// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Template library. See http://code.google.com/p/json-template/wiki/Reference // TODO: document this here as well. package template import ( "fmt"; "io"; "os"; "reflect"; "strings"; "template"; ) var ErrLBrace = os.NewError("unexpected opening brace") var ErrUnmatchedRBrace = os.NewError("unmatched closing brace") var ErrUnmatchedLBrace = os.NewError("unmatched opening brace") var ErrBadDirective = os.NewError("unrecognized directive name") var ErrEmptyDirective = os.NewError("empty directive") var ErrFields = os.NewError("incorrect fields for directive") var ErrSyntax = os.NewError("directive out of place") var ErrNoEnd = os.NewError("section does not have .end") var ErrNoVar = os.NewError("variable name not in struct"); var ErrBadType = os.NewError("unsupported type for variable"); var ErrNotStruct = os.NewError("driver must be a struct") var ErrNoFormatter = os.NewError("unknown formatter") // All the literals are aces. var lbrace = []byte{ '{' } var rbrace = []byte{ '}' } var space = []byte{ ' ' } // The various types of "tokens", which are plain text or brace-delimited descriptors const ( Alternates = iota; Comment; End; Literal; Or; Repeated; Section; Text; Variable; ) // FormatterMap is the type describing the mapping from formatter // names to the functions that implement them. type FormatterMap map[string] func(io.Write, interface{}, string) // Built-in formatters. var builtins = FormatterMap { "html" : HtmlFormatter, "str" : StringFormatter, "" : StringFormatter, } // State for executing a Template type state struct { parent *state; // parent in hierarchy errorchan chan *os.Error; // for erroring out data reflect.Value; // the driver data for this section etc. wr io.Write; // where to send output } // Report error and stop generation. func (st *state) error(err *os.Error, args ...) { st.errorchan <- err; sys.Goexit(); } type Template struct { fmap FormatterMap; // formatters for variables buf []byte; // input text to process p int; // position in buf linenum *int; // position in input } // Create a top-level template func newTemplate(buf []byte, fmap FormatterMap) *Template { t := new(Template); t.buf = buf; t.p = 0; t.fmap = fmap; t.linenum = new(int); return t; } // Create a template deriving from its parent func childTemplate(parent *Template, buf []byte) *Template { t := new(Template); t.buf = buf; t.p = 0; t.fmap = parent.fmap; t.linenum = parent.linenum; return t; } func white(c uint8) bool { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' } func (t *Template) execute(st *state) func (t *Template) executeSection(w []string, st *state) // nextItem returns the next item from the input buffer. If the returned // item is empty, we are at EOF. The item will be either a brace- // delimited string or a non-empty string between brace-delimited // strings. Most tokens stop at (but include, if plain text) a newline. // Action tokens on a line by themselves drop the white space on // either side, up to and including the newline. func (t *Template) nextItem(st *state) []byte { brace := false; // are we waiting for an opening brace? special := false; // is this a {.foo} directive, which means trim white space? // Delete surrounding white space if this {.foo} is the only thing on the line. trim_white := t.p == 0 || t.buf[t.p-1] == '\n'; only_white := true; // we have seen only white space so far var i int; start := t.p; Loop: for i = t.p; i < len(t.buf); i++ { switch t.buf[i] { case '\n': *t.linenum++; i++; break Loop; case ' ', '\t', '\r': // white space, do nothing case '{': if brace { st.error(ErrLBrace) } // anything interesting already on the line? if !only_white { break Loop; } // is it a directive or comment? if i+2 < len(t.buf) && (t.buf[i+1] == '.' || t.buf[i+1] == '#') { special = true; if trim_white && only_white { start = i; } } else if i > t.p { // have some text accumulated so stop before '{' break Loop; } brace = true; case '}': if !brace { st.error(ErrUnmatchedRBrace) } brace = false; i++; break Loop; default: only_white = false; } } if brace { st.error(ErrUnmatchedLBrace) } item := t.buf[start:i]; if special && trim_white { // consume trailing white space for ; i < len(t.buf) && white(t.buf[i]); i++ { if t.buf[i] == '\n' { i++; break // stop after newline } } } t.p = i; return item } // Turn a byte array into a white-space-split array of strings. func words(buf []byte) []string { s := make([]string, 0, 5); p := 0; // position in buf // one word per loop for i := 0; ; i++ { // skip white space for ; p < len(buf) && white(buf[p]); p++ { } // grab word start := p; for ; p < len(buf) && !white(buf[p]); p++ { } if start == p { // no text left break } if i == cap(s) { ns := make([]string, 2*cap(s)); for j := range s { ns[j] = s[j] } s = ns; } s = s[0:i+1]; s[i] = string(buf[start:p]) } return s } // Analyze an item and return its type and, if it's an action item, an array of // its constituent words. func (t *Template) analyze(item []byte, st *state) (tok int, w []string) { // item is known to be non-empty if item[0] != '{' { tok = Text; return } if item[len(item)-1] != '}' { st.error(ErrUnmatchedLBrace) // should not happen anyway } if len(item) <= 2 { st.error(ErrEmptyDirective) } // Comment if item[1] == '#' { tok = Comment; return } // Split into words w = words(item[1: len(item)-1]); // drop final brace if len(w) == 0 { st.error(ErrBadDirective) } if len(w[0]) == 0 { st.error(ErrEmptyDirective) } if len(w) == 1 && w[0][0] != '.' { tok = Variable; return; } switch w[0] { case ".meta-left", ".meta-right", ".space": tok = Literal; return; case ".or": tok = Or; return; case ".end": tok = End; return; case ".section": if len(w) != 2 { st.error(ErrFields, ": ", string(item)) } tok = Section; return; case ".repeated": if len(w) != 3 || w[1] != "section" { st.error(ErrFields, ": ", string(item)) } tok = Repeated; return; case ".alternates": if len(w) != 2 || w[1] != "with" { st.error(ErrFields, ": ", string(item)) } tok = Alternates; return; } st.error(ErrBadDirective, ": ", string(item)); return } // If the data for this template is a struct, find the named variable. // The special name "@" denotes the current data. func (st *state) findVar(s string) reflect.Value { if s == "@" { return st.data } data := reflect.Indirect(st.data); typ, ok := data.Type().(reflect.StructType); if ok { for i := 0; i < typ.Len(); i++ { name, ftyp, tag, offset := typ.Field(i); if name == s { return data.(reflect.StructValue).Field(i) } } } return nil } // Is there no data to look at? func empty(v reflect.Value, indirect_ok bool) bool { v = reflect.Indirect(v); if v == nil { return true } switch v.Type().Kind() { case reflect.StructKind: return false; case reflect.ArrayKind: return v.(reflect.ArrayValue).Len() == 0; } return true; } // Execute a ".repeated" section func (t *Template) executeRepeated(w []string, st *state) { if w[1] != "section" { st.error(ErrSyntax, `: .repeated must have "section"`) } // Find driver array/struct for this section. It must be in the current struct. field := st.findVar(w[2]); if field == nil { st.error(ErrNoVar, ": .repeated ", w[2], " in ", reflect.Indirect(st.data).Type()); } // Must be an array/slice if field != nil && field.Kind() != reflect.ArrayKind { st.error(ErrBadType, " in .repeated: ", w[2], " ", field.Type().String()); } // Scan repeated section, remembering slice of text we must execute. nesting := 0; start := t.p; end := t.p; Loop: for { item := t.nextItem(st); if len(item) == 0 { st.error(ErrNoEnd) } tok, s := t.analyze(item, st); switch tok { case Comment: continue; // just ignore it case End: if nesting == 0 { break Loop } nesting--; case Repeated, Section: nesting++; case Literal, Or, Text, Variable: // just accumulate default: panic("unknown section item", string(item)); } end = t.p } if field != nil { array := field.