// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. /* */ #include #include #include #include "compat.h" #ifndef EXTERN #define EXTERN extern #endif enum { NHUNK = 50000, BUFSIZ = 8192, NSYMB = 500, NHASH = 1024, STRINGSZ = 200, YYMAXDEPTH = 500, MAXALIGN = 7, UINF = 100, HISTSZ = 10, PRIME1 = 3, PRIME2 = 10007, PRIME3 = 10009, PRIME4 = 10037, PRIME5 = 10039, PRIME6 = 10061, PRIME7 = 10067, PRIME8 = 10079, PRIME9 = 10091, PRIME10 = 10093, AUNK = 100, // these values are known by runtime AMEM = 0, ANOEQ, ASTRING, AINTER, ANILINTER, BADWIDTH = -1000000000 }; /* * note this is the representation * of the compilers string literals, * it is not the runtime representation */ typedef struct Strlit Strlit; struct Strlit { int32 len; char s[3]; // variable }; /* * note this is the runtime representation * of hashmap iterator. it is probably * insafe to use it this way, but it puts * all the changes in one place. * only flag is referenced from go. * actual placement does not matter as long * as the size is >= actual size. */ typedef struct Hiter Hiter; struct Hiter { uchar data[8]; // return val from next int32 elemsize; // size of elements in table */ int32 changes; // number of changes observed last time */ int32 i; // stack pointer in subtable_state */ uchar last[8]; // last hash value returned */ uchar h[8]; // the hash table */ struct { uchar sub[8]; // pointer into subtable */ uchar start[8]; // pointer into start of subtable */ uchar end[8]; // pointer into end of subtable */ uchar pad[8]; } sub[4]; }; enum { Mpscale = 29, // safely smaller than bits in a long Mpprec = 16, // Mpscale*Mpprec is max number of bits Mpnorm = Mpprec - 1, // significant words in a normalized float Mpbase = 1L << Mpscale, Mpsign = Mpbase >> 1, Mpmask = Mpbase - 1, Mpdebug = 0, }; typedef struct Mpint Mpint; struct Mpint { long a[Mpprec]; uchar neg; uchar ovf; }; typedef struct Mpflt Mpflt; struct Mpflt { Mpint val; short exp; }; typedef struct Val Val; struct Val { short ctype; union { short reg; // OREGISTER short bval; // bool value CTBOOL Mpint* xval; // int CTINT Mpflt* fval; // float CTFLT Strlit* sval; // string CTSTR } u; }; typedef struct Sym Sym; typedef struct Node Node; typedef struct Type Type; typedef struct Dcl Dcl; struct Type { uchar etype; uchar chan; uchar recur; // to detect loops uchar trecur; // to detect loops uchar printed; uchar embedded; // TFIELD embedded type uchar siggen; uchar funarg; uchar copyany; uchar local; // created in this file // TFUNCT uchar thistuple; uchar outtuple; uchar intuple; uchar outnamed; Type* method; Sym* sym; int32 vargen; // unique name for OTYPE/ONAME Node* nname; vlong argwid; // most nodes Type* type; vlong width; // offset in TFIELD, width in all others // TFIELD Type* down; // also used in TMAP Strlit* note; // literal string annotation // TARRAY int32 bound; // negative is dynamic array }; #define T ((Type*)0) struct Node { uchar op; uchar ullman; // sethi/ullman number uchar addable; // type of addressability - 0 is not addressable uchar trecur; // to detect loops uchar etype; // op for OASOP, etype for OTYPE, exclam for export uchar class; // PPARAM, PAUTO, PEXTERN, etc uchar method; // OCALLMETH name uchar iota; // OLITERAL made from iota uchar embedded; // ODCLFIELD embedded type uchar colas; // OAS resulting from := uchar diag; // already printed error about this uchar noescape; // ONAME never move to heap uchar funcdepth; // most nodes Node* left; Node* right; Type* type; // for-body Node* ninit; Node* ntest; Node* nincr; Node* nbody; // if-body Node* nelse; // cases Node* ncase; // func Node* nname; Node* enter; Node* exit; Node* cvars; // closure