// errorcheck -0 -d=append,slice,ssa/prove/debug=1 // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Check optimization results for append and slicing. package main func a1(x []int, y int) []int { x = append(x, y) // ERROR "append: len-only update \(in local slice\)$" return x } func a2(x []int, y int) []int { return append(x, y) } func a3(x *[]int, y int) { *x = append(*x, y) // ERROR "append: len-only update$" } // s1_if_false_then_anything func s1_if_false_then_anything(x **[]int, xs **string, i, j int) { z := (**x)[0:i] z = z[i : i+1] println(z) // if we get here, then we have proven that i==i+1 (this cannot happen, but the program is still being analyzed...) zs := (**xs)[0:i] // since i=i+1 is proven, i+1 is "in bounds", ha-ha zs = zs[i : i+1] // ERROR "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds$" println(zs) } func s1(x **[]int, xs **string, i, j int) { var z []int z = (**x)[2:] z = (**x)[2:len(**x)] // ERROR "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds$" z = (**x)[2:cap(**x)] // ERROR "Proved IsSliceInBounds$" z = (**x)[i:i] // -ERROR "Proved IsSliceInBounds" z = (**x)[1:i:i] // ERROR "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds$" z = (**x)[i:j:0] z = (**x)[i:0:j] // ERROR "Disproved IsSliceInBounds$" z = (**x)[0:i:j] // ERROR "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds$" z = (**x)[0:] // ERROR "slice: omit slice operation$" z = (**x)[2:8] // ERROR "Proved slicemask not needed$" println(z) z = (**x)[2:2] z = (**x)[0:i] z = (**x)[2:i:8] // ERROR "Disproved IsSliceInBounds$" "Proved IsSliceInBounds$" z = (**x)[i:2:i] // ERROR "Proved IsSliceInBounds$" "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds$" z = z[0:i] // ERROR "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds" z = z[0:i : i+1] z = z[i : i+1] // ERROR "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds$" println(z) var zs string zs = (**xs)[2:] zs = (**xs)[2:len(**xs)] // ERROR "Proved IsSliceInBounds$" "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds$" zs = (**xs)[i:i] // -ERROR "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds" zs = (**xs)[0:] // ERROR "slice: omit slice operation$" zs = (**xs)[2:8] zs = (**xs)[2:2] // ERROR "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds$" zs = (**xs)[0:i] // ERROR "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds$" zs = zs[0:i] // See s1_if_false_then_anything above to explain the counterfactual bounds check result below zs = zs[i : i+1] // ERROR "Proved boolean IsSliceInBounds$" println(zs) }