// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package html import ( "io" "os" ) // A NodeType is the type of a Node. type NodeType int const ( ErrorNode NodeType = iota TextNode DocumentNode ElementNode CommentNode ) // A Node consists of a NodeType and some Data (tag name for element nodes, // content for text) and are part of a tree of Nodes. Element nodes may also // contain a slice of Attributes. Data is unescaped, so that it looks like // "a are re-interpreted as a two-token sequence: //
followed by . hasSelfClosingToken is true if we have just read // the synthetic start tag and the next one due is the matching end tag. hasSelfClosingToken bool // doc is the document root element. doc *Node // The stack of open elements (section stack []*Node // Element pointers (section head, form *Node // Other parsing state flags (section scripting, framesetOK bool } // pop pops the top of the stack of open elements. // It will panic if the stack is empty. func (p *parser) pop() *Node { n := len(p.stack) ret := p.stack[n-1] p.stack = p.stack[:n-1] return ret } // push pushes onto the stack of open elements. func (p *parser) push(n *Node) { p.stack = append(p.stack, n) } // top returns the top of the stack of open elements. // This is also known as the current node. func (p *parser) top() *Node { if n := len(p.stack); n > 0 { return p.stack[n-1] } return p.doc } // addChild adds a child node n to the top element, and pushes n // if it is an element node (text nodes do not have children). func (p *parser) addChild(n *Node) { m := p.top() m.Child = append(m.Child, n) if n.Type == ElementNode { p.push(n) } } // addText adds text to the current node. func (p *parser) addText(s string) { // TODO(nigeltao): merge s with previous text, if the preceding node is a text node. // TODO(nigeltao): distinguish whitespace text from others. p.addChild(&Node{ Type: TextNode, Data: s, }) } // Section func (p *parser) addFormattingElement(n *Node) { p.addChild(n) // TODO. } // Section func (p *parser) reconstructActiveFormattingElements() { // TODO. } // read reads the next token. This is usually from the tokenizer, but it may // be the synthesized end tag implied by a self-closing tag. func (p *parser) read() os.Error { if p.hasSelfClosingToken { p.hasSelfClosingToken = false p.tok.Type = EndTagToken p.tok.Attr = nil return nil } p.tokenizer.Next() p.tok = p.tokenizer.Token() switch p.tok.Type { case ErrorToken: return p.tokenizer.Error() case SelfClosingTagToken: p.hasSelfClosingToken = true p.tok.Type = StartTagToken } return nil } // Section 10.2.4. func (p *parser) acknowledgeSelfClosingTag() { p.hasSelfClosingToken = false } // An insertion mode (section is the state transition function from // a particular state in the HTML5 parser's state machine. It updates the // parser's fields depending on parser.token (where ErrorToken means EOF). In // addition to returning the next insertionMode state, it also returns whether // the token was consumed. type insertionMode func(*parser) (insertionMode, bool) // Section func initialInsertionMode(p *parser) (insertionMode, bool) { // TODO(nigeltao): check p.tok for DOCTYPE. return beforeHTMLInsertionMode, false } // Section func beforeHTMLInsertionMode(p *parser) (insertionMode, bool) { var ( add bool attr []Attribute implied bool ) switch p.tok.Type { case ErrorToken: implied = true case TextToken: // TODO(nigeltao): distinguish whitespace text from others. implied = true case StartTagToken: if p.tok.Data == "html" { add = true attr = p.tok.Attr } else { implied = true } case EndTagToken: switch p.tok.Data { case "head", "body", "html", "br": implied = true default: // Ignore the token. } } if add || implied { p.addChild(&Node{ Type: ElementNode, Data: "html", Attr: attr, }) } return beforeHeadInsertionMode, !implied } // Section func beforeHeadInsertionMode(p *parser) (insertionMode, bool) { var ( add bool attr []Attribute implied bool ) switch p.tok.Type { case ErrorToken: implied = true case TextToken: // TODO(nigeltao): distinguish whitespace text from others. implied = true case StartTagToken: switch p.tok.Data { case "head": add = true attr = p.tok.Attr case "html": return inBodyInsertionMode, false default: implied = true } case EndTagToken: switch p.tok.Data { case "head", "body", "html", "br": implied = true default: // Ignore the token. } } if add || implied { p.addChild(&Node{ Type: ElementNode, Data: "head", Attr: