Go Dashboard

Packages listed on this page are written by third parties and may or may not build or be safe to use.

An "ok" in the build column indicates that the package is goinstallable with the latest release of Go.

The info column shows the first paragraph from the package doc comment.

Recently Installed Packages

{% for r in by_time %} {% endfor %}
last installcountbuildpathinfo
{{r.last_install|date:"Y-M-d H:i"}} {{r.count}} {% if r.ok %}ok{% else %} {% endif %} {{r.path}} {% if r.info %}{{r.info|escape}}{% endif %}

Most Installed Packages

{% for r in by_count %} {% endfor %}
last installcountbuildpathinfo
{{r.last_install|date:"Y-M-d H:i"}} {{r.count}} {% if r.ok %}ok{% else %} {% endif %} {{r.path}} {% if r.info %}{{r.info|escape}}{% endif %}