// errorcheck -+ // Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Test type-checking errors for go:notinheap. package p //go:notinheap type nih struct{} // Types embedding notinheap types must be notinheap. type embed1 struct { x nih } // ERROR "must be go:notinheap" type embed2 [1]nih // ERROR "must be go:notinheap" type embed3 struct { x [1]nih } // ERROR "must be go:notinheap" type embed4 map[nih]int // ERROR "go:notinheap map key not allowed" type embed5 map[int]nih // ERROR "go:notinheap map value not allowed" type emebd6 chan nih // ERROR "chan of go:notinheap type not allowed" type okay1 *nih type okay2 []nih type okay3 func(x nih) nih type okay4 interface { f(x nih) nih } // Type conversions don't let you sneak past notinheap. type t1 struct{ x int } //go:notinheap type t2 t1 var sink interface{} func i() { sink = new(t1) // no error sink = (*t2)(new(t1)) // ERROR "cannot convert(.|\n)*t2 is go:notinheap" sink = (*t2)(new(struct{ x int })) // ERROR "cannot convert(.|\n)*t2 is go:notinheap" }