// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package reflect import ( "reflect"; "testing" ) var doprint bool = false func is_digit(c uint8) bool { return '0' <= c && c <= '9' } // streq, but '@' in t matches a string of digits func match(s, t string) bool { for i, j := 0, 0; i < len(s) && j < len(t); i, j = i+1, j+1 { if s[i] == t[j] { continue } if is_digit(s[i]) && t[j] == '@' { for is_digit(s[i+1]) { i++ } } else { return false } } return true; } func assert(s, t string) { if doprint { println(t) } if !match(s, t) { panicln(s, t) } } func typedump(s, t string) { typ := reflect.ParseTypeString("", s); assert(reflect.TypeToString(typ, true), t); } func valuedump(s, t string) { typ := reflect.ParseTypeString("", s); v := reflect.NewInitValue(typ); if v == nil { panicln("valuedump", s); } switch v.Kind() { case reflect.IntKind: v.(reflect.IntValue).Set(132); case reflect.Int8Kind: v.(reflect.Int8Value).Set(8); case reflect.Int16Kind: v.(reflect.Int16Value).Set(16); case reflect.Int32Kind: v.(reflect.Int32Value).Set(32); case reflect.Int64Kind: v.(reflect.Int64Value).Set(64); case reflect.UintKind: v.(reflect.UintValue).Set(132); case reflect.Uint8Kind: v.(reflect.Uint8Value).Set(8); case reflect.Uint16Kind: v.(reflect.Uint16Value).Set(16); case reflect.Uint32Kind: v.(reflect.Uint32Value).Set(32); case reflect.Uint64Kind: v.(reflect.Uint64Value).Set(64); case reflect.FloatKind: v.(reflect.FloatValue).Set(3200.0); case reflect.Float32Kind: v.(reflect.Float32Value).Set(32.1); case reflect.Float64Kind: v.(reflect.Float64Value).Set(64.2); case reflect.StringKind: v.(reflect.StringValue).Set("stringy cheese"); case reflect.BoolKind: v.(reflect.BoolValue).Set(true); } assert(reflect.ValueToString(v), t); } type T struct { a int; b float64; c string; d *int } func TestAll(tt *testing.T) { // TODO(r): wrap up better var s string; var t reflect.Type; // Types typedump("missing", "$missing$"); typedump("int", "int"); typedump("int8", "int8"); typedump("int16", "int16"); typedump("int32", "int32"); typedump("int64", "int64"); typedump("uint", "uint"); typedump("uint8", "uint8"); typedump("uint16", "uint16"); typedump("uint32", "uint32"); typedump("uint64", "uint64"); typedump("float", "float"); typedump("float32", "float32"); typedump("float64", "float64"); typedump("float80", "float80"); typedump("int8", "int8"); typedump("whoknows.whatsthis", "$missing$"); typedump("**int8", "**int8"); typedump("**P.integer", "**P.integer"); typedump("[32]int32", "[32]int32"); typedump("[]int8", "[]int8"); typedump("map[string]int32", "map[string]int32"); typedump("chan<-string", "chan<-string"); typedump("struct {c chan *int32; d float32}", "struct{c chan*int32; d float32}"); typedump("*(a int8, b int32)", "*(a int8, b int32)"); typedump("struct {c *(? chan *P.integer, ? *int8)}", "struct{c *(chan*P.integer, *int8)}"); typedump("struct {a int8; b int32}", "struct{a int8; b int32}"); typedump("struct {a int8; b int8; b int32}", "struct{a int8; b int8; b int32}"); typedump("struct {a int8; b int8; c int8; b int32}", "struct{a int8; b int8; c int8; b int32}"); typedump("struct {a int8; b int8; c int8; d int8; b int32}", "struct{a int8; b int8; c int8; d int8; b int32}"); typedump("struct {a int8; b int8; c int8; d int8; e int8; b int32}", "struct{a int8; b int8; c int8; d int8; e int8; b int32}"); typedump("struct {a int8 \"hi there\"; }", "struct{a int8 \"hi there\"}"); typedump("struct {a int8 \"hi \\x00there\\t\\n\\\"\\\\\"; }", "struct{a int8 \"hi \\x00there\\t\\n\\\"\\\\\"}"); typedump("struct {f *(args ...)}", "struct{f *(args ...)