:: Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. :: Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style :: license that can be found in the LICENSE file. :: Environment variables that control make.bat: :: :: GOROOT_FINAL: The expected final Go root, baked into binaries. :: The default is the location of the Go tree during the build. :: :: GOHOSTARCH: The architecture for host tools (compilers and :: binaries). Binaries of this type must be executable on the current :: system, so the only common reason to set this is to set :: GOHOSTARCH=386 on an amd64 machine. :: :: GOARCH: The target architecture for installed packages and tools. :: :: GOOS: The target operating system for installed packages and tools. :: :: GO_GCFLAGS: Additional 5g/6g/8g arguments to use when :: building the packages and commands. :: :: GO_LDFLAGS: Additional 5l/6l/8l arguments to use when :: building the commands. :: :: CGO_ENABLED: Controls cgo usage during the build. Set it to 1 :: to include all cgo related files, .c and .go file with "cgo" :: build directive, in the build. Set it to 0 to ignore them. @echo off :: Keep environment variables within this script :: unless invoked with --no-local. if x%1==x--no-local goto nolocal if x%2==x--no-local goto nolocal setlocal :nolocal set GOBUILDFAIL=0 if exist make.bat goto ok echo Must run make.bat from Go src directory. goto fail :ok :: Clean old generated file that will cause problems in the build. del /F ".\pkg\runtime\runtime_defs.go" 2>NUL :: Grab default GOROOT_FINAL and set GOROOT for build. :: The expression %VAR:\=\\% means to take %VAR% :: and apply the substitution \ = \\, escaping the :: backslashes. Then we wrap that in quotes to create :: a C string. cd .. set GOROOT=%CD% cd src if "x%GOROOT_FINAL%"=="x" set GOROOT_FINAL=%GOROOT% set DEFGOROOT=-DGOROOT_FINAL="\"%GOROOT_FINAL:\=\\%\"" echo # Building C bootstrap tool. echo cmd/dist if not exist ..\bin\tool mkdir ..\bin\tool :: Windows has no glob expansion, so spell out cmd/dist/*.c. gcc -O2 -Wall -Werror -o cmd/dist/dist.exe -Icmd/dist %DEFGOROOT% cmd/dist/buf.c cmd/dist/build.c cmd/dist/buildgc.c cmd/dist/buildruntime.c cmd/dist/goc2c.c cmd/dist/main.c cmd/dist/windows.c if errorlevel 1 goto fail .\cmd\dist\dist env -wp >env.bat if errorlevel 1 goto fail call env.bat del env.bat echo. echo # Building compilers and Go bootstrap tool. set buildall=-a if x%1==x--no-clean set buildall= .\cmd\dist\dist bootstrap %buildall% -v if errorlevel 1 goto fail :: Delay move of dist tool to now, because bootstrap cleared tool directory. move .\cmd\dist\dist.exe "%GOTOOLDIR%\dist.exe" "%GOTOOLDIR%\go_bootstrap" clean -i std echo. if not %GOHOSTARCH% == %GOARCH% goto localbuild if not %GOHOSTOS% == %GOOS% goto localbuild goto mainbuild :localbuild echo # Building tools for local system. %GOHOSTOS%/%GOHOSTARCH% setlocal set GOOS=%GOHOSTOS% set GOARCH=%GOHOSTARCH% "%GOTOOLDIR%\go_bootstrap" install -gcflags "%GO_GCFLAGS%" -ldflags "%GO_LDFLAGS%" -v std endlocal if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo. :mainbuild echo # Building packages and commands. "%GOTOOLDIR%\go_bootstrap" install -gcflags "%GO_GCFLAGS%" -ldflags "%GO_LDFLAGS%" -a -v std if errorlevel 1 goto fail del "%GOTOOLDIR%\go_bootstrap.exe" echo. if x%1==x--no-banner goto nobanner "%GOTOOLDIR%\dist" banner :nobanner goto end :fail set GOBUILDFAIL=1 :end