// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Escape analysis. #include #include #include "go.h" // Run analysis on minimal sets of mutually recursive functions // or single non-recursive functions, bottom up. // // Finding these sets is finding strongly connected components // in the static call graph. The algorithm for doing that is taken // from Sedgewick, Algorithms, Second Edition, p. 482, with two // adaptations. // // First, a hidden closure function (n->curfn != N) cannot be the // root of a connected component. Refusing to use it as a root // forces it into the component of the function in which it appears. // The analysis assumes that closures and the functions in which they // appear are analyzed together, so that the aliasing between their // variables can be modeled more precisely. // // Second, each function becomes two virtual nodes in the graph, // with numbers n and n+1. We record the function's node number as n // but search from node n+1. If the search tells us that the component // number (min) is n+1, we know that this is a trivial component: one function // plus its closures. If the search tells us that the component number is // n, then there was a path from node n+1 back to node n, meaning that // the function set is mutually recursive. The escape analysis can be // more precise when analyzing a single non-recursive function than // when analyzing a set of mutually recursive functions. static NodeList *stack; static uint32 visitgen; static uint32 visit(Node*); static uint32 visitcode(Node*, uint32); static uint32 visitcodelist(NodeList*, uint32); static void analyze(NodeList*, int); enum { EscFuncUnknown = 0, EscFuncPlanned, EscFuncStarted, EscFuncTagged, }; void escapes(NodeList *all) { NodeList *l; for(l=all; l; l=l->next) l->n->walkgen = 0; visitgen = 0; for(l=all; l; l=l->next) if(l->n->op == ODCLFUNC && l->n->curfn == N) visit(l->n); for(l=all; l; l=l->next) l->n->walkgen = 0; } static uint32 visit(Node *n) { uint32 min, recursive; NodeList *l, *block; if(n->walkgen > 0) { // already visited return n->walkgen; } visitgen++; n->walkgen = visitgen; visitgen++; min = visitgen; l = mal(sizeof *l); l->next = stack; l->n = n; stack = l; min = visitcodelist(n->nbody, min); if((min == n->walkgen || min == n->walkgen+1) && n->curfn == N) { // This node is the root of a strongly connected component. // The original min passed to visitcodelist was n->walkgen+1. // If visitcodelist found its way back to n->walkgen, then this // block is a set of mutually recursive functions. // Otherwise it's just a lone function that does not recurse. recursive = min == n->walkgen; // Remove connected component from stack. // Mark walkgen so that future visits return a large number // so as not to affect the caller's min. block = stack; for(l=stack; l->n != n; l=l->next) l->n->walkgen = (uint32)~0U; n->walkgen = (uint32)~0U; stack = l->next; l->next = nil; // Run escape analysis on this set of functions. analyze(block, recursive); } return min; } static uint32 visitcodelist(NodeList *l, uint32 min) { for(; l; l=l->next) min = visitcode(l->n, min); return min; } static uint32 visitcode(Node *n, uint32 min) { Node *fn; uint32 m; if(n == N) return min; min = visitcodelist(n->ninit, min); min = visitcode(n->left, min); min = visitcode(n->right, min); min = visitcodelist(n->list, min); min = visitcode(n->ntest, min); min = visitcode(n->nincr, min); min = visitcodelist(n->nbody, min); min = visitcodelist(n->nelse, min); min = visitcodelist(n->rlist, min); if(n->op == OCALLFUNC || n->op == OCALLMETH) { fn = n->left; if(n->op == OCALLMETH) fn = n->left->right->sym->def; if(fn && fn->op == ONAME && fn->class == PFUNC && fn->defn && fn->defn->nbody) if((m = visit(fn->defn)) < min) min = m; } if(n->op == OCLOSURE) if((m = visit(n->closure)) < min) min = m; return min; } // An escape analysis pass for a set of functions. // // First escfunc, esc and