}"); // Values valuedump("int8", "8"); valuedump("int16", "16"); valuedump("int32", "32"); valuedump("int64", "64"); valuedump("uint8", "8"); valuedump("uint16", "16"); valuedump("uint32", "32"); valuedump("uint64", "64"); valuedump("float32", "32.1"); valuedump("float64", "64.2"); valuedump("string", "stringy cheese"); valuedump("bool", "true"); valuedump("*int8", "*int8(0)"); valuedump("**int8", "**int8(0)"); valuedump("[5]int32", "[5]int32{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}"); valuedump("**P.integer", "**P.integer(0)"); valuedump("map[string]int32", "map[string]int32{}"); valuedump("chan<-string", "chan<-string"); valuedump("struct {c chan *int32; d float32}", "struct{c chan*int32; d float32}{chan*int32, 0}"); valuedump("*(a int8, b int32)", "*(a int8, b int32)(0)"); valuedump("struct {c *(? chan *P.integer, ? *int8)}", "struct{c *(chan*P.integer, *int8)}{*(chan*P.integer, *int8)(0)}"); valuedump("struct {a int8; b int32}", "struct{a int8; b int32}{0, 0}"); valuedump("struct {a int8; b int8; b int32}", "struct{a int8; b int8; b int32}{0, 0, 0}"); { var tmp = 123; value := reflect.NewValue(tmp); assert(reflect.ValueToString(value), "123"); } { var tmp = 123.4; value := reflect.NewValue(tmp); assert(reflect.ValueToString(value), "123.4"); } { var tmp = "abc"; value := reflect.NewValue(tmp); assert(reflect.ValueToString(value), "abc"); } { var i int = 7; var tmp = &T{123, 456.75, "hello", &i}; value := reflect.NewValue(tmp); assert(reflect.ValueToString(value.(reflect.PtrValue).Sub()), "reflect.T{123, 456.75, hello, *int(@)}"); } { type C chan *T; // TODO: should not be necessary var tmp = new(C); value := reflect.NewValue(tmp); assert(reflect.ValueToString(value), "*reflect.C·all_test(@)"); } // { // type A [10]int; // var tmp A = A{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; // value := reflect.NewValue(&tmp); // assert(reflect.ValueToString(value.(reflect.PtrValue).Sub()), "reflect.A·all_test{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}"); // value.(reflect.PtrValue).Sub().(reflect.ArrayValue).Elem(4).(reflect.IntValue).Set(123); // assert(reflect.ValueToString(value.(reflect.PtrValue).Sub()), "reflect.A·all_test{1, 2, 3, 4, 123, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}"); // } { type AA []int; var tmp = AA{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; value := reflect.NewValue(&tmp); // TODO: NewValue(tmp) too assert(reflect.ValueToString(value.(reflect.PtrValue).Sub()), "reflect.AA·all_test{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}"); value.(reflect.PtrValue).Sub().(reflect.ArrayValue).Elem(4).(reflect.IntValue).Set(123); assert(reflect.ValueToString(value.(reflect.PtrValue).Sub()), "reflect.AA·all_test{1, 2, 3, 4, 123, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}"); } { var ip *int32; var i int32 = 1234; vip := reflect.NewValue(&ip); vi := reflect.NewValue(i); vip.(reflect.PtrValue).Sub().(reflect.PtrValue).SetSub(vi); if *ip != 1234 { panicln("SetSub failure", *ip); } } var pt reflect.PtrType; var st reflect.StructType; var mt reflect.MapType; var at reflect.ArrayType; var ct reflect.ChanType; var name string; var typ reflect.Type; var tag string; var offset int; // Type strings t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "int8"); assert(t.String(), "int8"); t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "*int8"); assert(t.String(), "*int8"); pt = t.(reflect.PtrType); assert(pt.Sub().String(), "int8"); t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "*struct {c chan *int32; d float32}"); assert(t.String(), "*struct {c chan *int32; d float32}"); pt = t.(reflect.PtrType); assert(pt.Sub().String(), "struct {c chan *int32; d float32}"); st = pt.Sub().