// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package Exporter import Platform "platform" import Utils "utils" import Globals "globals" import Object "object" import Type "type" import Universe "universe" type Exporter struct { comp *Globals.Compilation; debug bool; buf [4*1024] byte; buf_pos int; pkg_ref int; type_ref int; }; func (E *Exporter) WriteObject(obj *Globals.Object); func (E *Exporter) WriteByte(x byte) { E.buf[E.buf_pos] = x; E.buf_pos++; /* if E.debug { print " ", x; } */ } func (E *Exporter) WriteInt(x int) { x0 := x; for x < -64 || x >= 64 { E.WriteByte(byte(x & 127)); x = int(uint(x >> 7)); // arithmetic shift } // -64 <= x && x < 64 E.WriteByte(byte(x + 192)); /* if E.debug { print " #", x0; } */ } func (E *Exporter) WriteString(s string) { n := len(s); E.WriteInt(n); for i := 0; i < n; i++ { E.WriteByte(s[i]); } if E.debug { print ` "`, s, `"`; } } func (E *Exporter) WritePackageTag(tag int) { E.WriteInt(tag); if E.debug { if tag >= 0 { print " [P", tag, "]"; // package ref } else { print "\nP", E.pkg_ref, ":"; } } } func (E *Exporter) WriteTypeTag(tag int) { E.WriteInt(tag); if E.debug { if tag >= 0 { print " [T", tag, "]"; // type ref } else { print "\nT", E.type_ref, ": ", Type.FormStr(-tag); } } } func (E *Exporter) WriteObjectTag(tag int) { if tag < 0 { panic "tag < 0"; } E.WriteInt(tag); if E.debug { print "\n", Object.KindStr(tag); } } func (E *Exporter) WritePackage(pkg *Globals.Package) { if E.comp.pkg_list[pkg.obj.pnolev] != pkg { panic "inconsistent package object" } if pkg.ref >= 0 { E.WritePackageTag(pkg.ref); // package already exported return; } E.WritePackageTag(-1); pkg.ref = E.pkg_ref; E.pkg_ref++; E.WriteString(pkg.obj.ident); E.WriteString(pkg.file_name); E.WriteString(pkg.key); } func (E *Exporter) WriteScope(scope *Globals.Scope) { if E.debug { print " {"; } for p := scope.entries.first; p != nil; p = p.next { if p.obj.exported { E.WriteObject(p.obj); } } E.WriteObject(nil); if E.debug { print " }"; } } func (E *Exporter) WriteType(typ *Globals.Type) { if typ.ref >= 0 { E.WriteTypeTag(typ.ref); // type already exported return; } if -typ.form >= 0 { panic "conflict with ref numbers"; } E.WriteTypeTag(-typ.form); typ.ref = E.type_ref; E.type_ref++; // if we have a named type, export the type identifier and package ident := ""; if typ.obj != nil { // named type if typ.obj.typ != typ { panic "inconsistent named type"; } ident = typ.obj.ident; if !typ.obj.exported { // the type is invisible (it's identifier is not exported) // prepend "." to the identifier to make it an illegal // identifier for importing packages and thus inaccessible // from those package's source code ident = "." + ident; } } E.WriteString(ident); if len(ident) > 0 { // named type E.WritePackage(E.comp.pkg_list[typ.obj.pnolev]); } switch typ.form { case Type.FORWARD: // corresponding package must be forward-declared too if typ.obj == nil || E.comp.pkg_list[typ.obj.pnolev].key != "" { panic "inconsistency in package.type forward declaration"; } case Type.ALIAS, Type.MAP: E.WriteType(typ.aux); E.WriteType(typ.elt); case Type.ARRAY: E.WriteInt(typ.len_); E.WriteType(typ.elt); case Type.CHANNEL: E.WriteInt(typ.flags); E.WriteType(typ.elt); case Type.FUNCTION: E.WriteInt(typ.flags); E.WriteScope(typ.scope); case Type.STRUCT, Type.INTERFACE: E.WriteScope(typ.scope); case Type.POINTER, Type.REFERENCE: E.WriteType(typ.elt); default: panic "UNREACHABLE"; } } func (E *Exporter) WriteObject(obj *Globals.Object) { if obj == nil { E.WriteObjectTag(Object.END); return; } E.WriteObjectTag(obj.kind); if obj.kind == Object.TYPE { // named types are handled entirely by WriteType() if obj.typ.obj != obj { panic "inconsistent named type" } E.WriteType(obj.typ); return; } E.WriteString(obj.ident); E.WriteType(obj.typ); switch obj.kind { case Object.CONST: E.WriteInt(0); // should be the correct value case Object.VAR, Object.FIELD: E.WriteInt(0); // should be the correct address/offset case Object.FUNC: E.WriteInt(0); // should be the correct address/offset default: panic "UNREACHABLE"; } } func (E *Exporter) Export(comp* Globals.Compilation) string { E.comp = comp; E.debug = comp.flags.debug; E.buf_pos = 0; E.pkg_ref = 0; E.type_ref = 0; // write magic bits magic := Platform.MAGIC_obj_file; // TODO remove once len(constant) works for i := 0; i < len(magic); i++ { E.WriteByte(magic[i]); } // Predeclared types are "pre-exported". // TODO run the loop below only in debug mode { i := 0; for p := Universe.types.first; p != nil; p = p.next { if p.typ.ref != i { panic "incorrect ref for predeclared type"; } i++; } } E.type_ref = Universe.types.len_; // export package 0 pkg := comp.pkg_list[0]; E.WritePackage(pkg); E.WriteScope(pkg.scope); if E.debug { print "\n(", E.buf_pos, " bytes)\n"; } return string(E.buf)[0 : E.buf_pos]; } export func Export(comp* Globals.Compilation) string { var E Exporter; return (&E).Export(comp); }