// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "go.h" /* * runtime interface and reflection data structures */ static NodeList* signatlist; static Sym* dtypesym(Type*); static int sigcmp(Sig *a, Sig *b) { int i; i = strcmp(a->name, b->name); if(i != 0) return i; if(a->pkg == b->pkg) return 0; if(a->pkg == nil) return -1; if(b->pkg == nil) return +1; return strcmp(a->pkg->path->s, b->pkg->path->s); } static Sig* lsort(Sig *l, int(*f)(Sig*, Sig*)) { Sig *l1, *l2, *le; if(l == 0 || l->link == 0) return l; l1 = l; l2 = l; for(;;) { l2 = l2->link; if(l2 == 0) break; l2 = l2->link; if(l2 == 0) break; l1 = l1->link; } l2 = l1->link; l1->link = 0; l1 = lsort(l, f); l2 = lsort(l2, f); /* set up lead element */ if((*f)(l1, l2) < 0) { l = l1; l1 = l1->link; } else { l = l2; l2 = l2->link; } le = l; for(;;) { if(l1 == 0) { while(l2) { le->link = l2; le = l2; l2 = l2->link; } le->link = 0; break; } if(l2 == 0) { while(l1) { le->link = l1; le = l1; l1 = l1->link; } break; } if((*f)(l1, l2) < 0) { le->link = l1; le = l1; l1 = l1->link; } else { le->link = l2; le = l2; l2 = l2->link; } } le->link = 0; return l; } /* * f is method type, with receiver. * return function type, receiver as first argument (or not). */ Type* methodfunc(Type *f, int use_receiver) { NodeList *in, *out; Node *d; Type *t; in = nil; if(use_receiver) { d = nod(ODCLFIELD, N, N); d->type = getthisx(f)->type->type; in = list(in, d); } for(t=getinargx(f)->type; t; t=t->down) { d = nod(ODCLFIELD, N, N); d->type = t->type; d->isddd = t->isddd; in = list(in, d); } out = nil; for(t=getoutargx(f)->type; t; t=t->down) { d = nod(ODCLFIELD, N, N); d->type = t->type; out = list(out, d); } return functype(N, in, out); } /* * return methods of non-interface type t, sorted by name. * generates stub functions as needed. */ static Sig* methods(Type *t) { int o; Type *f, *mt, *it, *this; Sig *a, *b; Sym *method; Prog *oldlist; // named method type mt = methtype(t); if(mt == T) return nil; expandmeth(mt->sym, mt); // type stored in interface word it = t; if(it->width > widthptr) it = ptrto(t); // make list of methods for t, // generating code if necessary. a = nil; o = 0; oldlist = nil; for(f=mt->xmethod; f; f=f->down) { if(f->type->etype != TFUNC) continue; if(f->etype != TFIELD) fatal("methods: not field"); method = f->sym; if(method == nil) continue; // get receiver type for this particular method. // if pointer receiver but non-pointer t and // this is not an embedded pointer inside a struct, // method does not apply. this = getthisx(f->type)->type->type; if(isptr[this->etype] && this->type == t) continue; if(isptr[this->etype] && !isptr[t->etype] && f->embedded != 2 && !isifacemethod(f->type)) continue; b = mal(sizeof(*b)); b->link = a; a = b; a->name = method->name; a->isym = methodsym(method, it); a->tsym = methodsym(method, t); a->type = methodfunc(f->type, 1); a->mtype = methodfunc(f->type, 0); if(!(a->isym->flags & SymSiggen)) { a->isym->flags |= SymSiggen; if(!eqtype(this, it)) { if(oldlist == nil) oldlist = pc; // Is okay to call genwrapper here always, // but we can generate more efficient code // using genembedtramp if all that is necessary // is a pointer adjustment and a JMP. if(isptr[it->etype] && isptr[this->etype] && f->embedded && !isifacemethod(f->type)) genembedtramp(it, f, a->isym); else genwrapper(it, f, a->isym); } } if(!