// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // These #ifdefs are being used as a substitute for // build configuration, so that on any system, this // tool can be built with the local equivalent of // cc *.c // #ifdef PLAN9 #include #include #include #undef nil #undef nelem #include "a.h" // bprintf replaces the buffer with the result of the printf formatting // and returns a pointer to the NUL-terminated buffer contents. char* bprintf(Buf *b, char *fmt, ...) { va_list arg; char buf[4096]; breset(b); va_start(arg, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, fmt, arg); va_end(arg); bwritestr(b, buf); return bstr(b); } // bpathf is the same as bprintf (on windows it turns / into \ after the printf). // It returns a pointer to the NUL-terminated buffer contents. char* bpathf(Buf *b, char *fmt, ...) { va_list arg; char buf[4096]; breset(b); va_start(arg, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, fmt, arg); va_end(arg); bwritestr(b, buf); return bstr(b); } // bwritef is like bprintf but does not reset the buffer // and does not return the NUL-terminated string. void bwritef(Buf *b, char *fmt, ...) { va_list arg; char buf[4096]; va_start(arg, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, fmt, arg); va_end(arg); bwritestr(b, buf); } // breadfrom appends to b all the data that can be read from fd. static void breadfrom(Buf *b, int fd) { int n; for(;;) { bgrow(b, 4096); n = read(fd, b->p+b->len, 4096); if(n < 0) fatal("read"); if(n == 0) break; b->len += n; } } // xgetenv replaces b with the value of the named environment variable. void xgetenv(Buf *b, char *name) { char *p; breset(b); p = getenv(name); if(p != nil) bwritestr(b, p); } static void genrun(Buf *b, char *dir, int mode, Vec *argv, int bg); // run runs the command named by cmd. // If b is not nil, run replaces b with the output of the command. // If dir is not nil, run runs the command in that directory. // If mode is CheckExit, run calls fatal if the command is not successful. void run(Buf *b, char *dir, int mode, char *cmd, ...) { va_list arg; Vec argv; char *p; vinit(&argv); vadd(&argv, cmd); va_start(arg, cmd); while((p = va_arg(arg, char*)) != nil) vadd(&argv, p); va_end(arg); runv(b, dir, mode, &argv); vfree(&argv); } // runv is like run but takes a vector. void runv(Buf *b, char *dir, int mode, Vec *argv) { genrun(b, dir, mode, argv, 1); } // bgrunv is like run but runs the command in the background. // bgwait waits for pending bgrunv to finish. void bgrunv(char *dir, int mode, Vec *argv) { genrun(nil, dir, mode, argv, 0); } #define MAXBG 4 /* maximum number of jobs to run at once */ static struct { int pid; int mode; char *cmd; Buf *b; } bg[MAXBG]; static int nbg; static int maxnbg = nelem(bg); static void bgwait1(void); // genrun is the generic run implementation. static void genrun(Buf *b, char *dir, int mode, Vec *argv, int wait) { int i, p[2], pid; Buf b1, cmd; char *q; while(nbg >= maxnbg) bgwait1(); binit(&b1); binit(&cmd); if(!isabs(argv->p[0])) { bpathf(&b1, "/bin/%s", argv->p[0]); free(argv->p[0]); argv->p[0] = xstrdup(bstr(&b1)); } // Generate a copy of the command to show in a log. // Substitute $WORK for the work directory. for(i=0; ilen; i++) { if(i > 0) bwritestr(&cmd, " "); q = argv->p[i]; if(workdir != nil && hasprefix(q, workdir)) { bwritestr(&cmd, "$WORK"); q += strlen(workdir); } bwritestr(&cmd, q); } if(vflag > 1) xprintf("%s\n", bstr(&cmd)); if(b != nil) { breset(b); if(pipe(p) < 0) fatal("pipe"); } switch(pid = fork()) { case -1: fatal("fork"); case 0: if(b != nil) { close(0); close(p[0]); dup(p[1], 1); dup(p[1], 2); if(p[1] > 2) close(p[1]); } if(dir != nil) { if(chdir(dir) < 0) { fprint(2, "chdir: %r\n"); _exits("chdir"); } } vadd(argv, nil); exec(argv->p[0], argv->p); fprint(2, "%s\n", bstr(&cmd)); fprint(2, "exec: %r\n"); _exits("exec"); } if(b != nil) { close(p[1]); breadfrom(b, p[0]); close(p[0]); } if(nbg < 0) fatal("bad bookkeeping"); bg[nbg].pid = pid; bg[nbg].mode = mode; bg[nbg].cmd = btake(&cmd); bg[nbg].b = b; nbg++; if(wait) bgwait(); bfree(&cmd); bfree(&b1); } // bgwait1 waits for a single background job. static void bgwait1(void) { Waitmsg *w; int i, mode; char *cmd; Buf *b; w = wait(); if(w == nil) fatal("wait"); for(i=0; ipid) goto ok; fatal("wait: unexpected pid"); ok: cmd = bg[i].cmd; mode = bg[i].mode; bg[i].pid = 0; b = bg[i].b; bg[i].b = nil; bg[i] = bg[--nbg]; if(mode == CheckExit && w->msg[0]) { if(b != nil) xprintf("%s\n", bstr(b)); fatal("FAILED: %s", cmd); } xfree(cmd); } // bgwait waits for all the background jobs. void bgwait(void) { while(nbg > 0) bgwait1(); } // xgetwd replaces b with the current directory. void xgetwd(Buf *b) { char buf[4096]; breset(b); if(getwd(buf, sizeof buf) == nil) fatal("getwd"); bwritestr(b, buf); } // xrealwd replaces b with the 'real' name for the given path. // real is defined as what getcwd returns in that directory. void xrealwd(Buf *b, char *path) { char buf[4096]; int fd; fd = open(path, OREAD); if(fd2path(fd, buf, sizeof buf) < 0) fatal("fd2path"); close(fd); breset(b); bwritestr(b, buf); } // isdir reports whether p names an existing directory. bool isdir(char *p) { Dir *d; ulong mode; d = dirstat(p); if(d == nil) return 0; mode = d->mode; free(d); return (mode & DMDIR) == DMDIR; } // isfile reports whether p names an existing file. bool isfile(char *p) { Dir *d; ulong mode; d = dirstat(p); if(d == nil) return 0; mode = d->mode; free(d); return (mode & DMDIR) == 0; } // mtime returns the modification time of the file p. Time mtime(char *p) { Dir *d; ulong t; d = dirstat(p); if(d == nil) return 0; t = d->mtime; free(d); return (Time)t; } // isabs reports whether p is an absolute path. bool isabs(char *p) { return hasprefix(p, "/"); } // readfile replaces b with the content of the named file. void readfile(Buf *b, char *file) { int fd; breset(b); fd = open(file, OREAD); if(fd < 0) fatal("open %s", file); breadfrom(b, fd); close(fd); } // writefile writes b to the named file, creating it if needed. void writefile(Buf *b, char *file, int exec) { int fd; Dir d; fd = create(file, ORDWR, 0666); if(fd < 0) fatal("create %s", file); if(write(fd, b->p, b->len) != b->len) fatal("short write"); if(exec) { nulldir(&d); d.mode = 0755; dirfwstat(fd, &d); } close(fd); } // xmkdir creates the directory p. void xmkdir(char *p) { int fd; if(isdir(p)) return; fd = create(p, OREAD, 0777|DMDIR); close(fd); if(fd < 0) fatal("mkdir %s", p); } // xmkdirall creates the directory p and its parents, as needed. void xmkdirall(char *p) { char *q; if(isdir(p)) return; q = strrchr(p, '/'); if(q != nil) { *q = '\0'; xmkdirall(p); *q = '/'; } xmkdir(p); } // xremove removes the file p. void xremove(char *p) { if(vflag > 2) xprintf("rm %s\n", p); remove(p); } // xremoveall removes the file or directory tree rooted at p. void xremoveall(char *p) { int i; Buf b; Vec dir; binit(&b); vinit(&dir); if(isdir(p)) { xreaddir(&dir, p); for(i=0; i 2) xprintf("rm %s\n", p); remove(p); bfree(&b); vfree(&dir); } // xreaddir replaces dst with a list of the names of the files in dir. // The names are relative to dir; they are not full paths. void xreaddir(Vec *dst, char *dir) { Dir *d; int fd, i, n; vreset(dst); fd = open(dir, OREAD); if(fd < 0) fatal("open %s", dir); n = dirreadall(fd, &d); for(i=0; i= 0) goto done; } fatal("xworkdir create"); done: close(fd); p = btake(&b); bfree(&b); return p; } // fatal prints an error message to standard error and exits. void fatal(char *msg, ...) { char buf[ERRMAX]; va_list