params Dcl* dcl; // outer autodcl // OLITERAL/OREGISTER Val val; // ONAME func param with PHEAP Node* heapaddr; // temp holding heap address of param Node* stackparam; // OPARAM node referring to stack copy of param Node* alloc; // allocation call // ONAME closure param with PPARAMREF Node* outer; // outer PPARAMREF in nested closure Node* closure; // ONAME/PHEAP <-> ONAME/PPARAMREF Sym* psym; // import Sym* sym; // various int32 vargen; // unique name for OTYPE/ONAME int32 lineno; vlong xoffset; int32 ostk; }; #define N ((Node*)0) struct Sym { ushort block; // blocknumber to catch redeclaration uchar undef; // a diagnostic has been generated uchar export; // marked as export uchar exported; // exported uchar imported; // imported uchar sym; // huffman encoding in object file uchar uniq; // imbedded field name first found uchar siggen; // signature generated char* package; // package name char* name; // variable name Node* oname; // ONAME node if a var Type* otype; // TYPE node if a type Node* oconst; // OLITERAL node if a const char* opack; // package reference if lexical == LPACK vlong offset; // stack location if automatic int32 lexical; int32 vargen; // unique variable number int32 lastlineno; // last declaration for diagnostic Sym* link; }; #define S ((Sym*)0) struct Dcl { uchar op; ushort block; int32 lineno; Sym* dsym; // for printing only Node* dnode; // oname Type* dtype; // otype Dcl* forw; Dcl* back; // sentinel has pointer to last }; #define D ((Dcl*)0) typedef struct Iter Iter; struct Iter { int done; Type* tfunc; Type* t; Node** an; Node* n; }; typedef struct Hist Hist; struct Hist { Hist* link; char* name; int32 line; int32 offset; }; #define H ((Hist*)0) enum { OXXX, OTYPE, OCONST, OVAR, OIMPORT, ONAME, ONONAME, ODCL, ODOT, ODOTPTR, ODOTMETH, ODOTINTER, ODCLFUNC, ODCLFIELD, ODCLARG, OLIST, OCMP, OPTR, OARRAY, ORANGE, ORETURN, OFOR, OIF, OSWITCH, ODEFER, OAS, OASOP, OCASE, OXCASE, OFALL, OXFALL, OGOTO, OPROC, OMAKE, ONEW, OEMPTY, OSELECT, OLEN, OCAP, OPANIC, OPANICN, OPRINT, OPRINTN, OTYPEOF, OCLOSE, OCLOSED, OOROR, OANDAND, OEQ, ONE, OLT, OLE, OGE, OGT, OADD, OSUB, OOR, OXOR, OMUL, ODIV, OMOD, OLSH, ORSH, OAND, OANDNOT, OINC, ODEC, // placeholders - not used OFUNC, OLABEL, OBREAK, OCONTINUE, OADDR, OIND, OCALL, OCALLMETH, OCALLINTER, OINDEX, OSLICE, ONOT, OCOM, OPLUS, OMINUS, OSEND, ORECV, OLITERAL, OREGISTER, OINDREG, OKEY, OPARAM, OCOMPOS, OCOMPSLICE, OCOMPMAP, OCONV, ODOTTYPE, OTYPESW, OBAD, OEXTEND, // 6g internal OEND, }; enum { Txxx, // 0 TINT8, TUINT8, // 1 TINT16, TUINT16, TINT32, TUINT32, TINT64, TUINT64, TINT, TUINT, TUINTPTR, TFLOAT32, // 12 TFLOAT64, TFLOAT80, TFLOAT, TBOOL, // 16 TPTR32, TPTR64, // 17 TDDD, // 19 TFUNC, TARRAY, T_old_DARRAY, TSTRUCT, // 23 TCHAN, TMAP, TINTER, // 26 TFORW, TFIELD, TANY, TSTRING, TFORWSTRUCT, TFORWINTER, // pseudo-types for literals TIDEAL, TNIL, NTYPE, }; enum { CTxxx, CTINT, CTFLT, CTSTR, CTBOOL, CTNIL, }; enum { /* types of channel */ Cxxx, Crecv = 1<<0, Csend = 1<<1, Cboth = Crecv | Csend, }; enum { Pxxx, PEXTERN, // declaration context PAUTO, PPARAM, PPARAMOUT, PPARAMREF, // param passed by reference PFUNC, PHEAP = 1<<7, }; enum { Exxx, Eyyy, Etop, // evaluated at statement level Elv, // evaluated in lvalue context Erv, // evaluated in rvalue context }; #define BITS 5 #define NVAR (BITS*sizeof(uint32)*8) typedef struct Bits Bits; struct Bits { uint32 b[BITS]; }; EXTERN Bits zbits; typedef struct Var Var; struct Var { vlong offset; Sym* sym; int width; char name; char etype; }; EXTERN Var var[NVAR]; typedef struct Typedef Typedef; struct Typedef { char* name; int etype; int