(a->tsym->flags & SymSiggen)) { a->tsym->flags |= SymSiggen; if(!eqtype(this, t)) { if(oldlist == nil) oldlist = pc; if(isptr[t->etype] && isptr[this->etype] && f->embedded && !isifacemethod(f->type)) genembedtramp(t, f, a->tsym); else genwrapper(t, f, a->tsym); } } } // restore data output if(oldlist) { // old list ended with AEND; change to ANOP // so that the trampolines that follow can be found. nopout(oldlist); // start new data list newplist(); } return lsort(a, sigcmp); } /* * return methods of interface type t, sorted by name. */ static Sig* imethods(Type *t) { Sig *a, *all, *last; int o; Type *f; all = nil; last = nil; o = 0; for(f=t->type; f; f=f->down) { if(f->etype != TFIELD) fatal("imethods: not field"); if(f->type->etype != TFUNC || f->sym == nil) continue; a = mal(sizeof(*a)); a->name = f->sym->name; if(!exportname(f->sym->name)) a->pkg = f->sym->pkg; a->mtype = f->type; a->offset = 0; a->type = methodfunc(f->type, 0); if(last && sigcmp(last, a) >= 0) fatal("sigcmp vs sortinter %s %s", last->name, a->name); if(last == nil) all = a; else last->link = a; last = a; } return all; } static int dgopkgpath(Sym *s, int ot, Pkg *pkg) { if(pkg == nil) return dgostringptr(s, ot, nil); // Emit reference to go.importpath.""., which 6l will // rewrite using the correct import path. Every package // that imports this one directly defines the symbol. if(pkg == localpkg) { static Sym *ns; if(ns == nil) ns = pkglookup("importpath.\"\".", mkpkg(strlit("go"))); return dsymptr(s, ot, ns, 0); } return dgostringptr(s, ot, pkg->name); } static void dimportpath(Pkg *p) { static Pkg *gopkg; char *nam; Node *n; if(gopkg == nil) { gopkg = mkpkg(strlit("go")); gopkg->name = "go"; } nam = smprint("importpath.%s.", p->prefix); n = nod(ONAME, N, N); n->sym = pkglookup(nam, gopkg); free(nam); n->class = PEXTERN; n->xoffset = 0; gdatastring(n, p->path); ggloblsym(n->sym, types[TSTRING]->width, 1); } /* * uncommonType * ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/uncommonType */ static Sym* dextratype(Type *t) { int ot, n; char *p; Sym *s; Sig *a, *m; m = methods(t); if(t->sym == nil && m == nil) return nil; n = 0; for(a=m; a; a=a->link) { dtypesym(a->type); n++; } p = smprint("_.%#T", t); s = pkglookup(p, typepkg); ot = 0; if(t->sym) { ot = dgostringptr(s, ot, t->sym->name); if(t != types[t->etype]) ot = dgopkgpath(s, ot, t->sym->pkg); else ot = dgostringptr(s, ot, nil); } else { ot = dgostringptr(s, ot, nil); ot = dgostringptr(s, ot, nil); } // slice header ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s, ot + widthptr + 2*4); ot = duint32(s, ot, n); ot = duint32(s, ot, n); // methods for(a=m; a; a=a->link) { // method // ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/method ot = dgostringptr(s, ot, a->name); ot = dgopkgpath(s, ot, a->pkg); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, dtypesym(a->mtype), 0); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, dtypesym(a->type), 0); if(a->isym) ot = dsymptr(s, ot, a->isym, 0); else ot = duintptr(s, ot, 0); if(a->tsym) ot = dsymptr(s, ot, a->tsym, 0); else ot = duintptr(s, ot, 0); } ggloblsym(s, ot, 0); return s; } enum { KindBool = 1, KindInt, KindInt8, KindInt16, KindInt32, KindInt64, KindUint, KindUint8, KindUint16, KindUint32, KindUint64, KindUintptr, KindFloat, KindFloat32, KindFloat64, KindComplex, KindComplex64, KindComplex128, KindArray, KindChan, KindFunc, KindInterface, KindMap, KindPtr, KindSlice, KindString, KindStruct, KindUnsafePointer, KindNoPointers = 1<<7, }; static int kinds[] = { [TINT] = KindInt, [TUINT] = KindUint, [TINT8] = KindInt8, [TUINT8] = KindUint8, [TINT16] = KindInt16, [TUINT16] = KindUint16, [TINT32] = KindInt32, [TUINT32] = KindUint32, [TINT64] = KindInt64, [TUINT64] = KindUint64, [TUINTPTR] = KindUintptr, [TFLOAT] = KindFloat, [TFLOAT32] = KindFloat32, [TFLOAT64] = KindFloat64, [TBOOL] = KindBool, [TSTRING] = KindString, [TPTR32] = KindPtr, [TPTR64] = KindPtr, [TSTRUCT] = KindStruct, [TINTER] = KindInterface, [TCHAN] = KindChan, [TMAP] = KindMap, [TARRAY] = KindArray, [TFUNC] = KindFunc, [TCOMPLEX] = KindComplex, [TCOMPLEX64] = KindComplex64, [TCOMPLEX128] = KindComplex128, }; static char* structnames[] = { [TINT] = "*runtime.IntType", [TUINT] = "*runtime.UintType", [TINT8] = "*runtime.IntType", [TUINT8] = "*runtime.UintType", [TINT16] = "*runtime.IntType", [TUINT16] = "*runtime.UintType", [TINT32] = "*runtime.IntType", [TUINT32] = "*runtime.UintType", [TINT64] = "*runtime.IntType", [TUINT64] = "*runtime.UintType", [TUINTPTR] = "*runtime.UintType", [TCOMPLEX] = "*runtime.ComplexType", [TCOMPLEX64] = "*runtime.ComplexType", [TCOMPLEX128] = "*runtime.ComplexType", [TFLOAT] = "*runtime.FloatType", [TFLOAT32] = "*runtime.FloatType", [TFLOAT64] = "*runtime.FloatType", [TBOOL] = "*runtime.BoolType", [TSTRING] = "*runtime.StringType", [TPTR32] = "*runtime.PtrType", [TPTR64] = "*runtime.PtrType", [TSTRUCT] = "*runtime.StructType", [TINTER] = "*runtime.InterfaceType", [TCHAN] = "*runtime.ChanType", [TMAP] = "*runtime.MapType", [TARRAY] = "*runtime.ArrayType", [TFUNC] = "*runtime.FuncType", }; static Sym* typestruct(Type *t) { char *name; int et; et = t->etype; if(et < 0 || et >= nelem(structnames) || (name = structnames[et]) == nil) { fatal("typestruct %lT", t); return nil; // silence gcc } if(isslice(t)) name = "*runtime.SliceType"; if(isptr[et] && t->type->etype == TANY) name = "*runtime.UnsafePointerType"; return pkglookup(name, typepkg); } static int haspointers(Type *t) { Type *t1; switch(t->etype) { case TINT: case TUINT: case TINT8: case TUINT8: case TINT16: case TUINT16: case TINT32: case TUINT32: case TINT64: case TUINT64: case TUINTPTR: case TFLOAT: case TFLOAT32: case TFLOAT64: case TBOOL: return 0; case TARRAY: if(t->bound < 0) // slice return 1; return haspointers(t->type); case TSTRUCT: for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down) if(haspointers(t1->type)) return 1; return 0; case TSTRING: case TPTR32: case TPTR64: case TINTER: case TCHAN: case TMAP: case TFUNC: default: return 1; } } /* * commonType * ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/commonType */ static int dcommontype(Sym *s, int ot, Type *t) { int i; Sym *s1; Type *elem; char *p; dowidth(t); s1 = dextratype(t); // empty interface pointing at this type. // all the references that we emit are *interface{}; // they point here. ot = rnd(ot, widthptr); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, typestruct(t), 0); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s, 2*widthptr); // ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/commonType // actual type structure // type commonType struct { // size uintptr; // hash uint32; // alg uint8; // align