// run -gcflags=-G=3 // Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package main import ( "fmt" ) type FooType[T any] interface { Foo(BarType[T])string } type BarType[T any] interface { Bar(FooType[T])string } type Baz[T any] T func (l Baz[T]) Foo(v BarType[T]) string { return v.Bar(l) } type Bob[T any] T func (l Bob[T]) Bar(v FooType[T]) string { if v,ok := v.(Baz[T]);ok{ return fmt.Sprintf("%v%v",v,l) } return "" } func main() { var baz Baz[int] = 123 var bob Bob[int] = 456 if got, want := baz.Foo(bob), "123456"; got != want { panic(fmt.Sprintf("got %s want %s", got, want)) } }