QUERY {Query} {.section Accurate} {.or} INDEXING IN PROGRESS - RESULT MAY BE INACCURATE {.end} {.section Alt} DID YOU MEAN {.repeated section Alts} {@} {.end} {.end} {.section Hit} {.section Decls} PACKAGE-LEVEL DECLARATIONS {.repeated section @} package {Pak.Name} {.repeated section Files} {.repeated section Groups} {.repeated section Infos} {File.Path|url-src}:{@|infoLine} {.end} {.end} {.end} {.end} {.end} {.section Others} LOCAL DECLARATIONS AND USES {.repeated section @} package {Pak.Name} {.repeated section Files} {.repeated section Groups} {.repeated section Infos} {File.Path|url-src}:{@|infoLine} {.end} {.end} {.end} {.end} {.end} {.end} {.section Textual} {.section Complete} {Found} TEXTUAL OCCURENCES {.or} MORE THAN {Found} TEXTUAL OCCURENCES {.end} {.repeated section @} {Lines|numlines} {Filename|url-src} {.end} {.section Complete} {.or} ... ... {.end} {.end}