uint8; // fieldAlign uint8; // string *string; // *nameInfo; // } ot = duintptr(s, ot, t->width); ot = duint32(s, ot, typehash(t)); ot = duint8(s, ot, algtype(t)); elem = t; while(elem->etype == TARRAY && elem->bound >= 0) elem = elem->type; i = elem->width; if(i > maxround) i = maxround; ot = duint8(s, ot, i); // align ot = duint8(s, ot, i); // fieldAlign i = kinds[t->etype]; if(t->etype == TARRAY && t->bound < 0) i = KindSlice; if(!haspointers(t)) i |= KindNoPointers; ot = duint8(s, ot, i); longsymnames = 1; p = smprint("%-T", t); longsymnames = 0; ot = dgostringptr(s, ot, p); // string free(p); if(s1) ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s1, 0); // extraType else ot = duintptr(s, ot, 0); return ot; } Sym* typesym(Type *t) { char *p; Sym *s; p = smprint("%#-T", t); s = pkglookup(p, typepkg); free(p); return s; } Node* typename(Type *t) { Sym *s; Node *n; if((isptr[t->etype] && t->type == T) || isideal(t)) fatal("typename %T", t); s = typesym(t); if(s->def == N) { n = nod(ONAME, N, N); n->sym = s; n->type = types[TUINT8]; n->addable = 1; n->ullman = 1; n->class = PEXTERN; n->xoffset = 0; s->def = n; signatlist = list(signatlist, typenod(t)); } n = nod(OADDR, s->def, N); n->type = ptrto(s->def->type); n->addable = 1; n->ullman = 2; return n; } static Sym* dtypesym(Type *t) { int ot, n, isddd; Sym *s, *s1, *s2; Sig *a, *m; Type *t1; Sym *tsym; if(isideal(t)) fatal("dtypesym %T", t); s = typesym(t); if(s->flags & SymSiggen) return s; s->flags |= SymSiggen; // special case (look for runtime below): // when compiling package runtime, // emit the type structures for int, float, etc. t1 = T; if(isptr[t->etype]) t1 = t->type; tsym = S; if(t1) tsym = t1->sym; else tsym = t->sym; if(compiling_runtime) { if(t == types[t->etype]) goto ok; if(t1 && t1 == types[t1->etype]) goto ok; if(t1 && t1->etype == tptr && t1->type->etype == TANY) goto ok; } // named types from other files are defined in those files if(t->sym && !t->local) return s; if(!t->sym && t1 && t1->sym && !t1->local) return s; if(isforw[t->etype] || (t1 && isforw[t1->etype])) return s; ok: ot = 0; switch(t->etype) { default: ot = dcommontype(s, ot, t); break; case TARRAY: // ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/ArrayType s1 = dtypesym(t->type); ot = dcommontype(s, ot, t); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s1, 0); if(t->bound < 0) ot = duintptr(s, ot, -1); else ot = duintptr(s, ot, t->bound); break; case TCHAN: // ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/ChanType s1 = dtypesym(t->type); ot = dcommontype(s, ot, t); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s1, 0); ot = duintptr(s, ot, t->chan); break; case TFUNC: for(t1=getthisx(t)->type; t1; t1=t1->down) dtypesym(t1->type); isddd = 0; for(t1=getinargx(t)->type; t1; t1=t1->down) { isddd = t1->isddd; dtypesym(t1->type); } for(t1=getoutargx(t)->type; t1; t1=t1->down) dtypesym(t1->type); ot = dcommontype(s, ot, t); ot = duint8(s, ot, isddd); // two slice headers: in and out. ot = rnd(ot, widthptr); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s, ot+2*(widthptr+2*4)); n = t->thistuple + t->intuple; ot = duint32(s, ot, n); ot = duint32(s, ot, n); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s, ot+1*(widthptr+2*4)+n*widthptr); ot = duint32(s, ot, t->outtuple); ot = duint32(s, ot, t->outtuple); // slice data