sameas; }; extern Typedef typedefs[]; typedef struct Sig Sig; struct Sig { char* name; Sym* sym; uint32 hash; int32 perm; int32 offset; Sig* link; }; typedef struct Io Io; struct Io { char* infile; Biobuf* bin; int32 ilineno; int peekc; int peekc1; // second peekc for ... char* cp; // used for content when bin==nil }; typedef struct Dlist Dlist; struct Dlist { Type* field; }; typedef struct Idir Idir; struct Idir { Idir* link; char* dir; }; /* * note this is the runtime representation * of the compilers arrays. * * typedef struct * { // must not move anything * uchar array[8]; // pointer to data * uchar nel[4]; // number of elements * uchar cap[4]; // allocated number of elements * } Array; */ EXTERN int Array_array; // runtime offsetof(Array,array) - same for String EXTERN int Array_nel; // runtime offsetof(Array,nel) - same for String EXTERN int Array_cap; // runtime offsetof(Array,cap) EXTERN int sizeof_Array; // runtime sizeof(Array) /* * note this is the runtime representation * of the compilers strings. * * typedef struct * { // must not move anything * uchar array[8]; // pointer to data * uchar nel[4]; // number of elements * } String; */ EXTERN int sizeof_String; // runtime sizeof(String) EXTERN Dlist dotlist[10]; // size is max depth of embeddeds EXTERN Io curio; EXTERN Io pushedio; EXTERN int32 lineno; EXTERN int32 prevlineno; EXTERN char* pathname; EXTERN Hist* hist; EXTERN Hist* ehist; EXTERN char* infile; EXTERN char* outfile; EXTERN char* package; EXTERN Biobuf* bout; EXTERN int nerrors; EXTERN char namebuf[NSYMB]; EXTERN char lexbuf[NSYMB]; EXTERN char debug[256]; EXTERN Sym* hash[NHASH]; EXTERN Sym* dclstack; EXTERN Sym* b0stack; EXTERN Sym* pkgmyname; // my name for package EXTERN Sym* pkgimportname; // package name from imported package EXTERN int tptr; // either TPTR32 or TPTR64 extern char* sysimport; extern char* unsafeimport; EXTERN char* filename; // name to uniqify names EXTERN Idir* idirs; EXTERN Type* types[NTYPE]; EXTERN uchar simtype[NTYPE]; EXTERN uchar isptr[NTYPE]; EXTERN uchar isint[NTYPE]; EXTERN uchar isfloat[NTYPE]; EXTERN uchar issigned[NTYPE]; EXTERN uchar issimple[NTYPE]; EXTERN uchar okforeq[NTYPE]; EXTERN uchar okforadd[NTYPE]; EXTERN uchar okforand[NTYPE]; EXTERN Type* idealstring; EXTERN Mpint* minintval[NTYPE]; EXTERN Mpint* maxintval[NTYPE]; EXTERN Mpflt* minfltval[NTYPE]; EXTERN Mpflt* maxfltval[NTYPE]; EXTERN Dcl* autodcl; EXTERN Dcl* paramdcl; EXTERN Dcl* externdcl; EXTERN Dcl* exportlist; EXTERN Dcl* signatlist; EXTERN Dcl* typelist; EXTERN int dclcontext; // PEXTERN/PAUTO EXTERN int importflag; EXTERN int inimportsys; EXTERN int initflag; // compiling the init fn EXTERN int statuniqgen; // name generator for static temps EXTERN uint32 iota; EXTERN Node* lastconst; EXTERN Type* lasttype; EXTERN int32 vargen; EXTERN int32 exportgen; EXTERN int32 maxarg; EXTERN int32 stksize; // stack size for current frame EXTERN int32 initstksize; // stack size for init function EXTERN ushort blockgen; // max block number EXTERN ushort block; // current block number EXTERN int hasdefer; // flag that curfn has defer statetment EXTERN int maxround; EXTERN int widthptr; EXTERN Node* retnil; EXTERN Node* fskel; EXTERN Node* addtop; EXTERN Node* typeswvar; EXTERN char* context; EXTERN char* pkgcontext; extern int thechar; extern char* thestring; EXTERN char* hunk; EXTERN int32 nhunk; EXTERN int32 thunk; EXTERN int exporting; EXTERN int funcdepth; EXTERN Node* funclit; /* * y.tab.c */ int yyparse(void); /* * lex.c */ void setfilename(char*); void addidir(char*); void importfile(Val*); void cannedimports(char*, char*); void unimportfile(); int32 