// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package Platform import Utils "utils" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Environment export var GOARCH, GOOS, GOROOT, USER string; func GetEnv(key string) string { n := len(key); for i := 0; i < sys.envc(); i++ { v := sys.envv(i); if n < len(v) && v[0 : n] == key && v[n] == '=' { return v[n + 1 : len(v)]; // +1: trim "=" } } return ""; } func init() { GOARCH = GetEnv("GOARCH"); GOOS = GetEnv("GOOS"); GOROOT = GetEnv("GOROOT"); USER = GetEnv("USER"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // I/O export const ( MAGIC_obj_file = "@gri-go.7@v0"; // make it clear that it cannot be a source file src_file_ext = ".go"; obj_file_ext = ".7"; ) export func ReadObjectFile(filename string) (data string, ok bool) { data, ok = sys.readfile(filename + obj_file_ext); magic := MAGIC_obj_file; // TODO remove once len(constant) works if ok && len(data) >= len(magic) && data[0 : len(magic)] == magic { return data, ok; } return "", false; } export func ReadSourceFile(name string) (data string, ok bool) { name = Utils.TrimExt(name, src_file_ext) + src_file_ext; data, ok = sys.readfile(name); return data, ok; } export func WriteObjectFile(name string, data string) bool { name = Utils.TrimExt(Utils.BaseName(name), src_file_ext) + obj_file_ext; return sys.writefile(name, data); }