tests = []Test ( Test( "%v", "{abc def 123}" ), Test( "%+v", "{a=abc b=def c=123}" ), ); for i := 0; i < len(tests); i++ { tt := tests[i]; out := fmt.Sprintf(tt.fmt, s); if out != tt.out { t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, &s) = %q, want %q", tt.fmt, out, tt.out); } } } func TestArrayPrinter(t *testing.T) { a := []int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); want := "[1 2 3 4 5]"; out := fmt.Sprintf("%v", a); if out != want { t.Errorf("Sprintf(%%v, array) = %q, want %q", out, want); } want = "&" + want; out = fmt.Sprintf("%v", &a); if out != want { t.Errorf("Sprintf(%%v, &array) = %q, want %q", out, want); } }