//errorcheck -0 -m -m // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main //go:norace func Foo(x int) int { // ERROR "can inline Foo as: func\(int\) int { return x \* \(x \+ 1\) \* \(x \+ 2\) }$" return x * (x + 1) * (x + 2) } func Bar(x int) int { // ERROR "can inline Bar as: func\(int\) int { return x \* \(x \+ 1\) \* \(x \+ 2\) }$" return x * (x + 1) * (x + 2) } var x = 5 //go:noinline Provide a clean, constant reason for not inlining main func main() { // ERROR "cannot inline main: marked go:noinline$" println("Foo(", x, ")=", Foo(x)) // ERROR "inlining call to Foo func\(int\) int { return x \* \(x \+ 1\) \* \(x \+ 2\) }$" println("Bar(", x, ")=", Bar(x)) // ERROR "inlining call to Bar func\(int\) int { return x \* \(x \+ 1\) \* \(x \+ 2\) }$" }