// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package regexp import ( "os" "strings" "testing" ) var good_re = []string{ ``, `.`, `^.$`, `a`, `a*`, `a+`, `a?`, `a|b`, `a*|b*`, `(a*|b)(c*|d)`, `[a-z]`, `[a-abc-c\-\]\[]`, `[a-z]+`, `[]`, `[abc]`, `[^1234]`, `[^\n]`, `\!\\`, } type stringError struct { re string err os.Error } var bad_re = []stringError{ stringError{`*`, ErrBareClosure}, stringError{`(abc`, ErrUnmatchedLpar}, stringError{`abc)`, ErrUnmatchedRpar}, stringError{`x[a-z`, ErrUnmatchedLbkt}, stringError{`abc]`, ErrUnmatchedRbkt}, stringError{`[z-a]`, ErrBadRange}, stringError{`abc\`, ErrExtraneousBackslash}, stringError{`a**`, ErrBadClosure}, stringError{`a*+`, ErrBadClosure}, stringError{`a??`, ErrBadClosure}, stringError{`*`, ErrBareClosure}, stringError{`\x`, ErrBadBackslash}, } type vec []int type tester struct { re string text string match vec } var matches = []tester{ tester{`^abcdefg`, "abcdefg", vec{0, 7}}, tester{`a+`, "baaab", vec{1, 4}}, tester{"abcd..", "abcdef", vec{0, 6}}, tester{``, "", vec{0, 0}}, tester{`a`, "a", vec{0, 1}}, tester{`x`, "y", vec{}}, tester{`b`, "abc", vec{1, 2}}, tester{`.`, "a", vec{0, 1}}, tester{`.*`, "abcdef", vec{0, 6}}, tester{`^`, "abcde", vec{0, 0}}, tester{`$`, "abcde", vec{5, 5}}, tester{`^abcd$`, "abcd", vec{0, 4}}, tester{`^bcd'`, "abcdef", vec{}}, tester{`^abcd$`, "abcde", vec{}}, tester{`a+`, "baaab", vec{1, 4}}, tester{`a*`, "baaab", vec{0, 0}}, tester{`[a-z]+`, "abcd", vec{0, 4}}, tester{`[^a-z]+`, "ab1234cd", vec{2, 6}}, tester{`[a\-\]z]+`, "az]-bcz", vec{0, 4}}, tester{`[^\n]+`, "abcd\n", vec{0, 4}}, tester{`[日本語]+`, "日本語日本語", vec{0, 18}}, tester{`日本語+`, "日本語", vec{0, 9}}, tester{`日本語+`, "日本語語語語", vec{0, 18}}, tester{`()`, "", vec{0, 0, 0, 0}}, tester{`(a)`, "a", vec{0, 1, 0, 1}}, tester{`(.)(.)`, "日a", vec{0, 4, 0, 3, 3, 4}}, tester{`(.*)`, "", vec{0, 0, 0, 0}}, tester{`(.*)`, "abcd", vec{0, 4, 0, 4}}, tester{`(..)(..)`, "abcd", vec{0, 4, 0, 2, 2, 4}}, tester{`(([^xyz]*)(d))`, "abcd", vec{0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 3, 3, 4}}, tester{`((a|b|c)*(d))`, "abcd", vec{0, 4, 0, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4}}, tester{`(((a|b|c)*)(d))`, "abcd", vec{0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4}}, tester{`a*(|(b))c*`, "aacc", vec{0, 4, 2, 2, -1, -1}}, tester{`(.*).*`, "ab", vec{0, 2, 0, 2}}, tester{`[.]`, ".", vec{0, 1}}, tester{`/$`, "/abc/", vec{4, 5}}, tester{`/$`, "/abc", vec{}}, // fixed bugs tester{`ab$`, "cab", vec{1, 3}}, tester{`axxb$`, "axxcb", vec{}}, tester{`data`, "daXY data", vec{5, 9}}, tester{`da(.)a$`, "daXY data", vec{5, 9, 7, 8}}, // can backslash-escape any punctuation tester{`\!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\[\\\]\^\_\{\|\}\~`, `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}~`, vec{0, 31}}, tester{`[\!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\[\\\]\^\_\{\|\}\~]+`, `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}~`, vec{0, 31}}, tester{"\\`", "`", vec{0, 1}}, tester{"[\\`]+", "`", vec{0, 1}}, } func compileTest(t *testing.T, expr string, error os.Error) *Regexp { re, err := Compile(expr) if err != error { t.Error("compiling `", expr, "`; unexpected error: ", err.String()) } return re } func printVec(t *testing.T, m []int) { l := len(m) if l == 0 { t.Log("\t") } else { if m[len(m)-1] == -1 { m = m[0 : len(m)-2] } t.Log("\t", m) } } func equal(m1, m2 []int) bool { l := len(m1) if l != len(m2) { return false } for i := 0; i < l; i++ { if m1[i] != m2[i] { return false } } return true } func equalStrings(m1, m2 []string) bool { l := len(m1) if l != len(m2) { return false } for i := 0; i < l; i++ { if m1[i] != m2[i] { return false } } return true } func executeTest(t *testing.T, expr string, str string, match []int) { re := compileTest(t, expr, nil) if re == nil { return } m := re.ExecuteString(str) if !equal(m, match) { t.Errorf("ExecuteString failure on %#q matching %q:", expr, str) printVec(t, m) t.Log("should