dist.bat packages the Go toolchain for Windows in both zip and installer (msi) format. Dependencies ============ - Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset: http://wix.sourceforge.net/ - 7Zip (command line version): http://www.7-zip.org/download.html - Mercurial (hg): http://mercurial.selenic.com/ Packaging ========= The dependencies must be callable from dist.bat, therefore, they'll need to be in/added to the system's search PATH. The packaging needs to be done from within a tracked Go folder. Packages are built by cloning the same version of the source tree that the Go tools were built from. Run dist.bat from a command prompt or click on the batch file. TODO ---- - Write a Go program for dist.bat functionality - Documentation server shortcut checkbox option Misc ---- WiX box sizes: - banner size: 493x58 - left side of dialog: 164x312 - full dialog size: 493x312