escassign recurse over the ast of each // function to dig out flow(dst,src) edges between any // pointer-containing nodes and store them in dst->escflowsrc. For // variables assigned to a variable in an outer scope or used as a // return value, they store a flow(theSink, src) edge to a fake node // 'the Sink'. For variables referenced in closures, an edge // flow(closure, &var) is recorded and the flow of a closure itself to // an outer scope is tracked the same way as other variables. // // Then escflood walks the graph starting at theSink and tags all // variables of it can reach an & node as escaping and all function // parameters it can reach as leaking. // // If a value's address is taken but the address does not escape, // then the value can stay on the stack. If the value new(T) does // not escape, then new(T) can be rewritten into a stack allocation. // The same is true of slice literals. // // If optimizations are disabled (-N), this code is not used. // Instead, the compiler assumes that any value whose address // is taken without being immediately dereferenced // needs to be moved to the heap, and new(T) and slice // literals are always real allocations. typedef struct EscState EscState; static void escfunc(EscState*, Node *func); static void esclist(EscState*, NodeList *l); static void esc(EscState*, Node *n); static void escloopdepthlist(EscState*, NodeList *l); static void escloopdepth(EscState*, Node *n); static void escassign(EscState*, Node *dst, Node *src); static void esccall(EscState*, Node*); static void escflows(EscState*, Node *dst, Node *src); static void escflood(EscState*, Node *dst); static void escwalk(EscState*, int level, Node *dst, Node *src); static void esctag(EscState*, Node *func); struct EscState { // Fake node that all // - return values and output variables // - parameters on imported functions not marked 'safe' // - assignments to global variables // flow to. Node theSink; NodeList* dsts; // all dst nodes int loopdepth; // for detecting nested loop scopes int pdepth; // for debug printing in recursions. int dstcount, edgecount; // diagnostic NodeList* noesc; // list of possible non-escaping nodes, for printing int recursive; // recursive function or group of mutually recursive functions. }; static Strlit *tags[16]; static Strlit* mktag(int mask) { Strlit *s; char buf[40]; switch(mask&EscMask) { case EscNone: case EscReturn: break; default: fatal("escape mktag"); } mask >>= EscBits; if(mask < nelem(tags) && tags[mask] != nil) return tags[mask]; snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "esc:0x%x", mask); s = strlit(buf); if(mask < nelem(tags)) tags[mask] = s; return s; } static int parsetag(Strlit *note) { int em; if(note == nil) return EscUnknown; if(strncmp(note->s, "esc:", 4) != 0) return EscUnknown; em = atoi(note->s + 4); if (em == 0) return EscNone; return EscReturn | (em << EscBits); } static void analyze(NodeList *all, int recursive) { NodeList *l; EscState es, *e; memset(&es, 0, sizeof es); e = &es; e->theSink.op = ONAME; e->theSink.orig = &e->theSink; e->theSink.class = PEXTERN; e->theSink.sym = lookup(".sink"); e->theSink.escloopdepth = -1; e->recursive = recursive; for(l=all; l; l=l->next) if(l->n->op == ODCLFUNC) l->n->esc = EscFuncPlanned; // flow-analyze functions for(l=all; l; l=l->next) if(l->n->op == ODCLFUNC) escfunc(e, l->n); // print("escapes: %d e->dsts, %d edges\n", e->dstcount, e->edgecount); // visit the upstream of each dst, mark address nodes with // addrescapes, mark parameters unsafe for(l = e->dsts; l; l=l->next) escflood(e, l->n); // for all top level functions, tag the typenodes corresponding to the param nodes for(l=all; l; l=l->next) if(l->n->op == ODCLFUNC) esctag(e, l->n); if(debug['m']) { for(l=e->noesc; l; l=l->next) if(l->n->esc == EscNone) warnl(l->n->lineno, "%S %hN does not escape", (l->n->curfn && l->n->curfn->nname) ? l->n->curfn->nname->sym : S, l->n); } } static void escfunc(EscState *e, Node *func) { Node *savefn; NodeList *ll; int saveld; // print("escfunc %N %s\n", func->nname, e->recursive?"