// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. { BBEditDocumentType = "CodelessLanguageModule"; BBLMColorsSyntax = YES; BBLMIsCaseSensitive = YES; BBLMKeywordList = ( break, case, chan, const, continue, default, defer, else, fallthrough, for, func, go, goto, if, import, interface, map, package, range, return, select, struct, switch, type, var, ); BBLMLanguageCode = go; "BBLMLanguageDisplayName" = "Go"; BBLMScansFunctions = YES; BBLMSuffixMap = ( { BBLMLanguageSuffix = ".go"; }, ); "Language Features" = { "Close Block Comments" = "*/"; "Close Parameter Lists" = ")"; "Close Statement Blocks" = "}"; "Close Strings 1" = "`"; "Close Strings 2" = "\""; "End-of-line Ends Strings 1" = YES; "End-of-line Ends Strings 2" = YES; "Escape Char in Strings 1" = "\\"; "Escape Char in Strings 2" = "\\"; "Identifier and Keyword Characters" = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; "Open Block Comments" = "/*"; "Open Line Comments" = "//"; "Open Parameter Lists" = "("; "Open Statement Blocks" = "{"; "Open Strings 1" = "`"; "Open Strings 2" = "\""; "Prefix for Functions" = "func"; "Prefix for Procedures" = func; "Terminator for Prototypes 1" = ";"; "Terminator for Prototypes 2" = ""; }; }