// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Issue 7786. No runtime test, just make sure that typedef and struct/union/class are interchangeable at compile time. package cgotest // struct test7786; // typedef struct test7786 typedef_test7786; // void f7786(struct test7786 *ctx) {} // void g7786(typedef_test7786 *ctx) {} // // typedef struct body7786 typedef_body7786; // struct body7786 { int x; }; // void b7786(struct body7786 *ctx) {} // void c7786(typedef_body7786 *ctx) {} // // typedef union union7786 typedef_union7786; // void u7786(union union7786 *ctx) {} // void v7786(typedef_union7786 *ctx) {} import "C" func f() { var x1 *C.typedef_test7786 var x2 *C.struct_test7786 x1 = x2 x2 = x1 C.f7786(x1) C.f7786(x2) C.g7786(x1) C.g7786(x2) var b1 *C.typedef_body7786 var b2 *C.struct_body7786 b1 = b2 b2 = b1 C.b7786(b1) C.b7786(b2) C.c7786(b1) C.c7786(b2) var u1 *C.typedef_union7786 var u2 *C.union_union7786 u1 = u2 u2 = u1 C.u7786(u1) C.u7786(u2) C.v7786(u1) C.v7786(u2) }