# Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. """GDB Pretty printers and convenience functions for Go's runtime structures. This script is loaded by GDB when it finds a .debug_gdb_scripts section in the compiled binary. The [68]l linkers emit this with a path to this file based on the path to the runtime package. """ # Known issues: # - pretty printing only works for the 'native' strings. E.g. 'type # foo string' will make foo a plain struct in the eyes of gdb, # circumventing the pretty print triggering. from __future__ import print_function import re import sys print("Loading Go Runtime support.", file=sys.stderr) #http://python3porting.com/differences.html if sys.version > '3': xrange = range # allow to manually reload while developing goobjfile = gdb.current_objfile() or gdb.objfiles()[0] goobjfile.pretty_printers = [] # # Value wrappers # class SliceValue: "Wrapper for slice values." def __init__(self, val): self.val = val @property def len(self): return int(self.val['len']) @property def cap(self): return int(self.val['cap']) def __getitem__(self, i): if i < 0 or i >= self.len: raise IndexError(i) ptr = self.val["array"] return (ptr + i).dereference() # # Pretty Printers # class StringTypePrinter: "Pretty print Go strings." pattern = re.compile(r'^struct string( \*)?$') def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def display_hint(self): return 'string' def to_string(self): l = int(self.val['len']) return self.val['str'].string("utf-8", "ignore", l) class SliceTypePrinter: "Pretty print slices." pattern = re.compile(r'^struct \[\]') def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def display_hint(self): return 'array' def to_string(self): return str(self.val.type)[6:] # skip 'struct ' def children(self): sval = SliceValue(self.val) if sval.len > sval.cap: return for idx, item in enumerate(sval): yield ('[{0}]'.format(idx), item) class MapTypePrinter: """Pretty print map[K]V types. Map-typed go variables are really pointers. dereference them in gdb to inspect their contents with this pretty printer. """ pattern = re.compile(r'^map\[.*\].*$') def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def display_hint(self): return 'map' def to_string(self): return str(self.val.type) def children(self): B = self.val['B'] buckets = self.val['buckets'] oldbuckets = self.val['oldbuckets'] flags = self.val['flags'] inttype = self.val['hash0'].type cnt = 0 for bucket in xrange(2 ** int(B)): bp = buckets + bucket if oldbuckets: oldbucket = bucket & (2 ** (B - 1) - 1) oldbp = oldbuckets + oldbucket oldb = oldbp.dereference() if (oldb['overflow'].cast(inttype) & 1) == 0: # old bucket not evacuated yet if bucket >= 2 ** (B - 1): continue # already did old bucket bp = oldbp while bp: b = bp.dereference() for i in xrange(8): if b['tophash'][i] != 0: k = b['keys'][i] v = b['values'][i] if flags & 1: k = k.dereference() if flags & 2: v = v.dereference() yield str(cnt), k yield str(cnt + 1), v cnt += 2 bp = b['overflow'] class ChanTypePrinter: """Pretty print chan[T] types. Chan-typed go variables are really pointers. dereference them in gdb to inspect their contents with this pretty printer. """ pattern = re.compile(r'^struct hchan<.*>$') def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def display_hint(self): return 'array' def to_string(self): return str(self.val.type) def children(self): # see chan.c chanbuf(). et is the type stolen from hchan::recvq->first->elem et = [x.type for x in self.val['recvq']['first'].type.target().fields() if x.name == 'elem'][0] ptr = (self.val.address + 1).cast(et.pointer()) for i in range(self.val["qcount"]): j = (self.val["recvx"] + i) % self.val["dataqsiz"] yield ('[{0}]'.format(i), (ptr + j).dereference()) # # Register all the *Printer classes above. # def makematcher(klass): def matcher(val): try: if klass.pattern.match(str(val.type)): return klass(val) except Exception: pass return matcher goobjfile.pretty_printers.extend([makematcher(var) for var in vars().values() if hasattr(var, 'pattern')]) # # For reference, this is what we're trying to do: # eface: p *(*(struct 'runtime.rtype'*)'main.e'->type_->data)->string # iface: p *(*(struct 'runtime.rtype'*)'main.s'->tab->Type->data)->string # # interface types can't be recognized by their name, instead we check # if they have the expected fields. Unfortunately the mapping of # fields to python attributes in gdb.py isn't complete: you can't test # for presence other than by trapping. def is_iface(val): try: return str(val['tab'].type) == "struct runtime.itab *" and str(val['data'].type) == "void *" except gdb.error: pass def is_eface(val): try: return str(val['_type'].type) == "struct runtime._type *" and str(val['data'].type) == "void *" except gdb.error: pass def lookup_type(name): try: return gdb.lookup_type(name) except gdb.error: pass try: return gdb.lookup_type('struct ' + name) except gdb.error: pass try: return gdb.lookup_type('struct ' + name[1:]).pointer() except gdb.error: pass def iface_commontype(obj): if is_iface(obj): go_type_ptr = obj['tab']['_type'] elif is_eface(obj): go_type_ptr = obj['_type'] else: return return go_type_ptr.cast(gdb.lookup_type("struct reflect.rtype").pointer()).dereference() def iface_dtype(obj): "Decode type of the data field of an eface or iface struct." # known issue: dtype_name decoded from runtime.rtype is "nested.Foo" # but the dwarf table lists it as "full/path/to/nested.Foo" dynamic_go_type = iface_commontype(obj) if dynamic_go_type is None: return dtype_name = dynamic_go_type['string'].dereference()['str'].string() dynamic_gdb_type = lookup_type(dtype_name) if dynamic_gdb_type is None: return type_size = int(dynamic_go_type['size']) uintptr_size = int(dynamic_go_type['size'].type.sizeof) # size is itself an uintptr if type_size > uintptr_size: dynamic_gdb_type = dynamic_gdb_type.pointer() return dynamic_gdb_type def iface_dtype_name(obj): "Decode type name of the data field of an eface or iface struct." dynamic_go_type = iface_commontype(obj) if dynamic_go_type is None: return return dynamic_go_type['string'].dereference()['str'].string() class IfacePrinter: """Pretty print interface values Casts the data field to the appropriate dynamic type.""" def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def display_hint(self): return 'string' def to_string(self): if self.val['data'] == 0: return 0x0 try: dtype = iface_dtype(self.val) except Exception: return "" if dtype is None: # trouble looking up, print something reasonable return "({0}){0}".format(iface_dtype_name(self.val), self.val['data']) try: return self.val['data'].cast(dtype).dereference() except Exception: pass return self.val['data'].cast(dtype) def ifacematcher(val): if is_iface(val) or is_eface(val): return IfacePrinter(val) goobjfile.pretty_printers.append(ifacematcher) # # Convenience Functions # class GoLenFunc(gdb.Function): "Length of strings, slices, maps or channels" how = ((StringTypePrinter, 'len'), (SliceTypePrinter, 'len'), (MapTypePrinter, 'count'), (ChanTypePrinter, 'qcount')) def __init__(self): gdb.Function.__init__(self, "len") def invoke(self, obj): typename = str(obj.type) for klass, fld in self.how: if klass.pattern.match(typename): return obj[fld] class GoCapFunc(gdb.Function): "Capacity of slices or channels" how = ((SliceTypePrinter, 'cap'), (ChanTypePrinter, 'dataqsiz')) def __init__(self): gdb.Function.__init__(self, "cap") def invoke(self, obj): typename = str(obj.type) for klass, fld in self.how: if klass.pattern.match(typename): return obj[fld] class DTypeFunc(gdb.Function): """Cast Interface values to their dynamic type. For non-interface types this behaves as the identity operation. """ def __init__(self): gdb.Function.