(reflect.StructType); name, typ, tag, offset = st.Field(0); assert(typ.String(), "chan *int32"); name, typ, tag, offset = st.Field(1); assert(typ.String(), "float32"); t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "interface {a() *int}"); assert(t.String(), "interface {a() *int}"); t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "*(a int8, b int32)"); assert(t.String(), "*(a int8, b int32)"); t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "*(a int8, b int32) float"); assert(t.String(), "*(a int8, b int32) float"); t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "*(a int8, b int32) (a float, b float)"); assert(t.String(), "*(a int8, b int32) (a float, b float)"); t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "[32]int32"); assert(t.String(), "[32]int32"); at = t.(reflect.ArrayType); assert(at.Elem().String(), "int32"); t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "map[string]*int32"); assert(t.String(), "map[string]*int32"); mt = t.(reflect.MapType); assert(mt.Key().String(), "string"); assert(mt.Elem().String(), "*int32"); t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "chan<-string"); assert(t.String(), "chan<-string"); ct = t.(reflect.ChanType); assert(ct.Elem().String(), "string"); // make sure tag strings are not part of element type t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "struct{d []uint32 \"TAG\"}"); st = t.(reflect.StructType); name, typ, tag, offset = st.Field(0); assert(typ.String(), "[]uint32"); t = reflect.ParseTypeString("", "[]int32"); v := reflect.NewSliceValue(t.(ArrayType), 5, 10); t1 := reflect.ParseTypeString("", "*[]int32"); v1 := reflect.NewInitValue(t1); if v1 == nil { panic("V1 is nil"); } v1.(reflect.PtrValue).SetSub(v); a := v1.Interface().(*[]int32); println(&a, len(a), cap(a)); for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ { v.Elem(i).(reflect.Int32Value).Set(int32(i)); } for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ { println(a[i]); } } func TestInterfaceGet(t *testing.T) { var inter struct { e interface{ } }; inter.e = 123.456; v1 := reflect.NewValue(&inter); v2 := v1.(reflect.PtrValue).Sub().(reflect.StructValue).Field(0); assert(v2.Type().String(), "interface { }"); i2 := v2.(reflect.InterfaceValue).Get(); v3 := reflect.NewValue(i2); assert(v3.Type().String(), "float"); } func TestCopyArray(t *testing.T) { a := []int{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 9, 8, 7 }; b := []int{ 11, 22, 33, 44, 1010, 99, 88, 77, 66, 55, 44 }; c := []int{ 11, 22, 33, 44, 1010, 99, 88, 77, 66, 55, 44 }; va := NewValue(&a); vb := NewValue(&b); for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ { if b[i] != c[i] { t.Fatalf("b != c before test"); } } for tocopy := 1; tocopy <= 7; tocopy++ { vb.(PtrValue).Sub().(ArrayValue).CopyFrom(va.(PtrValue).Sub().(ArrayValue), tocopy); for i := 0; i < tocopy; i++ { if a[i] != b[i] { t.Errorf("1 tocopy=%d a[%d]=%d, b[%d]=%d", tocopy, i, a[i], i, b[i]); } } for i := tocopy; i < len(b); i++ { if b[i] != c[i] { if i < len(a) { t.Errorf("2 tocopy=%d a[%d]=%d, b[%d]=%d, c[%d]=%d", tocopy, i, a[i], i, b[i], i, c[i]); } else { t.Errorf("3 tocopy=%d b[%d]=%d, c[%d]=%d", tocopy, i, b[i], i, c[i]); } } else { t.Logf("tocopy=%d elem %d is okay\n", tocopy, i); } } } } func TestBigUnnamedStruct(t *testing.T) { b := struct{a,b,c,d int64}{1, 2, 3, 4}; v := NewValue(b); b1 := v.Interface().(struct{a,b,c,d int64}); if b1.a != b.a || b1.b != b.b || b1.c != b.c || b1.d != b.d { t.Errorf("NewValue(%v).Interface().(Big) = %v", b, b1); } } type big struct { a, b, c, d, e int64 } func TestBigStruct(t *testing.T) { b := big{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; v := NewValue(b); b1 := v.Interface().(big); if b1.a != b.a || b1.b != b.b || b1.c != b.c || b1.d != b.d || b1.e != b.e { t.Errorf("NewValue(%v).Interface().(big) = %v", b, b1); } }