be:") printVec(t, match) } // now try bytes m = re.Execute([]byte(str)) if !equal(m, match) { t.Errorf("Execute failure on %#q matching %q:", expr, str) printVec(t, m) t.Log("should be:") printVec(t, match) } } func TestGoodCompile(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < len(good_re); i++ { compileTest(t, good_re[i], nil) } } func TestBadCompile(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < len(bad_re); i++ { compileTest(t, bad_re[i].re, bad_re[i].err) } } func TestExecute(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < len(matches); i++ { test := &matches[i] executeTest(t, test.re, test.text, test.match) } } func matchTest(t *testing.T, expr string, str string, match []int) { re := compileTest(t, expr, nil) if re == nil { return } m := re.MatchString(str) if m != (len(match) > 0) { t.Errorf("MatchString failure on %#q matching %q: %t should be %t", expr, str, m, len(match) > 0) } // now try bytes m = re.Match([]byte(str)) if m != (len(match) > 0) { t.Errorf("Match failure on %#q matching %q: %t should be %t", expr, str, m, len(match) > 0) } } func TestMatch(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < len(matches); i++ { test := &matches[i] matchTest(t, test.re, test.text, test.match) } } func TestMatchStrings(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < len(matches); i++ { test := &matches[i] matchTest(t, test.re, test.text, test.match) } } func matchFunctionTest(t *testing.T, expr string, str string, match []int) { m, err := MatchString(expr, str) if err == nil { return } if m != (len(match) > 0) { t.Errorf("Match failure on %#q matching %q: %d should be %d", expr, str, m, len(match) > 0) } } func TestMatchFunction(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < len(matches); i++ { test := &matches[i] matchFunctionTest(t, test.re, test.text, test.match) } } type ReplaceTest struct { pattern, replacement, input, output string } var replaceTests = []ReplaceTest{ // Test empty input and/or replacement, with pattern that matches the empty string. ReplaceTest{"", "", "", ""}, ReplaceTest{"", "x", "", "x"}, ReplaceTest{"", "", "abc", "abc"}, ReplaceTest{"", "x", "abc", "xaxbxcx"}, // Test empty input and/or replacement, with pattern that does not match the empty string. ReplaceTest{"b", "", "", ""}, ReplaceTest{"b", "x", "", ""}, ReplaceTest{"b", "", "abc", "ac"}, ReplaceTest{"b", "x", "abc", "axc"}, ReplaceTest{"y", "", "", ""}, ReplaceTest{"y", "x", "", ""}, ReplaceTest{"y", "", "abc", "abc"}, ReplaceTest{"y", "x", "abc", "abc"}, // Multibyte characters -- verify that we don't try to match in the middle // of a character. ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*", "x", "\u65e5", "x\u65e5x"}, ReplaceTest{"[^\u65e5]", "x", "abc\u65e5def", "xxx\u65e5xxx"}, // Start and end of a string. ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*", "x", "abcdabc", "xdabc"}, ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*$", "x", "abcdabc", "abcdx"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*$", "x", "abcdabc", "abcdabc"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*", "x", "abc", "x"}, ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*$", "x", "abc", "x"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*$", "x", "abc", "x"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*", "x", "dabce", "xdabce"}, ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*$", "x", "dabce", "dabcex"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*$", "x", "dabce", "dabce"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*", "x", "", "x"}, ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*$", "x", "", "x"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]*$", "x", "", "x"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+", "x", "abcdabc", "xdabc"}, ReplaceTest{"[a-c]+$", "x", "abcdabc", "abcdx"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+$", "x", "abcdabc", "abcdabc"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+", "x", "abc", "x"}, ReplaceTest{"[a-c]+$", "x", "abc", "x"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+$", "x", "abc", "x"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+", "x", "dabce", "dabce"}, ReplaceTest{"[a-c]+$", "x", "dabce", "dabce"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+$", "x", "dabce", "dabce"}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+", "x", "", ""}, ReplaceTest{"[a-c]+$", "x", "", ""}, ReplaceTest{"^[a-c]+$", "x", "", ""}, // Other cases. ReplaceTest{"abc", "def", "abcdefg", "defdefg"}, ReplaceTest{"bc", "BC", "abcbcdcdedef", "aBCBCdcdedef"}, ReplaceTest{"abc", "", "abcdabc", "d"}, ReplaceTest{"x", "xXx", "xxxXxxx", "xXxxXxxXxXxXxxXxxXx"}, ReplaceTest{"abc", "d", "", ""}, ReplaceTest{"abc", "d", "abc", "d"}, ReplaceTest{".+", "x", "abc", "x"}, ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*", "x", "def", "xdxexfx"}, ReplaceTest{"[a-c]+", "x", "abcbcdcdedef", "xdxdedef"}, ReplaceTest{"[a-c]*", "x", "abcbcdcdedef", "xdxdxexdxexfx"}, } type ReplaceFuncTest struct { pattern string replacement func(string) string input, output string } var replaceFuncTests = []ReplaceFuncTest{ ReplaceFuncTest{"[a-c]", func(s string) string { return "x" + s + "y" }, "defabcdef", "defxayxbyxcydef"}, ReplaceFuncTest{"[a-c]+", func(s string) string { return "x" + s + "y" }, "defabcdef", "defxabcydef"}, ReplaceFuncTest{"[a-c]*", func(s string) string { return "x" + s + "y" }, "defabcdef", "xydxyexyfxabcydxyexyfxy"}, } func TestReplaceAll(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range replaceTests { re, err := Compile(tc.pattern) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error compiling %q: %v", tc.pattern, err) continue } actual := re.ReplaceAllString(tc.input, tc.replacement) if actual != tc.output { t.Errorf("%q.Replace(%q,%q) = %q; want %q", tc.pattern, tc.input, tc.replacement, actual, tc.output) } // now try bytes actual = string(re.ReplaceAll([]byte(tc.input), []byte(tc.replacement))) if actual != tc.output { t.Errorf("%q.Replace(%q,%q) = %q; want %q", tc.pattern, tc.input, tc.replacement, actual, tc.output) } } } func TestReplaceAllFunc(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range replaceFuncTests { re, err := Compile(tc.pattern) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error compiling %q: %v", tc.pattern, err) continue } actual := re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(tc.input, tc.replacement) if actual != tc.output { t.Errorf("%q.ReplaceFunc(%q,%q) = %q; want %q", tc.pattern, tc.input, tc.replacement, actual, tc.output) } // now try bytes actual = string(re.ReplaceAllFunc([]byte(tc.input), func(s []byte) []byte { return []byte(tc.replacement(string(s))) })) if actual != tc.output { t.Errorf("%q.ReplaceFunc(%q,%q) = %q; want %q", tc.pattern, tc.input, tc.replacement, actual, tc.output) } } } type QuoteMetaTest struct { pattern, output string } var quoteMetaTests = []QuoteMetaTest{ QuoteMetaTest{``, ``}, QuoteMetaTest{`foo`, `foo`}, QuoteMetaTest{`!@#$%^&*()_+-=[{]}\|,<.>/?~`, `!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)_\+-=\[{\]}\\\|,<\.>/\?~`}, } func TestQuoteMeta(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range quoteMetaTests { // Verify that QuoteMeta returns the expected string. quoted := QuoteMeta(tc.pattern) if quoted != tc.output { t.Errorf("QuoteMeta(`%s`) = `%s`; want `%s`", tc.pattern, quoted, tc.output) continue } // Verify that the quoted string is in fact treated as expected // by Compile -- i.e. that it matches the original, unquoted string. if tc.pattern != "" { re, err := Compile(quoted) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error compiling QuoteMeta(`%s`): %v", tc.pattern, err) continue } src := "abc" + tc.pattern + "def" repl := "xyz" replaced := re.ReplaceAllString(src, repl) expected := "abcxyzdef" if replaced != expected { t.Errorf("QuoteMeta(`%s`).Replace(`%s`,`%s`) = `%s`; want `%s`", tc.pattern, src, repl, replaced, expected) } } } } type matchCase struct { matchfunc string input string n int regexp string expected []string } var matchCases = []matchCase{ matchCase{"match", " aa b", 0, "[^ ]+", []string{"aa", "b"}}, matchCase{"match", " aa b", 0, "[^ ]*", []string{"", "aa", "b"}}, matchCase{"match", "a b c", 0, "[^ ]*", []string{"a", "b", "c"}}, matchCase{"match", "a:a: a:", 0, "^.:", []string{"a:"}}, matchCase{"match", "", 0, "[^ ]*", []string{""}}, matchCase{"match", "", 0, "", []string{""}}, matchCase{"match", "a", 0, "", []string{"", ""}}, matchCase{"match", "ab", 0, "^", []string{""}}, matchCase{"match", "ab", 0, "$", []string{""}}, matchCase{"match", "ab", 0, "X*", []string{"", "", ""}}, matchCase{"match", "aX", 0, "X*", []string{"", "X"}}, matchCase{"match", "XabX", 0, "X*", []string{"X", "", "X"}}, matchCase{"matchit", "", 0, ".", []string{}}, matchCase{"matchit", "abc", 2, ".", []string{"a", "b"}}, matchCase{"matchit", "abc", 0, ".", []string{"a", "b", "c"}}, } func printStringSlice(t *testing.T, s []string) { t.Logf("%#v", s) } func TestAllMatches(t *testing.T) { ch := make(chan matchCase) go func() { for _, c := range matchCases { ch <- c stringCase := matchCase{ "string" + c.matchfunc, c.input, c.n, c.regexp, c.expected, } ch <- stringCase } close(ch) }() for c := range ch { var result []string re, _ := Compile(c.regexp) switch c.matchfunc { case "matchit": result = make([]string, len(c.input)+1) i := 0 b := []byte(c.input) for match := range re.AllMatchesIter(b, c.n) { result[i] = string(match) i++ } result = result[0:i] case "stringmatchit": result = make([]string, len(c.input)+1) i := 0 for match := range re.AllMatchesStringIter(c.input, c.n) { result[i] = match i++ } result = result[0:i] case "match": result = make([]string, len(c.input)+1) b := []byte(c.input) i := 0 for _, match := range re.AllMatches(b, c.n) { result[i] = string(match) i++ } result = result[0:i] case "stringmatch": result = re.AllMatchesString(c.input, c.n) } if !equalStrings(result, c.expected) { t.Errorf("testing '%s'.%s('%s', %d), expected: ", c.regexp, c.matchfunc, c.input, c.n) printStringSlice(t, c.expected) t.Log("got: ") printStringSlice(t, result) t.Log("\n") } } } type numSubexpCase struct { input string expected int } var numSubexpCases = []numSubexpCase{ numSubexpCase{``, 0}, numSubexpCase{`.*`, 0}, numSubexpCase{`abba`, 0}, numSubexpCase{`ab(b)a`, 1}, numSubexpCase{`ab(.*)a`, 1}, numSubexpCase{`(.*)ab(.*)a`, 2}, numSubexpCase{`(.*)(ab)(.*)a`, 3}, numSubexpCase{`(.*)((a)b)(.*)a`, 4}, numSubexpCase{`(.*)(\(ab)(.*)a`, 3}, numSubexpCase{`(.*)(\(a\)b)(.*)a`, 3}, } func TestNumSubexp(t *testing.T) { for _, c := range numSubexpCases { re := MustCompile(c.input) n := re.NumSubexp() if n != c.expected { t.Errorf("NumSubexp for %q returned %d, expected %d", c.input, n, c.expected) } } } func BenchmarkLiteral(b *testing.B) { x := strings.Repeat("x", 50) b.StopTimer() re := MustCompile(x) b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if !re.MatchString(x) { println("no match!") break } } } func BenchmarkNotLiteral(b *testing.B) { x := strings.Repeat("x", 49) b.StopTimer() re := MustCompile("^" + x) b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if !re.MatchString(x) { println("no match!") break } } } func BenchmarkMatchClass(b *testing.B) { b.StopTimer() x := strings.Repeat("xxxx", 20) + "w" re := MustCompile("[abcdw]") b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if !re.MatchString(x) { println("no match!") break } } } func BenchmarkMatchClass_InRange(b *testing.B) { b.StopTimer() // 'b' is betwen 'a' and 'c', so the charclass // range checking is no help here. x := strings.Repeat("bbbb", 20) + "c" re := MustCompile("[ac]") b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if !re.MatchString(x) { println("no match!") break } } } func BenchmarkReplaceAll(b *testing.B) { x := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" b.StopTimer() re := MustCompile("[cjrw]") b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { re.ReplaceAllString(x, "") } }