(reflect.ArrayValue); for i := 0; i < array.Len(); i++ { tmp := childTemplate(t, t.buf[start:end]); tmp.execute(&state{st, st.errorchan, array.Elem(i), st.wr}); } } } // Execute a ".section" func (t *Template) executeSection(w []string, st *state) { // Find driver data for this section. It must be in the current struct. field := st.findVar(w[1]); if field == nil { st.error(ErrNoVar, ": .section ", w[1], " in ", reflect.Indirect(st.data).Type()); } // Scan section, remembering slice of text we must execute. orFound := false; nesting := 0; // How deeply are .section and .repeated nested? start := t.p; end := t.p; accumulate := !empty(field, true); // Keep this section if there's data Loop: for { item := t.nextItem(st); if len(item) == 0 { st.error(ErrNoEnd) } tok, s := t.analyze(item, st); switch tok { case Comment: continue; // just ignore it case End: if nesting == 0 { break Loop } nesting--; case Or: if nesting > 0 { // just accumulate break } if orFound { st.error(ErrSyntax, ": .or"); } orFound = true; if !accumulate { // No data; execute the .or instead start = t.p; end = t.p; accumulate = true; continue; } else { // Data present so disregard the .or section accumulate = false } case Repeated, Section: nesting++; case Literal, Text, Variable: // just accumulate default: panic("unknown section item", string(item)); } if accumulate { end = t.p } } tmp := childTemplate(t, t.buf[start:end]); tmp.execute(&state{st, st.errorchan, field, st.wr}); } // Look up a variable, up through the parent if necessary. func (t *Template) varValue(name string, st *state) reflect.Value { field := st.findVar(name); if field == nil { if st.parent == nil { st.error(ErrNoVar, ": ", name) } return t.varValue(name, st.parent); } return field; } // Evaluate a variable, looking up through the parent if necessary. // If it has a formatter attached ({var|formatter}) run that too. func (t *Template) writeVariable(st *state, name_formatter string) { name := name_formatter; formatter := ""; bar := strings.Index(name_formatter, "|"); if bar >= 0 { name = name_formatter[0:bar]; formatter = name_formatter[bar+1:len(name_formatter)]; } val := t.varValue(name, st).Interface(); // is it in user-supplied map? if t.fmap != nil { if fn, ok := t.fmap[formatter]; ok { fn(st.wr, val, formatter); return; } } // is it in builtin map? if fn, ok := builtins[formatter]; ok { fn(st.wr, val, formatter); return; } st.error(ErrNoFormatter, ": ", formatter); panic("notreached"); } func (t *Template) execute(st *state) { for { item := t.nextItem(st); if len(item) == 0 { return } tok, w := t.analyze(item, st); switch tok { case Comment: break; case Text: st.wr.Write(item); case Literal: switch w[0] { case ".meta-left": st.wr.Write(lbrace); case ".meta-right": st.wr.Write(rbrace); case ".space": st.wr.Write(space); default: panic("unknown literal: ", w[0]); } case Variable: t.writeVariable(st, w[0]); case Or, End, Alternates: st.error(ErrSyntax, ": ", string(item)); case Section: t.executeSection(w, st); case Repeated: t.executeRepeated(w, st); default: panic("bad directive in execute:", string(item)); } } } func (t *Template) parse() { // stub for now } func Parse(s string, fmap FormatterMap) (*Template, *os.Error, int) { ch := make(chan *os.Error); t := newTemplate(io.StringBytes(s), fmap); go func() { t.parse(); ch <- nil; // clean return; }(); err := <-ch; if err != nil { return nil, err, *t.linenum } return t, nil, 0 } func (t *Template) Execute(data interface{}, wr io.Write) *os.Error { // Extract the driver data. val := reflect.NewValue(data); ch := make(chan *os.Error); go func() { t.p = 0; t.execute(&state{nil, ch, val, wr}); ch <- nil; // clean return; }(); return <-ch; }