(recursive)":""); if(func->esc != 1) fatal("repeat escfunc %N", func->nname); func->esc = EscFuncStarted; saveld = e->loopdepth; e->loopdepth = 1; savefn = curfn; curfn = func; for(ll=curfn->dcl; ll; ll=ll->next) { if(ll->n->op != ONAME) continue; switch (ll->n->class) { case PPARAMOUT: // out params are in a loopdepth between the sink and all local variables ll->n->escloopdepth = 0; break; case PPARAM: if(ll->n->type && !haspointers(ll->n->type)) break; if(curfn->nbody == nil && !curfn->noescape) ll->n->esc = EscHeap; else ll->n->esc = EscNone; // prime for escflood later e->noesc = list(e->noesc, ll->n); ll->n->escloopdepth = 1; break; } } // in a mutually recursive group we lose track of the return values if(e->recursive) for(ll=curfn->dcl; ll; ll=ll->next) if(ll->n->op == ONAME && ll->n->class == PPARAMOUT) escflows(e, &e->theSink, ll->n); escloopdepthlist(e, curfn->nbody); esclist(e, curfn->nbody); curfn = savefn; e->loopdepth = saveld; } // Mark labels that have no backjumps to them as not increasing e->loopdepth. // Walk hasn't generated (goto|label)->left->sym->label yet, so we'll cheat // and set it to one of the following two. Then in esc we'll clear it again. static Label looping; static Label nonlooping; static void escloopdepthlist(EscState *e, NodeList *l) { for(; l; l=l->next) escloopdepth(e, l->n); } static void escloopdepth(EscState *e, Node *n) { if(n == N) return; escloopdepthlist(e, n->ninit); switch(n->op) { case OLABEL: if(!n->left || !n->left->sym) fatal("esc:label without label: %+N", n); // Walk will complain about this label being already defined, but that's not until // after escape analysis. in the future, maybe pull label & goto analysis out of walk and put before esc // if(n->left->sym->label != nil) // fatal("escape analysis messed up analyzing label: %+N", n); n->left->sym->label = &nonlooping; break; case OGOTO: if(!n->left || !n->left->sym) fatal("esc:goto without label: %+N", n); // If we come past one that's uninitialized, this must be a (harmless) forward jump // but if it's set to nonlooping the label must have preceded this goto. if(n->left->sym->label == &nonlooping) n->left->sym->label = &looping; break; } escloopdepth(e, n->left); escloopdepth(e, n->right); escloopdepthlist(e, n->list); escloopdepth(e, n->ntest); escloopdepth(e, n->nincr); escloopdepthlist(e, n->nbody); escloopdepthlist(e, n->nelse); escloopdepthlist(e, n->rlist); } static void esclist(EscState *e, NodeList *l) { for(; l; l=l->next) esc(e, l->n); } static void esc(EscState *e, Node *n) { int lno; NodeList *ll, *lr; Node *a; if(n == N) return; lno = setlineno(n); if(n->op == OFOR || n->op == ORANGE) e->loopdepth++; esc(e, n->left); esc(e, n->right); esc(e, n->ntest); esc(e, n->nincr); esclist(e, n->ninit); esclist(e, n->nbody); esclist(e, n->nelse); esclist(e, n->list); esclist(e, n->rlist); if(n->op == OFOR || n->op == ORANGE) e->loopdepth--; if(debug['m'] > 1) print("%L:[%d] %S esc: %N\n", lineno, e->loopdepth, (curfn && curfn->nname) ? curfn->nname->sym : S, n); switch(n->op) { case ODCL: // Record loop depth at declaration. if(n->left) n->left->escloopdepth = e->loopdepth; break; case OLABEL: if(n->left->sym->label == &nonlooping) { if(debug['m'] > 1) print("%L:%N non-looping label\n", lineno, n); } else if(n->left->sym->label == &looping) { if(debug['m'] > 1) print("%L: %N looping label\n", lineno, n); e->loopdepth++; } // See case OLABEL in escloopdepth above // else if(n->left->sym->label == nil) // fatal("escape analysis missed or messed up a label: %+N", n); n->left->sym->label = nil; break; case ORANGE: // Everything but fixed array is a dereference. if(isfixedarray(n->type) && n->list->next) escassign(e, n->list->next->n, n->right); break; case OSWITCH: if(n->ntest && n->ntest->op == OTYPESW) { for(ll=n->list; ll; ll=ll->next) { // cases // ntest->right is the argument of the .