for(t1=getthisx(t)->type; t1; t1=t1->down, n++) ot = dsymptr(s, ot, dtypesym(t1->type), 0); for(t1=getinargx(t)->type; t1; t1=t1->down, n++) ot = dsymptr(s, ot, dtypesym(t1->type), 0); for(t1=getoutargx(t)->type; t1; t1=t1->down, n++) ot = dsymptr(s, ot, dtypesym(t1->type), 0); break; case TINTER: m = imethods(t); n = 0; for(a=m; a; a=a->link) { dtypesym(a->type); n++; } // ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/InterfaceType ot = dcommontype(s, ot, t); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s, ot+widthptr+2*4); ot = duint32(s, ot, n); ot = duint32(s, ot, n); for(a=m; a; a=a->link) { // ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/imethod ot = dgostringptr(s, ot, a->name); ot = dgopkgpath(s, ot, a->pkg); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, dtypesym(a->type), 0); } break; case TMAP: // ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/MapType s1 = dtypesym(t->down); s2 = dtypesym(t->type); ot = dcommontype(s, ot, t); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s1, 0); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s2, 0); break; case TPTR32: case TPTR64: if(t->type->etype == TANY) { ot = dcommontype(s, ot, t); break; } // ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/PtrType s1 = dtypesym(t->type); ot = dcommontype(s, ot, t); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s1, 0); break; case TSTRUCT: // ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/StructType // for security, only the exported fields. n = 0; for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down) { dtypesym(t1->type); n++; } ot = dcommontype(s, ot, t); ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s, ot+widthptr+2*4); ot = duint32(s, ot, n); ot = duint32(s, ot, n); for(t1=t->type; t1!=T; t1=t1->down) { // ../../pkg/runtime/type.go:/structField if(t1->sym && !t1->embedded) { ot = dgostringptr(s, ot, t1->sym->name); if(exportname(t1->sym->name)) ot = dgostringptr(s, ot, nil); else ot = dgopkgpath(s, ot, t1->sym->pkg); } else { ot = dgostringptr(s, ot, nil); ot = dgostringptr(s, ot, nil); } ot = dsymptr(s, ot, dtypesym(t1->type), 0); ot = dgostrlitptr(s, ot, t1->note); ot = duintptr(s, ot, t1->width); // field offset } break; } ggloblsym(s, ot, tsym == nil); return s; } void dumptypestructs(void) { int i; NodeList *l; Node *n; Type *t; Pkg *p; // copy types from externdcl list to signatlist for(l=externdcl; l; l=l->next) { n = l->n; if(n->op != OTYPE) continue; signatlist = list(signatlist, n); } // process signatlist for(l=signatlist; l; l=l->next) { n = l->n; if(n->op != OTYPE) continue; t = n->type; dtypesym(t); if(t->sym && !isptr[t->etype]) dtypesym(ptrto(t)); } // generate import strings for imported packages for(i=0; ilink) if(p->direct) dimportpath(p); // do basic types if compiling package runtime. // they have to be in at least one package, // and runtime is always loaded implicitly, // so this is as good as any. // another possible choice would be package main, // but using runtime means fewer copies in .6 files. if(compiling_runtime) { for(i=1; i<=TBOOL; i++) dtypesym(ptrto(types[i])); dtypesym(ptrto(types[TSTRING])); dtypesym(ptrto(pkglookup("Pointer", unsafepkg)->def->type)); // add paths for runtime and main, which 6l imports implicitly. dimportpath(runtimepkg); dimportpath(mkpkg(strlit("main"))); } }