:: Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. :: Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style :: license that can be found in the LICENSE file. @echo off :: Keep environment variables within this script :: unless invoked with --no-local. if x%1==x--no-local goto nolocal if x%2==x--no-local goto nolocal setlocal :nolocal set GOBUILDFAIL=0 :: we disallow local import for non-local packages, if %GOROOT% happens :: to be under %GOPATH%, then some tests below will fail set GOPATH= rem TODO avoid rebuild if possible if x%1==x--no-rebuild goto norebuild echo # Building packages and commands. go install -a -v std if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. :norebuild :: we must unset GOROOT_FINAL before tests, because runtime/debug requires :: correct access to source code, so if we have GOROOT_FINAL in effect, :: at least runtime/debug test will fail. set GOROOT_FINAL= :: get CGO_ENABLED go env > env.bat if errorlevel 1 goto fail call env.bat del env.bat echo. echo # Testing packages. go test std -short -timeout=120s if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. echo # runtime -cpu=1,2,4 go test runtime -short -timeout=120s -cpu=1,2,4 if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. echo # sync -cpu=10 go test sync -short -timeout=120s -cpu=10 if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. if not "%GOHOSTOS%-%GOOS%-%GOARCH%-%CGO_ENABLED%" == "windows-windows-amd64-1" goto norace echo # Testing race detector. go test -race -i flag if errorlevel 1 goto fail go test -race -short flag if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. :norace echo # ..\misc\dashboard\builder ..\misc\goplay go build ..\misc\dashboard\builder ..\misc\goplay if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. echo # ..\test\bench\go1 go test ..\test\bench\go1 if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. :: cgo tests if x%CGO_ENABLED% == x0 goto nocgo echo # ..\misc\cgo\life go run %GOROOT%\test\run.go - ..\misc\cgo\life if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. echo # ..\misc\cgo\stdio go run %GOROOT%\test\run.go - ..\misc\cgo\stdio if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. echo # ..\misc\cgo\test go test ..\misc\cgo\test if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. :nocgo echo # ..\doc\progs go run %GOROOT%\test\run.go - ..\doc\progs if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. :: TODO: The other tests in run.bash. echo # ..\test cd ..\test set FAIL=0 go run run.go if errorlevel 1 set FAIL=1 cd ..\src echo. if %FAIL%==1 goto fail echo # Checking API compatibility. go tool api -c ..\api\go1.txt -next ..\api\next.txt -except ..\api\except.txt if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. echo ALL TESTS PASSED goto end :fail set GOBUILDFAIL=1 :end