arg; rerrstr(buf, sizeof buf); fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "go tool dist: "); va_start(arg, msg); vfprintf(stderr, msg, arg); va_end(arg); if(buf[0]) fprintf(stderr, ": %s", buf); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); bgwait(); exits(msg); } // xmalloc returns a newly allocated zeroed block of n bytes of memory. // It calls fatal if it runs out of memory. void* xmalloc(int n) { void *p; p = malloc(n); if(p == nil) fatal("out of memory"); memset(p, 0, n); return p; } // xstrdup returns a newly allocated copy of p. // It calls fatal if it runs out of memory. char* xstrdup(char *p) { p = strdup(p); if(p == nil) fatal("out of memory"); return p; } // xrealloc grows the allocation p to n bytes and // returns the new (possibly moved) pointer. // It calls fatal if it runs out of memory. void* xrealloc(void *p, int n) { p = realloc(p, n); if(p == nil) fatal("out of memory"); return p; } // xfree frees the result returned by xmalloc, xstrdup, or xrealloc. void xfree(void *p) { free(p); } // hassuffix reports whether p ends with suffix. bool hassuffix(char *p, char *suffix) { int np, ns; np = strlen(p); ns = strlen(suffix); return np >= ns && strcmp(p+np-ns, suffix) == 0; } // hasprefix reports whether p begins wtih prefix. bool hasprefix(char *p, char *prefix) { return strncmp(p, prefix, strlen(prefix)) == 0; } // contains reports whether sep appears in p. bool contains(char *p, char *sep) { return strstr(p, sep) != nil; } // streq reports whether p and q are the same string. bool streq(char *p, char *q) { return strcmp(p, q) == 0; } // lastelem returns the final path element in p. char* lastelem(char *p) { char *out; out = p; for(; *p; p++) if(*p == '/') out = p+1; return out; } // xmemmove copies n bytes from src to dst. void xmemmove(void *dst, void *src, int n) { memmove(dst, src, n); } // xmemcmp compares the n-byte regions starting at a and at b. int xmemcmp(void *a, void *b, int n) { return memcmp(a, b, n); } // xstrlen returns the length of the NUL-terminated string at p. int xstrlen(char *p) { return strlen(p); } // xexit exits the process with return code n. void xexit(int n) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%d", n); exits(buf); } // xatexit schedules the exit-handler f to be run when the program exits. void xatexit(void (*f)(void)) { atexit(f); } // xprintf prints a message to standard output. void xprintf(char *fmt, ...) { va_list arg; va_start(arg, fmt); vprintf(fmt, arg); va_end(arg); } // xsetenv sets the environment variable $name to the given value. void xsetenv(char *name, char *value) { putenv(name, value); } // main takes care of OS-specific startup and dispatches to xmain. void main(int argc, char **argv) { Buf b; setvbuf(stdout, nil, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); setvbuf(stderr, nil, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); binit(&b); rfork(RFENVG); slash = "/"; gohostos = "plan9"; xgetenv(&b, "objtype"); if(b.len == 0) fatal("$objtype is unset"); gohostarch = btake(&b); xgetenv(&b, "GOBIN"); if(b.len == 0){ bpathf(&b, "/%s/bin", gohostarch); xsetenv("GOBIN", bstr(&b)); } srand(time(0)+getpid()); init(); xmain(argc, argv); bfree(&b); exits(nil); } // xqsort is a wrapper for the C standard qsort. void xqsort(void *data, int n, int elemsize, int (*cmp)(const void*, const void*)) { qsort(data, n, elemsize, cmp); } // xstrcmp compares the NUL-terminated strings a and b. int xstrcmp(char *a, char *b) { return strcmp(a, b); } // xstrstr returns a pointer to the first occurrence of b in a. char* xstrstr(char *a, char *b) { return strstr(a, b); } // xstrrchr returns a pointer to the final occurrence of c in p. char* xstrrchr(char *p, int c) { return strrchr(p, c); } #endif // PLAN9