attr, }) } return inHeadInsertionMode, !implied } // Section func inHeadInsertionMode(p *parser) (insertionMode, bool) { var ( pop bool implied bool ) switch p.tok.Type { case ErrorToken, TextToken: implied = true case StartTagToken: switch p.tok.Data { case "meta": // TODO. case "script": // TODO. default: implied = true } case EndTagToken: if p.tok.Data == "head" { pop = true } // TODO. } if pop || implied { n := p.pop() if n.Data != "head" { panic("html: bad parser state") } return afterHeadInsertionMode, !implied } return inHeadInsertionMode, !implied } // Section func afterHeadInsertionMode(p *parser) (insertionMode, bool) { var ( add bool attr []Attribute framesetOK bool implied bool ) switch p.tok.Type { case ErrorToken, TextToken: implied = true framesetOK = true case StartTagToken: switch p.tok.Data { case "html": // TODO. case "body": add = true attr = p.tok.Attr framesetOK = false case "frameset": // TODO. case "base", "basefont", "bgsound", "link", "meta", "noframes", "script", "style", "title": // TODO. case "head": // TODO. default: implied = true framesetOK = true } case EndTagToken: // TODO. } if add || implied { p.addChild(&Node{ Type: ElementNode, Data: "body", Attr: attr, }) p.framesetOK = framesetOK } return inBodyInsertionMode, !implied } // Section func inBodyInsertionMode(p *parser) (insertionMode, bool) { var endP bool switch p.tok.Type { case ErrorToken: // No-op. case TextToken: p.addText(p.tok.Data) p.framesetOK = false case StartTagToken: switch p.tok.Data { case "address", "article", "aside", "blockquote", "center", "details", "dir", "div", "dl", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "header", "hgroup", "menu", "nav", "ol", "p", "section", "summary", "ul": // TODO(nigeltao): Do the proper "does the stack of open elements has a p element in button scope" algorithm in section n := p.top() if n.Type == ElementNode && n.Data == "p" { endP = true } else { p.addChild(&Node{ Type: ElementNode, Data: p.tok.Data, Attr: p.tok.Attr, }) } case "b", "big", "code", "em", "font", "i", "s", "small", "strike", "strong", "tt", "u": p.reconstructActiveFormattingElements() p.addFormattingElement(&Node{ Type: ElementNode, Data: p.tok.Data, Attr: p.tok.Attr, }) case "area", "br", "embed", "img", "input", "keygen", "wbr": p.reconstructActiveFormattingElements() p.addChild(&Node{ Type: ElementNode, Data: p.tok.Data, Attr: p.tok.Attr, }) p.pop() p.acknowledgeSelfClosingTag() p.framesetOK = false case "hr": // TODO(nigeltao): auto-insert

if necessary. p.addChild(&Node{ Type: ElementNode, Data: p.tok.Data, Attr: p.tok.Attr, }) p.pop() p.acknowledgeSelfClosingTag() p.framesetOK = false default: // TODO. } case EndTagToken: switch p.tok.Data { case "body": // TODO(nigeltao): autoclose the stack of open elements. return afterBodyInsertionMode, true case "a", "b", "big", "code", "em", "font", "i", "nobr", "s", "small", "strike", "strong", "tt", "u": // TODO(nigeltao): implement the "adoption agency" algorithm: // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tokenization.html#adoptionAgency p.pop() default: // TODO. } } if endP { // TODO(nigeltao): do the proper algorithm. n := p.pop() if n.Type != ElementNode || n.Data != "p" { panic("unreachable") } } return inBodyInsertionMode, !endP } // Section func afterBodyInsertionMode(p *parser) (insertionMode, bool) { switch p.tok.Type { case ErrorToken: // TODO. case TextToken: // TODO. case StartTagToken: // TODO. case EndTagToken: switch p.tok.Data { case "html": // TODO(nigeltao): autoclose the stack of open elements. return afterAfterBodyInsertionMode, true default: // TODO. } } return afterBodyInsertionMode, true } // Section func afterAfterBodyInsertionMode(p *parser) (insertionMode, bool) { return inBodyInsertionMode, false } // Parse returns the parse tree for the HTML from the given Reader. // The input is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. func Parse(r io.Reader) (*Node, os.Error) { p := &parser{ tokenizer: NewTokenizer(r), doc: &Node{ Type: DocumentNode, }, scripting: true, framesetOK: true, } // Iterate until EOF. Any other error will cause an early return. im, consumed := initialInsertionMode, true for { if consumed { if err := p.read(); err != nil { if err == os.EOF { break } return nil, err } } im, consumed = im(p) } // Loop until the final token (the ErrorToken signifying EOF) is consumed. for { if im, consumed = im(p); consumed { break } } return p.doc, nil }