// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "runtime.h" void dump(byte *p, int32 n) { uint32 v; int32 i; for(i=0; i>4)); sys·printpointer((byte*)(p[i]&0xf)); if((i&15) == 15) prints("\n"); else prints(" "); } if(n & 15) prints("\n"); } void prints(int8 *s) { sys·write(1, s, findnull(s)); } void sys·printpc(void *p) { prints("PC=0x"); sys·printpointer(sys·getcallerpc(p)); } void sys·printbool(bool v) { if(v) { sys·write(1, (byte*)"true", 4); return; } sys·write(1, (byte*)"false", 5); } void sys·printfloat(float64 v) { sys·write(1, "printfloat", 10); } void sys·printint(int64 v) { byte buf[100]; int32 i, s; s = 0; if(v < 0) { v = -v; s = 1; if(v < 0) { sys·write(1, (byte*)"-oo", 3); return; } } for(i=nelem(buf)-1; i>0; i--) { buf[i] = v%10 + '0'; if(v < 10) break; v = v/10; } if(s) { i--; buf[i] = '-'; } sys·write(1, buf+i, nelem(buf)-i); } void sys·printpointer(void *p) { uint64 v; byte buf[100]; int32 i; v = (int64)p; for(i=nelem(buf)-1; i>0; i--) { buf[i] = v%16 + '0'; if(buf[i] > '9') buf[i] += 'a'-'0'-10; if(v < 16) break; v = v/16; } sys·write(1, buf+i, nelem(buf)-i); } void sys·printstring(string v) { if(v != nil) sys·write(1, v->str, v->len); }