DRAFT RELEASE NOTES — Introduction to Go 1.15

Go 1.15 is not yet released. These are work-in-progress release notes. Go 1.15 is expected to be released in August 2020.

Changes to the language






Go command

The GOPROXY environment variable now supports skipping proxies that return errors. Proxy URLs may now be separated with either commas (,) or pipe characters (|). If a proxy URL is followed by a comma, the go command will only try the next proxy in the list after a 404 or 410 HTTP response. If a proxy URL is followed by a pipe character, the go command will try the next proxy in the list after any error. Note that the default value of GOPROXY remains https://proxy.golang.org,direct, which does not fall back to direct in case of errors.


go test

Changing the -timeout flag now invalidates cached test results. A cached result for a test run with a long timeout will no longer count as passing when go test is re-invoked with a short one.

Flag parsing

Various flag parsing issues in go test and go vet have been fixed. Notably, flags specified in GOFLAGS are handled more consistently, and the -outputdir flag now interprets relative paths relative to the working directory of the go command (rather than the working directory of each individual test).



Core library



The testing.T type now has a Deadline method that reports the time at which the test binary will have exceeded its timeout.

A TestMain function is no longer required to call os.Exit. If a TestMain function returns, the test binary will call os.Exit with the value returned by m.Run.

Minor changes to the library

As always, there are various minor changes and updates to the library, made with the Go 1 promise of compatibility in mind.



When the flag package sees -h or -help, and those flags are not defined, the flag package prints a usage message. If the FlagSet was created with ExitOnError, FlagSet.Parse would then exit with a status of 2. In this release, the exit status for -h or -help has been changed to 0. In particular, this applies to the default handling of command line flags.


If panic is invoked with a value whose type is derived from any of: bool, complex64, complex128, float32, float64, int, int8, int16, int32, int64, string, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr, then the value will be printed, instead of just its address.


The new method Map.LoadAndDelete atomically deletes a key and returns the previous value if present.

The method Map.Delete is more efficient.


The new methods T.TempDir and B.TempDir and return temporary directories that are automatically cleaned up at the end of the test.


The new method Ticker.Reset supports changing the duration of a ticker.