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Go Nuts Mailing List

Get help from Go users, and share your work on the official mailing list.

Search the golang-nuts archives and consult the FAQ and wiki before posting.

Go Forum

The Go Forum is a discussion forum for Go programmers.

Gopher Slack

Get live support from other users in the Go slack channel.

Go IRC Channel

Get live support at #go-nuts on, the official Go IRC channel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to common questions about Go.

Stay informed

Go Announcements Mailing List

Subscribe to golang-announce for important announcements, such as the availability of new Go releases.

Go Blog

The Go project's official blog.

@golang at Twitter

The Go project's official Twitter account.

Go+ community

A Google+ community for Go enthusiasts.

golang sub-Reddit

The golang sub-Reddit is a place for Go news and discussion.

Community resources

Go User Groups

Each month in places around the world, groups of Go programmers ("gophers") meet to talk about Go. Find a chapter near you.

Go Playground

A place to write, run, and share Go code.

Go Wiki

A wiki maintained by the Go community.

Code of Conduct

Guidelines for participating in Go community spaces and a reporting process for handling issues.