__init__(self, "dtype") def invoke(self, obj): try: return obj['data'].cast(iface_dtype(obj)) except gdb.error: pass return obj # # Commands # sts = ('idle', 'runnable', 'running', 'syscall', 'waiting', 'moribund', 'dead', 'recovery') def linked_list(ptr, linkfield): while ptr: yield ptr ptr = ptr[linkfield] class GoroutinesCmd(gdb.Command): "List all goroutines." def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__(self, "info goroutines", gdb.COMMAND_STACK, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE) def invoke(self, _arg, _from_tty): # args = gdb.string_to_argv(arg) vp = gdb.lookup_type('void').pointer() for ptr in SliceValue(gdb.parse_and_eval("'runtime.allgs'")): if ptr['atomicstatus'] == 6: # 'gdead' continue s = ' ' if ptr['m']: s = '*' pc = ptr['sched']['pc'].cast(vp) # python2 will not cast pc (type void*) to an int cleanly # instead python2 and python3 work with the hex string representation # of the void pointer which we can parse back into an int. # int(pc) will not work. try: #python3 / newer versions of gdb pc = int(pc) except gdb.error: # str(pc) can return things like # "0x429d6c ", so # chop at first space. pc = int(str(pc).split(None, 1)[0], 16) blk = gdb.block_for_pc(pc) print(s, ptr['goid'], "{0:8s}".format(sts[int(ptr['atomicstatus'])]), blk.function) def find_goroutine(goid): """ find_goroutine attempts to find the goroutine identified by goid. It returns a touple of gdv.Value's representing the stack pointer and program counter pointer for the goroutine. @param int goid @return tuple (gdb.Value, gdb.Value) """ vp = gdb.lookup_type('void').pointer() for ptr in SliceValue(gdb.parse_and_eval("'runtime.allgs'")): if ptr['atomicstatus'] == 6: # 'gdead' continue if ptr['goid'] == goid: return (ptr['sched'][x].cast(vp) for x in ('pc', 'sp')) return None, None class GoroutineCmd(gdb.Command): """Execute gdb command in the context of goroutine . Switch PC and SP to the ones in the goroutine's G structure, execute an arbitrary gdb command, and restore PC and SP. Usage: (gdb) goroutine Note that it is ill-defined to modify state in the context of a goroutine. Restrict yourself to inspecting values. """ def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__(self, "goroutine", gdb.COMMAND_STACK, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE) def invoke(self, arg, _from_tty): goid, cmd = arg.split(None, 1) goid = gdb.parse_and_eval(goid) pc, sp = find_goroutine(int(goid)) if not pc: print("No such goroutine: ", goid) return try: #python3 / newer versions of gdb pc = int(pc) except gdb.error: pc = int(str(pc).split(None, 1)[0], 16) save_frame = gdb.selected_frame() gdb.parse_and_eval('$save_pc = $pc') gdb.parse_and_eval('$save_sp = $sp') gdb.parse_and_eval('$pc = {0}'.format(str(pc))) gdb.parse_and_eval('$sp = {0}'.format(str(sp))) try: gdb.execute(cmd) finally: gdb.parse_and_eval('$pc = $save_pc') gdb.parse_and_eval('$sp = $save_sp') save_frame.select() class GoIfaceCmd(gdb.Command): "Print Static and dynamic interface types" def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__(self, "iface", gdb.COMMAND_DATA, gdb.COMPLETE_SYMBOL) def invoke(self, arg, _from_tty): for obj in gdb.string_to_argv(arg): try: #TODO fix quoting for qualified variable names obj = gdb.parse_and_eval(str(obj)) except Exception as e: print("Can't parse ", obj, ": ", e) continue if obj['data'] == 0: dtype = "nil" else: dtype = iface_dtype(obj) if dtype is None: print("Not an interface: ", obj.type) continue print("{0}: {1}".format(obj.type, dtype)) # TODO: print interface's methods and dynamic type's func pointers thereof. #rsc: "to find the number of entries in the itab's Fn field look at # itab.inter->numMethods # i am sure i have the names wrong but look at the interface type # and its method count" # so Itype will start with a commontype which has kind = interface # # Register all convenience functions and CLI commands # GoLenFunc() GoCapFunc() DTypeFunc() GoroutinesCmd() GoroutineCmd() GoIfaceCmd()