yylex(void); void typeinit(int lex); void lexinit(void); char* lexname(int); int32 getr(void); int getnsc(void); int escchar(int, int*, vlong*); int getc(void); void ungetc(int); void mkpackage(char*); /* * mparith1.c */ int mpcmpfixflt(Mpint *a, Mpflt *b); int mpcmpfltfix(Mpflt *a, Mpint *b); int mpcmpfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); int mpcmpfixc(Mpint *b, vlong c); int mpcmpfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b); int mpcmpfltc(Mpflt *b, double c); void mpsubfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mpsubfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b); void mpaddcfix(Mpint *a, vlong c); void mpaddcflt(Mpflt *a, double c); void mpmulcfix(Mpint *a, vlong c); void mpmulcflt(Mpflt *a, double c); void mpdivfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mpmodfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mpatofix(Mpint *a, char *s); void mpatoflt(Mpflt *a, char *s); int mpmovefltfix(Mpint *a, Mpflt *b); void mpmovefixflt(Mpflt *a, Mpint *b); int Bconv(Fmt*); /* * mparith2.c */ void mpmovefixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mpmovecfix(Mpint *a, vlong v); int mptestfix(Mpint *a); void mpaddfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mpmulfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mpmulfract(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mpdivmodfixfix(Mpint *q, Mpint *r, Mpint *n, Mpint *d); void mpdivfract(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mpnegfix(Mpint *a); void mpandfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mpandnotfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mplshfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mporfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mprshfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mpxorfixfix(Mpint *a, Mpint *b); void mpcomfix(Mpint *a); vlong mpgetfix(Mpint *a); void mpshiftfix(Mpint *a, int s); /* * mparith3.c */ int sigfig(Mpflt *a); void mpnorm(Mpflt *a); void mpmovefltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b); void mpmovecflt(Mpflt *a, double f); int mptestflt(Mpflt *a); void mpaddfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b); void mpmulfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b); void mpdivfltflt(Mpflt *a, Mpflt *b); void mpnegflt(Mpflt *a); double mpgetflt(Mpflt *a); int Fconv(Fmt*); /* * subr.c */ void* mal(int32); void* remal(void*, int32, int32); void errorexit(void); uint32 stringhash(char*); Sym* lookup(char*); Sym* pkglookup(char*, char*); Sym* opkglookup(char*, char*); void importdot(Sym*); void yyerror(char*, ...); void warn(char*, ...); void fatal(char*, ...); void linehist(char*, int32, int); int32 setlineno(Node*); Node* nod(int, Node*, Node*); Node* nodlit(Val); Node* list(Node*, Node*); Type* typ(int); Dcl* dcl(void); int algtype(Type*); Node* rev(Node*); Node* unrev(Node*); Node* appendr(Node*, Node*); void dodump(Node*, int); void dump(char*, Node*); Type* aindex(Node*, Type*); int isnil(Node*); int isptrto(Type*, int); int istype(Type*, int); int isfixedarray(Type*); int isslice(Type*); int isinter(Type*); int isnilinter(Type*); int isddd(Type*); Type* maptype(Type*, Type*); Type* methtype(Type*); Sym* signame(Type*); int eqtype(Type*, Type*); int cvttype(Type*, Type*); int eqtypenoname(Type*, Type*); void argtype(Node*, Type*); int eqargs(Type*, Type*); uint32 typehash(Type*, int, int); void frame(int); Node* dobad(void); Node* nodintconst(int64); void nodconst(Node*, Type*, int64); Node* nodnil(void); Node* nodbool(int); void ullmancalc(Node*); void