// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package AST // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Visitor type ( Nil struct; Ident struct; ArrayType struct; StructType struct; MapType struct; ChannelType struct; PointerType struct; InterfaceType struct; FunctionType struct; VarDeclList struct; ImportDecl struct; ConstDecl struct; TypeDecl struct; VarDecl struct; Declaration struct; FuncDecl struct; MethodDecl struct; Selector struct; Index struct; Call struct; Pair struct; Binary struct; Unary struct; Literal struct; CompositeLit struct; FunctionLit struct; Label struct; Block struct; ExprStat struct; Assignment struct; ControlClause struct; IfStat struct; ForStat struct; CaseClause struct; SwitchStat struct; ReturnStat struct; IncDecStat struct; ControlFlowStat struct; GoStat struct; Program struct; ) export type Visitor interface { // Basics DoNil(x *Nil); DoIdent(x *Ident); // Types DoFunctionType(x *FunctionType); DoArrayType(x *ArrayType); DoStructType(x *StructType); DoMapType(x *MapType); DoChannelType(x *ChannelType); DoInterfaceType(x *InterfaceType); DoPointerType(x *PointerType); // Declarations DoImportDecl(x *ImportDecl); DoConstDecl(x *ConstDecl); DoTypeDecl(x *TypeDecl); DoVarDecl(x *VarDecl); DoVarDeclList(x *VarDeclList); DoFuncDecl(x *FuncDecl); DoMethodDecl(x *MethodDecl); DoDeclaration(x *Declaration); // Expressions DoBinary(x *Binary); DoUnary(x *Unary); DoLiteral(x *Literal); DoPair(x *Pair); DoIndex(x *Index); DoCall(x *Call); DoSelector(x *Selector); DoCompositeLit(x *CompositeLit); DoFunctionLit(x *FunctionLit); // Statements DoLabel(x *Label); DoBlock(x *Block); DoExprStat(x *ExprStat); DoAssignment(x *Assignment); DoIfStat(x *IfStat); DoForStat(x *ForStat); DoCaseClause(x *CaseClause); DoSwitchStat(x *SwitchStat); DoReturnStat(x *ReturnStat); DoIncDecStat(x *IncDecStat); DoControlFlowStat(x *ControlFlowStat); DoGoStat(x *GoStat); // Program DoProgram(x *Program); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // An AST Node export type Node interface { Visit(x Visitor); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lists // // If p is a list and p == nil, then p.len() == 0. // Thus, empty lists can be represented by nil. export type List struct { a *[] Node; } func (p *List) len() int { if p == nil { return 0; } return len(p.a); } func (p *List) at(i int) Node { return p.a[i]; } func (p *List) Add (x Node) { a := p.a; n := len(a); if n == cap(a) { b := new([] Node, 2*n); for i := 0; i < n; i++ { b[i] = a[i]; } a = b; } a = a[0 : n + 1]; a[n] = x; p.a = a; } export func NewList() *List { p := new(List); p.a = new([] Node, 10) [0 : 0]; return p; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Basics export type Nil struct { // The Node "nil" value } export var NIL *Nil = new(Nil); export type Ident struct { pos int; val string; } func (x *Nil) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoNil(x); } func (x *Ident) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoIdent(x); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types export type Type interface { Visit(x Visitor); } export type Expr interface { Visit(x Visitor); } export type ArrayType struct { pos int; // position of "[" len_ Expr; elt Type; } export type StructType struct { pos int; // position of "struct" fields *List; // list of *VarDeclList } export type MapType struct { pos int; // position of "map" key, val Type; } export const /* chan mode */ ( FULL = iota; RECV; SEND; ) export type ChannelType struct { pos int; // position of "chan" or "<-" (if before "chan") elt Type; mode int; } export type PointerType struct { pos int; // position of "*" base Type; } export type InterfaceType struct { pos int; // position of "interface" methods *List; // list of *MethodDecl } export type FunctionType struct { pos int; // position of "(" recv *VarDeclList; params *List; // list of *VarDeclList result *List; // list of *VarDeclList } func (x *FunctionType) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoFunctionType(x); } func (x *ArrayType) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoArrayType(x); } func (x *StructType) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoStructType(x); } func (x *MapType) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoMapType(x); } func (x *ChannelType) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoChannelType(x); } func (x *PointerType) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoPointerType(x); } func (x *InterfaceType) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoInterfaceType(x); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Declarations export type Decl interface { Visit(x Visitor); } export type VarDeclList struct { idents *List; // possibly nil typ Type; } export type ImportDecl struct { ident *Ident; file string; } export type ConstDecl struct { ident *Ident; typ Type; val Expr; } export type TypeDecl struct { ident *Ident; typ Type; } export type VarDecl struct { idents *List; typ Type; vals *List; } export type Declaration struct { pos int; // position of token tok int; decls *List; } export type FuncDecl struct { pos int; // position of "func" ident *Ident; typ *FunctionType; body *Block; } export type MethodDecl struct { ident *Ident; typ *FunctionType; } func (x *VarDeclList) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoVarDeclList(x); } func (x *ImportDecl) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoImportDecl(x); } func (x *ConstDecl) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoConstDecl(x); } func (x *TypeDecl) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoTypeDecl(x); } func (x *VarDecl) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoVarDecl(x); } func (x *FuncDecl) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoFuncDecl(x); } func (x *MethodDecl) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoMethodDecl(x); } func (x *Declaration) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoDeclaration(x); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expressions export type Selector struct { pos int; // position of "." x Expr; field string; } export type Index struct { pos int; // position of "[" x Expr; index Expr; } export type Call struct { pos int; // position of "(" fun Expr; args *List; } export type Pair struct { pos int; // position of ":" x, y Expr; } export type Binary struct { pos int; // position of operator tok tok int; x, y Expr; } export type Unary struct { pos int; // position of operator tok tok int; x Expr; } export type Literal struct { pos int; // position of literal tok int; val string; } export type CompositeLit struct { pos int; // position of "{" typ Type; vals *List // list of Expr } export type FunctionLit struct { pos int; // position of "func" typ *FunctionType; body *Block; } func (x *Binary) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoBinary(x); } func (x *Unary) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoUnary(x); } func (x *Literal) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoLiteral(x); } func (x *Pair) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoPair(x); } func (x *Index) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoIndex(x); } func (x *Call) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoCall(x); } func (x *Selector) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoSelector(x); } func (x *CompositeLit) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoCompositeLit(x); } func (x *FunctionLit) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoFunctionLit(x); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Statements export type Stat interface { Visit(x Visitor); } export type Label struct { pos int; // position of ":" ident Expr; // should be ident } export type Block struct { pos int; // position of "{" stats *List; } export type ExprStat struct { expr Expr; } export type Assignment struct { pos int; // position of assignment token tok int; lhs, rhs *List; } export type ControlClause struct { init Stat; expr Expr; post Stat; has_init, has_expr, has_post bool; } export type IfStat struct { pos int; // position of "if" ctrl *ControlClause; then *Block; else_ Stat; has_else bool; } export type ForStat struct { pos int; // position of "for" ctrl *ControlClause; body *Block; } export type CaseClause struct { pos int; // position of "case" or "default" exprs *List; // nil if default case stats *List; // list of Stat falls bool; } export type SwitchStat struct { pos int; // position of "switch" ctrl *ControlClause; cases *List; // list of *CaseClause } export type ReturnStat struct { pos int; // position of "return" res *List; // list of Expr } export type IncDecStat struct { pos int; // position of token tok int; expr Expr; } export type ControlFlowStat struct { pos int; // position of token tok int; label *Ident; // nil, if no label } export type GoStat struct { pos int; // position of "go" expr Expr; } func (x *Block) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoBlock(x); } func (x *Label) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoLabel(x); } func (x *ExprStat) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoExprStat(x); } func (x *Assignment) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoAssignment(x); } func (x *IfStat) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoIfStat(x); } func (x *ForStat) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoForStat(x); } func (x *CaseClause) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoCaseClause(x); } func (x *SwitchStat) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoSwitchStat(x); } func (x *ReturnStat) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoReturnStat(x); } func (x *IncDecStat) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoIncDecStat(x); } func (x *ControlFlowStat) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoControlFlowStat(x); } func (x *GoStat) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoGoStat(x); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Program export type Program struct { pos int; ident *Ident; decls *List; } func (x *Program) Visit(v Visitor) { v.DoProgram(x); }