(type), // ll->n->nname is the variable per case escassign(e, ll->n->nname, n->ntest->right); } } break; case OAS: case OASOP: escassign(e, n->left, n->right); break; case OAS2: // x,y = a,b if(count(n->list) == count(n->rlist)) for(ll=n->list, lr=n->rlist; ll; ll=ll->next, lr=lr->next) escassign(e, ll->n, lr->n); break; case OAS2RECV: // v, ok = <-ch case OAS2MAPR: // v, ok = m[k] case OAS2DOTTYPE: // v, ok = x.(type) escassign(e, n->list->n, n->rlist->n); break; case OSEND: // ch <- x escassign(e, &e->theSink, n->right); break; case ODEFER: if(e->loopdepth == 1) // top level break; // arguments leak out of scope // TODO: leak to a dummy node instead // fallthrough case OPROC: // go f(x) - f and x escape escassign(e, &e->theSink, n->left->left); escassign(e, &e->theSink, n->left->right); // ODDDARG for call for(ll=n->left->list; ll; ll=ll->next) escassign(e, &e->theSink, ll->n); break; case OCALLMETH: case OCALLFUNC: case OCALLINTER: esccall(e, n); break; case OAS2FUNC: // x,y = f() // esccall already done on n->rlist->n. tie it's escretval to n->list lr=n->rlist->n->escretval; for(ll=n->list; lr && ll; lr=lr->next, ll=ll->next) escassign(e, ll->n, lr->n); if(lr || ll) fatal("esc oas2func"); break; case ORETURN: ll=n->list; if(count(n->list) == 1 && curfn->type->outtuple > 1) { // OAS2FUNC in disguise // esccall already done on n->list->n // tie n->list->n->escretval to curfn->dcl PPARAMOUT's ll = n->list->n->escretval; } for(lr = curfn->dcl; lr && ll; lr=lr->next) { if (lr->n->op != ONAME || lr->n->class != PPARAMOUT) continue; escassign(e, lr->n, ll->n); ll = ll->next; } if (ll != nil) fatal("esc return list"); break; case OPANIC: // Argument could leak through recover. escassign(e, &e->theSink, n->left); break; case OAPPEND: if(!n->isddd) for(ll=n->list->next; ll; ll=ll->next) escassign(e, &e->theSink, ll->n); // lose track of assign to dereference break; case OCONV: case OCONVNOP: case OCONVIFACE: escassign(e, n, n->left); break; case OARRAYLIT: if(isslice(n->type)) { n->esc = EscNone; // until proven otherwise e->noesc = list(e->noesc, n); n->escloopdepth = e->loopdepth; // Values make it to memory, lose track. for(ll=n->list; ll; ll=ll->next) escassign(e, &e->theSink, ll->n->right); } else { // Link values to array. for(ll=n->list; ll; ll=ll->next) escassign(e, n, ll->n->right); } break; case OSTRUCTLIT: // Link values to struct. for(ll=n->list; ll; ll=ll->next) escassign(e, n, ll->n->right); break; case OPTRLIT: n->esc = EscNone; // until proven otherwise e->noesc = list(e->noesc, n); n->escloopdepth = e->loopdepth; // Contents make it to memory, lose track. escassign(e, &e->theSink, n->left); break; case OMAPLIT: n->esc = EscNone; // until proven otherwise e->noesc = list(e->noesc, n); n->escloopdepth = e->loopdepth; // Keys and values make it to memory, lose track. for(ll=n->list; ll; ll=ll->next) { escassign(e, &e->theSink, ll->n->left); escassign(e, &e->theSink, ll->n->right); } break; case OCLOSURE: // Link addresses of captured variables to closure. for(ll=n->cvars; ll; ll=ll->next) { if(ll->n->op == OXXX) // unnamed out argument; see dcl.c:/^funcargs continue; a = nod(OADDR, ll->n->closure, N); a->lineno = ll->n->lineno; a->escloopdepth = e->loopdepth; typecheck(&a, Erv); escassign(e, n, a); } // fallthrough case OADDR: case OMAKECHAN: case OMAKEMAP: case OMAKESLICE: case ONEW: n->escloopdepth = e->loopdepth; n->esc = EscNone; // until proven otherwise e->noesc = list(e->noesc, n); break; } lineno = lno; } // Assert that expr somehow gets assigned to dst, if non nil. for // dst==nil, any name node expr still must be marked as being // evaluated in curfn. For expr==nil, dst must still be examined for // evaluations inside it (e.g *f(x) = y) static void escassign(EscState *e, Node *dst, Node *src) { int lno; NodeList *ll; if(isblank(dst) || dst == N || src == N || src->op == ONONAME || src->op == OXXX) return; if(debug['m'] > 1) print("%L:[%d] %S escassign: %hN(%hJ) = %hN(%hJ)\n", lineno, e->loopdepth, (curfn && curfn->nname) ? curfn->nname->sym : S, dst, dst, src, src); setlineno(dst); // Analyze lhs of assignment. // Replace dst with e->theSink if we can't track it. switch(dst->op) { default: dump("dst", dst); fatal("escassign: unexpected dst"); case OARRAYLIT: case OCLOSURE: case OCONV: case OCONVIFACE: case OCONVNOP: case OMAPLIT: case OSTRUCTLIT: break; case ONAME: if(dst->class == PEXTERN) dst = &e->theSink; break; case ODOT: // treat "dst.x = src" as "dst = src" escassign(e, dst->left, src); return; case OINDEX: if(isfixedarray(dst->left->type)) { escassign(e, dst->left, src); return; } dst = &e->theSink; // lose track of dereference break; case OIND: case ODOTPTR: dst = &e->theSink; // lose track of dereference break; case OINDEXMAP: // lose track of key and value escassign(e, &e->theSink, dst->right); dst = &e->theSink; break; } lno = setlineno(src); e->pdepth++; switch(src->op) { case OADDR: // dst = &x case OIND: // dst = *x case ODOTPTR: // dst = (*x).f case ONAME: case OPARAM: case ODDDARG: case OPTRLIT: case OARRAYLIT: case OMAPLIT: case OSTRUCTLIT: case OMAKECHAN: case OMAKEMAP: case OMAKESLICE: case ONEW: case OCLOSURE: escflows(e, dst, src); break; case OCALLMETH: case OCALLFUNC: case OCALLINTER: // Flowing multiple returns to a single dst happens when // analyzing "go f(g())": here g() flows to sink (issue 4529). for(ll=src->escretval; ll; ll=ll->next) escflows(e, dst, ll->n); break; case ODOT: // A non-pointer escaping from a struct does not concern us. if(src->type && !haspointers(src->type)) break; // fallthrough case OCONV: case OCONVIFACE: case OCONVNOP: case ODOTMETH: // treat recv.meth as a value with recv in it, only happens in ODEFER and OPROC // iface.method already leaks iface in esccall, no need to put in extra ODOTINTER edge here case ODOTTYPE: case ODOTTYPE2: case OSLICE: case OSLICEARR: // Conversions, field access, slice all preserve the input value. escassign(e, dst, src->left); break; case OAPPEND: // Append returns first argument. escassign(e, dst, src->list->n); break; case OINDEX: // Index of array preserves input value. if(isfixedarray(src->left->type)) escassign(e, dst, src->left); break; case OADD: case OSUB: case OOR: case OXOR: case OMUL: case ODIV: case OMOD: case OLSH: case ORSH: case OAND: case OANDNOT: case OPLUS: case OMINUS: case OCOM: // Might be pointer arithmetic, in which case // the operands flow into the result. // TODO(rsc): Decide what the story is here. This is unsettling. escassign(e, dst, src->left); escassign(e, dst, src->right); break; } e->pdepth--; lineno = lno; } static void escassignfromtag(EscState *e, Strlit *note, NodeList *dsts, Node *src) { int em; em = parsetag(note); if(em == EscUnknown) { escassign(e, &e->theSink, src); return; } for(em >>= EscBits; em && dsts; em >>= 1, dsts=dsts->next) if(em & 1) escassign(e, dsts->n, src); if (em != 0 && dsts == nil) fatal("corrupt esc tag %Z or messed up escretval list\n", note); } // This is a bit messier than fortunate, pulled out of esc's big // switch for clarity. We either have the paramnodes, which may be // connected to other things through flows or we have the parameter type // nodes, which may be marked "noescape". Navigating the ast is slightly // different for methods vs plain functions and for imported vs // this-package static void esccall(EscState *e, Node *n) { NodeList *ll, *lr; Node *a, *fn, *src; Type *t, *fntype; char buf[40]; int i; fn = N; switch(n->op) { default: fatal("esccall"); case OCALLFUNC: fn = n->left; fntype = fn->type; break; case OCALLMETH: fn = n->left->right->sym->def; if(fn) fntype = fn->type; else fntype = n->left->type; break; case OCALLINTER: fntype = n->left->type; break; } ll = n->list; if(n->list != nil && n->list->next == nil) { a = n->list->n; if(a->type->etype == TSTRUCT && a->type->funarg) // f(g()). ll = a->escretval; } if(fn && fn->op == ONAME && fn->class == PFUNC && fn->defn && fn->defn->nbody && fn->ntype && fn->defn->esc < EscFuncTagged) { // function in same mutually recursive group. Incorporate into flow graph. // print("esc local fn: %N\n", fn->ntype); if(fn->defn->esc == EscFuncUnknown || n->escretval != nil) fatal("graph inconsistency"); // set up out list on this call node for(lr=fn->ntype->rlist; lr; lr=lr->next) n->escretval = list(n->escretval, lr->n->left); // type.rlist -> dclfield -> ONAME (PPARAMOUT) // Receiver. if(n->op != OCALLFUNC) escassign(e, fn->ntype->left->left, n->left->left); for(lr=fn->ntype->list; ll && lr; ll=ll->next, lr=lr->next) { src = ll->n; if(lr->n->isddd && !n->isddd) { // Introduce ODDDARG node to represent ... allocation. src = nod(ODDDARG, N, N); src->escloopdepth = e->loopdepth; src->lineno = n->lineno; src->esc = EscNone; // until we find otherwise e->noesc = list(e->noesc, src); n->right = src; } if(lr->n->left != N) escassign(e, lr->n->left, src); if(src != ll->n) break; } // "..." arguments are untracked for(; ll; ll=ll->next) escassign(e, &e->theSink, ll->n); return; } // Imported or completely analyzed function. Use the escape tags. if(n->escretval != nil) fatal("esc already decorated call %+N\n", n); // set up out list on this call node with dummy auto ONAMES in the current (calling) function. i = 0; for(t=getoutargx(fntype)->type; t; t=t->down) { src = nod(ONAME, N, N); snprint(buf, sizeof buf, ".dum%d", i++); src->sym = lookup(buf); src->type = t->type; src->class = PAUTO; src->curfn = curfn; src->escloopdepth = e->loopdepth; src->used = 1; src->lineno = n->lineno; n->escretval = list(n->escretval, src); } // print("esc analyzed fn: %#N (%+T) returning (%+H)\n", fn, fntype, n->escretval); // Receiver. if(n->op != OCALLFUNC) escassignfromtag(e, getthisx(fntype)->type->note, n->escretval, n->left->left); for(t=getinargx(fntype)->type; ll; ll=ll->next) { src = ll->n; if(t->isddd && !n->isddd) { // Introduce ODDDARG node to represent ... allocation. src = nod(ODDDARG, N, N); src->escloopdepth = e->loopdepth; src->lineno = n->lineno; src->esc = EscNone; // until we find otherwise e->noesc = list(e->noesc, src); n->right = src; } escassignfromtag(e, t->note, n->escretval, src); if(src != ll->n) break; t = t->down; } // "..." arguments are untracked for(; ll; ll=ll->next) escassign(e, &e->theSink, ll->n); } // Store the link src->dst in dst, throwing out some quick wins. static void escflows(EscState *e, Node *dst, Node *src) { if(dst == nil || src == nil || dst == src) return; // Don't bother building a graph for scalars. if(src->type && !haspointers(src->type)) return; if(debug['m']>2) print("%L::flows:: %hN <- %hN\n", lineno, dst, src); if(dst->escflowsrc == nil) { e->dsts = list(e->dsts, dst); e->dstcount++; } e->edgecount++; dst->escflowsrc = list(dst->escflowsrc, src); } // Whenever we hit a reference node, the level goes up by one, and whenever // we hit an OADDR, the level goes down by one. as long as we're on a level > 0 // finding an OADDR just means we're following the upstream of a dereference, // so this address doesn't leak (yet). // If level == 0, it means the /value/ of this node can reach the root of this flood. // so if this node is an OADDR, it's argument should be marked as escaping iff // it's currfn/e->loopdepth are different from the flood's root. // Once an object has been moved to the heap, all of it's upstream should be considered // escaping to the global scope. static void escflood(EscState *e, Node *dst) { NodeList *l; switch(dst->op) { case ONAME: case OCLOSURE: break; default: return; } if(debug['m']>1) print("\nescflood:%d: dst %hN scope:%S[%d]\n", walkgen, dst, (dst->curfn && dst->curfn->nname) ? dst->curfn->nname->sym : S, dst->escloopdepth); for(l = dst->escflowsrc; l; l=l->next) { walkgen++; escwalk(e, 