badtype(int, Type*, Type*); Type* ptrto(Type*); Node* cleanidlist(Node*); Node* syslook(char*, int); Node* treecopy(Node*); int isselect(Node*); void tempname(Node*, Type*); Node* staticname(Type*); int iscomposite(Type*); Node* callnew(Type*); Type** getthis(Type*); Type** getoutarg(Type*); Type** getinarg(Type*); Type* getthisx(Type*); Type* getoutargx(Type*); Type* getinargx(Type*); Node* listfirst(Iter*, Node**); Node* listnext(Iter*); Type* structfirst(Iter*, Type**); Type* structnext(Iter*); Type* funcfirst(Iter*, Type*); Type* funcnext(Iter*); int brcom(int); int brrev(int); void setmaxarg(Type*); Sig* lsort(Sig*, int(*)(Sig*, Sig*)); int dotoffset(Node*, int*, Node**); void tempname(Node*, Type*); int Econv(Fmt*); int Jconv(Fmt*); int Lconv(Fmt*); int Oconv(Fmt*); int Sconv(Fmt*); int Tconv(Fmt*); int Nconv(Fmt*); int Wconv(Fmt*); int Zconv(Fmt*); int lookdot0(Sym*, Type*, Type**); Type* lookdot1(Sym*, Type*, Type*); int adddot1(Sym*, Type*, int, Type**); Node* adddot(Node*); void expandmeth(Sym*, Type*); void genwrapper(Type*, Type*, Sym*); /* * dcl.c */ void dodclvar(Node*, Type*); Type* dodcltype(Type*); void updatetype(Type*, Type*); void dodclconst(Node*, Node*); void defaultlit(Node*, Type*); void defaultlit2(Node*, Node*); int listcount(Node*); int structcount(Type*); void addmethod(Node*, Type*, int); Node* methodname(Node*, Type*); Sym* methodsym(Sym*, Type*); Type* functype(Node*, Node*, Node*); char* thistypenam(Node*); void funcnam(Type*, char*); Node* renameinit(Node*); void funchdr(Node*); void funcargs(Type*); void funcbody(Node*); Type* dostruct(Node*, int); Type** stotype(Node*, int, Type**); Type* sortinter(Type*); void markdcl(void); void popdcl(void); void poptodcl(void); void dumpdcl(char*); void markdclstack(void); void testdclstack(void); Sym* pushdcl(Sym*); void addvar(Node*, Type*, int); void addtyp(Type*, int); void addconst(Node*, Node*, int); Node* fakethis(void); int isifacemethod(Type*); Node* newname(Sym*); Node* oldname(Sym*); Type* newtype(Sym*); Type* oldtype(Sym*); void fninit(Node*); Node* nametoanondcl(Node*); Node* nametodcl(Node*, Type*); Node* anondcl(Type*); void checkarglist(Node*); void checkwidth(Type*); void defercheckwidth(void); void resumecheckwidth(void); Node* embedded(Sym*); Node* variter(Node*, Type*, Node*); void constiter(Node*, Type*, Node*); void funclit0(Type*); Node* funclit1(Type*, Node*); Node* unsafenmagic(Node*, Node*); /* * sinit.c */ Node* initfix(Node*); /* * export.c */ void renameimports(void); void autoexport(Sym*); int exportname(char*); void exportsym(Sym*); void packagesym(Sym*); void dumpe(Sym*); void dumpexport(void); void dumpexporttype(Sym*); void dumpexportvar(Sym*); void dumpexportconst(Sym*); void doimportv1(Node*, Node*); void doimportc1(Node*, Val*); void doimportc2(Node*, Node*, Val*); void doimport1(Node*, Node*, Node*); void doimport2(Node*, Val*, Node*); void doimport3(Node*, Node*); void doimport4(Node*, Node*); void doimport5(Node*, Val*); void doimport6(Node*, Node*); void doimport7(Node*, Node*); void doimport8(Node*, Val*, Node*); void doimport9(Sym*, Node*); void importconst(Node *ss, Type *t, Node *v); void importmethod(Sym *s, Type *t); void importtype(Node *ss, Type *t); void importvar(Node *ss, Type *t, int ctxt); void checkimports(void); Type* pkgtype(char*, char*); /* * walk.c */ void addtotop(Node*); void gettype(Node*, Node*); void walk(Node*); void walkstate(Node*); void walktype(Node*, int); void walkconv(Node*); void walkas(Node*); void walkbool(Node*); void walkswitch(Node*); void walkselect(Node*); void walkdot(Node*); Node* ascompatee(int, Node**, Node**); Node* ascompatet(int, Node**, Type**, int); Node* ascompatte(int, Type**, Node**, int); int