// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package SYS // rename to avoid redeclaration export func mal(uint32) *any; export func breakpoint(); export func throwindex(); export func throwreturn(); export func panicl(int32); export func printbool(bool); export func printfloat(double); export func printint(int64); export func printstring(string); export func printpointer(*any); export func printinter(any); export func printnl(); export func printsp(); export func catstring(string, string) string; export func cmpstring(string, string) int32; export func slicestring(string, int32, int32) string; export func indexstring(string, int32) byte; export func intstring(int64) string; export func byteastring(*byte, int32) string; export func arraystring(*[]byte) string; export func ifaceT2I(sigi *byte, sigt *byte, elem any) (ret any); export func ifaceI2T(sigt *byte, iface any) (ret any); export func ifaceI2I(sigi *byte, iface any) (ret any); export func argc() int32; export func envc() int32; export func argv(int32) string; export func envv(int32) string; export func frexp(float64) (float64, int32); // break fp into exp,fract export func ldexp(float64, int32) float64; // make fp from exp,fract export func modf(float64) (float64, float64); // break fp into double.double export func isInf(float64, int32) bool; // test for infinity export func isNaN(float64) bool; // test for not-a-number export func Inf(int32) float64; // return signed Inf export func NaN() float64; // return a NaN export func newmap(keysize uint32, valsize uint32, keyalg uint32, valalg uint32, hint uint32) (hmap *map[any]any); export func mapaccess1(hmap *map[any]any, key any) (val any); export func mapaccess2(hmap *map[any]any, key any) (val any, pres bool); export func mapassign1(hmap *map[any]any, key any, val any); export func mapassign2(hmap *map[any]any, key any, val any, pres bool); export func newchan(elemsize uint32, elemalg uint32, hint uint32) (hchan *chan any); export func chanrecv1(hchan *chan any) (elem any); export func chanrecv2(hchan *chan any) (elem any, pres bool); export func chanrecv3(hchan *chan any, elem *any) (pres bool); export func chansend1(hchan *chan any, elem any); export func chansend2(hchan *chan any, elem any) (pres bool); export func newselect(size uint32) (sel *byte); export func selectsend(sel *byte, hchan *chan any, elem any) (selected bool); export func selectrecv(sel *byte, hchan *chan any, elem *any) (selected bool); export func selectgo(sel *byte); export func newarray(nel uint32, cap uint32, width uint32) (ary *[]any); export func arraysliced(old *[]any, lb uint32, hb uint32, width uint32) (ary *[]any); export func arrayslices(old *any, nel uint32, lb uint32, hb uint32, width uint32) (ary *[]any); export func arrays2d(old *any, nel uint32) (ary *[]any); export func gosched(); export func goexit(); export func readfile(string) (string, bool); // read file into string; boolean status export func writefile(string, string) (bool); // write string into file; boolean status export func bytestorune(*byte, int32, int32) (int32, int32); // convert bytes to runes export func stringtorune(string, int32) (int32, int32); // convert bytes to runes export func exit(int32);