============================================================ Old instructions, only valid for talks.golang.org: ============================================================ 1. Deploy the app. To deploy tip.golang.org: (See Kubernetes instruction below.) To deploy talks.golang.org: $ gcloud --project golang-org app deploy --no-promote talks.yaml 2. Wait until the deployed version is serving requests. 3. Go to the developer console and upgrade the default version. https://console.developers.google.com/appengine/versions?project=golang-org&moduleId=tip 4. Clean up any old versions (they continue to use at least one instance). ============================================================ New Kubernetes instructions, for tip.golang.org: ============================================================ Kubernetes instructions: * build & push images (see Makefile for helpers) * create/update resources: - kubectl create -f tip-rc.yaml - kubectl create -f tip-service.yaml TODO(bradfitz): flesh out these instructions as I gain experience with updating this over time. Also: move talks.golang.org to GKE too?