ascompat(Type*, Type*); Node* prcompat(Node*, int); Node* nodpanic(int32); Node* newcompat(Node*); Node* makecompat(Node*); Node* stringop(Node*, int); Type* fixmap(Type*); Node* mapop(Node*, int); Type* fixchan(Type*); Node* chanop(Node*, int); Node* arrayop(Node*, int); Node* ifacecvt(Type*, Node*, int); Node* ifaceop(Node*); int ifaceas(Type*, Type*, int); int ifaceas1(Type*, Type*, int); void ifacecheck(Type*, Type*, int, int); void runifacechecks(void); Node* convas(Node*); void arrayconv(Type*, Node*); Node* colas(Node*, Node*); Node* dorange(Node*); Node* reorder1(Node*); Node* reorder3(Node*); Node* reorder4(Node*); Node* structlit(Node*, Node*); Node* arraylit(Node*, Node*); Node* maplit(Node*, Node*); Node* selectas(Node*, Node*); Node* old2new(Node*, Type*); void addrescapes(Node*); void heapmoves(void); /* * const.c */ void convlit1(Node*, Type*, int); void convlit(Node*, Type*); void evconst(Node*); int cmpslit(Node *l, Node *r); int smallintconst(Node*); long nonnegconst(Node*); int consttype(Node*); int isconst(Node*, int); /* * align.c */ uint32 rnd(uint32, uint32); void dowidth(Type*); int argsize(Type*); /* * bits.c */ Bits bor(Bits, Bits); Bits band(Bits, Bits); Bits bnot(Bits); int bany(Bits*); int bnum(Bits); Bits blsh(uint); int beq(Bits, Bits); int bset(Bits, uint); int Qconv(Fmt *fp); int bitno(int32); /* * gen.c */ typedef struct Prog Prog; #define P ((Prog*)0) typedef struct Label Label; struct Label { uchar op; // OGOTO/OLABEL Sym* sym; Prog* label; // pointer to code Prog* breakpc; // pointer to code Prog* continpc; // pointer to code Label* link; }; #define L ((Label*)0) EXTERN Label* labellist; EXTERN Label* findlab(Sym*); typedef struct Plist Plist; struct Plist { Node* name; Dcl* locals; Prog* firstpc; int recur; Plist* link; }; EXTERN Plist* plist; EXTERN Plist* plast; EXTERN Prog* continpc; EXTERN Prog* breakpc; EXTERN Prog* pc; EXTERN Prog* firstpc; void allocparams(void); void cgen_as(Node *nl, Node *nr); void cgen_callmeth(Node *n, int proc); void cgen_dcl(Node *n); void cgen_proc(Node *n, int proc); void checklabels(void); Label* findlab(Sym *s); void gen(Node *n); void newlab(int op, Sym *s); Node* sysfunc(char *name); Plist* newplist(void); /* * obj.c */ void Bputdot(Biobuf *b); void dumpglobls(void); void dumpobj(void); void ieeedtod(uint64 *ieee, double native); void outhist(Biobuf *b); /* * arch-specific gen.c/gsubr.c/obj.c */ void betypeinit(void); vlong convvtox(vlong, int); void compile(Node*); void proglist(void); int optopop(int); void dumpobj(void); void dowidth(Type*); void argspace(int32); Node* nodarg(Type*, int); Type* deep(Type*); Type* shallow(Type*); Prog* gjmp(Prog*); void patch(Prog*, Prog*); void bgen(Node *n, int true, Prog *to); void cgen_asop(Node *n); void cgen_call(Node *n, int proc); void cgen_callinter(Node *n, Node *res, int proc); void cgen_ret(Node *n); int isfat(Type*); void clearfat(Node *n); void cgen(Node*, Node*); void gused(Node*); void dumpsignatures(void); void dumpfuncs(void); void dumpdata(void); void ggloblnod(Node *nam, int32 width); void ggloblsym(Sym *s, int32 width, int dupok); void zfile(Biobuf *b, char *p, int n); void zhist(Biobuf *b, int line, vlong offset); void zname(Biobuf *b, Sym *s, int t); void nopout(Prog*); int dstringptr(Sym *s, int off, char *str); int dsymptr(Sym *s, int off, Sym *x); int duint16(Sym *s, int off, uint32 v); int duint32(Sym *s, int off, uint32 v); int duintptr(Sym *s, int off, uint32 v); int duintxx(Sym *s, int off, uint64 v, int wid); void genembedtramp(Type*, Sig*); int gen_as_init(Node*, Node*);