0, dst, l->n); } } // There appear to be some loops in the escape graph, causing // arbitrary recursion into deeper and deeper levels. // Cut this off safely by making minLevel sticky: once you // get that deep, you cannot go down any further but you also // cannot go up any further. This is a conservative fix. // Making minLevel smaller (more negative) would handle more // complex chains of indirections followed by address-of operations, // at the cost of repeating the traversal once for each additional // allowed level when a loop is encountered. Using -2 suffices to // pass all the tests we have written so far, which we assume matches // the level of complexity we want the escape analysis code to handle. #define MinLevel (-2) static void escwalk(EscState *e, int level, Node *dst, Node *src) { NodeList *ll; int leaks, newlevel; if(src->walkgen == walkgen && src->esclevel <= level) return; src->walkgen = walkgen; src->esclevel = level; if(debug['m']>1) print("escwalk: level:%d depth:%d %.*s %hN(%hJ) scope:%S[%d]\n", level, e->pdepth, e->pdepth, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", src, src, (src->curfn && src->curfn->nname) ? src->curfn->nname->sym : S, src->escloopdepth); e->pdepth++; // Input parameter flowing to output parameter? if(dst->op == ONAME && dst->class == PPARAMOUT && dst->vargen <= 20) { if(src->op == ONAME && src->class == PPARAM && level == 0 && src->curfn == dst->curfn) { if(src->esc != EscScope && src->esc != EscHeap) { if(debug['m']) warnl(src->lineno, "leaking param: %hN to result %S", src, dst->sym); if((src->esc&EscMask) != EscReturn) src->esc = EscReturn; src->esc |= 1<<((dst->vargen-1) + EscBits); goto recurse; } } } leaks = (level <= 0) && (dst->escloopdepth < src->escloopdepth); switch(src->op) { case ONAME: if(src->class == PPARAM && leaks && src->esc != EscHeap) { src->esc = EscScope; if(debug['m']) warnl(src->lineno, "leaking param: %hN", src); } // Treat a PPARAMREF closure variable as equivalent to the // original variable. if(src->class == PPARAMREF) { if(leaks && debug['m']) warnl(src->lineno, "leaking closure reference %hN", src); escwalk(e, level, dst, src->closure); } break; case OPTRLIT: case OADDR: if(leaks) { src->esc = EscHeap; addrescapes(src->left); if(debug['m']) warnl(src->lineno, "%hN escapes to heap", src); } newlevel = level; if(level > MinLevel) newlevel--; escwalk(e, newlevel, dst, src->left); break; case OARRAYLIT: if(isfixedarray(src->type)) break; // fall through case ODDDARG: case OMAKECHAN: case OMAKEMAP: case OMAKESLICE: case OMAPLIT: case ONEW: case OCLOSURE: if(leaks) { src->esc = EscHeap; if(debug['m']) warnl(src->lineno, "%hN escapes to heap", src); } break; case ODOT: escwalk(e, level, dst, src->left); break; case OINDEX: if(isfixedarray(src->left->type)) { escwalk(e, level, dst, src->left); break; } // fall through case OSLICE: case ODOTPTR: case OINDEXMAP: case OIND: newlevel = level; if(level > MinLevel) newlevel++; escwalk(e, newlevel, dst, src->left); } recurse: for(ll=src->escflowsrc; ll; ll=ll->next) escwalk(e, level, dst, ll->n); e->pdepth--; } static void esctag(EscState *e, Node *func) { Node *savefn; NodeList *ll; Type *t; USED(e); func->esc = EscFuncTagged; // External functions are assumed unsafe, // unless //go:noescape is given before the declaration. if(func->nbody == nil) { if(func->noescape) { for(t=getinargx(func->type)->type; t; t=t->down) if(haspointers(t->type)) t->note = mktag(EscNone); } return; } savefn = curfn; curfn = func; for(ll=curfn->dcl; ll; ll=ll->next) { if(ll->n->op != ONAME || ll->n->class != PPARAM) continue; switch (ll->n->esc&EscMask) { case EscNone: // not touched by escflood case EscReturn: if(haspointers(ll->n->type)) // don't bother tagging for scalars ll->n->paramfld->note = mktag(ll->n->esc); break; case EscHeap: // touched by escflood, moved to heap case EscScope: // touched by escflood, value leaves scope break; } } curfn = savefn; }